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JG52Krupi 08-05-2012 11:52 PM

The next thing to work on!
So now that the game is running well for a lot of people we need to get that weather system up and running soooo... lets say next by next Friday I want to see some good old British weather :D

No pressure :P

ATAG_Dutch 08-05-2012 11:55 PM

After today's news reports, I vote no. Don't fancy watching my Spit disappear in a flash flood.

Bloody Weather.

He111 08-06-2012 12:15 AM

I vote for a new mission Recorder that's like 1946, auto on, view any aircraft etc so i can create some cooool videos to promote CLOD.


ATAG_Snapper 08-06-2012 12:56 AM

My experience from flying Cliffs of Dover is perpetually sunlit uplands......

I have been advised that it is known to rain on rare occasion in the otherwise sun drenched British Isles. However, I'm not altogether confident of reports that Kent lane ways are lined with pear cactus.....

jf1981 08-06-2012 06:47 AM

Yes, complex weather systems is a real must.

Status may be very low on ground, could took you by surprise how close from the ground you are on a descent to airfield.

Cumulus and Cumulonimbus could sometimes make your flight throug them nearly impossible, and if you did so, get away with an airplane torn apart, close from breaking in mid air if it did not before, once you get clear.

The CB generally contain severe turbulences, rain, sub zero °c rain (instantly freezing) and hail. No aircraft would fly through and those who did generally got in bad situation soon after they did.

Stratus are ok to fly through.

The actual could model makes the aircraft get ice on it, that's wrong, not all clouds at all contain icing conditions. In fact, they should be more seldom.

addman 08-06-2012 07:05 AM

Actually, I don't really need truly dynamic clock-cycle eating weather atm. Just some type of placeholder would do, like FSX stock weather, not a resource hog and it downloads weather real-time or you can just generate presets or random weather. As I said, it would be nice as a placeholder until 2021 when everybody can run CloD maxed out with a dynamic weather system turned on. I hope this team, unlike Olegs, will put functionality and priority before ambition this time around when it comes to building the basics of a flightsim.

Ze-Jamz 08-06-2012 07:19 AM

Sunny weather everyday is fine...

Plt Off JRB Meaker 08-06-2012 07:34 AM

Great thread,I always thought once this sim got off the ground we'd get some better cloud formations,these are the sort of formations I had in mind.

robtek 08-06-2012 07:51 AM

You realize that quite a lot 'fighter aces' would land on the wrong side of the channel in those conditions???

Bombers of course already know how to navigate :D :D :D

Sutts 08-06-2012 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by jf1981 (Post 451968)
The actual could model makes the aircraft get ice on it, that's wrong, not all clouds at all contain icing conditions. In fact, they should be more seldom.

Agreed, icing should depend on a number of conditions and aircraft sputtering as soon as they enter a cloud is not right. If icing conditions do exist within the cloud then there should be some time allowed for ice to accumulate in the carb, leading edge and prop etc. and a few warning signs perhaps before the real trouble starts.

I know icing could be a real problem - a Halifax fell out of the sky not far from where I live due to ice build up on wings while gaining height for a mission.

skouras 08-06-2012 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by jg52krupi (Post 451923)
so now that the game is running well for a lot of people we need to get that weather system up and running soooo... Lets say next by next friday i want to see some good old british weather :d

no pressure :p


bolox 08-06-2012 08:26 AM

It is possible to change the degree of icing in certain cloud types (eg cumulus/thunder)
see thread
for some strange reason the default setting is full icing:eek:

You can play around with the user created clouds somewhat using these settings and get some nice effects with certain views- the limited draw distance being the limitation here (along with fps)

As a WIP it shows promise, and given there were ' a suprising amount of crashes' involving use of 'unsupported clouds' it appears that quite a few people want this feature, even in its current state,

jf1981 08-06-2012 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sutts (Post 451988)
Agreed, icing should depend on a number of conditions and aircraft sputtering as soon as they enter a cloud is not right. If icing conditions do exist within the cloud then there should be some time allowed for ice to accumulate in the carb, leading edge and prop etc. and a few warning signs perhaps before the real trouble starts.

I know icing could be a real problem - a Halifax fell out of the sky not far from where I live due to ice build up on wings while gaining height for a mission.

I remind a report of test pilot looking for icing conditions for a particular test, and unable to find them in a cloudy day.

But when you get ice on the airframe, it should be much more difficult than actual model, the ice does'nt get away so easily out of the airframe, in particular when flying high (cold temperature), then it does'nt get away at all ...

