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Hero 01-19-2010 09:23 AM

IL-2 Birds of Prey Sequel Wishlist
What do you wish they add in the sequel?

Here is my wishlist:

1. More airplanes + cockpits
2. Freeflight multiplayer mode + coloured smoke trails
3. Joinable multiplayer games
4. Option to turn of annoying stall warning text
5. More realistic physics and weather effects, wind etc
6. Bombsight
8. Co-op multiplayer missions
9. Customize skins
10. Turn on or off engine
11. Carrier takeoff and landing
12. More camera views flyby + Replay
13. Smarter AI

Rosemeyer78 01-19-2010 10:43 AM

1. More airplanes + cockpits
2. Freeflight multiplayer mode
3. Joinable multiplayer games
10. Turn on or off engine
12. More camera views flyby + Replay

AV 1611 01-20-2010 12:22 AM

I will be thrilled to see: "FLY-BY" camera view & Engine ON/OFF!

Thanks for the thread Hero!

gbtstr 01-20-2010 01:43 AM

1. Every flyable plane has a cockpit.
2. Accurate bombsights for bombers.
3. Flaps in realistic mode.
4. Replay/flyby camera.
5. Reworked/improved aircraft flight dynamics to better reflect accurate performance (all aircraft). Russian aircraft are (not necessarily) indeed the greatest!
6. Carrier Ops/Pacific Theater.
7. More detailed single/free mission options. For example, one should be able to set up a 4 Bf-109 vs 4 Spitfire single player match (3 AI wingmen, 4 AI enemies).
8. More planes.
9. More loadout/ordnance options. (109's can carry bombs, tanks, etc.)
10. Ordnance should not have to be unlocked for each plane.
11. Aircraft unlocks should not be required, or should be drastically less ridiculous (as in post-patch - as an xbox user, I don't know if that helped much).
12. Reduce the blinding glare on the windscreen so you can see through it in order to shoot stuff.

kozzm0 01-20-2010 05:18 AM

Realistic combat instead of the centipede-of-death called dogfight mode and the crazy ground-level melee called team battle.

Of course you don't have to instantly sacrifice all speed and altitude, but then someone else will get 10 kills and 15 deaths and win the match against your 3 and 0. Which is the biggest DAMN SHAME of all in BOP.

Sorry but if you get more deaths than kills you LOSE, and if everyone does, then EVERYONE loses.

The way to fix it is simple: a death is -5 points, whether someone gets a kill for it or not.

To fix it even better, the model for plane's climbing ability has to be reworked. In BOP almost all the planes (talking sim mode here) can just pick a crazy angle and keep climbing, climbing climbing on WEP. When that's combined with the near invisibility of enemy planes below you, due to the limits of HD resolution, altitude turns into a disadvantage which is ridiculous. The mc202 and hurricane are about the only planes that climb realistically.

Finally, if the graphics of planes showing up and what they look like can be fixed, the map screen should at most show friendly planes. They didn't have onboard radar. Showing the enemy on the map removes a huge portion of real air combat tactics. What's the use of diving out of the sun when your target already sees a nice red dot in the exact direction.

STINGERSIX78 01-20-2010 07:47 AM

more different ground targets (bridges, tanks, infanterie ^^)

jamming guns and possibilty to fix

more host options (cockpit view only)

more maps

coop campaign

possibilty to rearm (field runways in friendly frontlines)

realistic scenarios in mp. start,search,fight,land (sim-games)

Swagger7 01-21-2010 08:40 PM

Co-op campaign & training mode

MUCH more detailed training mode (ie 4 spit IXs & 6 P-51Ds vs 12 Me109Fs & 10 He111s)

Enemies less likely to run into each other or the ground in training mode

Pacific Theater would be cool.

Cockpits for all aircraft. (If really necessary, just recycle the same one over & over for the more exotic aircraft)

A mode that includes external view & icons over enemy planes but has sim mechanics & no lock-on.

Historic MP missions:
(A bomber escort MP mission where the attackers have to shoot down AI controlled bombers while the defenders protect them, etc)

The option to have extra ammo in training/MP (ie 2x, 3x or 5x). That way you don't run dry as fast but people won't just spray all over the sky trying to get hits.

Customizable skins if possible. Otherwise, multiple skins to chose from per aircraft.

An MP mode where every pilot starts off with 3 AI controlled wingmen. Kills against human players would count for more of course.

Co-op MP where all the human players shoot down unending waves of AI fighters. Whoever gets the most kills is the winner.

Joinable MP

Host switching if the host leaves or is causing epic lag.

