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ecania 06-21-2014 11:14 AM

Red Sands Extended released
This mod is canceled, no more updates


ecania 06-23-2014 12:14 PM

Changes in version 0714
Changes in version 0714

Level 5 units in Kef Azis Cave and Blue Collar Tomb has been removed.
Cyclops was to strong, has been nerfed.
Cyclops now have a chance of summon celestial snakes.
Asmadeo slight adjusted
Fixed bugged chest on Debir.
Pets digging ability should not give so much crystals anymore

Difficulty have been adjusted
Easy -------- 190%
Normal ----- 210%
Hard -------- 230%
Impossible - 250%

To strong units fled from shops on Debir.

Changes in version 0715
Paladin skill tree is changed and added 2 new skills.
Medals been worked on, some minor changes, added bonus for Fire arrow in fire mage medal.
Some minor changes in skills
Added big map for bolo.
some unit prices changed.
Small change in shops.

:smile: EA

jorko80 06-23-2014 07:22 PM

Hi Ecania, I have played for a while and can share some impressions and toughts. I cleared a large part of upper Debir and part of Kef Azisa cave.

First some adjustments I've made before starting the game on impossible :
- I've set alead=4.0 and the exp=4.0 in logic.txt, you left exp=2.5 and I think that leads to gathering too much experience.
- reduced the money to 0.4
- removed the deadmoney - 0.0 - no compensations for lost units in impossible :)
- increased spexp to 1.7 , otherwise the pet dragon is getting too much experience. Maybe it should be even 2.0.
- in logic.txt there is a parameter called rel_strength - I've increased the stats there exactly 3 times. They show the hints of the enemy army strength compared to my army strength. And when playing on 400% if you leave the old stats almost all armies on the screen are listed as lethal or impossible and by increasing the stats the armies are correctly described. In the normal Red Sands, you can kill almost every army that is described as lethal or impossible and now you can't :) . Maybe you should increase these stats 2 times for the difficulties you provided.

The start was good and challenging , everything is well guarded and I only got to level2 before starting to fight. I really like the guarded shops and upgrade shrines you've made.
Some thoughts on the game :
-I think there are too many enemy armies on the map. I feel like they should be reduced like 3 times. That leads to too much experience for Amelie,asmadeo, the pet dragon and especially my army units experience. Amelie is now lvl8, asmadeo 11 , pet dragon 15 and units 7-8. And the enemy units are only around lvl3 . I think army exp. should be reduced 2 times. But for me it will be better just to reduce the enemies around the map 3 times. I'm starting to get bored fighting all those armies and started to avoid them. For example there is a really nice place on Debir with 3 shops and some power ups, I like that they are guarded on the inside, but on the map there were also like 4 armies or so. Also in Kef-azisa I'm already far too strong and all those weak armies are boring , I like how you built the cave with those halls and such , but there are so many armies I don't want to fight that I left the cave and couldn't explore it to the end.
-The changed creatures are awesome, most of them are really challenging. I'll just mention some that I didn't found logical:
Priest - too much leadership required almost like inquisitor and the unit is far weaker.
Pirate- resurrects like paladin. If he was some kind of a sea-priest I could understand if he could resurrect pirates and devilfishes :)
Rune mages are really overpowered with 3 charges of illusion , 1 is more then enough.

Some bugs I encountered :
-Medal Reptile Hunter doesn't count killed reptiles, it counts fights without losses. Two medals counting the same thing is not that interesting. I don't know if you made it on purpose.
-there is a map for Rusty Anchor on Scarlet Wind island and it's guard can be avoided. I don't know if it's intentional , I didn't used it so far. For example on Bolo there are 2 island maps that are guarded by immobile guards and that's good.
-the companion Jimmy Kraud can upgrade Royal thorns( I liked it very much :) ) , but it was done for 0 gold.
-the Inquisitor sounds are all like those of the orc-shamans , maybe because of the talent you gave them - it is not very important.
- The Medal Trapper says that all types of units count , but I've killed my own summoned units there and that doesn't count. Maybe it should say only enemy units count.
- The map doesn't show the real land I'm exploring. I tried extracting those files as you suggested but it doesn't work.
- One of my medals gives 10% damage bonus to crushing blow and ball of lightning ,but that bonus applies also to Dragon Dive.
- A chest in Kef-azisa gave me just an error message and nothing else.

I think you can adjust the difficulty on the start screen when starting a new game, because it is confusing when it shows the original game stats. It is located in eng_windows.lng which is in loc_ses.kfs.

That's all for now ,tomorrow will continue with some more gaming. I'm really enjoying much of the ideas and changes you've made :)
Thank you for the work !

ecania 06-23-2014 08:25 PM

Thanks a lot for the feedback Jorko.
Changed difficulty settings in lng file.
Jimmy Kraud now takes gold when upgrading troops, upgrade of evil beholders fixed.
Rusty Anchor map on Scarlet Island adjusted.
Will Think about pirates and see what I come up with.
I havent changed anything on Rune Mages.
Reptile hunter was on purpose, tried different stuff on it, did not work, so choosed that instead of original.
Trapper medal text is untouched except added text about more runes, and it should not count your own units.
Inquisitor sounds , aye got it when adding talents, kept it for fun.
Radarmaps doesent work - have no idea, did u delete old red sands map before apply this mod? or any other mod installed?

Will adjust logic file.

It is not meant to kill every army out there, its a bit hard to build so much new landmass and leave big empty spots.
Taste of play is different, some people like short games and some long, so choice is to advance fast and not kill Everything and end game or play a longer game and kill a lot.
So will not decrease number of enemies.
I see u play as warrior, then pet level fast, and enemies get weak sooner cuz of leadership, but as mage thats a different story,at least for me.

