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Heliocon 06-07-2011 06:49 AM

Birds of steel???!


PeterPanPan 06-07-2011 07:21 AM

I hadn't realised this is actually by Gaijin Entertainment, the people who brought IL2 to the console market. Their working title is "World of Planes" ... and it is a collaberation with Konami,


Zerotown 06-07-2011 07:28 AM

Yes, really. I think it's an an interesting project, though I have a feeling that a discussion can quickly polarize on a forum as this.

Gaijin is very good at making titles which I describe as "action-packed arcade experiences, visualized in a semi-realistic manner". Most of their products are aimed at an intial audience of console-gamers. In the case of the PC-version of Wings of Prey, they even made an effort to improve on the simulator aspects. (Though I don't think they aimed to build a full sim). This one could be nice as well.

Lololopoulos 06-07-2011 07:38 AM

when wings of prey first came out, the graphics looked (and still does look) pretty impressive. But looking at this trailer, it's even more of an arcade game than WOP. and for 2011 standards, the graphics doesn't look that good. and it probably has a non-existing FM, analogous to the H.A.W.X..
So, definitely not my type of game.

Mysticpuma 06-07-2011 08:07 AM

It still has 6-8 months of development and at-least the trailer is from the PS3 and 360 Consoles, so the PC version will be more detailed according to Gaijin.

I'm looking forward to it as I don't like to limit my gaming solely to perfect simulation, but I guess that once it is released it will be playable?

Cheers, MP

Rattlehead 06-07-2011 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Lololopoulos (Post 294440)
So, definitely not my type of game.

I don't mind arcade games at all. I've played the Ace Combat series for years and liked it for what it is.
What I don't like are games that try to satisfy both the arcade crowd and the simulator guys, as it usually it ends up a being neither one nor the other.

If I want a proper simulator, I'll stick to Clod.
If I want a proper arcade experience, I'll stick with Ace Combat or something similar.

BigPickle 06-07-2011 11:06 AM

follow up to birds of prey, looks quite good, obviously same engine which is cool because it should be updated.

609_Huetz 06-07-2011 11:16 AM

Going down the World of Tanks-MMO route doesn't seem like to bad of a step for me. This might actually be fun as long as you don't excpect realism.

Mysticpuma 06-07-2011 11:58 AM

As I can't post links to Gaijin's website, here are a list of updates being considered for inclusion:

Aircraft Skins:

Squadrons of individually marked aircraft of the same type
Historical skins
All skins available in Mission builder


User switchable WideAngle/Medium/Zoomed views
User movable panning across and around aircraft
Ability to have/set ground cameras at signifant ground locations/targets for replay
replay editor (FFW/Rewind/Pause/timer/...)
photomode http://gamevideos.1u.../video/id/14689
green screen for movie makers (airplane only with dynamic lighting, no background)
ability to record from replays by setting markers (create video snippets)
Flyby view in gameplay for games where all views are allowed (as in IL2)
Inertia in cockpit POV like in Apache: Air assault
Option to enable the cockpit camera to anticipate intended flight path
Field of view that increases or decreases based on forward speed.


Optional pilot in cockpit view (reference Apache:Air Assault)
animated pilot rom outside view/synched with TrackIR/Freeview motions
AI pilots also realistically animated from outsided view
animated ground crew/activity on the airfield visible from aircraft on ground
first person bailing out sequence
Animated First Person ground sequences around airfield


make AI more life like, i.e. to feel effects of blackout, blind spots, etc.
make AI aiming more realistic, i.e reduce precision
improve AI flying skills and tactics
make AI aircraft damage more realistic (less susceptible to damage)