Option to restrict certain matches to players with low lag only.

All planes can be unlocked in single player or online (two ways for each plane)

More Italian planes (if Italy is included)

Wow. I'd intended to only put a few things on here but I just kept thinking of more. Needless to say I'll be happy if only 1/2 these actually happen. Detailed training mode, cockpits & a sim mode with icons & external view are the most important to me, however.

EDIT: I forgot to list Co-op campaign & training a one of my important ones.

STINGERSIX78 01-21-2010 11:59 PM

EDIT: I forgot to list Co-op campaign & training a one of my important ones.


trk29 01-22-2010 06:38 AM

This thread deserves a sticky :-P

Swagger7 01-23-2010 06:39 AM

It took me 5 minutes to find this thread again. I had no idea someone would sticky it! LOL!

I thought of another suggestion for the sequel:

What if you add in those early remote guided bombs into a mission? (the US used them to blow up railway tracks in Japanese occupied China) That could be cool.

Mage_016 01-23-2010 06:44 AM

Human crews in bombers.

the_somme 01-23-2010 10:31 AM

i agree with pretty much everything already mentioned. most important for me would be more customization in multiplayer. for example deciding if there are are takeoffs and landings, axis vs allies only etc.

juz1 01-23-2010 10:37 PM

If anyone has ANY business sense...3 things.

1) Fix the online multiplayer...allow players to wait for lobbys, or even jump in to free for all games/ games without balanced teams. Make finding a game easy and above all quick!

2) MUST include pacific theatre- The large American and Japanese markets need to be appealed to ...that is include decent yank and jap planes, not just uber powerful Russian ones...Unfair models just disaffect players...

3) Don't rush the release (to get it out in front of mw2?). Give us a properly finished product next time. Saying flightsticks are supported and then not giving us brakes was bloody cheeky.

blacksungregg 01-25-2010 06:20 PM

1. Ability to have extra crew member(s) in your bomber for gunner support in MP.

2. Pacific campaign with the P-40 Warhawk and P-38!

3. Ability for gaining reload of ammo by landing.

4. Completely mappable controls.

5. Have the P-51 Mustang ALOT more flyable.

6. Have more options available for realistic mode. Like flaps.

7. Joinable games in MP.

8. Cockpits designed for all planes.

9. Bombsite (physical) for cockpit view.

10. Better radio chatter that isn't as damn repetitive and that actually makes sense and not so random.

11. A higher in depth squad menu.

12. co-op campaign.

Besides all that 1c, you have a great game engine. Just needs tweaking on the user side.

Panzergranate 01-27-2010 03:22 PM

The Finnish Airforce.....

For the fighters:

Fokker D-21
Brewster Buffalo (The reliable version the Fins had)
Curtis P-36 Hawk.
Bristol Bulldog
Finnish built J8-A (Gloster Gladiator)
Finnish Built Humu (Buffalo copy with wooden wings, Russian I-16 engine)

Finnish Built Blenhiem IV
Blackburn Rippon
Bristol Fighter
Fokker bi-plane divebomber
The DC-2 (they only had the one transport plane!!)


Bf-110 G2 with upgradeable weapons options (2 x 30mm. and 1 x 37mm. FlaK)
Do-17 Z
Fairey Battle
Blenhiem II fighter (BoB)

And for all those players who prefer to fight in DF and TB with tail guns.....

Boulton-Paul Defiant

Mage_016 01-28-2010 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Panzergranate (Post 139781)
Finnish Built Humu (Buffalo copy with wooden wings

Did that plane ever take a part in compat. Prototype was ready in august 1944 and had only 20 hours of air time at all.

Panzergranate 01-28-2010 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mage_016 (Post 139941)
Did that plane ever take a part in compat. Prototype was ready in august 1944 and had only 20 hours of air time at all.

Maybe involved in a few trial sorties.

Only 3 were built and only one survives.

The design was mainly flawed by the choice of powerplant. The 950 HP I-16 engine was a poor substitute for the 1,200 Wright Whirlwind in the B-239.

The Humu struggled to make 300 MPH, though most Soviet fighters were equally underpowered during that time as well.

It would be fun to fly though.

I was disapointed that the Fokker D-XXI wasn't included in IL-2 "Forgotten Battles", bearing in mind that it made up the bulk of the Finnish fighter forces, with the Finnish J8-A Gloster Gladiator clone in second place. The 42 Brewster B-239 Buffaloes were the third most numerous fighter and scored the majority of fighter kills from 1941 to 1944, proving to be superiour in dogfights than even the Yak's and La's.