It is not easy to balance for both warrior and mage, warrior gets more easy faster in beginning.
Play as mage now, still at debir lvl9 asmadeo is lvl9 and pet is lvl11, play on hard 190%


1darklord 06-24-2014 02:04 PM

Awesome, definitely want to give this a go when I get chance. :)


Erkilmarl 06-27-2014 02:23 PM

It's so quiet here, so I have to post some thoughts. I'm only at level 10 now and have been enjoying the new features. The new "things" you can find in the forests have been much fun and put to good use.

In the first dungeon, Fire Spiders made a no-loss Ent/Thorn encounter just a matter of right choices, whereas Marauders' unit shifting ability works the other way, but that's good, since now I have to find new tactical solutions for armies with Marauders included. So far everything is good.

Have you altered the chests that dragon digs up? I seem to be getting Wanderer Spells much too frequently. And one more thing: radar maps show terrain correctly, but the map that opens into new window doesn't.

ecania 06-27-2014 02:56 PM

Heya Erki

Yea its a bit quiet, but it is summer and holidays, so hopefully it will get better soon.
So u stumbled on some stuff in the

About the Wanderer spells u should do good on debir with some nice chests but after that things should go back to normal, it is a bonus for people play impossible.
If they dont pls report as soon as you can.

Did you read the update thread erki, I will do some Changes about units.
Pirates will loose prayer, but will be able to resurrect thorns instead and of cuz summon them too.
Priest are the new inquisitor and original inquisitors are a bit harder to kill and they have prayer instead of resurrection.
The map in the window is the old one , cant promise I can fix that.

Are u playing hard 190% now erki?


Erkilmarl 06-27-2014 03:35 PM

Oops, I meant Marauders... they are now interesting enemies.

It's somehow logical that Inquisitors are more interested in rooting out evil than helping people...

I'm still playing on Normal. I'll see how it goes.

ecania 06-27-2014 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Erkilmarl (Post 668158)
Oops, I meant Marauders... they are now interesting enemies.

It's somehow logical that Inquisitors are more interested in rooting out evil than helping people...

I'm still playing on Normal. I'll see how it goes.

Ah jeah Marauders, hehe.
Oki me play mage now on hard, im lvl9 drago is 11 and asmadeo is lvl9, my army is - Fire spiders, archmages, orc hunters, inquisitor and gorgons.


Erkilmarl 06-29-2014 02:30 PM

I noticed that cured Jimmy Kraud will take money for upgrading Royal Thorns but then nothing happens.

ecania 06-29-2014 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Erkilmarl (Post 668207)
I noticed that cured Jimmy Kraud will take money for upgrading Royal Thorns but then nothing happens.

Aye he is bugged, its fixed in next update.


1darklord 06-30-2014 12:26 PM


Cost 18000
Leadership 2200
Attack 60
Defense 64
Health 280
Speed 7
Talents - Cold Stream, Ice Blast
Is that right? The Health seems way to low for the Leadership.


ecania 06-30-2014 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by 1darklord (Post 668254)
Is that right? The Health seems way to low for the Leadership.


No its not right, my fault should be 900.

1darklord 06-30-2014 02:18 PM

I notice you can no longer download this mod, any ideas when it'll be back up for download? :)



ecania 06-30-2014 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by 1darklord (Post 668259)
I notice you can no longer download this mod, any ideas when it'll be back up for download? :)



Hopefully soon, fixing some errors and testplay it.
Trying again to get contact with red sand team, just waiting for a response.


rubje 07-01-2014 03:14 PM

When does this come out?
When is this back online again? I really want to try it out. And the english version for red sands 1.6.1. needs the original red sand file which I cannot find anywhere on the web.

Thank you for making this!

ecania 07-01-2014 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by rubje (Post 668291)
When is this back online again? I really want to try it out. And the english version for red sands 1.6.1. needs the original red sand file which I cannot find anywhere on the web.

Thank you for making this!

Hopefully soon Rubje, polishing some stuff, and testing it.
Also waiting for a response from the original makers of red sand.