X-Plane 10 weather system and icing is indeed good, sometimes make it almost impossible to climb through certain layer of clouds, it would ice the wings and prevent you from crossing them, throwing you down for a live emergency de-icing lesson ;)

Sutts, ice on leading edge rise the stall speed, reduces the lift, adds in drag. Frlyin in such conditions starts to become more and more challenging.

kendo65 08-06-2012 11:36 AM

Unfortunately Luthier said the dynamic weather is on hold until the sequel.

I don't think there will be any 'placeholder' weather effects before that either. Suspect it would not be worth the effort. They probably will need to exert major effort to get the dynamic weather running at decent fps.

As said, icing effect is variable in engine but set for now at a default very high setting - hence icing up in English summer clouds.

III/JG53_Don 08-06-2012 12:19 PM

An implemented weather system would be totally awesome! Cant wait to finally fly through cloud cover with rain dashing against the cockpit. :-) But honestly, there are a lot more urgent things to work on IMHO!

Anyway what I would like the devs should work on now is the following:

1. Just a little further optimization in terms of stuttering (i STILL have stutters in game, but my fps are never less than 30 fps thx to the new medium effects setting... avg 50 which is great basically, but there is still a "decent" amout of stuttering low level) Apart from this I am quite happy with the performance right now! If further optimization to remove stuttering isnt possible without dumbing things down, i am fine with that too! as long as better hardware can erase stutters etc eventually its okay for me!

2. steady work on the FM/DM, but they are on the right way I think! (this includes correction of some mistakes in cockpit modelling as well, like the Blenheim boost gauge, the many many minor flaws in the 109 and 110 cockpit (see bugtracker)and in other planes)

3. bugfixing of the long list of minor bugs which are annoying due to the sheer amount of it (retracted landing gear online; AI gunner control; weird red graphic bugs in cockpit when wounded; objects can be seen through clouds etc.)

4. Fully operational Communications system

5. Bring back high clouds, maybe canopy reflection in the distance and better view of distant objects like buildings (bombing is a little hard right now, because the targets appear way too late)

6. Enhance and improve sounds (sometimes missing AA and enemy gun fire hit sounds; more ambient sounds like tweeting birds, working sounds on an airfield, crushing waves etc; sounds of smashing und crushing glass and gauges when your cockpit is hit) In general: I want just more sounds to get this thing ALIVE so it feels real! :-)

7. Physics: broken parts of another aircraft should damage you if you are hit by them (this would revolutionize the combat in terms of caution by an attack etc)
Tree collision model (this would revolutionize emergency landings and low level combat)

8. Some corrections of the netcode (this includes the landing gear retracted bug and other flaws while flying online)

This is my personal wishlist for CloD. If they can manage to correct these mistakes, I consider this game as "complete and totally awesome to play" :-D I know this seems to be a huge list, but some of this bugs should be pretty easy to solve while others take more time. Anyway this is no waste of time for the devs, because nearly all of it is necessary for a successful sequel either way!

Every other extension, like a fully functional weather system (maybe dynamic, but not necessarily), navigation and landing lights or the MUCH NEEDED Coop System has time till the release of the sequel... of course then all new features should be applied to CloD as well!! ;-)

pupaxx 08-06-2012 02:25 PM

Great argument Krupi,
this is the feature I most desired that should be implemented in CloD, but I think we will wait alot of months before we can enjoy of it.
Months before the release of CloD, on this forum, I wished for a weather system (even not dynamic) like BOB II one.
We will see....but... 15 months to fix a 'not_fixed_yet' flickering shadows, how much time for an extremely hardware demanding feature? I suppose the dev team doesn't have the requested skill/knowhow for those new generation graphic engines... the reviled WOP had a better weather feature (recheck the rain effect on the canopy and low clouds), every arcadish game has a less or more convincent weather feature...but we are prone to stigmatize (laughing) the fact that those are only sims for child. Neverthless...every FPS game or driving sim or train sim or platform game has a backdrop, a semblance of populated skydome....CloD..the combat flight simulation of 3rd millenium, thanks to the hard work of the guru/devs has the vacuum.
Sorry, I hope a whining every eight months is allowed.

oho 08-06-2012 09:19 PM

yes, at least some fake clouds till the horizon, like in the last versions of IL2.
Not only 10 clouds around the airplane. Come on! This is the major thing that needs to be fixed in my opinion right now, everything else is fine or acceptable.

PotNoodles 08-06-2012 09:32 PM

Why can't they just use REX like they do in FSX? Doesn't even cause a FPS hit either.

KG26_Alpha 08-06-2012 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by PotNoodles (Post 452187)
Why can't they just use REX like they do in FSX? Doesn't even cause a FPS hit either.