Finland's last kill of the war was by a B-239 Buffalo when it downed a German Ju-87 Stuka in 1944 after Finland changed sides.

incaliber45 02-03-2010 07:46 PM

il -2 sequel wishlist
customizable noseart and unit colors on aircraft
i would lovetosee this game in the pacific theater

zombiekilla666 02-07-2010 02:21 AM

how about actually lookin down the sight of the guns on bombers

haitch40 02-07-2010 09:13 AM

il be happy if it includes the full pacific campaign and there one mission where your on an AA gun instead of a plane.

also a sink the carrier multiplayer mode would be good

Roast 02-09-2010 09:19 PM

1. Some more campaigns and maps like Poland 1944, Hungary 1944-45
2. I want a flyable P-39 :!:
3. If a Pacific/Asian campaign would be added, a China-Japan scenario would be nice

Hmm, can't think of anything else right now ..


dkwookie 02-13-2010 01:49 PM

I put this in another thread but i would like to get it on the stickied one

I want a full strike mode with transport planes that allow you to drop paratroopers on targets to capture. Once they hit the deck they secure the site and a ticket total is established. This total can be reduced by oposition by either bombing or dropping their own paras on the target. I would also like to see moving ground targets in online strike. Tanks, trains etc. Ideally these ground targets would be fighting each other and our aerial actions are there to influence the swing in the battle

+1 for the human bomber crews too. Even if it's just two players, one pilot and the other as gunner.

Also I want a race option!

BRIGGBOY 02-13-2010 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by dkwookie (Post 143378)
I put this in another thread but i would like to get it on the stickied one

I want a full strike mode with transport planes that allow you to drop paratroopers on targets to capture. Once they hit the deck they secure the site and a ticket total is established. This total can be reduced by oposition by either bombing or dropping their own paras on the target. I would also like to see moving ground targets in online strike. Tanks, trains etc. Ideally these ground targets would be fighting each other and our aerial actions are there to influence the swing in the battle

+1 for the human bomber crews too. Even if it's just two players, one pilot and the other as gunner.

Also I want a race option!

yeah droping paras sounds a good idea and i like the sound off a human bomber crew like they did for tanks in brothers in arms

markyboyacebassist 02-13-2010 05:07 PM

Publish "Wings of Prey" on the xbox 360 & allow anybody who purchased "Birds of Prey" a straight exchange for their incomplete game! :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Doktorwzzerd 02-13-2010 07:22 PM

I think my biggest wish is for it to come out at all!

ChileMike 02-18-2010 10:49 PM

All the above plus LAN support...can`t be to hard??

dkwookie 02-19-2010 01:27 AM

I would like a persistant online mode also. Something like the battle for Europe that was going ok but tracked centrally by the game. Fight strike in one map and loose you get pushed back. Keep getting pushed back you loose the war. Clan support and nose art too.
While we in dream land can I also have Manchester map? Even if it's just a Luftwaffe bombing mission!

scottyvt4 02-19-2010 07:03 PM

bigger maps

more missions - ie night bomber mission's/ night bomber escort/interceptor

more aircraft.................. esp ground/anti ship typhoon,mosquito, bristol beaufighter. night fighters bolton paul defiant and some more heavy/medium bombers

Dk's idea for a big battle of europe is a great idea also.

Edit - points for an assist say 5 points a kill 2 for an assist (thanks dk for the numbers :p)

ButcherBird 02-26-2010 05:26 PM

i'd love to see a Pacific game between the US/Allied Navy and army taking on the Japanese Empirial Navy and Army. Guarding key island bases in the pacific and also fighting from Aircraft carriers would be a dream for me.

Some aircraft i'd love to see (with cockpit views of course)
U.S. naval/army aircraft: wildcats, hellcats, corsairs, helldivers, dauntless, devestators, avengers, p-38, p-51, p-40, p-39, p-47, B-17, B-24 Liberator, and B-25 Mitchell, and then maybe even the PBY Catalina

