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RavenMaster 10-01-2009 09:46 PM

A bug in this game just made me laugh
So i just did the Stern Crane flashback and then i go back to present day and all of a sudden BAM i get thrown to my desktop and receive an error message saying somthing like 'could not fill floor texture 1024x1024 - your video card probably doesn't have enough memory.'

That is retarded lmao! For one thing i was running the game at 1920x1080 not 1024x1024 and im playing the game with THREE GTX260's in SLI. That's 2.6GHz of video memory. Come on.... idiocy

Au{R}oN 10-01-2009 10:24 PM

Try to dowangrade the resolution only where you got the error, then... finish the sector and re-set to 1920x1080

RavenMaster 10-02-2009 02:34 AM

Weak dude... :|

tranter1718 10-10-2009 12:57 AM

honestly, i can't tell if your post is a joke. i don't want to start a flame war, but i don't think you know what you're talking about at all. i really mean no offense, but i don't think you have a clue about anything computer related.

1) the floor texture size i'm pretty sure is simply a size and NOT talking about resolution. even if it were talking about a resulution, i doubt that this game would include a resolution for a square.

2) memory is not measured in "GHz." that's the clock speed, not the memory. more likely your memory is measured in GBs. In addtion, I have not looked up your specific card, but you may not want to be stacking memory sizes.

3) Why would you get a special mobo to support 3 SLI? very bizarre.

4) Why build a rig like that and not OC your cpu?

5) 12GB ram? what are you doing with your computer that could possibly require that? lol.

And so on and so forth.

So, yes. you got an error, but it did not mean what you interpreted. As for an actual solution, I do not have one other than to lower your graphics settings in general until you can move past that area successfully.

RavenMaster 10-10-2009 12:26 PM

Nice of you to troll. That post was most helpful i must say.

1. Whatever - thats graphics art territory

2. Typos do happen. GBs was what i meant.

3. Why get a tri SLI mobo? Coz its fun and the fps gains in EVERY game but Cryostasis are quite good.

4. I do overclock my rig for benchmarking. Tried playing this game at 3.5ghz and still it didn't help the massive fps drops.

5. 12GB of RAM is future-proofing and is really handy when you're computer is being used for folding.

I've realised its a physx bug that's ruining the fps now anyway. Game runs fine with both Physx options turned OFF. 40-60fps at all times. The physx patch obviously did sweet FA.

6. STFU and GTFO troll.

tranter1718 10-10-2009 06:44 PM

seeing as how i'm one of the few people on these forums not bashing the game for its bugs, helping people understand the storyline, etc. I find it difficult to simply label me as a troll. However, in this thread, you may be right. I was simply stunned by what you wrote, that's all. :rolleyes:

RavenMaster 10-10-2009 11:44 PM

The story is good.... but thats about all. If u play with physx on the game is so screwed its a slide show. Playing with it off is less atmospheric but at least it works.

Au{R}oN 10-11-2009 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by RavenMaster (Post 110280)
The story is good.... but thats about all. If u play with physx on the game is so screwed its a slide show. Playing with it off is less atmospheric but at least it works.

I Really don't know how you have can problem with a Triple SLI GTX 260 with PhysX ON.

I have a single GTX 280 and i reach 50~60 FPS with all setting maxed out and PhysX ON, @1440x900, and this can't be only because of massive CPU OC.

How you set the SLI configuration?

Try to use 1 card for the game, and the other 2 for the PhysX instead of use all three cards for both.

RavenMaster 10-11-2009 08:41 AM

The difference is resolution. You're running at 1440x900 i'm running it at 1920x1080. And for a resolution like that, multi-core cpu support is needed. The game does not have multi-core support therefore, at high resolutions even with 3 cards in SLI, because the cpu can only use one of its cores fully, the graphics cards can't communicate with the cpu as much as fast need to.

In Crysis i have no problem running that game smoothly at 1920x1080 / 4xAA / 64-bit / DX10 / V-sync ON because Crysis uses all 4 cores on my cpu so there is no bottleneck when using high resolutions.

Even with just 1 or 2 cards in the machine the game still stutters with physx ON at high resolution. I'm guessing more ice shards are present on screen at 1080p therefore more physx to contend with than 1440x900. But since Crysis is a more graphically intense game and i can play that fine, then im calling out Cryostasis for bad programming. Plus Cryostasis crashes quite frequently whereas Crysis does not.

Au{R}oN 10-11-2009 10:16 AM

Mhhh... the hardware requirment when you increase the resolution is just more amount of VRAM, because texture area bit more heavy.

Anyway, i tried @1080p with my LG TV, and the frame drop to a MIN of 28FPS and a MAX of 40FPS.


Plus Cryostasis crashes quite frequently whereas Crysis does not.
Not true, both games have problem, and for me, only crysis gave me lot of trouble when i change from x32 to x64 even if the game support 64bit architecture.

RavenMaster 10-11-2009 05:35 PM

i wouldn't consider 28fps playable to be honest. Anything over 35fps is smooth sailing. But the stuttering i suffer with Physx switched on still happens even at 1680x1050 which is a considerable res decrease and still the problem persists.

