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grimeleven 08-22-2011 03:12 AM

Red Sands Extreme Mod
2 Attachment(s)
Red Sands Extreme mod (RSE)

Here is my modification of Red Sands, love that mod :D

The main goal of the mod is to give players a new experience by removing or altering the annoying things from KB in general, like some units are broken and players do not use them at all or are forced to use. Most of the unit changes were on those who are either weak for their level or have features that render them useless or impratical for players strategy. Yeah some units have got same LDR requirement but makes for the fact they were lagging behind their equivalents level. Now less focus on "no-loss" strategy since units are plenty, no-loss is still possible but optional. Of course this means you are stronger but so are the enemies, be prepared to face huge stacks of buffed up, full morale hordes.

Yes those changes seems overpowered but makes battles more fun, feel free not to use if you do not like :D

Now you can have Black Knights with Black Dragons, Cyclops and Plants.... guess what you can resurrect all of those.. WIN!

Major modification on "unloved units" and given them logical powerups
-Giants now hits like a truck with a 2 cell range, Quake fast reload and Resistances
-Cyclops projectile now hit all cells around the target.
See all the changes below

Requires a new game in Impossible mode

Includes Legendary Warriors

New Units!
Titans, Maelstrom, Legendary Phoenix, Dictator, Celestial Snake, Sinister
Note: Ice Ogres, pop up lua errors no fix yet, just click Ignore OK

All Races on Debir mod, (plenty to buy in shops) yay you can start with the units you like.
Buildings now sell all races units up to level 5.
Demons in the cave, Dwarves at Sebastian, Elves at Ragman, Lizards at Pythian, Neutrals at Witch House, Undead at Burut's Castle, Orcs at the ships.
Some high level spells (Resurrection, Phantom etc) in the University (Random)

Debir shops now sells various items of random level/races/types.

Morale from race to race removed, you can now mix races without penality.

Better Trade
You can vendor items for 75% their value and spells 100%. Now worth it to sell back junk items and scrolls, balance from low money gain on impossible.

Book storage increased! 100 scrolls, tired of having to go back sell scrolls.

Truly Impossible
Stronger enemy forces! from impossible 170% to 300%! welcome a 12k Peasants, 75 Archdemons or a stack of 368 Bone Dragons...

Stronger bosses
+300% HP
+300% Damage

Elenhel Slot modified

Hero Levelup
+2 Runes of each types
+1 Mana
+1 Rage

Mage leadership from 10 to 13

Medals: Lower requirement for Medals, no more boring casting.
Battle Alchemy
Level3 from 400 to 300
Level4 from 800 to 500
Guardian Angel
Level3 from 400 to 300
Level4 from 800 to 500
Blind Rage
Level3 from 21000 to 14000
Level4 from 38000 to 21000

Red Sands Exp System:
Base bonuses for all units = Attack, Defense, Crit, Initiative, Speed, Res, Health, Damage

Better Chest Loot.. yes epic loot

Dragon's chests:
25% for 3 Runes
30% chance of crystals [15% for 3, 40% for 5, 30% for 10, 15% for 15]
15% random scroll [50% for 1, 30% for 2, 20% for 3]
20% wanderer scroll
10% gold [10% "mini" amount, 50% "small", 40% "average"]

Battlefield chests:
25% random item
20% for 2 runes
15% chance of crystals [20% for 5, 50% for 8, 30% for 10]
10% random scroll [same sub-percentages as dragon's]
20% wanderer scroll
10% gold [same sub-percentages as dragon's]

Resurrection Spell now works on Magic Immune, Demons, Undead, Golems, Plants
Runemage Revive now works on Magic Immune, Cyclops, Plants, Undead
Fire Breath works on Demons and Magic Immune
Stone Skin works on Magic Immune
Divine Armor can be cast on the undead

Astral Resistance
Leather dress now adds 5% astral resist
Medal Guardian angel now provide astral resistance
Divine armor now provides with astral resistance
Unit leveling "resistance" bonus now gives astral resistance

4 New Epic items
2 from Army of Light/Dark and 1 from Adventure mod
Rainbow Ring, Overlord Ring, Ancient Ring, Destroyer Boots

Modified Items
Drill +1 Init, now used for Ice Ogre, Maelstrom, Dictator
Joker's Hat +1 Morale to all races and Neutrals, Level4 Price=97000
Ring of Mind max count=0
New units should benefit from items that act on race/weapon/level etc
Removed item morale on all items

Upgraded Units:

  New Ability "Smash" 2 cell hit like the Ogre Chieftain
  "Quake" Reload from 2 to 1
  +3 Speed, +1 Init, +10 Attack
  +10% Phys Res
  Added Magic Resistance, Fire Resistance, Persistence of Mind.
Bone Dragon
  Poison Breath attack hits 2 cells in a line.
  +10% Phys Res, +5% Crit
  New Ability "Oblivion" 50% chance to disable target's skills.
  +10% Magic Res
  Always Retaliates
  +2 Init, +1 Speed
  +2 Missile Range
Ancient Ent
  +4 Init, +2 Speed, +10 Attack
  +10% Phys Res, +10% Magic Res
  Swarm Reload from 2 to 1
  +2 Missile Range
  +2 Speed, +10 Attack
  +10% Magic Res
Ogre Chieftain
  +2 Speed, +3 Init, +10 Attack, +10 Defense
  +10% Fire Res, +10% Magic Res
  +4 Init, +2 Speed
  +4 Init, +10% Crit
  +1 Init, +1 Speed
  +10% Magic Res
  +2 Speed
  +10% Magic Res
  +2 Speed
  +1 Init, +2 Speed
  +5% Crit
  +1 Init, +2 Speed
  +2 Init, +2 Speed
  +5% Crit
  New Ability Boulder throw, projectile now hits all cells around the target
  +5 Init
  +10 Attack
  +2 Init, +2 Speed
  +5% Crit
  +1 Speed
  +1 Speed
  +10% Magic Res, +30% Phys Res
  +11-13 Poison Damage
  +10% Crit
  +2 Missile Range
Emerald Dragon
  +1 Init, +1 Speed
  New Ability Cleave attacks, hits 3 cells.
  +1 Speed
  +50 HP
  Favorite Enemy (Human)
  Fightning Spirit (Human)
  +1 Speed
  Swaps Soul
  Necro Energy

Credits to Red Sands mod Team, got their permissions to mod their work.
Thanks to zini4_tha_grunt, bladeking77, N3MES1S, SayNt, DarkScythe for their release.

Please feel free to report any bug you find or suggestions.

You need Red Sands v1.6 full and this installs on top
RS link for those who do not have it

Note: Packing the mod into a kfs would have been easier but it's not working.
Instructions: Backup your existing installation of Red Sands or make you can re-install if necessary.

Make sure you extracted the Red Sands mod, "\sessions\red_sands" open "red_sands_data.kfs" with winrar and extract the content into "\sessions\red_sands", do the same with the file "red_sands_ses.kfs"


Copy all the files/folders from inside the folder "RedSandsExtreme" in the winzip archive into Kings Bounty Armored Princess\sessions\red_sands\ Overwriting the existing files/folders. Start a new game in Impossible mode.

Uninstalling, restore your backup or reinstall Red Sands

Red Sands patch 1.6.1 install:
I re-packaged their .kfs for simpler install since .atoms were in folders etc.
Open and copy all the folders inside "red_sands_ses_patch1.6.1" to "\sessions\red_sands\" Overwriting all files/folders/
Then do the same with the Red Sands, open it and copy all the files inside "RedSandsExtreme" to "\sessions\red_sands\" Overwriting all files/folders/

That way you keep all 1.6.1 fixes and at last you apply the RSE mod




Changes v1.1
Exp system 25 max HP
Ogre Chieftains -20 Dmg
Cyclops -40 Magic Res
Dictators to Demon Portal spell
Note:Shouldn't cause problem for games started with 1.0

Changes v1.2
Compatible with Red Sands v1.6
-Celestial Snake, bonus from; Great Druid Staff, Snake Ring, Snake Boots
-Legendary Phoenix, "expsystem" moved to "healer" bonuses
-Leveling hero, bonus runes per level from 5 to 2
-Cyclop, changed back to default resistances
-Black knight, bonus morale to Sinister
-expsystem, using updated settings from RS patch 1.6 meaning there
  is no more +45 HP bonus to units
-expsystem in 1.6 now has 20 levels for units
-Ancient ring, bonus to all level five units
-Drill, bonus to Iceogre, Giant, Dictator, Maelstrom
-Graal, bonus to new units (living)
-Item morale on items removed
-Titans, bonus from Quick Draw and Trigger companion
-Chests, runes from 3 to 2
-Maelstrom leadership from 3500 to 4000 cost from 40000 to 75000
-Maelstrom headhunter skill bonus damage to Orge Chieftain, Harl, Runemage
-Dictator, fixed "Swaps souls" Ball of rage spawn on unit stack kills
-Updated with better instructions on installation.

Changes v1.3
Legendary Phoenix leadership from 5800 to 5000
-Iceball cost from 10g to 1500g
-Iceball leadership from 220 to 420
-Iceball, venskeleton, fireskeleton will no longer spawn in shops
  with tweak "arenaonly=1" as it is a summon from new units(new games)
-Fixed General cloack item exploit leadership for Maelstroms,
  this RS item was not intended to boost this unit. Item description
  was not updated and MS is already OP enough.
-Added missing archers units to category lds "sp_lead_archers"
-Leadership req.% reduction, Crit%, Damage% added to all "bow" items, bonus to archers
-Applied attack animation "circle blow" to Maelstroms to reflect their "cleave" attack skill
-Fire Archer Skeleton, fixed LUA error about missing skill.
-exp_system, Resistances bonus now increase in 2% increments from 1%
Version 1.3.1
-Fixed Fighting spirit human skill, game hang bug, hotfix added to this here
-Revert setting "upgr_per_lvl=6" to "upgr_per_lvl=3" causing game crash
  with certain units on leveling

Red Sands Patch 1.6.1 Patch Required See attachment, English translation is included
Changelog here http://translate.googleusercontent.c...MBDGD6JRcfWfA#
RSE mod totally re-done with the above patch to ensure stability.
-Evilbook and Harl will no longer spawn in shops
-Archdemon, added missing skill "Oblivion"
-Assassin removed skill "Autodebuff"
-Destroyer Boots replaced for Destroyer Amulet "Artifact"
-Added description for updated "Fighting Spirit" Human skill

Destroyer Amulet

hasim 08-22-2011 05:34 AM

I do not know if I love you or hate you for making me play this again! :)
Great work man will try it ASAP.
ASAP I tell you!

infernal1800 08-22-2011 05:51 AM

Impressive, I really appreciate your work :D For suggestions, I've sent you a private message that about my opinion. The only thing I dont understand is how could you change the color of monster such as red knight like malestrorm and titan. Anyway, Congrat :)

grimeleven 08-22-2011 05:55 AM

Forgot to mention i haven't completed a game with this mod yet, obviously. So there might be balance issues or stuff OP with certain items idk i count on players to let me know.

Re-uploaded the file, i did not change unit's color, that's the work of the author of legendary warriors as mentioned in the 1st post but i'll check it out.