Empirial Japanese Naval/Army Aircraft: Nakajima B5N "Kate" torpedo bomber, Aichi D3A "Val" dive bomber, Yokosuka D4Y "judy" dive bomber, Mitsubishi A6M "Zeke" naval fighter, Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" bomber, Mitsubishi G3M "Nell" bomber, Nakajima Ki.43 "Oscar" army fighter

bobbysocks 03-02-2010 11:31 PM

APHRODITE operation
This would be cool as hell from the allies side and axis side as well. an APHRODITE operation ( or BQ 7s ) was where they took a war weary B17 or 24...filled the sucker with TNT or another high explosive and flew it via remote control into sub pens or another highly fortified target. In the early days they were actually piloted in the craft and the pilots were to set the controls then bail out...yeah this is how joe kennedy died. most of the missions were botched and ended up under the catogory of "a comedly of errors". BUT would be fly the drone, to be the luftwaffe and try to bring it down, or be the fighter escort that has to protect and and not get blown up in the process. ON THE other side of the spectrum the nazis had the same kind of deal ( called a mistel) where they piggiebacked a fw 190 or me 109 on the back of a Ju88 full of explosives. their code name was beethoven. it would add a new dimention or and a heck of a lot of fun attacking and defending..... heres some sites where you can see what i am talking about. thanks

And while i am on the subject of drones...lets not forget buzz bombs V1s. germany shot these unguided low flying drones over england. when they used a pulse jet engine and they were quite distinguishable. and they flew until they ran out of fuel...then just simply went down blowing up everything nearby. if the girls manning the guns along dover didnt get them an RAF flight would have to. somes they would shoot them out of the sky but if that would have caused too much collateral damage the spit and cane pilots would "tip" them...get their wing tip under one of the fins of the V1 and give it a little nudge to aim it out into the north sea or back into the channel....this would be cool and challenging and realistic!

bobbysocks 03-05-2010 07:57 PM

more real effects
2 more things i would like to see. 1. black out. factor in the g-force. once you exceed like 3 Gs the screen starts to go grayscale and if you do not straighten out or slack your stick it will go completely black for X amount of time. this need to be factored into the enemy aircraft as well. G-suits...well back then they were just G-pants werent readily available until mid 44 or later. maybe you can use that as a bonus you have to unlock. once you get them you can withstand more G-s.
2. compressability factors. once you exceed 600 mph the airflow over your wing "gaps" and if you do not slow will have absolutely no control. you can fight it various ways but if you are in too deep....punching out is the only way to survive and that would have been too much fun at that speed either.

bobbysocks 03-06-2010 06:33 AM

do the developers realy read these?
how about the lafayette escadrille??? yanks who came to the UK to fight the nazis...yanks who knew where this all was leading to? a mission for them out of respect!

PhantomHex 03-06-2010 02:34 PM

Keep up the great work
I enjoy the game that your team has created and play it quite often. It is refreshing to not have to upgrade my computer every time an air combat game is released. The off line mode is excellent. The room for the most improvement in my humble opinion is in the online environment. The suggestions that I would make for a future release would be as follows.


Fix the lobby to show what games are in progress so that it does not look like the online environment is empty.

In multiplayer mode it would be nice to have more flexibility in creating a scenario. For example: axis vs. allies or host Specified planes that are able to compete against each other with in set parameters. This would allow all planes to be flyable as it stands now planes can be outclassed quickly resulting in players not being able to fly certain planes with the addition of a superior performing planes.

Introduce land able aircraft carriers.

Add flack

Add multiplayer gunner stations on bombers and possibly add antiaircraft or machine gun stations on the ground.

Enable different altitudes (including runway) starts and set spawn points to enable more strategy and to allow different planes the ability to compete from their natural peak performance areas.

Squadron Development

(Adding this feature makes the game personal to the players)

Add the ability to customize the graphics or skins of the planes.

Enable the host of the game to post what the game involves this would promote recruiting rooms for squadrons and would give hosts the ability to tailor games that would be more diverse. It would encourage squadron development by giving more flexibility to online play setup and a sense of community.

Add a chat applet to each lobby room so pilots can decide collectively what kind of game they wish to play.

Add free flight mode for formation practice.

Joystick Improvement

Work on backwards compatibility with all old USB joysticks. Investing in a game is great but reinvesting every time a new disk comes out turns away, many die hard flight simmers.

Make all joystick configurations more compatible and programmable within set parameters. Don’t allow macro settings available but at lease allow the positioning of say the throttle to be added to the throttle slider and not the rudder axis for example.

Thank you for considering the options I have mentioned it is nice to think that a game company wants to improve based on the target audience that they already cater to instead of just producing a product and waiting for compliance.

Others have mentioned adding a pacific campaign I love the idea. Would it be possible to retain the planes we have already earned?

Italian planes would also be a bonus as they created some gems.

I also like the idea of having an engine that can be turned on and off. The more realistic the game Is, the better.

Thanks again for your time.