jorko80 07-01-2014 08:03 PM

Hi Ecania :)
I can share some more thoughts on your mod and some bugs, that you can address in the next update.
-The new creatures like celestial snake, maelstrom and so on... don't acquire experience properly. You should add them in the file "exp_system_cfg.txt" . There is a base list there and all creatures should be listed and then they should be added to specified lists(shooters,base creatures,elites etc.).
-the Lava call bonus does not give 10% bonus, only 10points ,which is useless, I tried to change to % ,but it doesn't work. Maybe you should ask someone more experienced.
-Medal dragon slayer I - gives 2points damage bonus instead of 2% , and that is really powerful for low level creatures. I've changed it to 2% . Dragon slayer II is also bugged, but the others are ok. It's just the position of "2" which is wrongly placed in medals.txt
-celestial snake is unaffected by some abilities and artifacts. For example the blue pet dragon doesn't give it +1 initiative and I had an artifact which gave all creatures +1 moral ,even on my maelstroms,but celestial snake was unaffected. I don't know how to fix that.
Now some new thoughts :
I stopped my game with the warrior, it was too boring fighting all those armies. Before starting a new game I edited the new areas and removed at least half of the armies. And the new game was way better and more challenging. Started with paladin. It was really hard and without all these armies I didn't get so much experience and it was well balanced. Also in my first game I got the maps for bolo and scarlet wind islands without fighting and now they were guarded which was really nice. I wander if you know how to make immobile guards for some treasures, it is really good.
-I played until I got to Verona. I cleared all Debir,Scarlet wind , Kef Azisa and some other caves, I got to level 19, the dragon was 27( I will decrease the exp. for the pet even more, he is getting too strong too fast) and Asmadeo was 20. Creatures were 8-10lvl which is good. Really like the places you've made, everything is beautiful.
-In some places I got too big prizes when I defeated a building. For example in kef azisa I've got lvl5 dragon sword and I was only lvl10 by that time and think it's too strong so early. Also there are really way too many crystals, I can revive Asmadeo as much as I want ,learn all spells and I always have above 60 crystals-that's too easy also.
-In the new shops there are also too many artifacts, which also leads to crystals. Also maybe the lvl4 creatures in the shops on the first islands should be less.
-The marauder creature swap ability is too powerful. You can do nothing to prevent it and so early in the game there is nothing you can do. It just leads to losses. I removed it, but it will be better if you can make it leadership dependant. I don't know how to do it.
-There are many boosters here and there which are nice, but maybe they should give smaller bonuses. Otherwise the hero is getting fast too strong.
-I've read in your posts ,that you made the chests of the pet give even bigger rewards, because you want to help the play in impossible. I don't think it's needed, I don't even use that ability of the dragon.
-I've found some really strong lvl5 new creatures on verona and they were in a shop that was even unguarded. I think it's too early for such power.
My point is that everything must be found slowly to keep the interest and the challenge throughout the game.
I had a really good time playing your mod in tha last 4-5 days. I think I can start a new game now, but I'll make some more tweaks, maybe restricting the high level creatures and artifacts to come later in the game.
One question :
Where did you found those new creatures ,never seen them before ?
Thanks again for the mod :)

ecania 07-02-2014 04:12 PM

Thanks a lot for the feedback Jorko.
Dragonslayer medal is fixed.

I will check lava stuff and see if I can fix it.
The crystal and rune bonus for chest for dragon to dig up is gone.

When it comes to new units and experience I had a problem with units not working properly.
So I left out exp for those powerful units.

Why celestial snakes doesent get 1+ ini from blue dragon is beyond my knowledge.

Need to know the name of item that doesent work with celestials.

I have tried make immobile guards but not succeded, so I lock them with a chest in front instead.

The stuff in the shops are very random, you don’t find any items over lvl3 on debir or scarlet I think, but in caves there is a slight chance to get higher level items, I doubt you find the same sword again in kef asiza.

Also in altars things are very random, all for a nice replayability, so in some games you get more crystals from them.

Will think about marauders and see what I come up with.
Units on Verona, was that close to harbor?

New strong units are restricted, there are a few places you can buy those in every game, some shops have a little chance to have some in every game and only a few.

Some altars can give +2 mana or +2 rage I don’t think it is to powerful rewards and some you can get +4 mana or rage and in some occations a bit more.

Also it depends what kind of player you are, Im not an expert player that plays impossible games, I like play on hard lvl, and I think that’s the most common level people play this game at.
And that makes it a problem to do a game harder then the level you play it yourself.

Maybe you feel to help me balance a version of the mod for impossible play, so can I focus on this version.

Also waiting for response from sini4_the_grunt, want to be sure they let me release this version of red sands since it is their work from the beginning, I have also sent messages to those people made the mods wich is built in to this mod.

The new units comes from an older mod made for red sands 1.3


Kiras 07-03-2014 11:34 PM

I abandoned my paladin run with the previous version, and am now playing the latest version that you posted with a mage on impossible. The one with the new creatures. I ran into two bugs:

The damage that ghost blade does when mouse hovering it over an enemy is incorrect. The damage it says in the book is correct. I suspect this has something to do with the fire mage resistance reduction, but I'm not exactly sure. I should note that flaming arrow reports the correct damage when hovering the mouse over an enemy.

More significant: Ancient phoenix is totally messed up. Young and Mature are not, just Ancient. It's bizarre. I summon it, the graphic doesn't look right, and then I send it to attack an enemy. It does damage to that enemy, and the surrounding two hexes (3 hex attack, working fine), then one of the enemies runs over to where the phoenix was before it attacked and I can't attack it. This isn't the enemy's turn choosing to walk over to there, it's a unit instantly running across the map even if it doesn't have the move points.

ecania 07-04-2014 04:13 AM

Thanks Kiras, but it wasnt good news.
Hmmm, thats odd, but it could be as you say.
Also the old Phoenix, doesent have a clue whats wrong, checked files dont find anything at all.

Well we do not cancel, its just my mornin mode couldnt take that stupid bug


Kiras 07-04-2014 05:48 AM

Maybe it has something to do with the addition of that Legendary Phoenix? It wasn't a problem before you added all of the new creatures.

In any case, this is a nice expansion on Crossworlds and you've put so much time into it. I wouldn't cancel it.

1darklord 07-04-2014 11:10 AM

Hey Ecania,

Have you been asked not to use the Red Sands mod any more? That would be a real shame as you are the only one doing anything with it in English any more. I’ve been looking forward to playing this to.


ecania 07-04-2014 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kiras (Post 668356)
Maybe it has something to do with the addition of that Legendary Phoenix? It wasn't a problem before you added all of the new creatures.

In any case, this is a nice expansion on Crossworlds and you've put so much time into it. I wouldn't cancel it.

Worked on this today and I think or hope it is solved, not tested yet.
Was just to much to read on an early morning / sorry ;)

ecania 07-04-2014 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by 1darklord (Post 668359)
Hey Ecania,

Have you been asked not to use the Red Sands mod any more? That would be a real shame as you are the only one doing anything with it in English any more. I’ve been looking forward to playing this to.