Fatt_Shade 08-22-2011 10:13 AM

And i just started new game with newly installed full translated red sands . . . so what am i supposed to do now ? Start yet another game :-)
I loved the fact that players decided to revive this game with mods, but this isnt even funny anymore :-D Joking aside, good job and nice ideas with this grimeleven
I wonder how did you implement new items from other modes when i cant find their png files in that you uploaded here. In interface textures there are png for new units and their abilities, but no for new items. I ask this because i want t try to edit some items giving them lvl`s to upgrade like i said here :
If i managed to edit 1 item and place those new png files where they belong rest would be easy, but i cant find a single item png file in my all game oflder so i have no idea how to change them :-( I wanted to add new set from all resistance items : leather dress, magic ball when both equip to give additional 3% res to all, and -3% to enemy resistances
(reward_fire_mage_1=+5 Mana<br>Reduces enemy elemental resistances by 2%
reward_fire_mage_2=+10 Mana<br>Reduces enemy elemental resistances by 4%
reward_fire_mage_3=+15 Mana<br>Reduces enemy elemental resistances by 7%
reward_fire_mage_4=+25 Mana<br>Reduces enemy elemental resistances by 10%)
I changed fire mage medal to try this and it works, so i wanted to add -res% enemy to some item.
Help with this pls.
All this new modes change units, difficulty, spells etc but no1 try to change how items work, and there are some great items we use in game but later just throw them away since they become useless, so i wanted to change some of those to be useful later in game.
And 1 more question : if you took units from legendary warriors, and items from adventure mod why not take units form adventure also ? Champion is great unit and would fit perfectly in this red sands extreme edition.

Fatt_Shade 08-22-2011 10:42 AM

Sry for double post, i wanted to split my question post form this. Just wanted to add my thoughts about some features in this extreme change to red sands.
Great idea to implement old ideas in new mode and gj for it.
But some things i think are to much change :
1) no morale penalty for mixed races
2) hero lvlup to much runes, i like +1 rage/mana but i think it`s enough just to remove less runes from 50+ lvl`s. I know this is much harder to play since 300% difficulty in impossible mode but who want to play imposs runes wont mean that much
3) red sands exp system max dmg +5, max health +45 . . . dmg and health to what ? i dont get it what you changed here, just asking because i`m not sure what you changed with this.
4) you changed some spells so i figured you`ll be able to add berserk to undead also.
5) as for changed unit stats ... some are nice but some are to much, but that is my thinking.

grimeleven 08-22-2011 10:46 AM

Hehe a new game yeah that's what i did ditching my level 42 lol..

Good idea on the Champion.. maybe next update. Ah the items, gave me headaches it wasn't loading properly because i had to swap them order... what gives.

You can use already existing icons for your new items, find a nice icon for your new item and use it's name tag "image=HeroItem_Addon_Ring03.png" which is "money lender ring".

Well here are the stats of new items
Destroyer Boots: +5 Intellect +25 Mana +1500 Leadership +5% all resist
Ancient Ring: +500 Leadership<br>[s]-10% Leadership requirement of all 5th level units<br>[s]+1 Morale to all 5th level units
Overlord Ring: +3 Attack and Defense to Demons and Undead +5 Attack and Defense to the Warriors of Darkness +6 Intellect -10% Leadership requirements for Undead and Demons -2 Morale to all other creatures in your own army
Rainbow Ring: +2 Attack, Defense and Intellect +5 to Mana and Rage +500 Leadership +2 Morale to all Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Neutrals and Lizards +10% Chance of Critical Hit of all Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Neutrals and Lizards

Fatt: the morale is so players gets replayability on trying out new strategies with units they usually never use together.
exp system value are higher in limit, +45 means it's now 50 maximum HP for a unit but i doubt it will go that much, random. Berserk, haven't thought of it but then i could go on and add all the spells, no end on it hehe.

Which unit are too strong?, i suppose some are... extreme :D gotta think twice before taking on those.

infernal1800 08-22-2011 11:39 AM

How about a new race with all level 6 unit, each unit will relate to one original race :)

zini4_tha_grunt 08-22-2011 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by infernal1800 (Post 326090)
How about a new race with all level 6 unit, each unit will relate to one original race :)

Level 6 creature is looking stupid. The 5 level creature's system is determined by 5 unit slots system.

infernal1800 08-22-2011 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by zini4_tha_grunt (Post 326101)
Level 6 creature is looking stupid. The 5 level creature's system is determined by 5 unit slots system.

I dont really understand what do you mean by 5 unit slots system, we are players and we can use any troop we want. I think it's ok having a level 6 unit which stronger than regular level 5 unit and cannot be bought from shop (do some quests or win some difficult battles) they are much more stronger so their level should be higher.

Fatt_Shade 08-22-2011 01:44 PM

Not to strong as in stats, but titan 4300 lds, legendary penis 5800 lds come on :-)
But some big changes :
Archdemon 50% for Half, 50% for oblivion to much,
Chieftain +20dmg, for 1200 lds 5th lvl to much,
Black knight +2 speed to much
Cyclops to high res, only magic dmg was good against them before, now they are to strong
Paladin +2init/speed to much

As for items i get it how to edit image, just so it would be somehow different form old, but i cant find item png files in my all game folder games/kb-armoredprincess/... all files checked and cant fine png files for items to change them :-( am i blind or what ?
In localization/eng/other/eng_unit_features.lng you didnt add new units in description, does it make any problems with units in game,or its not important ?
About maelstorm headhunter talent, does it supposed to make bonus dmg to all 5th lvl units except dragons ? If does you missed runemages,orc chieftains and harl in list.But in my opinion only humanoid 5th lvl should be listed there, remove cyclops,titan,tyrex and legendary penis :-)
In titan iron fist you missed same as for maelstorm ( i think i suposed to make 100% bonus dmg to 5th lvl units), just add runemage,harl,legendary penis,and ogre chieftain. Also i saw titan have 4 active abilities (stun,push,throw,implosion), how`s that supposed to work out ?
In morale.txt you forgot sinister for black knights +1 morale hint.
Spell.txt add dictator for demon portal spell, 3rd lvl.
I had idea earlier to add new spell poison breath to order spells (for killing dragons/demons because their low poison res), something like hell breath in chaos magic tree but couldnt make new spell slot in book, making spell itself in spells.txt isnt problem placing it in book got me stuck. If you have any idea how to make this happen pls explain process to me, i`ll try to make it work.

infernal1800 08-22-2011 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 326130)
Not to strong as in stats, but titan 4300 lds, legendary penis 5800 lds come on :-)
As for items i get it how to edit image, just so it would be somehow different form old, but i cant find item png files in my all game folder games/kb-armoredprincess/... all files checked and cant fine png files for items to change them :-( am i blind or what ?
In localization/eg/other/eng_unit_features.lng you didnt add new units in description, does it make any problems with units in game,or its not important ?
About maelstorms headhunter talent, does it supposed to make bonus dmg to all 5th lvl units except dragons ? If does you missed runemages,orc chieftains and harl in list.But in my oppinion only humanoid 5th lvl should be listed there, remove cyclop,titan,tyrex and legendary penis :-)
I had idea earlier to add new spell poison breath to order spells (for killing dragons/demons because their low poison res), something like hell breath in chaos magic tree but couldnt make new spell slot in book, making spell itself in spells.txt isnt problem placing it in book got me stuck. If you have any idea how to make this happen pls explain proces to me, i`ll try to make it work.

For create new spells, I think you should edit both spells.lua and spells.txt and even some other .lua files depend on which spell do you want. Image for new spells and description are also important. I havent created new spells but I think those files are the most important :)

Fatt_Shade 08-22-2011 05:41 PM

I did it with editing item battle axe, but i`m not satisfied with how they look in hero invertory. But important thing it works :-) Let the editing begin :-P
For spells i know about that, we already chat on this idea but problem isn`t in spells.txt or spells.lua since those files describe how spell work how much mana it cost, turn duration etc. Png file isnt problem either i want to use poison spit picture, a bit changed. When it`s casted on unit there is little buff icon, like hell breath or stone skin and that i have also prepared.
My problem is to place that new spell in spell book since book as it is now have fix number of spell slots inside, so i need to figure out how to add 1 more spell slot in book and rest will be easy to add in spells.txt and spells.lua.

yujy 08-22-2011 09:49 PM

Hi, congrats on the adaptation.

I started a new game impossible mage and there is no astral resistance showed. Maybe is because of an adaptation from the other mods or it's on my end.
I have also started a game 2 days ago with normal Red Sands and, from what i remembered, there was the astral resistance.

infernal1800 08-23-2011 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by yujy (Post 326272)
Hi, congrats on the adaptation.

I started a new game impossible mage and there is no astral resistance showed. Maybe is because of an adaptation from the other mods or is't on my end.
I have also started a game 2 days ago with normal Red Sands and, from what i remembered, there was the astral resistance.

I think your logic.txt missed astral resistance or you have removed it. You should open logic.txt and look for the line:


Fatt_Shade 08-23-2011 09:20 AM

I run into weird problem here.
Just 2 days ago started new game in red sands with traslated files, and fixed orc saboteur crash ( ), no problems in game.
Then i dl this addon for red sands, and first fight with orc saboteurs in enemy army my game crashes again. I only cant find what file in redsandsextreme have anything with saboteurs ??? Grimeleven do you have any idea what caused my problem to start again

grimeleven 08-23-2011 09:50 AM

Nothing for saboteur but make sure your "addon_special_attacks.lua" is fixed and does not read add_blog_saboteur_cloañking

edit i double checked the zip file and the lua for the saboteurs is fixed, so you can copy it over again, else idk what's going on, i used them and it doesn't crash.

another edit: maybe you copied over the .lua file? this lua fixed was with version 1.1 so you should just edit the file instead because the updated changes and my mod will make your game crash , missing code.

infernal1800 08-23-2011 10:05 AM

To Fatt_shade: The most important is you have to install the latest official version of game or Saboteur will crash no matter what you have fixed. I havent install this version yet so I cannot use Saboteur even addon_special_attack.lua was fixed.

Pip-Boy 08-23-2011 01:44 PM

It sure looks great I`ll be sure to try it out sometime, in the meanwhile is there a way to make the legendary units mod and the items you introduced in this mod for the Red Sands mod 1.3? I mean whitout all the changed stats and higher difficulty. If it could be possible of course.

yujy 08-23-2011 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by infernal1800 (Post 326337)
I think your logic.txt missed astral resistance or you have removed it. You should open logic.txt and look for the line:


I checked and it's ok. Does anybody else have this problem?

Fatt_Shade 08-23-2011 09:54 PM

@Pip_boy Ofc there is way to add just this new units in regular red sands mod, only copy all files from here to your sessions/red_sands/... folder. Files you need are :
1) in ATOMS folder copy files of legendary units maelstorm, titan. . .,
2) in CONFIG folder copy troop.txt and edit morale.txt and special_params.txt to add strings mentioning new units
3) EXP SYSTEM copy exp_system_cfg.txt
4) INTERFACE TEXTURES copy all new png files to your game folder
5) LOCALIZATION/eng/other copy eng_legendary_warriors.lng and eng_unit_features.lng
6) MODELS SRIPTS TEXTURES copy all new files to their location in your game folder
This should do it, but consider that without rest of extreme mod files you wont have all units on debir on start just saying. Good luck and have fun :-)

Pip-Boy 08-23-2011 11:35 PM

Ohh thanks for the information. As soon as i learn a bit about modding I'll start to try to make some mods to help the community,many thanks again for the tip :) .

