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Hagiman2000 04-09-2011 07:39 PM

That game is .... it makes me so angry.
Why is this game soooooo unrealistic? You can't win on Hard Mode. Why are this ******* Shermans indestructible? I tried to play the first German Map on Hard but you can't win.

I take the first three points and thats it. I can't even defend them. I place two pak 38 and a StugIII in the Middle and than a Sherman cames kills the StugIII instantly (both Pak38 destroyed only the tracks) and that the Sherman takes out the paks one by one. The paks hit the Sherman 5-6 times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is that? In War two AT guns and a Stug would instantly kill the Sherman.

The Sherman sooooooooooo bad tank but he rules MoW AS. And there are ******* AT Guns everyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywhere. And they kill troops instantly. What is this? Where is that realistic? AT Guns are sooooooooooo powerful against Troops. In WW2 they hat no place and manpower to transport HE Granates for ANTI TANK (HELLO ITS ANTI TANK AND NOT ANTI INFANTRY !!!) guns.

Look at Company of Heroes here you have to protect your Anti Tank Gun ( ANTI TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK !!!!!!!!!!!!) against Infantry. But in MoW they are ******* Railguns from the future they kill everything.

It is impossible to win. You can't attack with tanks because you don't have the manpower, and you can't attack with infantry because they have that anti TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK Guns.

That game makes me so angry. I better play Company of Heroes, they don't say that their game is realistic but it is.

signum79 04-12-2011 06:15 PM

Did you really come on to a forum to whine about how hard a game is .....really.
I am guessing from the fact that you are complaining about MW:AS that you never played the original. This games definition of hard is what some would call Insane mode in most games. Also if you look up AT guns in any book or website you will see that yes they where anti tank guns "but" they where primarly used for defence of positions. All AT guns in WW2 had HE rounds that as everyone knows where doom to infantry or light vehicle that was hit by it.

On another note while shermans where rolling death traps by real life standards , throwing a game on hard and expecting them to roll over and dead is a rather foolish notion. On easy they are paper on treads , on Normal they are ... lack of a better term shermans and on hard they are an Abrams tank wrapped into a king tiger that just happens to look like a sherman.

So next time you play Mow:AS just turn down the difficulty and leave your Malice at home.

KnightFandragon 04-13-2011 01:16 AM

Why is it "Hard" mode in games is always some sort of just uber'd up AI stuff? The Sherman on Hard is an Abrams tank? Just because it is hard the Sherman suddenly becomes an unrealistic, impervious god? I always found that to be sooooo annoyingly stupid in games that the only thing making "hard", hard is the AI getting all sorts of Aimbots and Armor hacks, damage increases and super resource bonuses while your stuff is just as crappy as ever. I have yet to play AS past the demo but yeah I did notice the Shermans were pretty brutal, taking several side shots from my 50mm AT guns. I played it for like 90 minutes as the Germans to get no further then the bridge and only then to lose it when I moved my captured (76)W to far forward and got it popped by an M5 AT Gun. Also, yeah I realize the skirmish is supposed to be played with people but still.

In MoW, I could handle the AI getting resource bonuses or maybe accuracy bonuses, but giving them armor bonuses and penetration bonuses is just plain retarded in a game that is supposed to be "more so" realistic then others.

As for the last line about CoH being realistic? is as far from realistic as the Titanic is from being a Spitfire.

I spent several hundred hours on it and had a fair amount of fun but there were things in it I disliked about it from day 1, not the least of which was the short 35m range and the fact you cant give your guys a hold position order. There are TONS more now but meh, why think about it when ive got Men of War. I will agree Men of War is a difficult game, even on easy you have to work to win. Not even an army of 20 King Tigers will just simply steam roll anyone, especially the AI. While the Anti Tank Grenades in Men of War are quite OP compared to what they actually were, I LOVE the fact that infantry now serve a purpose past being a stop gap till you unlock all the tiers to spam Vet 3 Panthers and the lone call in King Tiger. I am an Armor Whore normally but Men of War gave Infantry a sort of AWESOME that NO other RTS game ive ever played has. I now actually play infantry and have fun with it, now that they can be Directly Controlled one man at a time. Its like a FPS in an RTS...its just great. As for the difficulty levels, I think my dad read somewhere awhile back when we first started playing. Easy is Hard, Normal is Insane and Hard is Impossible, just by the way the game plays....I tend to agree. I play vs the AI with Fog of War off and still find my self sometimes missing something and getting my tanks blown into shards of splintered DNA strands.

samedi 04-21-2011 08:36 AM

This game is pretty much damn near impossible, on hard, medium or anything.

i have done and tried everything and when i capture a position the ai just cheat and in the end they just send a whole load of tanks which i cant deal with as none of my ****** soliders have any AT grenades, and then in one minute, the tanks undo all the work i have spent over 400 soldiers and countless tanks on, if that is the first mission imagine how the last ones are??

The first men of war was hard, hard but not frustrating to play, the missions required a fair degree of tactical knowledge and reasoning, and the ability to outthink the enemy whilst being outnumbered, however in this game it seems that they are asking you to take down whole of germany with a single rifleman and a knife. not only this but it seems that half the enemy tanks are indestructible, and everytime you capture a position, the ai then spams you with tanks and then undoes all your hard work while you cant counter it as you only get one reinforcement point every ten seconds, and by then they would have forced you all the way back to the start.

djsatane 04-22-2011 07:45 AM

Lol, me and my buddies play it on hard and heroic every day , and granted u need 4 good people at least + patience, its really not that hard but it does take some planning and strategy.

kane1 04-22-2011 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by samedi (Post 269524)
This game is pretty much damn near impossible, on hard, medium or anything.

i have done and tried everything and when i capture a position the ai just cheat and in the end they just send a whole load of tanks which i cant deal with as none of my ****** soliders have any AT grenades, and then in one minute, the tanks undo all the work i have spent over 400 soldiers and countless tanks on, if that is the first mission imagine how the last ones are??

The first men of war was hard, hard but not frustrating to play, the missions required a fair degree of tactical knowledge and reasoning, and the ability to outthink the enemy whilst being outnumbered, however in this game it seems that they are asking you to take down whole of germany with a single rifleman and a knife. not only this but it seems that half the enemy tanks are indestructible, and everytime you capture a position, the ai then spams you with tanks and then undoes all your hard work while you cant counter it as you only get one reinforcement point every ten seconds, and by then they would have forced you all the way back to the start.

With a simple hack(Takes me about a minute) you can be having a blast with this game on Heroic. You'll still lose lots of troops and tanks but it won't matter.

djsatane 04-23-2011 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by kane1 (Post 271198)
With a simple hack(Takes me about a minute) you can be having a blast with this game on Heroic. You'll still lose lots of troops and tanks but it won't matter.

Well yes, this is why they included editor, basically you can play skirmishes however you like it with basis knowledge of gem

kane1 04-23-2011 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by djsatane (Post 271256)
Well yes, this is why they included editor, basically you can play skirmishes however you like it with basis knowledge of gem

Your right, if you use the editor you can do a lot of changes. What I meant was going into a saved game file and just giving yourself a lot of Reinforcement points. So many that you don't worry about losing stuff.

roptor90 04-23-2011 09:04 AM

Set game difficulty to easy then...
Hard and Heroic is for partys its almost immposible as 1vsAI. Normal is very tough but that feeling at the end is fantastic. I played British Arnhem mission 3-4 hours...

Mihao 04-24-2011 02:58 PM

That's why I always play on EASY. Which is like NORMAL or HARD in other games. And I think it's not like it's impossible to win on HARD - just You are not HARD enough:p

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