Shadowcorp 03-15-2010 02:45 PM

yes to all the above
however a few small suggestion

killable gun positions.... in BoP i can shoot into a il2 rear gun position with no effect.... il2 were known for giving their rear gunners no real protection

More balanced representations of german aircraft... yes they were the baddies but lets not hold it against their machines

non ranked games to made available on ps3 with a kick option for annoying yammering child players

More central server support to cut down on lag switch users in multiplayer online

more aircraft in general would be nice e.g. avro lancaster, tempest, maybe even some of the crazier designs like j7w or do335

Crosshair14 03-18-2010 06:31 PM

1.To have the ability to join/make a squadron.
2.More add ons to the game.
3.make the plane how they really perform in real life. (Like the P-51 and P-47)

Hans-Ulrich Rudel 03-29-2010 09:44 PM

As mentioned before, I would love to see a German campaign mode like in the PC Wings of Prey add-on. Some more players in the PS3 multiplayer would be nice, because it seems like no one is ever online.

sierrahotel 04-06-2010 10:06 PM

Just some food for thought
The great thing about WW2 flight sims are the numerous types of missions and campaigns available. This is an area I think that needs to be explored more and I can understand how someone might get peeved with the repetitive nature of most flight sims changing the scenery but keeping the same mission types. I would like to see a flight sim, hopefully IL-2, bring some variety. For example, include some night fighter missions where you fly mosquitoes or ju-88s using primitive radar to stalk your prey. Or you can fly for RAF Bomber Command or the USAAF 8th AF and make day/night bombing raids. How about a campaign flying for No. 100 Group RAF flying special missions like delivering supplies for the Free French or landing behind enemy lines to drop off/pick up spies. 100 group also dropped window (chaff) and used ECM to try to hide bomber formations heading to Germany. You could fly mosquitoes performing special pin point raids like the famous attack on the pow camp. Of course the mossie also did recce and pathfinder missions. Other missions can focus on coastal command and the hunting of u-boats while protecting convoys. Has there been a game involving the dambusters? How about shooting down V-1 rockets but this time in aircraft capable of the task like the spitfire xiv. Yes I know some aircraft can take shots while in a dive but its variety in missions and their respective aircraft's that make it interesting. Flying a C-47 and dropping paratroops would be cool too. There are just so many possibilities.

Another thing I'd like to see is a more complete campaign. For instance, I think it would be interesting to experience the transition to a new aircraft and this would make for a better way to 'unlock' an aircraft. Keeping historically accurate, a spitfire squadron in 1944 (depending which one) may be transitioning to the P-51D. So you experience going to an operational training unit before being posted with your squadron once again to another part of the battlefield (again keeping historically accurate) to carry on the fight. Of course it may not be your sqn but instead just you the pilot that is transferring because a new squadron is being formed that needs experienced officers, lets say a new sqn operating the Hawker Tempest.

Another thing that I think needs addressing is the mission complete factor. To me it hurts the game having to shoot down all enemy aircraft in a given air space. That is not true to the real experience of air combat in WW2. Whether you (and your flight) shoot down 10 or 2 aircraft should still be a mission success. Anytime you make it back to base or survive a bale out should still be a mission complete. For example, if the sequel should include a night fighter mission, those who use radar and proper stalking techniques may be very successful while others might see no aircraft at all and have to return to base due to low fuel. Both completed the mission and have added to their mission op total.

Realism I guess is what I am after, trying to make the game less predictable. I remember reading accounts of pilots heading into a dogfight with the air full of aircraft in every direction and after 2 minutes of battle finding themselves suddenly alone in a big sky with no one around. Instead enemy aircraft will follow you in a gaggle anywhere on the map. Sure there is ground based radar controllers but come on...

I would also like to see the addition of more aircraft types. As mentioned the Tempest and Mosquito would be cool as would more variants of the spitfire. I would like to see the P-47 as standard and not an add on. The P-38, P-40 (North Africa, CIB), typhoon, etc....etc.... try to be the gran turismo of flight sims. Unlocking aircraft should be through single missions and not multiplayer. The problem with having to shoot down x number of aircraft for this or that is that some people may find this a difficult task. Sometimes there are not enough people online, and in some cases the hosts cancel the game with a minute to go.

Oh and as was already mentioned, make the game more inclusive by choosing squadrons of different nationality. RCAF, RAAF, RNZAF, Czechs, Poles, etc... and show how RAF sqns were mostly mixed bags made up of Commonwealth, Americans, French, Norwegians etc... so your wingmen might have any type of accent.

Soviet Ace 04-07-2010 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by bobbysocks (Post 148159)
how about the Eagle Squadrons??? yanks who came to the UK to fight the nazis...yanks who knew where this all was leading to? a mission for them out of respect!