Fatt_Shade 08-24-2011 12:14 AM

@grimeleven Truly Impossible
Stronger enemy forces! from impossible 170% to 300%! welcome a 12k Peasants, 75 Archdemons or a stack of 368 Bone Dragons...
Yea 12k peasants arent problem, but you changed this also in exp_system_cfg.txt : Max Health +45, and now i found 12800 peasants with 48 hp each. Is there some way to limitt how much hp units gain with lvling, 1-2lvl max 5hp, 3lvl max 15hp, 4lvl 30hp, 5th 50hp. This random bonus when unit lvlup is to imbalanced.

grimeleven 08-24-2011 01:45 AM

Yeah i knew it but that's good some people test it out, it will be reduced to 25 next update. I was expecting the script randomness to have low chance of an enemy getting that much HP, i guess it's not that simple. About the Maelstrom, i didn't touch those level 5 units .lua pretty much from his mod, so things are like he wanted them to be but i guess we can change it.

I know those new units have too much leadership requirements but what if they had like 2500, wow they would be overpowered, so instead of lowering all their stats and skills i figured i'd leave them like that can they cost a huge amount of gold anyway. Also since most of them do special area attacks, they would be able to solo anything with lower leadership imo.

Oh and don't forget the archdemons, you will almost never get archdemons to hit something that has lower leadership than them to trigger the "Halve" so they were weak in impossible, halve just serves when u almost killed em all. Now the Oblivion ability is borrowed from Red Sand unit "Dryad" so it would affect it too, i might just check on to make it a new skill, later.

I believe the stun for Titans is that "custom_params {stun=40}" prolly means it adds a chance to stun on attacks.

"eng_unit_features.lng you didnt add new units in description, does it make any problems with units in game,or its not important ? " eng_legendary_warriors.lng contains all the new units info, so yes it can be in a separate file the game reads it and show tooltips.

Changes v1.1 - as usual copy/overwrite files
Exp system 25 max HP
Ogre Chieftains -20 Dmg
Cyclops -40 Magic Res
Dictators to Demon Portal spell
Sinister +1 Morale from Black Knights
Maelstrom, bonus damage to Runemage, Chieftains

Thanks Fatt Shade for your input and glad others are trying it as well.

Updated main post with 1.1
Shouldn't cause problem for games started with 1.0

pwnz0r 08-24-2011 08:30 AM

Great mod, trying it out now. Sooo many runes tho.. and I dont even spam find treasure that much. Are you supposed to max out on those half way thru the game ?

Fatt_Shade 08-24-2011 10:05 AM

@grimeleven For legendary units yea lds is to high but i didnt lower it to 2000, but 3000-3500 so i could take at least 1 after first loop debir-scarlet-rusty-verona(to kite)-bolo, just to try them out and see how they work (i never player their mod before)
I agree all legendary are to strong, but cost and lds cover that basically. Ok archdemon are almost useless for player with `halve` since all enemy are larger stacks leadershipvise so oblivion is nice add, i haven thought it through.
And since you changed some spells in your mod here could you pls check my last post here and give me some hints/help :

And pls tell me how to see after battle how much my units/spells/pet dragon made dmg% like here
I`ve seen this bunch of times and never asked how to add it in my game.

@pwnzor Whell runes wont mean that much in this mod anyway, since yuoll fight with legions of strong enemy, so you`ll need every bit of skill and luck in couple of extra runes doesn`t mean that much.

grimeleven 08-24-2011 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 326652)
@grimeleven For legendary units yea lds is to high but i didnt lower it to 2000, but 3000-3500 so i could take at least 1 after first loop debir-scarlet-rusty-verona(to kite)-bolo, just to try them out and see how they work (i never player their mod before)
I agree all legendary are to strong, but cost and lds cover that basically. Ok archdemon are almost useless for player with `halve` since all enemy are larger stacks leadershipvise so oblivion is nice add, i haven thought it through.
And since you changed some spells in your mod here could you pls check my last post here and give me some hints/help :

And pls tell me how to see after battle how much my units/spells/pet dragon made dmg% like here
I`ve seen this bunch of times and never asked how to add it in my game.

@pwnzor Whell runes wont mean that much in this mod anyway, since yuoll fight with legions of strong enemy, so you`ll need every bit of skill and luck in couple of extra runes doesn`t mean that much.

Ok replied for your spell question

I tried to change my leadership to 40000 to test out the new units and it seemed not so bad because my other "regular" units were doing more damage than them. Somehow someone that reach high level could report if the ldr should be lowered to match the other level 5's in balance, like i said it's untested :D

To see the damage results, just click "Details" at the bottom left of the "Victory" window, it will stay like that for rest of the game too.

@Pip_boy to add to what Fatt said, if you also want all races on debir, it's the files in the folder "locs" which contain the shop items/units etc so copy that folder as well. Optional if you want to be able to resurrect demons,undead, buffs dragons etc it's contained in spells.txt, copy if you want.

Fatt_Shade 08-24-2011 11:56 AM

Thx for reply, i figured out how to change items/medals spells still cause some problem. I`ll try somethings out for that.
And question about morale file in your RSE did you change something in hint_moral_onerace ? Since my humans dont get +1 morale when all human army (or any other race by that matter i tried all elf/dwarf/orc ).

infernal1800 08-24-2011 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 326667)
Thx for reply, i figured out how to change items/medals spells still cause some problem. I`ll try somethings out for that.
And question about morale file in your RSE did you change something in hint_moral_onerace ? Since my humans dont get +1 morale when all human army (or any other race by that matter i tried all elf/dwarf/orc ).

In morale.txt, morale for one race of human is somewhat disabled. If you want to activate it, delete "//" in "//human=1,hint_morale_onerace"

Maybe, the game want to weaken human race since they are powerful in comparing to other races (except the undead)

To check "hint_morale_onerace" description, open eng_units.lng and look for the line "hint_morale_onerace=All troops of one race."

Adanedhel 08-24-2011 06:46 PM

This mod is great fun!
some minor bug i found:
(this one i cannot reproduce) I had stack of adult gobots at exp rank 3, after buying some more they went down back to lvl 1.

I just found ring of ancient kings:
-10% Leadership requirement for 5th lvl units
+1 morale for 5th lvl units

morale bonus works with every 5th lvl unit i have, but -10% requirement doesn't work at all

Pip-Boy 08-24-2011 08:09 PM

@grimeleven Hey thanks for the tip.I`m now playing the mod though and I find it really fun, the increase in difficult it's notable (though I heard there is a mod for 750% stronger enemies) and the upgraded units are way more difficult to defeat,still I think there could be a balance when you lvl up and get the runes I know they`re meant to help in the harder battles but between them and the ones you find in the chests I think it's a bit overpowered (the magic crystals it's not a problem u eventually get to upgrade almost every important/must have spell in the game).I think that the chests should give a max of 3 runes and cut the bonus of runes when you lvl up to half,but that's my opinion. Still it`s a hell of a great mod :) .

grimeleven 08-24-2011 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Adanedhel (Post 326767)
This mod is great fun!
some minor bug i found:
(this one i cannot reproduce) I had stack of adult gobots at exp rank 3, after buying some more they went down back to lvl 1.

I just found ring of ancient kings:
-10% Leadership requirement for 5th lvl units
+1 morale for 5th lvl units

morale bonus works with every 5th lvl unit i have, but -10% requirement doesn't work at all

Ah thanks for the heads up on ancient ring, forgot to handle the new value "sp_lead_lvlfive"
here is the fix, insert into "special_params.txt"

sp_lead_lvlfive {
  params {

Tested and now all get -10%. I'll put it in next version

Fatt_Shade 08-24-2011 10:29 PM

Just add icedragon in list for last grimelevens update for -10% lds 5th lvl troops.
Question about lds bonus with lvlup of her, i tried some old save and on 34th lvl i got 648 lds. How did that happen? What did file you change to get this number for lds growth.

grimeleven 08-24-2011 10:33 PM

Saw it too fast before my edit, removed 1 added 1 :P

With a mage? then it should be "leadership=13" in hero.txt

pwnz0r 08-25-2011 10:47 PM

Sup ya'll. I haven't played the original red sands, neither CW. Last time I tackled this game was a year ago, an Armored Princess campaign on impossible. It just happens on a day I decide to play modded CW, red sands extreme comes out.

So I had to "cheese" through the beginning. My first failed attempt showed that you can't really afford to lose anything or you'll run out of gold before next weakest encounter. So, strong humans troops, especially with armor/steel armor/valor (paladins+knights+horsemen+inquisitors+fire mages) were way to go for flawless victories.

When about half the scarlet wind was cleared there's a need for stronger troops though. I had to kite a bit around bolo(scarlet wind acess + droid cave for amulet and treasure) then scarlet wind for bottle quest and chests and sitting at 35k gold at level 8 with almost no army.

Now the hardest decision lies in selecting a new army, given how much choice there is.

Fatt_Shade 08-26-2011 02:19 AM

How about this idea ppl : almost every unit in game have some item/skill to lower leadership requirement. So i thought to add beholder units to mage`s archmage class skill -10/17/25% lds to spell casting units. Since every beholder have some active spell, this could be way to get new units in red sands more usable.

Found miss in quick draw, and triger companion : add titan and asmodean in list of archer units there.

Pip-Boy 08-27-2011 08:05 PM

I think that's a good idea (especially for the sinister :P),also "Swap Souls" doesn't work eith the Dictators I've killed bandits,bears, all kind of living creatures and they don't drop the rage cluster.

zhaozhilong 08-28-2011 02:49 AM

How do you add the battle camera and the highlight for pickable objects in the minimap (like those star thing seen in the adv mod ?

Fatt_Shade 08-28-2011 04:14 AM

Found some weird things in files of this mod, so i ask WTF does they mean :
1) in skills.lua file this strings
function skill_rune_stone(name,level)
local bonus = skill_power(name,1,level-1)
local cur_might=Logic.hero_lu_item("rune_might","count")
local cur_magic=Logic.hero_lu_item("rune_magic","count")
Logic.hero_lu_item("rune_might","count",cur_might+ bonus)
Logic.hero_lu_item("rune_magic","count",cur_magic+ bonus)
This is description of old paladin runic stone skill from KB-TL, so i ask what it do here ?

2) function skill_archer(name,level)
local bonus = skill_power(name,1,level-1)
if level >1 then bonus=bonus-skill_power(name,1,level-2) end
local cur_archer=Logic.hero_lu_item("sp_lead_archer","co unt")
Logic.hero_lu_item("sp_lead_archer","count",bonus+ cur_archer)
I guess it`s suposed to lower lds requirements for archer units, but in skills.txt and eng_skills.lng it isnt mentioned, or given function for it. How to add this function in other 2 files connected to skills ?

3) function skill_archmage(name,level)
local bonus = skill_power(name,1,level-1)
if level >1 then bonus=bonus-skill_power(name,1,level-2) end
local cur_archer=Logic.hero_lu_item("sp_lead_archmage"," count")
Logic.hero_lu_item("sp_lead_archmage","count",bonu s+cur_archer)
It`s mage`s archemage skill, but it have string cur_archer ??? What should be there instead cur_archmage or something else ?