Because they are flat 2d renders not 3d renders as in IL2 1946 and CoD

Sutts 08-06-2012 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by KG26_Alpha (Post 452189)
Because they are flat 2d renders not 3d renders as in IL2 1946 and CoD

Interesting....what would happen if you were to climb up to one of these 2d clouds that we see in the video? Would it just disappear or would the windows fog up for a few seconds?

KG26_Alpha 08-07-2012 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sutts (Post 452195)
Interesting....what would happen if you were to climb up to one of these 2d clouds that we see in the video? Would it just disappear or would the windows fog up for a few seconds?


Might have to revise the 2d statement

"We have coded with the idea of four dimensions rather then two, adding our newly-invented technology called "Weather Cubed". Weather Cubed looks at all areas surrounding the aircraft.
We give many configuration of these settings within the configuration manager, but many of these features are now handled internally with the use of the weather data platform we have in place.
Since most of the processes run outside of FSX/P3D, we are able to compute complex math processes in order to help the weather engine apply as much realism as possible.

PotNoodles 08-07-2012 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by KG26_Alpha (Post 452459)

Might have to revise the 2d statement

"We have coded with the idea of four dimensions rather then two, adding our newly-invented technology called "Weather Cubed". Weather Cubed looks at all areas surrounding the aircraft.
We give many configuration of these settings within the configuration manager, but many of these features are now handled internally with the use of the weather data platform we have in place.
Since most of the processes run outside of FSX/P3D, we are able to compute complex math processes in order to help the weather engine apply as much realism as possible.

Could this ever be put in this sim if the Devs wanted it in? I have it for FSX and it looks awesome.

pencon 08-07-2012 05:06 PM

How about get rid of the ridiculous setup in quick mission .Lets have a quick mission setup like in 1946 where you can just pick your plane ,enemy and fly ? With the current one , Almost every time I fly the fiat g50 it has german markings with no way to change it .Markings should be easy to change , it shouldn't be rocket science .

JG52Krupi 08-07-2012 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by pencon (Post 452553)
How about get rid of the ridiculous setup in quick mission .Lets have a quick mission setup like in 1946 where you can just pick your plane ,enemy and fly ? With the current one , Almost every time I fly the fiat g50 it has german markings with no way to change it .Markings should be easy to change , it shouldn't be rocket science .

+1, I believe they have said that they are working on the ui for BoM so we will see :D

Certainly needs to be improved but I would say its rather low down on the list of things that need to be improved ;)

addman 08-07-2012 05:25 PM

I have REX Essentials and say what you will about it but I swear to god, the first time I flew in to a thunderstorm (downloaded in real-time from weather stations) I almost pooped my pants. I was flying between two massive towering cloud layers over high mountains in Slovakia and the plane was shaking all over, purple-ish lightning strikes lit up the whole cockpit. It was one of the most immersive and realistic (I guess) experiences I've had as a flight simmer. I don't know how realistic everything is, I'm not a pilot nor a meteorologist but man was it fun and almost terrifying at the same time, had to switch the seatbelts switch on so none of the passengers would hurt themselves and complain after landing, stuff like that goes on record with the Captain of The Ship expansion for the A2A B377, can hurt your career stats. Anywho, here's hoping for some new weather scenarios for the new IL-2 series.

P.S Here's a couple of shots from a few days ago, taken at Vaasa airport with real-time weather...yes the weather was really that bad :)

Also, this is where I spend a lot -if not most- of my time flying the B377, all systems are modeled, no fluff. I love it! (sorry if a bit OT)

150GCT_Veltro 08-08-2012 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by JG52Krupi (Post 451923)
So now that the game is running well for a lot of people we need to get that weather system up and running soooo... lets say next by next Friday I want to see some good old British weather :D

No pressure :P

+1 and finally somebody does have understood this problem. About Luthier statement, we know about it but meanwhile we'are wainting for the sequel, we could have at least somenthing about the new sky and clouds for CoD, even if only a WIP...or we have to considere the possibility that after 15 months we still have only the "cottons" from IL2?

So an improvement in CoD weather even if only "static" is a must to have for a credible Channel, and to not be joked again.

Don't say we have to pay for new clouds, because we have already do it for something different from IL2...that is called Cliffs of Dover.