Moving ground targets (trains, fuel depots,…) for ground strafing
Freeflight ground strafing missions/targets of opportunity
make all aircraft usable in all Campaign/Single missions once 'officially' completed
improved Strike mode in MP, variety of targets, respawn at airfields, choice of plane and loadouts
ability to join existing game as 'ghost', not visible for other players and inconsequential to the game; host selectable option ( can set max number); ghosts can fly their own airplane
ability to enter game and move from player to player in 'observer mode'
ability to populate MP with AI- Coop vs AI in MP
No time outs in missions
No mission failure in sim mode; only criteria should be survival.
Coop in Training mode
Single pilot centered career/campaign mode, promotions, awards etc.
Dynamic persistent world, single theatre campaign
more aircraft in missions
adjust mission targets to difficulty settings; i.e. for simulator, no unrealistic goals ot achieve mission objective
day to day style missions focused on an individual pilot/persistent world
all unlocks should be possible in offline play
MP score system should be working much better than in BOP/WOP.
Pilot Stamina: Decreasing resistance against blackout and redout when stamina is low, decreasing with accumulated high g maneuvers. Recharges over time, and endurance increases up to a realistic cap based on accumulated experience.
No mission boundaries on the maps, just don't put anything interesting where you don't want people to fly.
Make all difficulty settings open from the start, no need to unlock.
Takeoff at the beginning of the mission, landing at the end.

Damage model:

Increased damage when colliding with trees
refined damage model, take relative speeds bullet/aircraft into account, take angle into account (shallow angle -> less damage or even bullet bounce)
make realistic firing rates, not only tracer fire
make shooting distances more realistic, the further the target the less chance of hitting (at the moment it is too easy to shoot at long range)

Visual Effects:

Steam from shot boilers on locomotivesAmmunition exploding in various depots (fixed based, on locomotives, ships)
reduce P-51 muzzle fire, should be small umbrellas of smoke ahead of leading edge
optional dynamic motion blur slider for gameplay/replay
propeller blur, changes with engine speed
multiple cloud layers
bigger smoke plumes for destroyed ground targets
more realistic tracer colors and feel/user chosable
engine startup fire/smoke effects
improved low flying speed effects
Canopy icing at high altitudes
Much increased blinding effect of the sun
smaller and less raindrops when going through clouds and rain
more gradual damage development when airplane is shot down. e.g. first smoke, then small fire, then big fire


Cockpits for all flyable planes.
Kill markers on aircraft..


authentic engine sounds (-> as from modders IL2)
optional muffled sounds (as with helmet on) and raw (as without ear protection - loud)
authentic guns/cannons/weapons/explosion sounds
option to switch radio traffic off (e.g. 'break, break' when alone in training mission)


again from Jeremy Soule

User interface/options:

host selectable planes in a lobby
host selectable loadout options
host selectable ground or air start
host selectable respawn positions, altitude, speed- make all HUD options user selectable
toggable tags
smaller direction arrows
moddable HUD
full customization of controls for all platforms
Custom mode as in WOP for all platforms (next to Arcade, Realistic, Simulator)
Ability to set padlock to either press-and-hold or press-on-press-off.
Do not disable padlock in most realistic difficulty settings.
Option to toggle spring-look in cockpit camera on or off.
Keep options limited to not divide playing community.
Basic engine management as option on all platforms.
Option for host to make full flight control sensitivity mandatory for all planes

Community Tools:

enable in and out of game text chat
enable in and out of game voice chat in TS3 quality, let users chose their room to communicate
enable invitations to join a game
enable exchange of game replays and replay snippets
enable exchange of user built missions

Additional features:

Mission builder for single and multiplayer
Increased map sizes, especially for single players
Static vehicles around airfield
Skinable pilots / faces
Dedicated server support
Hyperlobby (all games in progress/players visible with settings and options)
Timer in game list to inform how long before game over
Kinect/PS Eye headtracking support

Art Direction:

more natural colours, no sepia/green as in Britain map WOP

Flight Dynamics/Realism:

make AI aircraft weave on taxiing in tailwheel aircraft
improved AI flight behaviour/battle tactics/maneuvers
AI bombers should not try to dogfight with players in training mode
approach to stall buffet
remove exaggerated shaking of aircraft when WEP applied
keep finetuning aircraft FMs


wind and weather effects on airports and aircraft carriers (crosswind landings and take offs)
turbulence in cumulus type clouds
turbulence when flying in propwash of another airplane
wake turbulence when flying in the wake (off the wingtips) of a large aircraft like the B-17