4) function skill_warrior(name,level)
local bonus = skill_power(name,1,level-1)
if level >1 then bonus=bonus-skill_power(name,1,level-2) end
local cur_lead=Logic.hero_lu_item("sp_lead_warrior","cou nt")
Logic.hero_lu_item("sp_lead_warrior","count",bonus +cur_lead)
Same as for archer skill, should this lower lds for warrior units listed in special_params.txt file ? And what skill is warrior anyway ?

grimeleven 08-28-2011 11:30 AM

Look in special_params.txt sp_lead_archer, used for couple units

2- Yes, a wild guess it's a copy/paste mistake from katauri lol

4- sp_lead_warrior is used for knight set and Red Sands item "general_cloack"

I checked the files from Armored princess and yes that mistake is in it "cur_archer".

Nice find Fatt, good eyes hehe. But yeah mostly skills unused, "skills.txt" contains "skill_archmage" so i guess from that you could re-activate those 2 other skills and make them work.

So btw all those lines comes from the retail AP expansion so all mods created from now got these mistakes in.

@zhaozhilong Look in logic.txt
boxradar= 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 --- Each difficulty modes would be 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Battle cam

Fatt_Shade 08-28-2011 01:56 PM

Had some problems with mod so i tried to change some files back to original settings, and run in this mistakes in skills.lua file.
Also i found tihs in skills.txt for learning skill it says :
learning {
levels {
1 { pars=+10%,+1,+5% }
2 { pars=+15%,+2,+7% }
3 { pars=+20%,+3,+10% }
+10/15/20% are bonus exp from battles it`s OK, +1/2/3 is bonus to intelect and it`s OK, but WTF is +5/7/10% bonus for ???? It`s not explained anywhere.
They rly left bunch of crap in this game from original The Legend. No wonder editor crash like crazy, poor thing doesn`t know what`s happening :-(

Pip-Boy 08-28-2011 03:13 PM

Those skills that lower the leadership for archers didn't even exist in KB:TL (unless it refers to an item) and they shouldn't appear in the editor,weird thing they do. Ejem also this is probably a bug from the original Legendary Units mod, but the Ice Ogre can use the ogre rage ability unlimited times (in the same turn) thus giving him a lot of attack and ap and no matter what if he uses any ability his turn won't end (the hunger skill is broken I suppose giving you the chance to use all the abilities in one turn).

Fatt_Shade 08-29-2011 01:46 AM

@Pip_boy Thx for info about iceogres, havent tried so far but good to know in fights against them :-) Some suggestions about fixing this ppl ?
I found similar problem with king harl unit. His abilities need to be changed a bit to work :
encouragement {
script_attack=kingharl_encouragement -delete kingharl, and type special instead

second_wind {
script_attack=kingharl_second_wind -same, delete kingharl and type special.
It`s a bit weird with them : cost 1200 (12000 should be right) , only 1300 lds but make 120-160 physical dmg. To high dmg for so low lds, 80-120 should be enough(same lower their dmg vs dragons 160-240 instead 240-320). And add them in morale.txt file to give +1moral to humans, just add them next to griffin2 in unit2race strings.
And new iceball is also to strong : 10gold cost(way too low, 400 better), physical res to high, 18-24 dmg for 3rd lvl unit to high also even half of that is to much, spikes also too high dmg for low lvl unit.

Found big miss in exp_system_cfg.txt need to add all new units to base string: harl, iceball, iceogre, maelstorm, legendaryphoenix, titan, dictator, sinister, fire/glas/venskeleton, celestial_snake, griffin_spirit, evil book. Place them in their categories :
light shooter - add fire/venskeleton, satyr(replace him from shooter class2lvl unit belong here)

shooter - gorguana_spirit (replace from heavy shooter 3rd lvl unit)

heavy shooter - what unit is spiritist ?

light trooper - glaskeleton, replace pirate_ghost to trooper class(3 lvl unit), add bear from trooper class(2nd lvl unit)

trooper - add dryad,griffin_spirit, bat, evil book , remove bear, unicorn and unicorn2 (4th lvl unit goes to elite trooper)

elite trooper - add orc_hunter,shaman,shaman_blood,bat2, snake_celestial , remove witch_hunter(move him to trooper 3rd lvl unit) undead_brontor move to heavy shooter class(no idea why but brontor is there so i guess it`s ok)

healer - add legendaryphoenix

battle mage - add sinister, gorguana_elder, beholder2, mistik, gorgon, evilbook

suporter - add sinister, legendaryphoenix, iceogre

highlvl - add harl, maelstorm, legendaryphoenix, titan, iceogre, dictator, sinister.

zini4_tha_grunt 08-29-2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 328107)
light shooter - add fire/venskeleton, satyr(replace him from shooter class2lvl unit belong here)

It didn't mentioned them to be shooter. It's a mage.

About other options:
the Exp.system is build in case to make creatures with summon abilities more profit in summoning, not very effective heavy warriors (like bears) to have more HP (so the're in heavy trooper group). Different groups provides different bonuses. I've spent a lot of time to craft this system and to balance it. So be cautious.
Some creatures added into several groups. It's made to give more variety and to allow them to get more randomized bonuses.

Fatt_Shade 08-29-2011 05:43 PM

Ok i thought units were placed in classes by lvl. But in this adaptation mod RSE i found couple stacks 12k sprites,or some other 1st lvl unit with 45Hp, 9inititative, 5speed so i got into checking what bonuse is at disposal to which unit.
As for satyr i think they need more initiative/res then hp to be able to heal ally before they all die. Hp will only make them more vunerable to burn/poison, and wont protect them from archdemon halfing/lightning ball kill% .

Lantisu10 08-29-2011 11:07 PM

I really like this mod so far. It's extremely hard though! Any tips on unit composition?

Right now I'm running:
Red Dragons
Black Dragons
Legendary Phoenix

All the units I'm running into now are lethal/invincible. :(

yujy 08-30-2011 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by Lantisu10 (Post 328364)
I really like this mod so far. It's extremely hard though! Any tips on unit composition?

Right now I'm running:
Red Dragons
Black Dragons
Legendary Phoenix

All the units I'm running into now are lethal/invincible. :(

Try using Maelstrom and only Maelstrom for fire, magic and physical attacks. Make sure he has 95% resistivity for the damage type the enemy units do. For poison damage use titans (very good with Maelstrom for physical and magic).
The other thing you must have is the lightning ball maxed out for yr. pet dragon.
Using this i cleared everything including Montero, Tekon, and Dersu (including boss fights). I played impossible mage.
Titans are good but i can't resurrect them using Ancient Phoenix, or Legendary Phoenix.
It helps having double cast for mage. At the later fights when 5k, 6k units are common you will take aroung 200 damage per hit even with 95% resistance, you will need to heal a lot (another thing about Titans you can't heal them - using spell 1 mana from spell book).
Forget about mana and rage items, put as many leadership reduction items on the hero. I got Mealstrom at 2450 leadership cost. Make sure you level yr. units to lvl 10 it will be a little to late after you clear out Verona (to many units to do solo - in order to lvl fast).

Fatt_Shade 08-30-2011 10:22 AM

@Lantisu10 Well you ask for advice but havent said what hero class you play. You could drop giants, and if there is any dragon bonus item in game go voice of dragon 3rd lvl green/red/black dragon, legendary phoenix and harl (alternative is bone dragon). I know he`ll get -moral from dragons, but he can second wind any unit and have 9 basic initiative so you almost every battle play first (spell/pet dragon).
If no dragon bonus then you could go all melle mash like shrek build but with mealstoms.
@yujy Maelstorms are good for mage, but great for warrior(counterstrike), double cast is nice for buff spells, but you just wont make enough dmg to semi solo maelstorm he need attack bonus from might skill tree. And how did you get them to 2450lds ? Only ancient ring lower their requirement -10% , from 3500 basic it`s not what you say.

yujy 08-30-2011 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 328478)
@yujy Maelstorms are good for mage, but great for warrior(counterstrike), double cast is nice for buff spells, but you just wont make enough dmg to semi solo maelstorm he need attack bonus from might skill tree. And how did you get them to 2450lds ? Only ancient ring lower their requirement -10% , from 3500 basic it`s not what you say.

Quite simple actually. I got commander's cape -10% requirement and knight set -20% requirements. I total -30% which adds up to -1050 leadership per unit. I actually got 2 commanders cape but i didn't use both (i could, but i used robe of the mages)
I didn't use them as damage troop, i used them as rage generators and because they have much HP and great survivability, easy to heal through healing spell, easy to resurrect with Ancient Phoenix . I used ball of lightning for most of the damage. I also used Legendary Phoenix and Titans with Malestrom against magical damage units (like upgrading items, getting the stone from dragon Stark/white dragon, i believe it was the sorrow stone)

At lvl42 leadership 20k+, 8 Maelstrom all skills researched (warrior, paladin, mage) they could handle anything. I did 10k damage on critical. They would get 120-130 attack and 200 defense. I also used the spell which adds fire damage (i forgot the name, maybe hell's breath) which would give me a damage of 200-250 per unit (without considering the difference between my attack and his defense and other bonuses). This kind of tactic would be impossible with warrior (no double casting)

Fatt_Shade 08-30-2011 03:09 PM

OK as i said double cast is neat skill, but if you played warrior before you`ll know that at 42lvl you have 40+Klds, and can bring 17+maelstorm with much higher basic att/def making 30K crit hits and with counterstrike skill, making him retaliate 4 times/round and this is also tactic impossible for mage. Every hero class have it`s perks, that`s why i asked Lantisu10 what class he play, and what item`s he have at disposal before i suggested some combinations to him.
And i just now figured out imba info for maelstorms lds, as you said 2 commander cloak upgraded makes -30% lds, and if you find ancient ring would get them to 2100lds/unit pretty sick :-)

yujy 08-30-2011 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 328559)
OK as i said double cast is neat skill, but if you played warrior before you`ll know that at 42lvl you have 40+Klds, and can bring 17+maelstorm with much higher basic att/def making 30K crit hits and with counterstrike skill, making him retaliate 4 times/round and this is also tactic impossible for mage. Every hero class have it`s perks, that`s why i asked Lantisu10 what class he play, and what item`s he have at disposal before i suggested some combinations to him.
And i just now figured out imba info for maelstorms lds, as you said 2 commander cloak upgraded makes -30% lds, and if you find ancient ring would get them to 2100lds/unit pretty sick :-)

I haven't played with warrior or paladin yet and i can't really say yes or no to yr. tactic. I will go warrior after i finish mage and will see.
The upgraded commanders cloak will only give the -10% leadership, in addition it will give leadership and morale bonus.

PS Another trick that can be done is to start the game using 5 Archmages (one in each slot) and mass use their magic shield (for the Guarding angel medal), after 500 uses (it can be done in 20 fights) you can get +10% protection from every damage.

Fatt_Shade 08-30-2011 05:39 PM

I know for archgmage exploit for medals(doable in 14 fights with 13 stone skin/fight with mage hero), but thx any some1 who doesn`t will see it here.
If you`r new to KB-AP/CW some more hints :
1) for trap medal take 4x1 inqusitor 5th unit some strong to kill enemy, and kill them on trap you cast, then revive 1by1, or 5x1 if you have strong asmodeo. Tehnicly you can do this all you want, if you have mana to cast ilusion on 1 inqusitor then kill him on trap, and revive with illusion. Trap is among strongest spells in game, 4th lvl medal can go up to 12-19k dmg +poison.
2) This is only for mage, and you need lots of rage, not rly usable but fun to see. Lvlup lightning ball enough to rest=1, then in fight cast it, then awaken dragon lightning-ball no2, awaken dragon-ball no3, in next round repeat :-D It could be done 1 more time if you have helmet with antena (+1ball strike). As i said not rly usable, but it`s funny to see 6+ lightning ball`s flying around.
3) This is for warrior, and you need 2 battle axe`s with drill (new assasion commpanion with 2 weapon slot is best), lead 3-4th lvl melee units paladin 1 of them. All will have +65%dmg, pretty sick :-)
4) . . . depending what hero you want to play, and what build you have in midn there is lots of possibilities, and that`s what make this game great. All we need is some multiplayer to compeet against other nonAI opponents :-)

Lantisu10 08-30-2011 09:59 PM

Wow--thanks for all the advice. I've been playing as a warrior; currently trying to clear out Verona.