Move on...


xpzorg 08-08-2012 09:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)

klem 08-08-2012 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by JG52Krupi (Post 451923)
So now that the game is running well for a lot of people we need to get that weather system up and running soooo... lets say next by next Friday I want to see some good old British weather :D

No pressure :P

No pressure

What, not even 1013.25mB? :)

Seriously though, two things come to mind. One is the possible fps hit for many players (Clouds server setting will have to be On)

The other, loosely connected, is it would be nice if the altimeter setting was adjustable by 0.01mB's so we could set 1013.25mB just for test purposes. No big deal really but probably easy to implement.

JG52Krupi 08-08-2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by xpzorg (Post 452927)

Please tell me that's from a mission you just made and not an old pic!


I like your way of thinking :D

xpzorg 08-08-2012 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by JG52Krupi (Post 452932)
Please tell me that's from a mission you just made and not an old pic!

Yes, it's from old version and it isn't my pic, but you can make such weather now.

Marmusman 08-08-2012 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by addman (Post 452564)
I have REX Essentials and say what you will about it but I swear to god, the first time I flew in to a thunderstorm (downloaded in real-time from weather stations) I almost pooped my pants. I was flying between two massive towering cloud layers over high mountains in Slovakia and the plane was shaking all over, purple-ish lightning strikes lit up the whole cockpit. It was one of the most immersive and realistic (I guess) experiences I've had as a flight simmer. I don't know how realistic everything is, I'm not a pilot nor a meteorologist but man was it fun and almost terrifying at the same time, had to switch the seatbelts switch on so none of the passengers would hurt themselves and complain after landing, stuff like that goes on record with the Captain of The Ship expansion for the A2A B377, can hurt your career stats. Anywho, here's hoping for some new weather scenarios for the new IL-2 series.

P.S Here's a couple of shots from a few days ago, taken at Vaasa airport with real-time weather...yes the weather was really that bad :)

Also, this is where I spend a lot -if not most- of my time flying the B377, all systems are modeled, no fluff. I love it! (sorry if a bit OT)

THAT is awesome.....I for one thank you for the post!

PotNoodles 08-08-2012 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by xpzorg (Post 453010)
Yes, it's from old version and it isn't my pic, but you can make such weather now.

So can you send us a link so we all now how to make such weather? Because I suspect it was done in photoshop and you cannot get clouds like that. I am hoping I am proved wrong though.

addman 08-08-2012 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Marmusman (Post 453012)
THAT is awesome.....I for one thank you for the post!

Thanks! and yes, it is truly awesome. :) Here's another one in my second ride of choice over a totally overcast sky somewhere in the proximity of Seattle. No photoshopping of course.

PotNoodles 08-08-2012 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by addman (Post 453047)
Thanks! and yes, it is truly awesome. :) Here's another one in my second ride of choice over a totally overcast sky somewhere in the proximity of Seattle. No photoshopping of course.

What version of REX are you using because the one I have my clouds always seem to low. They are still nice but they never seem high enough and I don't know if it's down to the REX I am using.

addman 08-09-2012 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by PotNoodles (Post 453101)
What version of REX are you using because the one I have my clouds always seem to low. They are still nice but they never seem high enough and I don't know if it's down to the REX I am using.

I have REX Essentials, I got the free upgrade since I had bought REX 2 with Overdrive before. I haven't set any particular height on the clouds, don't think it's possible(?). The cloud blanket you are seeing is at approx. 17.000 feet or something, pretty high, the plane is at approx. 25.000 feet. I guess it depends a little bit on how high above sea level your take-off point is. If I take off from a strip in the Alps then of course the cloud base will just be on top of my head :D, just a thought.

Chromius 08-09-2012 10:47 AM

Well this thread answered my question on existing Clod weather. ( I was looking for an answer to the arcade mode icing and turbulance.)

I had been flying mostly the bf-110 and had not had many issues getting through the clouds. But with the bombers working I have been flying the Ju-88 and have been literally dropped out of the sky on two occasions due to turbulence/icing trying to get through fluffy light colored clouds at 1500m. I had to stop struggling with them at normal climb speed and fly just below them at 300-310 then make a quick max vertical climb through them or wait for a gap.

I like the effects they are just overdone, it will be nice to see different clouds and weather at some point.

I too use addon weather in FSX Active Sky Evolution and REX for textures and the A2A B377 is my favorite. Loved doing the chicago, anchorage,tokyo route having to micro manage fuel to get there. Also the A2A B17 is great, both with Accusim of course.

bolox 08-11-2012 11:12 PM

just a few CoD shots to show what can be done- its not perfect but you can get some niceish looks

(click to enlarge)

Anders_And 08-12-2012 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by bolox (Post 454035)

Sorry Bolox but that is just awful!! Not your fault of course....

McHilt 08-13-2012 06:45 AM

Awful?? I think he meant: awesome

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