Torpedo Bombers (Avenger)
4 gunned P-51C without Malcolm hood
P-47 Razorback (D10 or 22)
Spitfire MKI/MKIA (without cannon + early versions with cannon)
de Havilland Mosquito
de Havilland Mosquito Tse Tse Submarine Hunter
Hawker Tempest
Avro Lancaster
Hawker Typhoon
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3
Bristol Beaufighter
Boulton Paul Defiant
Consolidated B-24 Liberator Fairey Swordfish
Fiat CR.42
Fieseler Fi 156 Storch
Gloster Meteor
Handley Page Halifax
Hawker Sea Fury
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero
Tupolev TB-3
Mitsubishi A6M Zero
Vought F4U Corsair
Brewster F2A Buffalo
CAC Boomerang
Consolidated PBY Catalina
Grumman F6F Hellcat
Kawanishi N1K1-J Shiden
Kawasaki Ki-100
Kyūshū J7W1 Shinden
Junkers Ju-87G Stuka
Junkers Ju 88C
Junkers Ju 88G
Hawker Typhoon Early and Late canopy versions
Messerschmitt Me-110F-4
Messerschmitt Me-110G-4
Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb
Supermarine Spitfire PR Mk XIX


Tobruk / North Africa

Cheers, MP

Zerotown 06-07-2011 12:36 PM

Thanks for that list Mysticpuma. As I understand it, these are suggestions posted by users on the Gaijin forums, right? The developer has not officially (yet) aknowledged that these items will be implemented.

Lololopoulos 06-07-2011 12:38 PM

hmmmm now it actually sounds promising. if all those features are included, it'd be like a tuned-down version of a rigid and unforgiving simulator. now i'm interested.

Ali Fish 06-07-2011 12:40 PM

any word on the pc version yet ? the seperate announcement etc etc ?

Mysticpuma 06-07-2011 01:14 PM

Thing is, the Developer's at Gaijin do seem to be actually listening to the user feedback and these suggestions have been suggested by the users.

So-far they have actively updated the original WoP using many forum suggestions and asked for user input into what they would like to see in the next release.

They would have added better online support for the original , and although they are still adding patches, they are concentrating on Birds of Steel (Wings of Prey 2), which they hope to include, on the initial release, many of those features.

The thing id, if they don't know the users want it, how can they add it to the new release?

So if you have ideas it's worth a visit to the Gaijin forums to post any ideas that you'd like to see, but so-far they have been very pro-active in getting a product that the purchaser's want.

Cheers, MP

Mysticpuma 06-07-2011 01:15 PM

The PC version will be released after the Console version so they can improve and add more to it ;)

Cheers, MP

speculum jockey 06-07-2011 02:12 PM

The more flight sims/games the better. The number of FS coming out in the past few years is showing a really good trend, that people are once again interested in this genre. Drawing somone in with a "BANG POW RRRRRR!" flight "game" means there is a greater chance they will also try something a little more in-depth like IL-2 or CloD.

More power to them!

David198502 06-07-2011 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by speculum jockey (Post 294593)
The more flight sims/games the better. The number of FS coming out in the past few years is showing a really good trend, that people are once again interested in this genre. Drawing somone in with a "BANG POW RRRRRR!" flight "game" means there is a greater chance they will also try something a little more in-depth like IL-2 or CloD.

More power to them!

that was actually the reason how i got to il2.i played birds of prey on xbox and then became aware that there is a sim called il1946 which was supposed to be the real deal.

Tree_UK 06-07-2011 02:38 PM

You can colide with Tree's, thats a big step forward.

winny 06-07-2011 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mysticpuma (Post 294573)
The PC version will be released after the Console version so they can improve and add more to it ;)

Cheers, MP

From what the devs say it's a parrallel development, not a console port.
Seperate teams.

It should be, at the very least, interesting to see what people with console sensibilities can do when they develop a 'sim' for PC.

They have the presentation skills and theatrics that gamers expect, let's see if they can match it with the gameplay simmers expect.

Timberwolf 06-07-2011 03:23 PM

If you can shoot a target without wobbling up and down while flying level like this game ..its a buy

Heliocon 06-07-2011 07:05 PM

I actually dont mind WOP that much, I mean ROF is alot better but WOP atleast runs smooth, I just think its funny gaijin which was a new company/dev group is cranking out these titles for 3 platforms at this speed while clod is kinda well... ya...

Mysticpuma 06-07-2011 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by winny (Post 294610)

From what the devs say it's a parrallel development, not a console port.
Seperate teams.