The VRAM of my combined cards is quite high 2.6gb approx. Should be more than enough to run the game at max even with physx ON. I can run Mirrors Edge and Batman Arkham Asylum at max and those games are both Physx enhanced and work no problem.

I just dont get why Cryostasis wont work like that when physx is on :(

Au{R}oN 10-11-2009 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by RavenMaster (Post 110405)
i wouldn't consider 28fps playable to be honest.
I can run Mirrors Edge and Batman Arkham Asylum at max and those games are both Physx enhanced and work no problem.

Yeah, both PhysX Enchanced, but not at the same level of Cryostasis....

RavenMaster 10-11-2009 11:51 PM

You mean they're professionally programmed and they actually work as opposed to Cryostasis? It would seem so

Au{R}oN 10-12-2009 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by RavenMaster (Post 110450)
You mean they're professionally programmed and they actually work as opposed to Cryostasis? It would seem so

No, i mean that no game released since now come with the PhysX implemented in Cryostasis.

RavenMaster 10-12-2009 10:20 AM

LoL my Cryostasis does not have physx. Can't get it to work without stuttering when it is turned ON so i dont have it on at all. The irony...

Au{R}oN 10-12-2009 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by RavenMaster (Post 110513)
LoL my Cryostasis does not have physx. Can't get it to work without stuttering when it is turned ON so i dont have it on at all. The irony...

In fact you said that with NO PhysX enabled the game run very well... no?

RavenMaster 10-12-2009 07:39 PM

Yeah totally, 40-60fps without physx. But when physx is the game's top selling point and physx doesn't work... that's rather bad. Borders on false advertisement

Divebomb 10-16-2009 01:48 PM

Runs fine on my gtx295 with physx turned on at 1920x1200 resolution. No stuttering. Regardless, the error you experienced has nothing to do with monitor resolution as stated-- seems more like a memory leak problem.


Originally Posted by RavenMaster (Post 110686)
Yeah totally, 40-60fps without physx. But when physx is the game's top selling point and physx doesn't work... that's rather bad. Borders on false advertisement

Physx really wasn't the game's top selling point. but sure, it was 'a' selling point. Jeez, you're a bit of a jackass.

RavenMaster 10-18-2009 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Divebomb (Post 111576)
Runs fine on my gtx295 with physx turned on at 1920x1200 resolution. No stuttering. Regardless, the error you experienced has nothing to do with monitor resolution as stated-- seems more like a memory leak problem.

Physx really wasn't the game's top selling point. but sure, it was 'a' selling point. Jeez, you're a bit of a jackass.

I tried the game with 2GB of DDR3, then 4GB dual channel, then 8GB. Then 6GB tripple channel then 12GB. Same result - massive stuttering with physx enabled. I punched an icicle and the game froze for 3 seconds before the icicle shattered. It's definately affecting physx whatever the problem is.

I too used to have a GTX295 and i was still having the stuttering problem with that GPU in my machine. I thought maybe the game just really really took a lot of power to play. So sold the 295 on ebay and bought 3 GTX 260's for the same price as what i sold the 295 for. So after installing the 3x 260's and latest nvidia WHQL drivers/physx drivers i still got the same problem. If any physx effects take place in-game it just stutters BIG time. With physx off the game is less atmospheric but plays smoothly

Memory leaks are not cool. Patch please 1C >:o

BTW when the game starts and the title screen shows up with the digital countdown, after the 1C flips over the screen goes completely green and stays that way unless i hit esc a few times. This did not used to happen in version 1.0. That only started happening after i patched the game to the latest version.

cubcriux 10-20-2009 08:56 PM

I try to read all these books you once read before and of course this time I promise myself not to disappear and read these lovely books by you, thank you.

RavenMaster 10-20-2009 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by cubcriux (Post 112517)
I try to read all these books you once read before and of course this time I promise myself not to disappear and read these lovely books by you, thank you.

Err... stoned much?

czerro 01-19-2010 11:25 PM

Your issue could be driver level. Your crash error references a memory overflow due to large texture size. Essentially, there was no more room in the buffer for 1024x1024 textures. This error is not related to your resolution. Reduce texture size will likely correct the problem. 512x512 is commonly "High" in most games and I'm not sure the differences will be apparent to you. I'm sure you have updated your videocard drivers, but I think the northbridge could be the culprit. Try updating the chipset drivers for your motherboard. Your northbridge might have outdated drivers resulting in poor SLI controller operation.

While I agree that your SLI setup should be able to handle this it is likely a glitch with the SLI implementation either in drivers, software, or at the northbridge. I always thought SLI worked on a firmware/hardware level that operated transparently to software, but it may be that Cryostasis engine doesn't properly implement SLI functionality. If this is the case, then perhaps disabling SLI will result in better performance. Sorta how Left4Dead ran better in single-core than multi-core mode because of a glitch in implementation.

The green screen glitch sounds like a driver error too.

As far as your comments regarding PhysX: it is simply marketing junk to lure consumers to buy NVIDIA cards. It's not that cryostasis's physx sucks, it's simply that physx sucks in general.

Unforgiven_II 02-24-2010 04:32 PM

I read some posts and feel free to point out that if you have 2 or 3 graphicards you cannot add their memory because every chips need its own memory.
Also on a sli or tripple-sli rig there is not more memory for graphics then on a single card of the same type.

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