No no, Im just trying to get contact with red sands team , thats all.
pls read your pm,s Daniel and pm me back:wink:

so no worries


1darklord 07-04-2014 03:46 PM

Good work! :)


aristobal 07-04-2014 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by ecania (Post 668361)
No no, Im just trying to get contact with red sands team

May be one of these points of contacts will help you to catch zini4_tha_grunt :)

ecania 07-04-2014 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by aristobal (Post 668363)
May be one of these points of contacts will help you to catch zini4_tha_grunt :)

Thanks a lot Aristobal, I have registered on that forum and got contact with Zini.


jorko80 07-04-2014 06:36 PM

Hi Ecania!
-I think you should add the experience for the new units,because they actually get it, it is just not displayed right and you can't see how much they have.
-The item that doesn't give celestials +1 moral is Fool's cap , it says +1 to all units, but I see now that it also doesn't work with Monster.
-Immobile guards: I found that , it is actually easy with the editor - you right click on an army ,go to overrides and there change "Radius smell", "Radius vision" and "Radius lost" to value 1 and that's it. The trick with the chest doesn't work sometimes, the armies get beside it.
I've made much editing and removed the possibilities for powerful creatures early, greatly decreased the numbers of the armies in shops also, removed powerful spells and such, playing mage now. Will tell you how it goes later :)
About the Red Sands, it was a mod, not a paid expansion and I don't remember seeing restriction to mod it, maybe just mention the guys in the credits of your mod is enough.
Thank you!

ecania 07-04-2014 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by jorko80 (Post 668367)
Hi Ecania!
-I think you should add the experience for the new units,because they actually get it, it is just not displayed right and you can't see how much they have.
-The item that doesn't give celestials +1 moral is Fool's cap , it says +1 to all units, but I see now that it also doesn't work with Monster.
-Immobile guards: I found that , it is actually easy with the editor - you right click on an army ,go to overrides and there change "Radius smell", "Radius vision" and "Radius lost" to value 1 and that's it. The trick with the chest doesn't work sometimes, the armies get beside it.
I've made much editing and removed the possibilities for powerful creatures early, greatly decreased the numbers of the armies in shops also, removed powerful spells and such, playing mage now. Will tell you how it goes later :)
About the Red Sands, it was a mod, not a paid expansion and I don't remember seeing restriction to mod it, maybe just mention the guys in the credits of your mod is enough.
Thank you!

Thanks Jorko, very nice info.
About the item Fools Cap, it is made to only give morale to humans, since it is a human item, if it works on other races, thats a bug from original game.

Yes red sands is a mod, but developers stated that if you want to mod it please ask for permission, so thats what I do.

Will have a check on exp file.


ecania 07-04-2014 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by jorko80 (Post 668367)
-I think you should add the experience for the new units,because they actually get it, it is just not displayed right and you can't see how much they have.

Added all new units to exp file.


quamtum 07-04-2014 11:25 PM

celestial snakes doesent get 1+ ini and +1 speed when i wear snake boot

ecania 07-05-2014 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by quamtum (Post 668373)
celestial snakes doesent get 1+ ini and +1 speed when i wear snake boot



hardy87 07-05-2014 08:44 AM

It look so excited ! I can't wait untill Red sand team feedback :( thanks for your hard work !

ecania 07-05-2014 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by hardy87 (Post 668384)
It look so excited ! I can't wait untill Red sand team feedback :( thanks for your hard work !

Soon soon, doin some small changes and trying to catch the serious bugs.

Battle rage medal reworked so it gives direct damage for Lava Call instead of % damage.
Ancient Phoenix is fixed, tested and workin as intended.


impy 07-06-2014 07:41 AM

hello Ecania,
I salute you for your hard work. I've been following your effort with interest and although I have very little time lately and wanted to wait until there is lot of feedback and polishing done, but could not resist to give it a try.
Here are the notes after 50 fights on impossible, still on Debir :
- from 129 chests dug & found I received 17 wanderer scrolls already. That is way too much. First, since one wants to keep them for later, they make learning new spells difficult. Second, I got a few Call Colossus scrolls - getting a dragon on Debir ruins a difficulty. Please lower the probability if you can. Also, please lower the amount of received crystals as well. I have hundreds of them now, and management is non-existent.
- I noticed you increased the amounts of hits needed for medals. That is good, there are lot more fights. However, jump from medal 3 to 4 is way way too steep. For example, 170 traps for level 3 and then 350 for level 4? Guardian Angel - 1000hits for level 4? It requires commitment bordering on fanaticism, for very little increase. Please re-think getting runes for trap medals. I have Trap 3 on level 9, meaning for remaining let's say 55 levels I will get 55x3=165 extra runes.Maybe just give a probability to get runes...
All the best, Impy

ecania 07-06-2014 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by impy (Post 668397)
hello Ecania,
I salute you for your hard work. I've been following your effort with interest and although I have very little time lately and wanted to wait until there is lot of feedback and polishing done, but could not resist to give it a try.
Here are the notes after 50 fights on impossible, still on Debir :
- from 129 chests dug & found I received 17 wanderer scrolls already. That is way too much. First, since one wants to keep them for later, they make learning new spells difficult. Second, I got a few Call Colossus scrolls - getting a dragon on Debir ruins a difficulty. Please lower the probability if you can. Also, please lower the amount of received crystals as well. I have hundreds of them now, and management is non-existent.
- I noticed you increased the amounts of hits needed for medals. That is good, there are lot more fights. However, jump from medal 3 to 4 is way way too steep. For example, 170 traps for level 3 and then 350 for level 4? Guardian Angel - 1000hits for level 4? It requires commitment bordering on fanaticism, for very little increase. Please re-think getting runes for trap medals. I have Trap 3 on level 9, meaning for remaining let's say 55 levels I will get 55x3=165 extra runes.Maybe just give a probability to get runes...
All the best, Impy

Heya Impy
Nice to get feedback from you.
Those wanderer scrolls and crystals and u get 2 runes from dragon dig up is gone.
I will surely check the medals and see what I can do.
Im workin with some balance issues right now with new units and there are a couple of other bugs in version you play, new unit changes are in first post edited today.


ecania 07-06-2014 09:05 AM

Small change of medals.