It was the Eagle Squadrons in England during WW2. The Lafayette Escadrille was WW1, with American volunteer's fighting for the French.


Mk10Raven 04-09-2010 02:49 AM

Slight Correction

Originally Posted by Soviet Ace (Post 153540)
It was the Eagle Squadrons in England during WW2. The Lafayette Escadrille was WW1, with American volunteer's fighting for the French.


Almost right. :-P In WWII it was the "American" Eagle Squadron(s). I think it was the 71st. I have a book on it somewhere that was really good. I'll see if I can find it and post the title here.

Soviet Ace 04-09-2010 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Mk10Raven (Post 153823)
Almost right. :-P In WWII it was the "American" Eagle Squadron(s). I think it was the 71st. I have a book on it somewhere that was really good. I'll see if I can find it and post the title here.

Yeah, that's what I obviously meant. I just didn't add "American" because I figured it wasn't needed. :rolleyes: :cool:

bobbysocks 04-09-2010 07:05 AM

yeah, well i got my times/dates confused...but i am dyslectics so it is understandable. request stands...

pwnzjoo2 04-10-2010 12:06 AM

1. More airplanes + cockpits
2. Freeflight multiplayer mode + coloured smoke trails
3. Joinable multiplayer games
4. Option to turn of annoying stall warning text
5. More realistic physics and weather effects, wind etc
6. Bombsight
8. Co-op multiplayer missions
9. Customize skins
10. Turn on or off engine
11. Carrier takeoff and landing
12. More camera views flyby + Replay
13. Smarter AI
14.A Pacific Campaign

Blackout 04-12-2010 03:45 PM

As someone who never really played a flight simulator before, I certainly enjoyed this game quite a bit, especially since I don't have a good gaming computer. That's what my Xbox is for, right? I bought this game second hand so I certainly feel as though I've gotten my money's worth out of it.

I really enjoyed the ground attack missions in this game, but it seemed like the only plane available for this purpose was the IL-2. I understand that it's the titular aircraft of the game, but I'd really like to see some more medium bombers and fighter bombers. Lots of people have probably already recommended the P-38, but I'd like to see the A-26, De Havilland Mosquito, Henschel Hs 129, ect. More tank killing missions please!

It would also be nice if you could play single player 'training' missions with ground targets, so you could play around with all the awesome aircraft in your hanger, get used to the different bomb sights, and practice dive bombing. Simply dropping bombs from the cockpit view was quite difficult, but dropping them with the magic crosshair bomb sight seemed way too easy. A cockpit mounted bomb sight view might balance this out.

I have yet to play multiplayer on this game, and I probably never will, since I own the Xbox 360 version and apparently there won't be a patch for it. I've tried to find a game, but have never had any luck. I love unlocking things in games, but it annoys me that some of the planes can only be unlocked through multiplayer mode. If you make planes and guns unlockable in the possible sequel, please make them rewards for completing single player missions!

I'd also like to see slightly more attention to detail in the weapons descriptions, although I tend to be quite picky about that. The Hurricane had twelve 7.7mm (.303) machine guns, not twelve 12.7mm (.50) machine guns. :mad:
Wikipedia and Jane's are your best friends when it comes to pointless little details like that. I know it doesn't seem like much but I love seeing games where people put in that little bit of extra time and effort.

Cheers and thanks for the enjoyable game.

sandiego2003 04-16-2010 09:49 PM

Improving the online scoring system
ParallaxView and I were discussing the problem with the online scoring system last night. We considered some alternatives and I posted a suggestion on the YuPlay forum.

Here's a copy of that post for those who might be interested. Maybe you can think of further ideas to make it better.

From YuPlay:
"Here's a suggestion to improve the scoring system for online dogfight play. There is a fair amount of complaining about people crashing, other pilots stealing kills, etc so that people are not properly credited for their kills. This might help.

First, each plane has a damage score assigned to it between 0 and 100. 0 means no damage, the plane is perfectly flyable. 100 means plane is shot down, unflyable. As a plane is shot up its damage score increases and the player who is shooting the plane has his score increase by the same amount. Two or more players who shoot at a plane increase their respective scores by the amount of individual damage each does to the plane. If the pilot crashes the remainder of his damage score is subtracted from his score for this match. If he bails out instead he still punished, but not as badly. Only one half his remaining damage score will be subtracted from his match score.

