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Evgeny 10-10-2007 11:15 AM

Questions & Answers
Well, there are the answers to the questions, that were asked. This topic is for posting questions and I will answer themhere.


Originally Posted by LtJamesWatts
- How many missions are there in the game?

- What the planetary missions concern, how many times do you actually go down on a planet to fight it out and can you land on them whenever you like or is this also lineair?

- On planets do you get out of your ship and are free to walk around?

- How does advancement take place, will you get higher in level and be able to buy some better stuff or do you get it automatically? Do you gain medals also?

- Are there different difficulty settings or is there some kind of choice between arcade and sim?

- Do you always get to fly the same ship and upgrade it during the course of the game or do you get to fly different ships?

- If there are different ships that the player can use, do they all feel the same in term of flying?

- When your ship gets upgraded (if that's the case) then will you see it visually?

- Can you explain something more on the missions the player gets involved in, meaning are there varied types of missions such and search & destroy, escort missions, etc.?

- How many systems does the player get to visit during the course of the game?

- Do you usually get to fly alone or always with wingmen?

- What kind of weapons are there in the game?

- Is there really no freedom in the game in terms of gameplay or do you have the option to choose which mission you prefer to do next?

- Will there be an SDK available so users get to create there own missions, story?

- Will hostile NPC's taunt you?

- Do you also get to dock in capital ships, space stations, etc?

- When can we expect a new trailer?

- Will there be add-ons or sequels?

1. 34 missions
2. You can land whenever and wherever you want excluding the poles
3. No, you can't go out your ship.
4. There are no medals and no character advancement, you just get new ships and new uberweapons.
5. There are difficulty levels and there are also switch (arcade/semiarcade/sim)
6. There are different ships and they differ in terms of flying.
7. There are about 20 star systems
8. Well there are missions where you fly alone and there are missions where you fly with a wingman.
9. There are three types of weapon: power/kinetic/missile
10. Well the game is linear, but you can make about 10 non-obligatory quests at a mission.
11. There are no mission editor inside the game, but the format is open and the scrypts are vey simple, so it's easy to get into it.
12. As for docks, the answer is yes.
13. As for new trailers, we can't give you the date when it's going to be out, we will inform you about it as soon as possible.
14. Well the add-on is already out in Russia, we will inform you about its release date in Europe as soon as possible.

Thank you for your questions. If you have any, you are free to ask, I'll be happy to answer them.

LtJamesWatts 10-10-2007 11:25 AM

Just wanted to say thank you Evgeny for taking the time to answer all these questions :D

I'll point the people who are interested in this game from the Spaceforce forums to here :wink:

Evgeny 10-10-2007 11:28 AM

That would be great. Thank you in advance. :wink:

SCrasher 10-10-2007 07:40 PM


This game looks very interesting and I look forward to it, but I was wondering, will there be any multi-player components in this game?

Thank you.

LtJamesWatts 10-10-2007 09:50 PM

Good question, how could I forget to ask about multiplayer :oops: :wink:

Evgeny 10-11-2007 05:32 AM

Wel, there is a multiplayer, it's represented as a deathmatch.

Thank you for your question.

LtJamesWatts 10-11-2007 08:36 AM

Oh I see, so each for their own then.
Too bad because I think it would have been more fun if we could play with friends a team deathmatch or play in a persistent universe in MP as with Freelancer.
Well you know the deal, trade, fight, create our own groups of fighters, mercenaries, guilds.

Thx for replying so quickly though :)

LtJamesWatts 10-15-2007 10:38 PM

Got another question :)

Since the release date is now set to Spring 2008, will the devs only convert the game to English or are they also working in the meantime on fixes and stuff to add?

Evgeny 10-16-2007 06:07 AM

Well, the gameplay will stay the same, it's just the translation.

LtJamesWatts 10-16-2007 07:57 AM

That's fine, was just wondering.
Thx once again for taking the time to answer my question :wink:

Got another one, will there be a demo available before release Mr. Evgeny :?:

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