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5./JG27.Farber 06-01-2012 11:41 AM

Man Made Global Warming just another tax.

Caution the opening music is a little loud.

Dores 06-01-2012 01:01 PM

I don't really care whether or not it's man made. I don't think that driving less, walking more, consuming less, using less electricity and water etc. is bad for anyone of us.

All the stuff we have to do in order to reduce Co2 emissions and other forms of pollution are beneficial to us. Even taxes are good. We pay a shitload of taxes here in Norway and it's still the best country in the world to live in according to numerous sources.

Without anyone trying to slow down our ever increasing overconsumerism, we would quickly spiral into an even more obese, diabetic and asthmatic bunch of human beings.

5./JG27.Farber 06-01-2012 01:23 PM

I kind of agree with you. Less polutants in the atmosphere is great, more exercise and a better life... Great stuff.

The thing is CO2 is not a pollution. Carbon foot print and all that balls is just lies. Were being taxed on lies.

AndyJWest 06-01-2012 01:30 PM

That 'documentary' is full of intentional misrepresentations. It is nothing more than propaganda. The overwhelming scientific consensus is that anthropogenic climate change is real, significant, and likely to have considerable negative consequences.

The 'lies' are being told by those with an interest in making a profit out of the very energy sources that are responsible for the problem. There is no reason why they should be repeated here...

5./JG27.Farber 06-01-2012 01:35 PM

do you have any evidence to back this up other than you own personel views?

Your the same guy that claimed he was a Marxist if I am not correct? It was also stated in the documentary that these "Scientific facts" of global warming/green house emissions were being paraded as a banner by left wingers so endorse a peasant life style on third world countries. I dislike when science and politics meet because Science is usually curropted to meet the political orientation.

AndyJWest 06-01-2012 02:01 PM

I have no interest in debating the issue with you. The overwhelming scientific consensus is that anthropogenic climate change is real, significant, and likely to have considerable negative consequences. This has nothing whatsoever to do with my politics, or anyone else's. If you want to believe that it is all a Marxist plot, fine, that is your right. You do not however have the right to hijack a forum to push your crackpot conspiracy theories, and then engage in ad-hominem attacks on those who point out the reality of the situation. Take your propaganda elsewhere.

ATAG_Doc 06-01-2012 02:20 PM

Not worried about it.

CWMV 06-01-2012 02:33 PM

At one point there was overwhelming consensus, both in the science and layman communities, that Africans were inferior to Caucasians, the earth was the center of the universe, and that piltdown man was a legitimate human evolutionary ancestor.

Thank God we have this same consensus in this manner.
Taxes are always a bad thing, and taxes that support bigger government are the worst.
Deliver mail, protect the nation. Taxation for the support of extreem enviro-socialism is just awful.

AndyJWest 06-01-2012 02:46 PM


Taxation for the support of extreem enviro-socialism is just awful.
How do you feel about taxation for the support of education? ;)

And do you consider the UK Met Office an 'extreem enviro-socialist' front?

By the way, is Margaret Thatcher a Marxist?

5./JG27.Farber 06-01-2012 02:51 PM

The world was also flat.


Originally Posted by AndyJWest (Post 430858)
How do you feel about taxation for the support of education? ;)

Ah yes the support that is being diminshed as we speak. The support that I can not get.


Originally Posted by AndyJWest (Post 430858)
And do you consider the UK Met Office an 'extreem enviro-socialist' front?

The UK Met office works for the government, your not going to work there very long if you disagree with them...


Originally Posted by AndyJWest (Post 430858)
By the way, is Margaret Thatcher a Marxist?

Thatcher, fighting the coal miners trade unions created and funded the studies which was for the UK to adopt nuclear power rather than coal. Did you even watch the documentary?

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