Sorry I should have made that point. The initial release will be for Consoles and the PC version will come afterwards, but they can take what they learn from the Console release and add/delete features for the PC version....with the Bugs tested by Console Gamers? ;)

Okay the last part may be inaccurate....but at-least it looks like they are listening to their customers?

Cheers, MP

Lololopoulos 06-07-2011 10:27 PM

I'm actually more excited about Gaijin's helicoptor simulation.

Doc_uk 06-07-2011 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mysticpuma (Post 294573)
The PC version will be released after the Console version so they can improve and add more to it ;)

Cheers, MP

now that does sound intersting, BUT, and its a big BUT
I have heard these words so many times befor, the pc version will be diferent to the console version,only to be let down on the release
Only time will tell:)

ElAurens 06-08-2011 12:49 AM

One would have thought that when moving to the Pacific they would have switched their green post process filter for a blue one...


Zerotown 06-08-2011 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Lololopoulos (Post 294761)
I'm actually more excited about Gaijin's helicoptor simulation.

It was on sale a few weeks ago for about $10. It's very enjoyable on PC, even though it ain't no DCS-Black Shark. Look here for a (imho) balanced review.

My main gripe with WOP and AAA is the compactness of the landscapes / levels you fly in. I love the way the games look and don't mind the fact that their not full sims, as I own alternatives for that. But hitting an invisible wall and being teleported to a new location... not really my thing. I'm curious how Birds of Steel will handle this, since it's being build for online play. (Lots of players in the same enviroment).

Blackdog_kt 06-08-2011 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Timberwolf (Post 294615)
If you can shoot a target without wobbling up and down while flying level like this game ..its a buy

Propwash is modeled in CoD, that's why we bounce up and down ;)

On the topic of WoP2/BoS, it's not my cup of tea and as such i'm not going to fly it, but it's good stuff to have for bringing newcomers into the hobby. Some may stick around and move to the more difficult titles (IL2/CoD).

Lololopoulos 06-08-2011 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Zerotown (Post 294838)
It was on sale a few weeks ago for about $10. It's very enjoyable on PC, even though it ain't no DCS-Black Shark. Look here for a (imho) balanced review.

I'm actually talking about this game: Take on Helicopters, a civilian helicopter simulation.

Foo'bar 06-08-2011 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mysticpuma (Post 294527)
Art Direction:

more natural colours, no sepia/green as in Britain map WOP


Zerotown 06-08-2011 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Lololopoulos (Post 295073)
I'm actually talking about this game: Take on Helicopters, a civilian helicopter simulation.

Ah, I see.. from your post I gathered that you meant a product made by developer Gaijin. From what I understand from the site and movie, Take on Helicopters is made by Bohemia Interactive. Or do they have a relation with Gaijin / Birds of Steel?

Lololopoulos 06-09-2011 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Zerotown (Post 295102)
Ah, I see.. from your post I gathered that you meant a product made by developer Gaijin. From what I understand from the site and movie, Take on Helicopters is made by Bohemia Interactive. Or do they have a relation with Gaijin / Birds of Steel?

oh that's right man, i had them mixed up. i remember looking at this right after i checked out the gaijin forum. must be having to much going on in my life right now haha. but anyways, that helicopter sim looks pretty cool. :)

Pluto 06-09-2011 09:28 AM

... Apache Air Assault ... Gaijin Entertainment

Originally Posted by Lololopoulos (Post 294761)
I'm actually more excited about Gaijin's helicoptor simulation.

... I had Apache Air Assault, what a crap game, shitty conversion of a shitty console game. I`ll never again buy a game from Gaijin Entertainment!
I threw it in the trash can.
The first and only patch they released only fixed that enforced online mode before launching the game, nothing else, and that game would have needed a ton of fixes!

Even Comanche3 was a better arcade helicopter game at its time without any patch.

That is a typical example for crap console games.
Well, nice graphics are not everything.
That was the only good thing in this game besides track-IR support.

Too bad they dont have a smily with a rised middlefinger here, that would be the only one that is appropriate for that subject!
And by the way, that crap cant be called simulation, that is not even a good arcade game!
Bloody waste of money, that`s what it was!

Sorry if you were talking about another game from these developers.


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