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1.JaVA_LGorrit 01-11-2010 02:56 PM

Gamepad vs Joystick
Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one playing with a gamepad?
I can understand that using a joystick can be an advantage over your online opponent, but is it really a significant difference?

What do you guys use to play online?

Rhah 01-11-2010 03:11 PM

I use a gamepad, and from what i've heard some of the best online players also use gamepads (on PS3 at least).

Personally, I can't see what advantage a stick offers over a pad, especially now that we can customise controls.

STINGERSIX78 01-11-2010 03:14 PM


InfiniteStates 01-11-2010 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rhah (Post 135311)
Personally, I can't see what advantage a stick offers over a pad, especially now that we can customise controls.

In fact, if you can only look in 3 directions compared to the gamepad's analogue look your are surely at a disctinct disadvantage, no (in sim, anyway - padlock view obviously negates this)? Sure, you can argue that you have finer control over the plane, but that only really matters when it comes to shooting, and you can get close enough to your target such that it doesn't matter...

Both Edal and Mirgervin use gamepads, but then they're both noobs so who cares? :!::-P

stealth finger 01-11-2010 04:00 PM

Speaking as an xbox player I generally use the stick on-line in sim, for a few reasons.

1)Looking around on the pad is really awkward (on xbox, no aviator control scheme on pads)

2)Because the stick is much bigger it's much easier to be gentle. I can keep the sensitivity higher without stalling than I can on the pad.

3)Thottle control feels much finer and under control. You know how much power your putting on without looking in the corner.

4)It makes me feel cool :D I get my avi's on and leather coat and everything and start talking all "Jolly what pip pip. I say, it does appear they're shooting at us and shit". Just kidding....but not really ;)

The M00ps 01-12-2010 01:46 AM

I was a joysticker until Saturday night, when my AV8R just spontaneously began disconnecting. After about a minute of use, the guide button flashes once, then the light goes out completely. The "reconnect controller" message then appears on the screen.

Pushing the guide button does nothing at this point. If I disconnect and reconnect the stick, it will work again for another minute or so, then it disconnects again.

I've tried different ports on the 360, replaced the end of the cable at the safety disconnect, and even tried it with another Xbox. The result was the same behavior every time.

With the uncertainty of ever getting an Xbox patch, I'm loathe to put another $50 into this game. Has anyone ever seen this problem before or have any idea what might be the cause? I googled this, but I didn't find any info, and don't have a receipt to return it. I'm not afraid to open it up if there's anything inside that can be fixed. But I think it's going to be tough to nail down because of the way it works sproradically. I don't expect to find anything mechanically broken.

condorz38 01-12-2010 09:27 PM

Absolutely, maybe. If the other player and you are the same in skill, the stick allows you to have a finer control over turning, throttle, and rudder. The AV8R is tougher to rudder, the Ace Edge is much easier. You have better access to contols with each function a different button, switch, whatever. With a gamepad, you have several functions on one stick. This means a good stick player can do several things at once while the gamepad can only do one. A stick can help your own playing, but if the other player is better, it doesn't negate that. You still lose, just maybe not as badly. The other improvement is physical; with a stick, your thumbs don't hurt, with the ace edge your wrist doesn't hurt and it seems more of a natural reaction than a gamepad. The biggest difference is mental, witha a gamepad you don't feel as much a pilot as with a stick. With a stick, you can actually feel as though you are piloting tha plane; it is hard to describe, but it just feels more realistic with a stick. Try one, and the gamepad will never be the same.

lost cause 01-12-2010 10:55 PM

Yep. You said it.

Hrok81 01-12-2010 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by InfiniteStates (Post 135316)
Both Edal and Mirgervin use gamepads, but then they're both noobs so who cares? :!::-P

Lol mate, tonight I witnessed another one of Mirgervirn "owning sessions". I think he can shoot down a plane just by looking at it. Or at least he can with mine :!:

fangface666 01-13-2010 08:20 AM

I prefer to use a stick, controls make more sense, more intuative....however I did some experiamentation last night.

In an La7 ( on Sim) reputedly one of the easier planes to fly at 50% throttle I performed a hard left bank, with full input on the stick I start to black out and after maybe 90 degrees the plane will start to roll left then nose dive/ wingover into the ground.

If I try the same manouvre using a pad the plane holds the turn with no deviation and a lesser degree of blackout, and it will stay circling until you release the stick and level out.

This happens with both the joysticks I own, Thrustmaster HotasX and saitek X52

I have tried adjusting the settings under the custom layout menu with no improvement.

The only thing that it may be is that the joystick offers greater input than the gamepad, ie full input on the gamepad is equal to half input on joystick.

But obviously when your chasing someone down whos trying to out turn you, the instinct is to obviusly pull back harder on the stick, which results in a wing over/stall very infuriating!

As far as the pad goes, its awkward finding a standard layout that works well.

What is every one else using?

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