Trapper Medal - Trap stuff untouched this is bonus stuff
max2=70 - Gives 10% exp for petdragon
max3=140 - Gives 15% exp for petdragon
max4=250 - Gives 20% exp for petdragon and 1 bonusrune at lvlup

Guardian Angel

Asmadeos exp gain is a bit lower now.


EASY - 170%
NORMAL - 190%
HARD - 210%


ecania 07-07-2014 09:15 AM

Download link for this campaign will be up tonight.......:)


1darklord 07-07-2014 10:14 AM

Nice one, looking forward to giving it a go. :)


ecania 07-07-2014 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by 1darklord (Post 668427)
Nice one, looking forward to giving it a go. :)





hardy87 07-07-2014 02:18 PM

Finally, you made it ! Nice !

1darklord 07-07-2014 02:20 PM

Awesome, will grab it later. :)


Gza 07-18-2014 08:24 AM

I like this mod. Sure there's a lot of work. This is the final version? I can not download the latest version (7.15). Because the alarm Nod32. Upload it somewhere? Thank you.

ecania 07-18-2014 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Gza (Post 668677)
I like this mod. Sure there's a lot of work. This is the final version? I can not download the latest version (7.15). Because the alarm Nod32. Upload it somewhere? Thank you.

Heya Gza

There is nothing wrong with download site, even if I upload somewhere else, your software firewall / virus applikation will prolly alarm, those apps are not reliable, they are known to send false alarms in some occations.
What you can do is to disable nod32 while downloading, then you enable your app again and check files when downloaded.
This is mostly final, it can need some Changes, but prolly only minor, so go for it, and have fun.


hardy87 07-19-2014 01:10 PM

Thanks for keeping this mod update ! This is amazing mod.

I've got a problem with Stone beholder Asmadeo, the skill "Mystical Ritual" somehow not work. Can you fix it ? Thanks

ecania 07-19-2014 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by hardy87 (Post 668704)
Thanks for keeping this mod update ! This is amazing mod.

I've got a problem with Stone beholder Asmadeo, the skill "Mystical Ritual" somehow not work. Can you fix it ? Thanks

Heya Hardy and thanks.

Can you describe the problem, since nothing according that skill is touched in this mod.


hardy87 07-19-2014 01:24 PM

I cast that skill on the corpse, and game said I can rise some undead but nothing happen. I have to cancel that skill and choose another skill to continue the combat.

p/s : Sorry for my bad eng ^^!

ecania 07-19-2014 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by hardy87 (Post 668706)
I cast that skill on the corpse, and game said I can rise some undead but nothing happen. I have to cancel that skill and choose another skill to continue the combat.

p/s : Sorry for my bad eng ^^!

This is quoted from a thread about this skill.

You use ritual skill to revive you`re own undead units. It acts like sacrifice spell : you kill some enemy stack, lets say bowman, and use ritual skill on their corpse then you left click on your own undead units (must be humanoid undead unit), so you cant use it to create new units under your controll on battle field. You must to already HAVE that type of units in army. So to sum it up, you cant use ritual skill if you dont have undead unit in you`re army. To use this skill you have to use 1 type of undead units in 1 of 5 unit slots (so if you use priest, bowman, swordman, archmage, griffin this skill wont do a thing, but if you have zombies instead swordman you can use it to revive you`re zombies from enemy humanoid corpses).


hardy87 07-19-2014 02:11 PM

Oh I see, thank you so much !

ecania 07-21-2014 02:09 PM

There is going to be another update of the campaign in a few weeks, im not going to reveal yet whats coming.

I need to know / get some feedback on the campaign, especially balance issues and such, please post here what you think of it so far.

Question: is asmadeo still leveling to fast?


1darklord 07-21-2014 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by ecania (Post 668749)
There is going to be another update of the campaign in a few weeks, im not going to reveal yet whats coming.

Oooh! Not even a hint? :D


Erkilmarl 07-24-2014 10:41 AM

I've made some progress and noted that treasures on the ground aren't visible in the minimap. What's happened?

Sheeps123 07-25-2014 05:46 AM

Hi! Just started King's Bounty again after a long time and I'm excited to play this mod, however the download link is not workable any more, could anyone be kind enough to re-upload it? :)

ecania 07-25-2014 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Sheeps123 (Post 668851)
Hi! Just started King's Bounty again after a long time and I'm excited to play this mod, however the download link is not workable any more, could anyone be kind enough to re-upload it? :)

Fixing a few balance issues, then it will be uploaded again.


ecania 07-26-2014 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Erkilmarl (Post 668829)
I've made some progress and noted that treasures on the ground aren't visible in the minimap. What's happened?

Cant do anything more on minimaps, thats how they look.

Download link back up again - Small update only, ver 0726 fixing some balance issues.


hardy87 07-26-2014 05:35 PM

Hi Ecania, I found a bug about high morale. My Priests and Rune mages got high morale to act again but they don't get an extra turn.

ecania 07-27-2014 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by hardy87 (Post 668920)
Hi Ecania, I found a bug about high morale. My Priests and Rune mages got high morale to act again but they don't get an extra turn.