I'll definitely give Maelstroms a go--they sound awesome. I've been trying to max out dragon dive and have been ignoring ball lightning (a bit mistake I guess?).

Also, I was wondering how to get to red sands? I got the quest in Scarlet Wind, it sent me to Rusty Anchor, and then to Verona. I think I am suppose to go to Montego next (where the dwarfs are), but I can't find anyone there.

Hmm..I wonder if should just start over with all the new advice. I can't even find a awaken dragon scroll in my game >_>

Fatt_Shade 08-31-2011 01:34 AM

Red sands is quest made by some sadists. First you get it in scarlet wind to take quest then loop goes something like bolo-uzala-montero/verona-uzala-bolo-nameless-elon-reha-redsands.
As for pet dragon dive it`s nice, but mid game (around montero/dersu) it gets almost useless for dmg, but you can get it to 52rage for all map dmg so not bad. Lightning ball is sickest combo in game with gorguana`s blood mark it can kill 95% stack. But considering mage`s double cast, with warrior`s supremacy in rage department mage win every time. But warrior isnt just about rage, but about high att/crit chanse :-) so use dragon for opeaning battle and then mana regen/chests because no mater how high pet dragon`s lvl he just wont make much dmg considering your units.
And no need to start new playthrough just check what items you have in that1, and plan your build considering it. Decide what companion you like, and take best units for him, for expl dont lead moro dark, and elf`s or triger with all dragon army :-)
Awaken dragon not found till verona, dont sweat, i happened to find it chests, or lying around on other islands. But also had game with no stone skin in it :-( So anything is possible.

zhaozhilong 09-01-2011 01:57 AM

I am around lv 15 and noted that the rune gain is a bit overdone. Probably by level 30 all skills will be maxed... Anyway to tweak it without having to restart ?

Also I am trying to get Adv mod's dragon voice to work here but unable to do so.. Anyone can have a look at this ?
(I have added celestial snake since I like this Royal Snake replacement,;) snakes are my favourite :)

dragon_voice {
levels {
1 {
fight {
filter {
unit=bear,bear2,bear_white,dragonfly_fire,dragonfl y_lake,graywolf,griffin,griffin2,hyena,snake,snake _green,snake_royal,unicorn,unicorn2,wolf,griffin_c ursed,snake_celestial

2 {
fight {
filter {
unit=bear,bear2,bear_white,dragonfly_fire,dragonfl y_lake,graywolf,griffin,griffin2,hyena,snake,snake _green,snake_royal,unicorn,unicorn2,wolf,griffin_c ursed,snake_celestial
filter {
unit=bear,bear2,bear_white,dragonfly_fire,dragonfl y_lake,graywolf,griffin,griffin2,hyena,snake,snake _green,snake_royal,unicorn,unicorn2,wolf,griffin_c ursed,snake_celestial
3 {
fight {
filter {
unit=bear,bear2,bear_white,dragonfly_fire,dragonfl y_lake,graywolf,griffin,griffin2,hyena,snake,snake _green,snake_royal,unicorn,unicorn2,wolf,bonedrago n,blackdragon,greendragon,reddragon,icedragon,grif fin_cursed,snake_celestial
filter {
unit=bear,bear2,bear_white,dragonfly_fire,dragonfl y_lake,graywolf,griffin,griffin2,hyena,snake,snake _green,snake_royal,unicorn,unicorn2,wolf,bonedrago n,blackdragon,greendragon,reddragon,icedragon,grif fin_cursed,snake_celestial
filter {
unit=bear,bear2,bear_white,dragonfly_fire,dragonfl y_lake,graywolf,griffin,griffin2,hyena,snake,snake _green,snake_royal,unicorn,unicorn2,wolf,bonedrago n,blackdragon,greendragon,reddragon,icedragon,grif fin_cursed,snake_celestial


Fatt_Shade 09-01-2011 02:45 AM

You need to change this part in every lvl of skills in skills.txt :
pars=+2,0,+4 , since it desribes what bonus units get here says +2 moral, 0 second bonus, +4 rage to hero but you placed +1initiative in string,
same in 3rd lvl you place pars=+2,+2,+6 for 2moral, 2some other bonus, 6rage, and in skill body you give 2moral,1initiative,1speed but it`s not match with your parameters.
Check localization/eng/other/eng_skills.lng there is explained what will say in hero window about skills and what parameter (pars= from skills.txt) goes where (pars=+2,0,+4 , first parameter is +2, second is 0, third is +4). Try to figure out how skills work in scripts/skills.lua
In eng_skills you need to match every parameter with it`s position in skills.txt file
Hope i havent confused you to much :-)

langtu87 09-01-2011 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 328672)
I know for archgmage exploit for medals(doable in 14 fights with 13 stone skin/fight with mage hero), but thx any some1 who doesn`t will see it here.
If you`r new to KB-AP/CW some more hints :
1) for trap medal take 4x1 inqusitor 5th unit some strong to kill enemy, and kill them on trap you cast, then revive 1by1, or 5x1 if you have strong asmodeo. Tehnicly you can do this all you want, if you have mana to cast ilusion on 1 inqusitor then kill him on trap, and revive with illusion. Trap is among strongest spells in game, 4th lvl medal can go up to 12-19k dmg +poison.
2) This is only for mage, and you need lots of rage, not rly usable but fun to see. Lvlup lightning ball enough to rest=1, then in fight cast it, then awaken dragon lightning-ball no2, awaken dragon-ball no3, in next round repeat :-D It could be done 1 more time if you have helmet with antena (+1ball strike). As i said not rly usable, but it`s funny to see 6+ lightning ball`s flying around.
3) This is for warrior, and you need 2 battle axe`s with drill (new assasion commpanion with 2 weapon slot is best), lead 3-4th lvl melee units paladin 1 of them. All will have +65%dmg, pretty sick :-)
4) . . . depending what hero you want to play, and what build you have in midn there is lots of possibilities, and that`s what make this game great. All we need is some multiplayer to compeet against other nonAI opponents :-)

how can you cast a illusion spell for 1 insquistor? The illusion only can be cast when the illusion stack >= 1. It mean if your spell can cast 50% stack. You only cast it when target stack have >=2 unit

Fatt_Shade 09-01-2011 05:48 PM

Yea sry, my bad. But 4x1 inquisitor +5th unit to draw enemy agro works no prob and with it you have at least 4trap killed units per battle. 4th traper medal done in less then 40 fights if you only kill your inquisitors, but if you get EGD and pull enemy on your traps could be done much faster. Debir-Scarlet and middle of Bolo guardian angel and trap medal 4th lvl`s are doable, and after that you`r left with mind numbing fire mage medal and it`s 1000000000 castings for meagre 25 mana :-) That`s why i changed it as i said on first page of this tread, about lowering enemy elm resistances.

zhaozhilong 09-02-2011 04:48 AM

Hi Fatt_Shade

Thanks. I just copy the whole portion from Adv Mode and now it works....

Still wondering about the +7 runes gain per level... where can we tweaked it ?

Also I was looking high and low to add poison attack to celestial snake... Anyone know where to do that

Thanks in advance;)

Fatt_Shade 09-02-2011 08:20 AM

Whel all about rune gain/lvl is in scripts/logic_hero.lua file , check it out and you`ll find 3 strings with description of rune/lvl i`m not sure which you want to remove original settings or this that grimeleven added in RSE mod.
As for poison dmg, iguess you thinking about +3dmg from royal snake ring. Go to sessions/red sands/config/items.txt and find royal_snake_ring and add there snake_celestial to string containing rest of snakes.
Also in same file find snake_boots and add celestial snakes to +1speed/inititative for them for that item.
Good luck :-)

Found this miss ppl, add in sessions/config/items.txt snake_celestial to snake boots and royal snake ring to bonuses for +1initiative/speed (boots) and +3poison dmg in ring
In sessions/config/companions.txt for glavk add snake_celestial for +5defense , +1moral.

Question : how to add bonus resistances form lvlup units to astral res. Guardian medal gives astral res to units, but not lvl`s when units lvlup in battles. I see physical/fire/magic/poison res when unit get new lvl with +res bonus, but not astral. Where to change this setting ?

grimeleven 09-02-2011 02:13 PM

Levelup.add( 0, "rune_might", might+5)
Levelup.add( 0, "rune_mind", mind+5)
Levelup.add( 0, "rune_magic", magic+5)

Poison dmg to unit, snake_celestial.atom edit file, change the X for min-max dmg

  moveattack {
    damage {

Astral res exp_system.lua add second line below the poison res

Attack.act_apply_res_spell( "poison", chp_res * expa_res_par, 0, 0, duration, false)
Attack.act_apply_res_spell( "astral", chp_res * expa_res_par, 0, 0, duration, false)

langtu87 09-02-2011 04:36 PM

jusp play it a bit.Well, I don't know it is a bug or your mod mechanics.
When hero level up, the rune add +5 more each type. (Usualy +3, +5,+2, in mod: +8, +10, +7)
In your description, it seem when hero level up, you will gain +5 each type

Fatt_Shade 09-02-2011 11:34 PM

@langtu87 Hm . . . i`m not sure to who you tell to play a bit ? grimeleven made this mod, and know how (almost)everything works.
@grimeleven Thx for astral res for units :-)

And something about exp for units ? I use magic shield with archmages and get some exp, then give them second wind with king harl ,and in when archmages act again i attack enemy and dont get any exp. Other time i do same but use telekinesis instead and get exp. I try other combinations and almost every time i get different results. Can any1 try this and report how it goes.
In solo asmodeo run he get exp for every attack/defense in turn because all enemy attack him as only unit. But other units in army seems not to have same exp system.

yujy 09-03-2011 12:32 PM

I was wandering if is possible to change the bonus to life from red sand XP system. From a static 5,10 bonus to 5%, therefore 10hp unit wont grow to 45 HP and major units basically won't benefit.

Fatt_Shade 09-03-2011 03:26 PM

Good idea yujy , since dmg gain is in %, hp should be done same way. And there ownt be 12k sprites with 46hp :-)
For changing go to sessions/re sands/exp_system/exp_system_cfg.txt file and try to make same to hp strings, as it`s for dmg.
damage_bonus=2 // in percents -- äë˙ âńĺăî äŕěŕćŕůĺăî
special_bonus=2 // in percents -- äë˙ ďđčçűâíűő ŕáčëîę
health_bonus=5 // abs -- őĺëöű
Dmg and special skill have bonus in %, while hp get absolute(abs) amount 5hp/lvl. Replace `abs` with `in percents` for health_bonus , and this should do it.

langtu87 09-03-2011 04:19 PM

I'm playing this mod. With 1 maelstrom + heal lev 3 spell+ resistant lev 3 spell, the mage hero can owner early and mid game. I think you should nerf maelstrom (can't heal or somethink...).

