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mazex 05-12-2008 07:41 PM

How important are we forum junkies?
There is a radio show in Sweden called "spanarna" ("the scouts/investigators"). They pick up some semi-nonsense subject of the day and just goes on about it for a long time to finally make some point about their chosen subject (or "spaning" as it is called in the show). Then the others chime in "flaming" the person that has presented the subject (and his point about it). Feels rather like this place in some aspects ;)

Here is a small "spaning" of mine:

I was sitting here feeling somewhat bitter like many of us that we have gotten no information, images etc for a while. That happens sometimes but then I get over it and focus on something important...

I started thinking about how important the bunch of us here really are for the sales of the game? The sticky thread "Oleg's Answers" "only" have 19.700 views right now. Most of us that come here (or bother to read a thread like this) have probably viewed it 10-20 times. That makes this forum consist of lets say 5.000 people (counting high) that are really interested in the future of SoW:BoB. The rest of the world don't care enough to find this place...

So - if we get a bit pissed for not getting the regular updates that we feel Oleg owes us, does it really do anything about the future success of the game? (accept at worst 5.000 lost sales - but we will buy it anyway). IL2 sold about 600.000 copies in the west and a similar amount in Russia and that has to be the target at least - so what does 5.000 people mean then? OK, to get a stable online community that keeps the sim alive we are probably very important - but for the potential profit of the first installment of the game? Lets jus face it, we mean zip in the big picture...

Felling a bit small today I guess - have to focus on something important now... Go buy some milk maybe? ;)


ddmd80 05-12-2008 08:00 PM

For what it's worth.....
I have six friends that love IL2 and play it (online) a few times a week, but I am the only one out of the six who visits the forums. There is a lot of intrest in this sim although it doesn't seem so here (same people on the forums). Only the die hards visit the the forums on a regular basis but I can tell you all my friends are looking forward to the release of 4.09 and BOB. Besides Microsoft Flight Sim I have never seen such a loyal group of people devoted to a game/sim.

Viking 05-12-2008 08:12 PM

From an economical view of sales I would say that we, the forum ”primadonnas”, are utterly insignificant. But the average buyer will seek for additional information before or immediately after the purchase of the game and this is were a forum such as this and the people that frequents it will play a mayor role.
The help and information given, and above all; the hospitality and “positive feel” of the forum are crucial to “hook” the buyer to the sim and thus encouraging him not only to further investment but also to spread the word among his friend thus enlarging the user community, creating a nuclear reaction type of response.



SlipBall 05-12-2008 09:16 PM

I'm sure that we are a good cross section of those thousands who have bought IL2, and so a good indicator to Oleg, of the feelings of the mases

Pirschjaeger 05-24-2008 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by 080522jk (Post 42289)
1.马桶:专业疏通各种型号马桶(抹布 、清洁球、清整化粪�*塑料)�*�各种软硬物质所�*成的� *�塞。 2.地漏:专业疏通各种v型、疏通菜�*S型拐弯的地漏,(�*为装修掉进水泥 、沙�*�或头发)�*�种原�*所�* 的�*�塞。 3.墫坑:�*为墫坑年成久了,管道弯 产生了一层厚厚的尿碱,所以�*成,疏通马桶墫坑下水慢[u易�*�,本部�*�据多年所积累经 ,采用最佳技术和方案疏通下水道彻底疏通各种情况所�*成的�*�塞。 4.面盆:专业疏通各种面盆,包括(V 高压清洗S型)�*�的管道。 5.主管:本部备有大�*小型 机械和高压清洗机,专业疏通各种主 道


My wife is Chinese so I can tell you this post is nothing but an advertisement for cleaning plugged toilets. No joke.


Sunchaser 05-24-2008 02:00 PM

Actually it shows 2,311 members here, not many in the great scheme of things.

This number should shoot up when the game is released but I think many IL2 people are just tired of waiting for something that is awhile away and will need super equipment to run, I am in that camp.

The good news is that the IL2 series, as old as it is, still shows improvement with each computer upgrade and, in my case even graphics card driver upgrade.

I think I am one upgrade away from being to run IL2 in all its glory and with the stuff coming from the source of all evil, which has 9,566 members by the way, I am good for a long time.

SOW/BOB, when it gets here, will do well but the longer it takes and the unofficial advances being made in the IL2 series in areas that SOW will initially and with addons cover, make waiting no problem.

As to the importance of the members here?
Well, if we all decided to go do something important like, go buy some milk, I am sure we would not be missed.

Pirschjaeger 05-24-2008 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by 080522jk (Post 42304)
. 信息发布网站推广方法 将有关的网站推广信息发布在其 潜在用户可能访问的网站上,北京企业网站推广利用用户在这些网站获取信息的机会 现网站推广的目的,北京企业网站推广适用于这些信息发布的网站包括在线 页、企业网站推广分类广告、论坛、博客网站、供求信 平台、北京企业网站推广行业网站�*�。网站推广方式信息发布是免费网站推广的常用方法 一

This one advertises that it is an advertising service.

My suggestion would be for the mods to suspend user rights and run an IP check


fireflyerz 05-24-2008 10:30 PM

:arrow:Rat.tat.tat.tat....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZ:rolleyes:

Feathered_IV 05-25-2008 02:50 AM

I don't think we're that important. I am sure that the developers would always refer to our antics with disdain. The collective-voice sounds like a snivelling brat that bites the hand that feeds it. Horrible but true. :(

Avimimus 05-25-2008 03:16 AM

Our disappearance isn't one of the prerequisites for Ragnarök... Oleg's is...

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