No morale stuff is modded, so can be from original red sands, there is none I can do about it.


jorko80 07-27-2014 06:00 PM

Hardy87 , they are not supposed to get extra turn, they get +1 to initiative for 1 turn. Only the description is bugged. In earlier versions they got extra turn ,but of course that was too powerful and later replaced with initiative.

hardy87 07-28-2014 10:20 AM

so that's wrong description :( thanks for your reply !

Cataca 07-30-2014 12:35 AM

Im still in Debir, the added monsters make it a bit long to get through, i think that might have been overdone a tad, since it makes it a bit tedious. One thing i'd like to see is some better chest loot, both overland and on the battlemap. Its 99% gold, which is useless, dragon chests are a waste of rage as well.

Other than that, i really like it thus far.
One idea i had, that might be interesting, is if you assigned each store in the starting area to a race, and sold random level 1-4 units there, so people like me that want to run with a themed army, get the chance to do that from the get-go.
Keep up the good work!

ecania 07-30-2014 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Cataca (Post 670769)
Im still in Debir, the added monsters make it a bit long to get through, i think that might have been overdone a tad, since it makes it a bit tedious. One thing i'd like to see is some better chest loot, both overland and on the battlemap. Its 99% gold, which is useless, dragon chests are a waste of rage as well.

Other than that, i really like it thus far.
One idea i had, that might be interesting, is if you assigned each store in the starting area to a race, and sold random level 1-4 units there, so people like me that want to run with a themed army, get the chance to do that from the get-go.
Keep up the good work!

Heya Cataca and thanks for the feedback.

In the next update Im gonna decrease the number of enemies, have been discussed earlier.
Chest loot is random, also dragon chests are random, so if you only get money, you are a bit unlucky.

It is set for dragon to get Money, runes, scrolls, biggest chance is Money, since otherwise that function gets overpowered.

About shops, those are random too , but it is set that you can find all kind of units in them, in dungeons you can find Lizard and undead troops early.

Demons are in Red raven tomb, but you cannot acess that so early.
Lizards in blue collar tomb.


darionz 08-02-2014 03:32 PM

about the new items
hello i'm new here, will be possible to post a list of the new items and their stats?

tantun 08-12-2014 12:24 PM

The download link is expired, can u update it again please?

tantun 08-12-2014 12:30 PM

Download link is expired, can you please update it EA?

ecania 08-12-2014 03:21 PM

Download link is down atm, making small changes, will be up in a couple of days again, prolly in the coming weekend.


matod4 08-13-2014 08:43 AM

unit exp
Hello is possible to play without creature experience? i think it destroys game..
btw thank you for great work

ecania 08-13-2014 05:30 PM

Download link is up.

Whats new in version 0813
All new or reworked zones has now lesser enemies to fight.


Erkilmarl 08-22-2014 07:45 PM

It's so quiet here... Anyway, I started a new, normal Paladin game. I played through Debir and with the help of Kef Azisa so that I had reached level 12 before moving to Scarlet Wind. "Strong" is the most common army attribute there, so at least for me the balace so far is right.

CarryNL 08-22-2014 08:45 PM

Unfortunately the download link is expired again.
Could you please re-upload?

matod4 08-23-2014 07:31 AM

link is broken

Cannot complete the retrieval process

The retrieval process could not be completed. The file could not be found on the server. The retention period has expired.

ecania 08-23-2014 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by matod4 (Post 705890)
link is broken

Cannot complete the retrieval process

The retrieval process could not be completed. The file could not be found on the server. The retention period has expired.

Link is up, enjoy.


ecania 08-23-2014 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Erkilmarl (Post 705881)
It's so quiet here... Anyway, I started a new, normal Paladin game. I played through Debir and with the help of Kef Azisa so that I had reached level 12 before moving to Scarlet Wind. "Strong" is the most common army attribute there, so at least for me the balace so far is right.

Thanks Erki
Kepp me updated on balance pls.


Erkilmarl 08-26-2014 02:46 PM

I will. I cleared Scarlet almost completely but excluding caves and moved to Bolo. There opposition was strong or very strong or lethal, which is managable with full rage. (Isn't invincible worse than lethal, BTW?)

Were training dummies random? There was one on Bolo beside the lighthouse and the map which are set high in the hills. It promised +12 rage but gave none, which isn't a small thing.

ecania 08-26-2014 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Erkilmarl (Post 705943)
I will. I cleared Scarlet almost completely but excluding caves and moved to Bolo. There opposition was strong or very strong or lethal, which is managable with full rage. (Isn't invincible worse than lethal, BTW?)

Were training dummies random? There was one on Bolo beside the lighthouse and the map which are set high in the hills. It promised +12 rage but gave none, which isn't a small thing.

Thank you Erki.
dummie seems bugged, got a friend that got the same thing +12 and nothing, I will adjust that dummie.
Aye invincible are worse

Anyone else? Feedback is very welcome, come on peeps, write down some feedback please..........