Fatt_Shade 09-03-2011 05:07 PM

Hm early/mid game with mage hero you can own with 1 maelstorm, and order magic 3lvl.
Question : how did you get runes and leadership to take 1 maelstorm with mage hero early game (yuo need at least 15th lvl to do that, which is around end rusty ancor early verona island.
Answer would be : you kited islands untill you got enough lvl`s to lead maelstorm and get runes to upgrade some skills you want. I`m not judgin(i did it also to test new units), just saying that in normal play you wont be able to do what you described. So why nerf some units for our choice to cheat ? Maelstorm doesn`t have 3500lds for no reason, it`s ment to lead small force of them. And just w8 untill you get to large enemy stacks with archdmeons in it, they`ll 100% have biger lds then your mage hero and halfing will kick your ass then 3rd lvl divine armor wont save you against them.
If you want to test your abilities go battles like it`s meant to : debir,scarlet,bolo . . . no kiting. Then you`ll see how hard this game rly is, when you clear first 3 islands, and didnt pick map for rusty/verona which is garded by 5 times larger enemy force then you lead and only way you can do itis to lose 80-90% of your army.
Try it out, and have fun :-)

langtu87 09-03-2011 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 330512)
Hm early/mid game with mage hero you can own with 1 maelstorm, and order magic 3lvl.
Question : how did you get runes and leadership to take 1 maelstorm with mage hero early game (yuo need at least 15th lvl to do that, which is around end rusty ancor early verona island.
Answer would be : you kited islands untill you got enough lvl`s to lead maelstorm and get runes to upgrade some skills you want. I`m not judgin(i did it also to test new units), just saying that in normal play you wont be able to do what you described. So why nerf some units for our choice to cheat ? Maelstorm doesn`t have 3500lds for no reason, it`s ment to lead small force of them. And just w8 untill you get to large enemy stacks with archdmeons in it, they`ll 100% have biger lds then your mage hero and halfing will kick your ass then 3rd lvl divine armor wont save you against them.
If you want to test your abilities go battles like it`s meant to : debir,scarlet,bolo . . . no kiting. Then you`ll see how hard this game rly is, when you clear first 3 islands, and didnt pick map for rusty/verona which is garded by 5 times larger enemy force then you lead and only way you can do itis to lose 80-90% of your army.
Try it out, and have fun :-)

I play impossible and I don't kiting. To get the map to rusty island, use 4 x 1 slot dryad and one ranger or monster dont retailaion.
I have a armor reduce -10% for knight.
With first 4 island + enough gold to buy item + leadership (beacuse of selling spell not reducing cost)
For the rune, the new mechanis ensure you can get 2,4 rune/ battle.
All of this, you can easily get maelstorm + lev 3 order.
With 1 maelstorm + lev 3 order + distordison, I won a battle againt 2x16 emeral dragon + 3x80 4th unit (> 100 rounds to win :cool:) at lev 10. So I think maelstorm is overpower.

Fatt_Shade 09-03-2011 06:54 PM

In this game nothing can supprise me anymore :-)
For runes my bad, this mod gives rly too much runes.
But for lds simple math tell us this : 10lvl mage have 100lds from start, 20for first stone, (2+3+...+9+10)x13=705 for lvling up, maybe 500from strategy medal, if you pick up on islands 200-300(no more on first islands banners give 10-40lds max), and if you took glory skill 3rd lvl that`s 750. It`s all 2400, you said you bought some lds items but you still need 1000lds to take 1 maelstrom.
I`m not saying impossible, but i never saw some item that gives more then 100lds on first couple islands. You might upgraded dress of mages/princess dress to get 1000lds you need for maelstrom, but for that you had to already have him in army because those items have 4x8000+hp towers.
If you have some early save from that game, pls share it seems you had nice item pick early in the game.
And where did you find 2x16EGD battle on 10th lvl ? I know RSE have 300% stronger enemy but that is just too much dragons so early in game.
Still first fight against archdemons no divine armor and heal wont help you against halfing.

Adanedhel 09-03-2011 07:43 PM

I've been using "army shop" mod with Red sands, but it doesn't work with Extreme. Are there some simple tweaks i can do to make it compatible again?

Fatt_Shade 09-03-2011 10:33 PM

Red sands extreme already have army shop in it, i think you should completly separate this mod (RSE), or unistal red sand then add RSE because old army shop mod you had will overlap with this addon,and maybe cause problems. If you have time read all posts here some ppl found couple mised things (add new units to item, or skill to effect them and such).
Just my thought, but anyway you need to start new game to changes here to take effect.

langtu87 09-04-2011 02:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 330539)
In this game nothing can supprise me anymore :-)
For runes my bad, this mod gives rly too much runes.
But for lds simple math tell us this : 10lvl mage have 100lds from start, 20for first stone, (2+3+...+9+10)x13=705 for lvling up, maybe 500from strategy medal, if you pick up on islands 200-300(no more on first islands banners give 10-40lds max), and if you took glory skill 3rd lvl that`s 750. It`s all 2400, you said you bought some lds items but you still need 1000lds to take 1 maelstrom.
I`m not saying impossible, but i never saw some item that gives more then 100lds on first couple islands. You might upgraded dress of mages/princess dress to get 1000lds you need for maelstrom, but for that you had to already have him in army because those items have 4x8000+hp towers.
If you have some early save from that game, pls share it seems you had nice item pick early in the game.
And where did you find 2x16EGD battle on 10th lvl ? I know RSE have 300% stronger enemy but that is just too much dragons so early in game.
Still first fight against archdemons no divine armor and heal wont help you against halfing.

with file save, you learn glory skill then hero have 3,3k lds.
For 2x16 EGD, you can go to 5th floor at tower in debir. Sorry about my mistake, it seem I start go to tower at lev 11 and when meet 2x16EGD, the hero at lev 15.
With armor =-10% lds, just 3150 lds is enough.

PS: after kill priate lev22 at scarlet island, I gain a ring -10% lds for 5th lev unit.

zhaozhilong 09-04-2011 03:38 AM

The battlecam works, but then I realised I wanted to have the camera function in Adv Mod during Adventure mode....

IS there another mod for this ?:grin:

zhaozhilong 09-04-2011 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by infernal1800 (Post 326391)
To Fatt_shade: The most important is you have to install the latest official version of game or Saboteur will crash no matter what you have fixed. I havent install this version yet so I cannot use Saboteur even addon_special_attack.lua was fixed.

Any other work around on this ? My version is 1.3 Build 6150 ?

Nerf the saboteur by replacing his skill with other skills ?

Otherwise if I want to just have a walkthru with RSE, I will just have to give it 1 HP so that it won't spoilt my game....:(

Adanedhel 09-04-2011 07:39 AM

@Fatt_Shade Thx for the tip. I tried to clean up installation but it didn't work, so i suppose, reinstall is what i need.

Edit: Still, it doesn't work for me:( After clean installation of red sand 1.3, and extreme, no army shop item in inventory.


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 330623)
some ppl found couple mised things (add new units to item, or skill to effect them and such).
Just my thought, but anyway you need to start new game to changes here to take effect.


Originally Posted by Adanedhel (Post 326767)
I just found ring of ancient kings:
-10% Leadership requirement for 5th lvl units
+1 morale for 5th lvl units
morale bonus works with every 5th lvl unit i have, but -10% requirement doesn't work at all

If you meant this i knew that somehow;PP

Fatt_Shade 09-04-2011 10:14 AM

@langtu87 Yea, sry i totally forgot about tower in debir island. Nice item rolls for early game 5th lvl :-)
Just checked your save, and you rly got lucky with items here :-) , not so much high int mage as for support mage build, thx for save.
@zhaozhilong For no prob game with orc saboteurs you must have 1,3,1 patch and fixed their bug in special_attacks.lua , any other way i dont know. Even if you get them to 1Hp you must kill them with AOE attacks, because if you hit them with direct attack like firebolt/any ranged unit it will still crash. So use dragon dive/fireball fire rain and such spells near them.
@Adanedhel Sry i meant you`ll have all race units on Debir island, mixed that with army shop item. My mistake here, sry again( you meant item that you can use to buy units you already have in your army right ?).
As for misses here are some, but you should read my other posts in this tread to see what i`ve found so far :
1)atoms - gorguana_spirit.txt change movetype=-2 to movetype=0
- maelstrom.txt in headhunter skill add runemage,ogre chieftain, harl (same units add to titan iron fist skill)
2) config - morale add sinister for +1 moral from black knight , add maelstrom to +1 moral from griffin2 , and next to griffin type harl so he also gives moral to humans because in his description says Regal, but he doesn`t give +1moral to humans.
3) config/companions - in triger for all 4lvl`s add titan and asmodeo for +crit% bonus since they both are archer units.
. . .
There are more, but since this mod was made by players ofc there is something missed. Ofc I dont judge just try to help to fix this things that may cause problems to other. Have fun with RSE :-)

Question ppl : is there pet.lua file in this mod ? Like bladeking77 made in his adventure mod, to separate pet dragons skills upgrades from rest of files ? I wanted to add more lvl`s to pet, because with this 300% stronger enemy he`ll get to max lvl very fast.

langtu87 09-04-2011 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 330752)
@langtu87 Yea, sry i totaly forgot about tower in debir island. Nice item rolls for early game 5th lvl :-)
Just checked your save, and you rly got lucky with items here :-) , not so much high int mage as for support mage build, thx for save.
@zhaozhilong For no prob game with orc saboteurs you must have 1,3,1 patch and fixed their bug in special_attacks.lua , nay other way i dont know. Even if you get them to 1Hp you must kill them with AOE attacks, because if you hit them with direct attack like firebolt/any ranged unit it will still crach. So use dragon dive/fireball fire rain and such spells near them.
@Adanedhel Sry i meant you`ll have all race units on Debir island, mixed that with army shop item. My mistake here, sry again( you meant item that you can use to buy units you already have in your army right ?).
As for misses here are some, but you should read my other posts in this tread to see what i`ve found so far :
1)atoms - gorguana_spirit.txt change movetype=-2 to movetype=0
- maelstrom.txt in headhunter skill add runemage,ogre chieftain, harl (same units add to titan iron fist skill)
2) config - morale add sinister and dictator for +1 moral form black knight , add maelstrom to +1 moral from griffin2 , and next to griffin type harl so he also gives moral to humans because in his description says Regal, but he doens give moral to humans.
3) config/companions - in triger for all 4lvl`s add titan and asmodeo for +crit% bonus since they both are archer units.
. . .
There are more, but since this mod was made by players ofc there is something missed. Ofc I dont judge just try to help to fix this things that may cause problems to other. Have fun with RSE :-)

Question ppl : is there pet.lua file in this mod ? Like bladeking77 made in his adventure mod, to separate pet dragons skills upgrades from rest of files ? I wanted to add more lvl`s to pet, because with tihs 300% stronger enemy he`ll get to max lvl very fast.