Best to understand this with some examples. So player Loser is being shot at by players Ace1 and Ace2. Ace1 shoots 50 points of damage into Loser's plane. Ace2 shoots 20 points of damage. Loser crashes. Ace1 gets 50 points added to his match score. Ace2 gets 20 points. Loser has 30 points (100 - 50 -20) subtracted from his match score because he crashed.

Another example. Same as above, but Loser bails instead of crashing. Everything the same except Loser has only 15 points deducted from his match score.

Another example. Newbie's plane is undamaged, but he crashes. 100 points are deducted from Newbie's match score.

So everyone is rewarded proportionally for the contribution to the kill. Crashing and bailing out are punished. More fairness and less complaining all around.

Negative scores will have to be implemented for individuals total match score. Some people will be happy when they finally achieve a positive score. Other times, during those drunken party matches, when nobody can keep their plane in the air, the person with the least negative score wins. :P

Sorry if something similar has been posted before, but it probably doesn't hurt to mention it again. If you feel this idea has merit, please feel free to add suggestions to help make it even better."

Gilly 04-19-2010 10:30 AM

Anychance of adding 'Volcanic Ash Cloud' to the weather options? That way we can all just sit grounded at manston and wait for a week for airspace to re-open.

Soviet Ace 04-20-2010 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Gilly (Post 155329)
Anychance of adding 'Volcanic Ash Cloud' to the weather options? That way we can all just sit grounded at manston and wait for a week for airspace to re-open.

I think the closest thing you'll get is Mount Vesuvius in Italy, with Mount Vesuvius grumbling some ash out? lol

mrtheox 04-22-2010 11:15 PM

Free Flight Mode: Just Spawn in and practice maneuvers and behold the beauty that is IL 2

Selectable skins for aircraft: opportunity to make some extra cash selling Skin packs, or allow user created skins.

Capture The Flag Mode: One Person Randomly starts with the Flag. They are awarded points the longer they survive and for shooting down other players. The person who gets the Kill shot on the flag bearer, picks up the flag. Negative points are awarded for non flag bearers shooting down other non flag bearing pilots.

Improved Strike/Space Invaders: Each team is assigned a box/fort that they must hold. Both sides spawn a wave of armored vehicles that attempt to approach and then capture the opposing team's fort. After each wave of armored vehicles is destroyed, they become progressively more dangerous, faster and have more AA. This game could be made more strategic by having multiple forts, choke points for armor such has river crossings, and destructible bridges and varying armor spawn locations, ie pincer attacks.

Plane Wish List:
ME 232

sandiego2003 04-23-2010 06:45 PM

The elimination match
Credit for this suggestion goes to W_Redmann who flys on the PS3. A while ago he threw this out while waiting in the lobby of an online match. Everyone thought it was a good idea. As far as I can see, he's never posted his idea to the forum, and I think it would be a shame if the developers never hear about it. I think it's a great idea for an online match. I've added a few ideas of my own to flesh it out a little more. Feel free to add your own ideas to make it even better.

The basic idea is an elimination match, no respawning, last pilot standing wins. To keep the downed pilots entertained for the rest of the match they would become spectators or "ghosts" when they are eliminated from the match. They could jump in any remaining plane and use their free look to watch the fight proceed (of course they couldn't fly it, or shoot the guns. Only watch). Maybe the developers can think of other ways they can view the remaining match as well. They will be able to voice chat, if they have it, with the other ghosts, but not with the remaining pilots still in the match (don't want to give any intel to the remaining players and bias the outcome through paranormal means! Also, no fair emailing tips to remaining players)

I hope this type of match will encourage the use of tactics other than what is currently employed in online matches today. Jumping into the furball won't be the best way to win the game. The pilot will have to choose more carefully who and when to attack.

The most obvious tactic for winning that I can think of is to let everyone else battle it out and then prey upon the last, hopefully damaged plane. However if everyone does this it will make for a long match, and ghost players will get frustrated and not stick around for the next game.

To discourage this, some type of timer should be implemented. It could be just a simple time limit, say 10 minutes, or whatever the host sets. Another option would be to give everyone 10 minutes of fuel at 55% power. I assume different planes consume fuel at different rates at different power settings. At WEP a bf109 might last only 5 minutes at its initial fuel allotment. A spitfire might last 7 minutes (this is a guess, just for example). But initially each plane has 10 minutes of fuel at 55% power. So this would be another factor a pilot would have to consider in his attack.

I can still see one problem remaining. The best tactic is still not to fight, conserve your fuel, and let everyone else battle it out. Besides public shaming by other players, one way of discouraging such cowardice is to change the endgame rules a little bit.