Watchmaker 08-26-2014 06:24 PM

Ultimate is more then ultimate ;) Seriously... size of those armies is just ridiculus... no less then lethal all the time. But I love it ;) Dragon is leveling very fast.. hero level 10 still on first island but dragon is 17.. it is hard to keep rage costs of his skill below hero max limit without choosing trash upgrades. And what is with those prizes... 290000 gold for pair of boots? :) But seriously... mod is amazing!

matod4 08-30-2014 09:53 AM

hello , i dont like about the mod you can easily go to all islands on level 2 and pickup really good gear and units then you came back and own everything.. i got on level 2 1500 leadership from flags and then i sop playing there is no blance to this

matod4 09-02-2014 12:40 PM

Why is download removed? are you repairing early acces to all islands? cause that makes games incredible easy on imposible

Erkilmarl 09-02-2014 07:04 PM

One doesn't have to do everything that is possible to do. I find the mod very enjoyable. I went from Bolo to Rusty Anchor, Verona and Montero. I left lethal or invincible armies here and there just like I always have done. And I found that on a new island armies were always strong or very strong (at least most of them).

Then I must say that I have used only 3 levels of Glory and 1 level of Elite (and I have level 3 of Grand Strategy) to keep enemy armies strong compared to mine. That's not a bad thing, I think, it means that I should be playing on a higher difficulty. I wonder, do your skill tree choices make it possible for a Paladin to have more leadership than a Warrior?

BTW, I admit, it's not fun to know game breaking strategies. In the original game there was this: The first flying unit you found meant game over. You could just fly over continents in search of the map pieces that revealed the hidden treasure (a sceptre?).

matod4 09-04-2014 07:25 AM

I collect 1500 leadership just from flags without fighting and i still have posibilities where to go collect more, but then i stop playing

Erkilmarl 09-04-2014 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by matod4 (Post 706151)
I collect 1500 leadership just from flags without fighting and i still have posibilities where to go collect more, but then i stop playing

Is this mod easier there than the vanilla game? Isn't it possible to play all versions of AP that way?

matod4 09-05-2014 04:50 AM

id like red sands extreme mod but its hard to get anyone have download link with compelete installment?

AstralWanderer 01-10-2015 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by matod4 (Post 706179)
id like red sands extreme mod but its hard to get anyone have download link with compelete installment?

This download page still seems to be working:

Elektra 02-10-2015 09:02 AM

Pity this one has stopped being developed.

would someone have the original Red Sands files available? a torrent link perhaps? cannot seem to find it anywhere.

big thanks - Elektra

apopov 03-10-2015 01:46 PM


Just found out about this mod, thank you so much for making it.

monshael 04-22-2016 04:59 PM

Hi. Long time since anyone was here, but i gotta ask... How do those artefact fragments work?
I got 2 of them: a spade and a dragon boot/claw, both part of "dragon toy". Are there more fragments in the set and do they combine into one artefact if you gather them all or do they work like a set and give bonuses when they're all worn?

I searched around a bit, but i can't seem to find a guide, if there is one. Thank you.

1darklord 04-22-2016 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by monshael (Post 713177)
Hi. Long time since anyone was here, but i gotta ask... How do those artefact fragments work?
I got 2 of them: a spade and a dragon boot/claw, both part of "dragon toy". Are there more fragments in the set and do they combine into one artefact if you gather them all or do they work like a set and give bonuses when they're all worn?

I searched around a bit, but i can't seem to find a guide, if there is one. Thank you.

I found a post on this forum, here it is,


Originally Posted by Saiko Kila (Post 183888)
And these are they stats, as they appeared in my game:

Lizardman Combat Boots (Lev 2 Boots, Neutral)
+2 Defense
Special: enhances Crushing Blow, +25% Damage, +1 repulsion distance

Lizard Gloves (Lev 2 Gloves, Neutral)
+1 Attack
+5% chance of Critical Hit
Special: enhances Mana Accelerator, +3 Mana, +1 action point (i.e. on maxed skill you get 28 Mana for 25 Rage)

Shovel (Lev 2 Weapon, Neutral)
+1 Attack
Special: enhances Stone Wall, +50% health
Special: enhances Treasure Hunter, +1 chest, +1 object (i.e. 4 chests and 3 other objects on max)

Helmet with Antenna (Lev 3 Helmet, Dvarves)
+2 Intellect, -1 Inititative to allied troops of level 3-5
Special: enhances Ball of Lightning, +1 charge, +30% increased chance of shock

And finally composite artifact:
Dragon Toy (Lev 5 Artifact, Neutral)
+15 Rage
Special: +15% Damage to all offensive Dragon abilities

Basically if you have all four in your inventory, right click on one of them and click use (or assemble or something I forget).


monshael 04-23-2016 11:53 AM

Thank you for your speedy reply.

ecania 05-15-2016 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by apopov (Post 708999)

Just found out about this mod, thank you so much for making it.

Hey guys, nice to see that some people still plays the mod, ty a lot Apopov.

cheers ecania :cool:

Ruthless Reuban 06-30-2016 04:49 PM

Ultimate challenge file modified
1 Attachment(s)
Special thanks to Ecania for making this awesome mod. After long pause I'm playing Kings Bounty again. Red Sands Extended included Ultimate Challenge file, that felt too easy for me. Basic settings were:


I made it bit harder but still it was too easy. After that I made some modding in many ways trying to maintain same gameplay, just much harder. For main settings, about the only way to keep game challenging until end is to heavily restrict experience, rage and mana gains:


Other notable changes include:

- Island difficulty (k_lead) increased, harder opponents on every island
- Increasing that setting seem also give much more leadership from banners
- Spellbook size is about 300
- Box radar is enabled
- Enemy troop relative strengths (invincible and such) modified
- Asmadeo slightly modified
- Asmadeo max level Amelie level +50
- Some overpowered spells (like Phantom, Turn back time, Target, Stone skin) more or less modified

Seem to work very fine. Currently conquering Verona. Amelie level 23, pet dragon level 33, Asmadeo level 40, leadership (without any items, Asmadeo not free) 11 682. And there is still much challenge.