Well, I will stop use any lev 5 unit, that will make my game more interesting.
IMO, the mod should remove all 5th lev unit at first 4 island. (With 1xBK, Troll, EMD or any lev 5 will owner first 3 island, even with unit > 3,5k lds). If using 1 slot 5th lev, the dargon will lev up quickly.With maelstrom, after a battle you can gain 600-1k exp for dragon (maeltron one hit can get 20-25 rage) and I'm finish a quest to have ablity fly for hero easily. So I think with 5th lev like maelstrom, phoniex, titan; player can gain access after some diffculty quest and the price for them should be x10 (like maelstrom = 400k gold)

Fatt_Shade 09-04-2011 02:14 PM

Well langtu87 here`s what playing is all about. Why make game to give you 5th lvl units after first 4 islands if you can decide yourself not to use them untill verona :-) Problem fixed :-P It`s decision every player make him/herself to what kind of build want and go with it without kiting(cheating), and try to play as best possible.
I did no loss impossbile with and without kiting, and without any kind of scouting of elon/nameless/reha on 1st lvl hero it`s much-much-much harder. It just doesn`t seem ok to go on late game islands to pick up all treasure/lds banners/no fight quests if i`m 1 lvl hero.
I`m not blaming but in your save amulet of ilumination quest +250lds you did kiting, same goes for rusty ancor map. Trust me going 1 island at time with only units you have available is much more challenging.
For higher price for 5th lvl units warrior/paladin would get screwed big time because they can lead much larger army then mage and will have to buy them all. Mage on other hand can buy/call of collosus some 5th lvl`s and with sacrifice just replanish his army when needed(last game i wanted all dragon army with mage hero, had only 2 red dragon eggs and no other way to buy them, i finished game with 17 of them with sacrifice).
Try this idea (i`m doing it in game i already started) : warrior hero, all 4th lvl melee units, Kotor companion(new assassin after defeating him) and if you`r lucky 2 battle axe items, long spear (+2att +15%dmg to orcs) and drill. Units i picked : paladin,orc veteran,orc saboteur,assassin,knight. Mass haste is a must here, but what can you do no build is perfect :-) All units will have +65%dmg,orc`s +80%, assassin/saboteurs +85%, it`s like leading 70-75% bigger army. If you want go with Moldok companion kick assassins and take orc/orc hunter instead it`s also great game. Either way you have 26-35dmg paladins+second wind for some1, orc veterans with their scoulding skill 46-55 dmg :-)
If you dont want to lead paladins for resurection, take demon/executioner/dictator/archdemon/legendaryphoenix but here you`ll have lower dmg% bonus (battle axe wont work on 5th lvl units), but unlimited retaliations +demons default +30%dmg to units 1-4lvl will do hilarious amount on crit and demon have nice items(thong,bracelet fury,pandemonium mask,-lds% . . .)and easily to resurect now with phoenix.
I mentioned your mage will go support with lack of high int items on first 4 islands(maybe later will be better choice), but consider your couple maelstroms with double cast and their dmg output and same lvl warrior with counterstrike/frenzy skills and much higher att. Maelstorms will dish out high crit% per hit and 4 retaliations/turn.
Every build you think off will have some perks, but also some missed things, and that`s why this game is interesting every time you get some new idea for problems you encountered before :-D

yujy 09-04-2011 04:04 PM

Found a problem with paladin quest for extra skill (warriors of light something).
I've killed priest and inquisitor and nothing (in the quest log i got 0 kills).\

PS As for the % life bonus i'm still trying to figure it out. I can't really pinpoint the string were the static number turns into %. I'll keep trying and will see.

langtu87 09-04-2011 04:05 PM

I have a rune staff. The description show I can upgarde it by use rune. But I don't know how to do this. Any idea?

Fatt_Shade 09-04-2011 08:37 PM

@yujy Yea hp% isn`t simple as i thought would be, just changing abs hp bonus to in percents wont mean much, there is more to this. If you figure it out tell rest of us since this 45bonus hp to 1-2lvl units is just too much.
For paladin quest no idea, never play her, but i know mage and warrior works fine :-(
@langtu87 You need to carry staff in battles, after every battle oyu had rune staf in weapon slot there will be message `willingnes to invest rune xx%` when reach 100% you can place runes by choice might(R)/mind(G)/magic(B) and get different item. Check in config/items.txt which option would be best for you because there is many only 1 rune, or 2 or 3 and different combination (all in all 20 combinations) mean different bonus.
And in your save file you posted hod did you take 3rd lvl absolute balance, without glory/power of spirit/adrenalin/diplomacy ?
Your config/skills.txt file is f...d up, this is how it`s supposed to look like :
equilibrium {
levels {
1 {
2 {
3 {
Found couple of more misses : in exp_system/exp_system_cfg.txt for healer class add monstera,legendaryphoenix

yujy 09-05-2011 11:03 AM

I believe this is the formula for the % in damage and healing bonus (also is in %)

parameter = math.ceil(parameter*(1+expa_bonus/100))

There a 2 functions at the end of exp_system.lua (where the a.m. formula is used). Unfortunately i don't know how to create a function for health, not that it will stop me from trying.
I will make a couple of versions and will try them when i arrive home.

PS If someone wants to give it a try use the Notepad++ much easier to spot the formula and key words.

langtu87 09-05-2011 01:20 PM

@Shade thank you for your help. Yesterday, I test with a battle suppress item and It not gain % so I think something config wrong. Hower, I just test with normal battle and it gain 4%.
about your question "hod did you take 3rd lvl absolute balance, without glory/power of spirit/adrenalin/diplomacy ?" I don't know what do you men.

Fatt_Shade 09-05-2011 02:12 PM

@langtu87 What 4% ? You suppresed what item, and gain 4& of hwat ?
As for my question, load your save file Debir(45) you shared on last page, in mind skill tree you already have 3rd lvl Absolute balance skill, which requires diplomacy, adrenalin, power of spirit and glory, and you didnt have any of those skills. First post this page is correct way for that skill in config/skills.txt , your version is borken.

langtu87 09-05-2011 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 331071)
@langtu87 What 4% ? You suppresed what item, and gain 4& of hwat ?
As for my question, load your save file Debir(45) you shared on last page, in mind skill tree you already have 3rd lvl Absolute balance skill, which requires diplomacy, adrenalin, power of spirit and glory, and you didnt have any of those skills. First post this page is correct way for that skill in config/skills.txt , your version is borken.

Absolute balance require neat, bonus exp, gold branh; so may be your version is diffrent.
4% it what rune staff gain after hero win a normal battle. With suppress item battle, rune staff don't gain anythink.

Fatt_Shade 09-05-2011 07:27 PM

Hm . . . No this is official red sands skills.txt file
equilibrium {

Possition 1,4 =middle column, 4th place from top, deps =what skills you need to upgrade it here it`s neatness + diplomacy, your file is changed.
Runic staff i havent got to 100% saturation but i thought it will be some options to insert runes in it when it happen`s. Dont know what to do, maybe some1 else managed to upgrade it ?

Question grimeleven, or any1 else, in exp_system_cfg.txt first string is for exp units need to gain new lvl. What is second string for ?
chp_expa_limits=10,10,15,15,20,20,25,25,30,30 ???
Is this max exp unit can get per turn? And if it is, how can i remove it, because for humans it sucks with their fighting spirit, and when you use harl second wind it`s gets useless because any unit already acted wont get exp if already maxed out exp in that turn.
I ask because i want to add more lvl`s to them. I got to dersu island and already have all units on max lvl(4th lvl melee build), and if this formula yujy made for hp/dmg% bonus works i`ll add higher cap for dmg/crit/res/hp. Att/def/speed/initiative is enough now because att/def bonus have max value by default (+60att over enemy def is 300% dmg and cant go higher), so i wanted to add bonus to stats that can make some difference in higher 10+ lvl`s. Hero max lvl is 60+, pet dragon 60, asmodeo . . . no1 knows actually :-P, so i wanted to change unit lvl max.
And does any1 know where can i add more lvl`s for pet dragon also ? In adventure mod it was all nice packed in pet.lua file and i add 2 more lvl`s for every dragon skill. Here i have no idea where to look, since dragon skills are in couple files, and nowhere can i find description for his lvlup`s (more dmg/rage/rest etc per lvl upgrade).

Fatt_Shade 09-06-2011 12:41 PM

As for not gaining 4% for runic staff when supressing items, it`s same tihng as for other items thet have counters - sword(+10might runes), baner(+10mind runes) or amulet(+10magic runes), ring(+3int) if you carry them in supresing item fight their counter wont go lower after it no idea why. Those fights are counted for no loss medal, and all spell casted/rage used also is counted, but not item thet need certan number of fights to give you some bonus.
Where in files is string for +1mana/rage after evey hero`s lvlup ? I wanted to check something there but cant find it.

yujy 09-06-2011 10:33 PM

Question, does anyone knows were the item description is? (per example itm_medal_headhunter_1_name and so on).

All i got in the eng_items is this;

itm_medal_headhunter_1_hint=^?^[ medal]
(for the example i wrote earlier).

I made several changes to the medals to make all classes more fun to play. In that regard i changed the paladins +dmg from paladins, inquisitor and priest to all human (here i want to change the description to say that is all human).
The other change i made to the orc killer medal at mage. I added a lot of intelligence(30+ for medal 5) and also bonus damage to all mage type units (the same as special skill from mage with the -leadership%)

Fatt_Shade 09-07-2011 12:53 AM

Description for medals is eng_rewards.lng file, in localization/eng/other , there you can change anything you want.
For paladin medal you should change in holy knight medal lvl`s like this :

  fight {
      filter {
      filter {
      filter {

This is only 1st lvl, do same for rest, but change bonus dmg to 25,30,35 or what ever you want. Humans are overpowered since they got fighting spirit, i wouldn add even more dmg to them, but this is how it`s done.
In eng_rewards you need to change also description to :
reward_holy_knight_1=+20% Damage of humans, and for 2,3,4th lvl also.

I also changed fire mage medal as i said on first page of this tread, but i dont get what you did ? Added +30 intellect on 4th lvl medal or what ??? If you did this it`s to much :-(
I found miss in items.txt :
1)for sling_ item add titan in units for bonus crit%
2) add snake_celestial for great druid staff,hunter_armor, hunter_boots
3) add maelstrom for virgin set
4) fireskeleton, venskeleton for set_krit, thunder musket, arbator, fire crossbow, yew bow, master bow
5) add ritualist to horseman_gloves
For upgrading runic staff be very carefull ppl when deciding what item you want, when you reach 100% to upgrade it you can place only 1 rune, then oyu need to fight 10-15 more battles before placing another rune and 10-15 battles more for third. If you place wrong rune i think it can`t be reversed, but to start all over again. Really bad item management, so be careful when doing this.
And question : did any1 try ot make composite item ? Like belt of victor/gloves of destroyer. . . ? I wanted to make new item made of simple +exp% items shark tooth/memoirs/magnifying glass maybe some other, but idea is to have 1item for bonus epx after battle, and leave other slots for something more useful. Before i played high lvl run and had bunch of crappy +exp% items, so i thought to make new item composed of this item type Changing existing item isn`t problem, but making new1 is a bit tricky, any suggestions ?

zhaozhilong 09-07-2011 01:07 AM

Hi Fatt_Shade

Grimeleven earlier responded this...which I duly changed to +2 to make it more balance :)

Originally Posted by grimeleven (Post 329992)
Levelup.add( 0, "rune_might", might+5)
Levelup.add( 0, "rune_mind", mind+5)
Levelup.add( 0, "rune_magic", magic+5)

Anyhow, the file is in
C:\Other Application\Trial\Kings Bounty Armored Princess\sessions\red_sands\red_sands_ses\scripts\ logic_hero.lua

and should be under this part

Levelup.add( 0, "rune_might", might+2)
Levelup.add( 0, "rune_mind", mind+2)
Levelup.add( 0, "rune_magic", magic+2)
local cur_rage=Logic.hero_lu_item("rage","limit")
local cur_mana=Logic.hero_lu_item("mana","limit")
-- add items to left button

if level < 51 then
Levelup.add( 0, "leadership", leadership*(level))
Levelup.add( 0, "leadership", leadership*25)
return false

yujy 09-07-2011 11:33 AM

I already did the modifications, i just wanted to know where were the hint texts are so that i can change them. As for 30 intelligence is for lvl5 of medal. I will do some tests and will see if is overpowered (take in consideration that mage has low leadership, it's only power is spells, therefore i added a lot of intelligence.)
As for human damage for paladin is up to 50% bonus at lvl5 medal (which will be the same damage as a warrior which has 50% more leadership). Also human is very weak against poison,fire and magic (as a whole race) and i added the bonus to make an entire human lineup an option (until now it could only be affective against physical damage).
The way thing are know you can use only a handful of units (because of the 300% bonus). I want mage to go for a full mage setup with high numbers and damage.