Tested with following settings:

- Mage
- Impossible difficulty of course as settings are modified only for it.
- No losses challenge, meaning no single unit lost on any fight (training session is very hard without luck, feel free to cheat there)
- No use of wanderer spells
(- not included in files because cannot modify after recruiting companion: disabled Mkaborets comanion's magic shackles, modify companion.txt and raise mana cost of it to 51 if want to try)

Feel free to add more challenge modifying boss strength on logic.txt



- Make backup of ...red_sands\config directory
- Extract all files to ...red_sands\config directory and overwrite
- Start new game

ecania 07-07-2016 04:08 PM

Some nice changes there, I had to do a lot of changes to asmadeo, he gained exp too fast.
I got some great help from one of the guys behind Red sands mod.
Great to see its still alive, it took me a very long time to make this mod, or more a game expansion.
Keep it up Ruthless Reuban.

Cheers Ecania

Ruthless Reuban 07-07-2016 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by ecania (Post 713711)
Some nice changes there, I had to do a lot of changes to asmadeo, he gained exp too fast.
I got some great help from one of the guys behind Red sands mod.
Great to see its still alive, it took me a very long time to make this mod, or more a game expansion.
Keep it up Ruthless Reuban.

Cheers Ecania


I modified Asmadeo bit better. Currently at level 43 and not overpowered at all. Also gaining so few experience that gaining levels take long time.

So far everything seem to work. Amelie level 29 and still so much challenge that fights must be very carefully picked up. Perhaps spexp should be 6.0 or even 7.0, but otherwise no problems so far.

Leaving wanderer spells out was good choice. They are somewhat overpowered.

Ruthless Reuban 10-14-2016 08:37 PM

Making progress. Amielie level is now 39. Most caves are done, Elon is still untouched. Easier islands more or less cleared.

Because using wanderer scrolls is not allowed, I cannot use them to counter bosses high attack and defence. So certain boss battles where boss level is under Amelie level (around 35) are still impossible to do without losses. Enemy troops just do too much damage.

Every time I think this mod is too easy, becomes point where I must fight very hard battles to gain considerable amount of experience. There are some easy fights left I missed earlier but those give about 1% of experience needed for next level, so fighting them hardly gives any progress.

This difficulty mod still works very fine. Nice to see what happens when end game gets nearer.

gonzalodecas 12-21-2016 11:05 AM

Good day,

Thank you so much for this new improve of Red Sands (I finalized original Red Sands a few years ago and I would like to play this new Extended version) but... I cannot downdload it because there is no link in the first post. Could anyone send me the files to check it?

Thanks in advance!

Ruthless Reuban 01-04-2017 04:11 PM

Ultimate Challenge file modified v2
1 Attachment(s)
After expensive testing, I noticed that with my previous Ultimate challenge mod beginning was bit too easy (I didn't use all the tricks available) and endgame way too easy. This version has following changes:

- Experience divisor to 14 (from 12.5)
- Enemy strength to 6.6 (from 6.2)
- Pet dragon experience modifier to 5.2 (from 4.6)
- Asmadeo Attack and Defence skills have few more levels
- Asmadeo progress slightly better now to balance Mage's tower
- Less leadership to Amelie from levelup
- Much more experience needed for level up since level 35
- Item "Alucard" (red pyramid) still gives +10 mana and rage but ATT/DEF/INT increase after killing dragons disabled
- Ball of lightning adjusted, much more rage cost (and pet dragon is much faster too)


- Small adjustments to spells
- Bit more starting mana
- Elenhel companion now gives +6 INT as Wanderer scrolls are no use (only for sale)
- Mkaborets companion spell costs increased and magic shackles disabled


- Make backup of ...red_sands\config and ...red_sands\Mods directory (if exists)
- Extract all files on config folder to ...red_sands\config directory and overwrite
- Extract all files on mods folder to ...red_sands\Mods directory. Create folder if it does not exist. Not sure if that has to be Mods (with M capital letter)
- Start new game

Tested with following settings:

- Mage
- Impossible difficulty of course as settings are modified only for it.
- No losses challenge, meaning no single unit lost on any fight (training session is very hard without luck, feel free to cheat there, modify spells.txt and put Fire_arrow damage to 1200. Easy cheat and then you can manage training session unless want to try many times until have good enough luck with enemies)
- No use of wanderer spells, they are only for sale

Feel free to add more challenge modifying boss strength on logic.txt


lbournas 01-31-2017 04:08 PM

Link please ?
Hello, I am new here. I have just finished Red Sands in impossible and I was really excited to find your extended version. But I can't find a link to download it. Any chance that it is still available please :)

lbournas 02-02-2017 09:27 AM

Link Please
Hello, I just found this forum and I was really excited to try the extended version of Red Sands (I have just finished Red Sands in Impossible and I loved it). But I can't find a link anywhere. Can someone help me please?

lbournas 02-12-2017 09:22 AM

Can someone tell me where I can download this extended version please ? I would really like to try it. Thanks

Belcanzor 02-17-2017 01:35 AM

Can a savegame be used if I update "Ultimate Challenge"?
Thanks for your work.
Already post this in another thread, sorry mi insistence.
Edit: Pirates are now some sort of gardener (with 90hp?? and same recruit points) or my game as bug?

Ruthless Reuban 02-17-2017 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Belcanzor (Post 715310)
Can a savegame be used if I update "Ultimate Challenge"?
Thanks for your work.
Already post this in another thread, sorry mi insistence.

Few modifications may work if using save game. But basically you must start new game for this ultimate challenge.

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