Fatt_Shade 09-07-2011 12:47 PM

+30int IS overpowered, i did consider mage`s lower lds but his strength isn`t in number of army but in double cast : shroud+fire rain, illusion+illusion, 2xShoal of piranha, mass slow/haste+black hole/death star . . . With 70 int mage black hole make 20K astral dmg to all on battle field.
I`m sorry but i cant agree with that much change to hero. I did change fire mage to +10% to elemental dmg (magic,fire,poison,astral), but +30 int is just to much.
Humans are great in physical/magic dmg but their great feat is moral, and easily resurrected. Also if you take warrior/counterstrike it hilarious to cast stone skin on horseman and kick him in middle of enemy units. Race as itself isnt great, but isn`t weak either.
If you want to make mage setup with high numbers and dmg, then give him x30lds multiplayer , and he`ll have more lds then warrior, more int with your +30 bonus and will be just uninteresting to play with.
I had some ideas to change things in game, but something in area :
1) making items upgradeable so some of them will be useful later in game, not just discarded after we find first better, and making some new composite item of simple 1-2lvl items but useful during game. So far we collected items we dont use to destroy them with neatness for magic crystals, now there will be other options.
2) making some new spells -holy rage(as inquisitor skill) , lower enemy resistances (like goblin shamans passive ability), bonus poison dmg (like hell breath) , human/dwarf/elf/lizard/undead slayer (why to make bonus dmg to dragons/demons only, lets treat all races equally)
3) bladeking gave me great idea here , 9th post on page :
Why only mage have bonus not restricted. His int can go to 200 and still will get more dmg, att/def are restricted to 300% bonus/reduction, but bladeking try to make my idea work and it`s great.
4) Also here is something interesting , crit% working on special attack/spells.

Why i said this? Because you claim only handful units are useful in game because 300% bonus limit. I wouldnt agree , try warrior build with orcs , or melee shrek build, all dragon army with mage , 4th melee units +65% dmg as i mentioned on this tread bottom 8th page, 100crit% archer army with human+elf or orcs , girl power army , now that legendary phoenix can resurrect demons and new dictator 5thlvl unit pick them and go wild . . . There are lots of great unit builds and they arent limited just on mage hero. This changed RSE mod is harder as grimeleven said on start but to play it no need to strenghten mage in your files, just try other units and see what goes and, there is lots of them on debir island. No1 said we must play impossible settings.

I must agree with langtu on his remark maelstroms are overpowered, i have them on 178att/196def , 65%crit , 150-194mdg, it`s just not funny in battles :-( Even black knights were interesting to play then this insane unit.

yujy 09-07-2011 02:21 PM

I understand yr. point of view, i really do. That's why i lowered the leadership for mage. The intelligence is not that high because at the end you will have 60-70 int, the thing is you wont have to use only int+ items. And few will get the 5th medal for mage, most will have the 4th medal with 20 intelligence. And for the 20k damage from black hole, i did 10k damage with 6 or 8 maelstrom with mage lvl40+. The warrior class can have 15+ maelstroms by the same time with + 3 retaliation (that ends up with 20k dmg with 1 attack possible and 3 retaliations, and they can hit up to 3 targets, which is mostly the case).
My fault for misleading you (about the few units playable), i was referring to the mage class. There are also several builds here, i tried black knight and got bored of it after like 10 fights, and the other builds mostly refer to solo/1 troop army. I want to use 5 mage type units (they will be similar with archer build but lower dmg)
Another thing i wanted to make possible is a mass resurrect spell for paladin (and only for paladin class) something when you hit resurrection lvl 3 skill (i want to buff up this class to, to make it more playable) but not as powerful as lvl 3 resurection (in the area of lvl2) . Probably i will drop the 50% dmg bonus for humans and will make them for all lvl 1-3 units + paladins.

langtu87 09-07-2011 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by yujy (Post 332608)
I understand yr. point of view, i really do. That's why i lowered the leadership for mage. The intelligence is not that high because at the end you will have 60-70 int, the thing is you wont have to use only int+ items. And few will get the 5th medal for mage, most will have the 4th medal with 20 intelligence. And for the 20k damage from black hole, i did 10k damage with 6 or 8 maelstrom with mage lvl40+. The warrior class can have 15+ maelstroms by the same time with + 3 retaliation (that ends up with 20k dmg with 1 attack possible and 3 retaliations, and they can hit up to 3 targets, which is mostly the case).
My fault for misleading you (about the few units playable), i was referring to the mage class. There are also several builds here, i tried black knight and got bored of it after like 10 fights, and the other builds mostly refer to solo/1 troop army. I want to use 5 mage type units (they will be similar with archer build but lower dmg)
Another thing i wanted to make possible is a mass resurrect spell for paladin (and only for paladin class) something when you hit resurrection lvl 3 skill (i want to buff up this class to, to make it more playable) but not as powerful as lvl 3 resurection (in the area of lvl2) . Probably i will drop the 50% dmg bonus for humans and will make them for all lvl 1-3 units + paladins.

I think the strong point of mage is double cast.
The damgage dealer is lighning ball.
Then dragon toy + item gain dmg for lighting + double cast + wake dragon spell -> in late game, I don't even use any damge spell.
So your idea gain int for mage is really good.

Fatt_Shade 09-08-2011 09:53 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I still cant agree with so high int bonus, but it`s your call.
As for lightning ball only dmg dealer . . .hm , what you do against draogn stacks and 80-90% magic res ? There you need plague/death star/black hole/piranha shoal , or some other physical/astral dmg spell.

I attached here fixed items.txt eng_items.lng and special_params.txt for those who want to dl. I added all new units (legendaryphoenix, maelstrom, harl ... to item/sets/params etc). I changed some item description in eng_items.lng but all items are same as in original red sands, just added new units for bonus (fireskeleton, venskeleton for bow items . . .).Also i added lizardead race since it`s forgotten in red sands to add them to item bonus.
Place items.txt special_params.txt in config folder, eng_items.lng in localization/eng/other.

Question : Any idea how to make composite item ?
In config/items.txt i copy item from winner_belt but changed to values,stats of my item, in items that make this new item i added usable in propbits next to item type, and i copy usec=020000000. . . string, from items that make winner belt.
In localization/eng/other/eng_items.lng i added new item same way winner belt is, and in it`s components added :
<br> [sys]Special: [d]a fragment of the artefact known as the [b]''[/s].
I have all 3 item that make new, but i cant `use` them.
Help some1
Other problem is with upgradeable old items, i added lvl`s to some old weak items and make them usable later in game, and it works great. I have those items also can upgrade them, and get new lvl`ed item with bonus but item picture is blank only white space(attached screen). It exist in inventory and gives bonus to my units but it have no picture. In items.txt for that new upgraded item i set some 52x52 picture i dl from net and it wont work. If i change image=heroitem_... to something other then my png file that is already in game it works fine. But i would like to make different item from those already in game. What else i need to change for my items to be shown in hero`s inventory?

Any hint as to where to find pet dragons lvlup information ? I wanted to add more lvls to him.

langtu87 09-08-2011 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Fatt_Shade (Post 333111)
I still cant agree with so high int bonus, but it`s your call.
As for lightning ball only dmg dealer . . .hm , what you do against draogn stacks and 80-90% magic res ? There you need plague/death star/black hole/piranha shoal , or some other physical/astral dmg spell.

I attached here fixed items.txt eng_items.lng and special_params.txt for those who want to dl. I added all new units (legendaryphoenix, maelstrom, harl ... to item/sets/params etc). I changed some item description in eng_items.lng but all items are same as in original red sands, just added new units for bonus (fireskeleton, venskeleton for bow items . . .).Also i added lizardead race since it`s forgotten in red sands to add them to item bonus.
Place items.txt special_params.txt in config folder, eng_items.lng in localization/eng/other.

Question : Any idea how to make composite item ?
In config/items.txt i copy item from winner_belt but changed to values,stats of my item, in items that make this new item i added usable in propbits next to item type, and i copy usec=020000000. . . string, from items that make winner belt.
In localization/eng/other/eng_items.lng i added new item same way winner belt is, and in it`s components added :
<br> [sys]Special: [d]a fragment of the artefact known as the [b]''[/s].
I have all 3 item that make new, but i cant `use` them.
Help some1
Other problem is with upgradeable old items, i added lvl`s to some old weak items and make them usable later in game, and it works great. I have those items also can upgrade them, and get new lvl`ed item with bonuse but item picture is blank only white space. It exsist in invertory and gives bonus to my units but it have no picture. In items.txt for thet new upgraded item i set some 52x52 picture i dl from net and it wont work. If i change image=heroitem_... to something other then my png file that is already in game it works fine. But i would like to make different item from those already in game. What else i need to change for my items to be shown in hero`s invertory?

lighing ball is not magic damage. :cool:

Fatt_Shade 09-08-2011 02:09 PM

Hm . . . no, it`s magic dmg :

ball {
    upgrade {

If you want to have fun, try killing dragons with it.

Any way i think red sands dev crew, and some of our fellow moders are on vacation because no1`s sending any kind of suggestions about implementing new item in game what got me stuck(among other things).

langtu87 09-08-2011 02:28 PM

the resurrection ability of inquistor don't working.
I'm reinstall KBCW and redsand but it doesn't work.
Any suggestion?

Rudi 09-08-2011 06:17 PM

Request for % hp bonus change
I'd like to repeat yujys' request for a tweak to exp_system.lua (unfortunately changing "abs" to "in percent" in exp_system_cfg doesn't work),
as I'm a noob when it comes to lua scripting i don't know how to write/modify
the appropriate function but I'm pretty sure some modding guru will be able to do it in a blink

P.S. thanks to the Red Sands team for their excellent mod and to grimeleven for RSE

yujy 09-08-2011 08:07 PM

@Fat shade

What items did you change earlier? I copied the new files and now i couldn't load my previews save. I started a new campaign (to see if it works) and works fine. Therefore i believe there is an error in the items.txt or eng_items (an error with one of my items i have on me).


I'm still trying to do that, but i don't know which parameter to use to indicate the HP of the unit.
I tried hitpoint(like is written in the units files), health and several others. For damage, for example, they use dam_min and dam_max.I will let everyone know if make a breakthrough. I'm also a noob about editing but if you really want something you have to try to modify the game as it fits you. Fad Shade for example has different ideas on how to augment the, so call, weaker classes but that only refers to the way he plays the game, while i have different styles and desires for my play through. All i'm saying is to give it a try who knows.

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