The last pilot standing wins for sure, as long as he shoots down the second to last pilot, or the second to last pilot crashes or bails (why would anyone bail?). But if the game ends because one of the two remaining planes runs out of fuel, then the winner is the pilot of the last two standing who has the higher match score as I described in a previous post. For this game pilots match scores will be hidden until the game ends. If you don't know the other pilot's match score, nor your own, you can't be sure yours is highest and therefore the only way to insure a win is to attack and shoot down the other plane. Running away is discouraged.

In addition to individual dogfights, this game would be great for team play. Imagine how the play dynamic will, hopefully, change when it's important to keep your fellow teammates in the air. In current team battles, I still get the sense that it's mostly every pilot for himself. Sometimes a coordinated attack or defense occurs, but it's not all that often. In this game it would be much more crucial, otherwise your team will quickly become outnumbered. When you have only one life, you want to make the most of it, and your fellow team members will value your life as well (if not, then you need to find different teammates).

I think this type of match will be fun for all. Players will have to plan attacks more carefully if they want to survive. Team matches will encourage more cooperation and coordination between team members. Eliminated players will get to see the rest of the match unfold, and voice chat with their fellow ghosts, encouraging them to stick around to the end. And pilots will feel quite a sense of accomplishment when they survive the entire match and win the game.

rocketassistedllama 04-29-2010 10:44 AM

Hmm...musings, I guess.
Hey there. This must be a new post...anywho.
I've read most of this thread-but not all; so forgive me if I repeat someone else's idea;0) Just consider me it.
I've restrict my ideas to offline, as that's the only way I've played it [just on training now;] but it's still my favourite and most-played game, since...september or so last year, when I bought it. Great game.

Anywho, sequel eh? Firstly;

#1; any extra horsepower being squeezed out the i.e '360; I'd dedicate as priority no#1: to making a dangerous ground environment/lot's, lots, LOOOOotS of flack...that can hit you, too [ hid it from me for a while didn't you, mr developer.] Read 'Stuka Pilot' a few months ago;Hans Rudel....he destroyed 500+tanks e.t.c, shot down something like 30 times-but only twice by fighters. Flack as he saw it; would be visually stunning too...terrifying to dive into.
As a side-note, by doing what Rudel did; you can break this game...just fly as low and slow as you can-even dropping your undercarriage....even in an He-111, you can get many kills. Moving ahead...

#2; Nicer/more 3d clouds. More volumetric, I guess. But they're pretty good anyway.

#3; how about making one on jet planes?? Say...Korean war, up to and including Vietnam. Most of the same planes were used, anyway. Point being, the missiles were'nt very good-the AIM-9B sidewinder proved to be the best...but was still limited to the tail-chase aspect. There's dogfighting in there...trying to get a missile lock with, say; an AIM-4D Falcon [designed for dogfights, kind of]...what a challenge. Or trying to keep a radar gunsight on a MiG against the sky, in a valley-looking up; so you can use a Sparrow up close. In something heavy, but awesomely powerful, like a Phantom [or MiG-15/17/19/21/23S...) F-86/100/101/102/104/105/106/4. SAAB Draken, Mirage 3/Neshir. So many. Missiles were great, if they worked...they took skill to use too, as not all-aspect. But hell...throw in a MiG-29, and whathave you too. If you want an all-aspect have to work for it [radars would'nt work looking down, too.]

#4; what's wrong with the Italian fighter-the MC-202? in this. Does it have the same fuel-issue as the Mustang? The 'tang and I have an understanding now. It only kills me half the time...and I still love it;0)

#5; ability to use any plane, in any campaign [at least once finished,]...I think I'm beginning to just repeat stuff.

Ahh yes...I thought there was something else. Some people seem to have real difficulty learing how to shoot/fly e.t.c. I have a friend who's been trying for months-his plane control is a lot better [pretty good actually, he can pull out of stalls usually,] but still...

#6; a tutorial that can be played through entirely in realistic [as most people play it anyhow;] with combat moves;i.e scissors and intercept paths, 'drawn' in 3d in front of your plane-like in that Tom Clancy game. I can't remember what it's called. It's shit. Anyway, Training like that; would go a long way in IL-2.



rocketassistedllama 04-29-2010 11:07 AM

Oh yeah...regarding the jet-game; maybe have it so that your missiles regenerate only after you've shot your last one....that way forcing you to fight with your worst missiles, for a while.....they all come back anyway. Perhaps even give control of missile regeneration-rate to the player...?? That way no one can complain.
Also, being able to mix up plane types/more control in the skirmish-mode, proper landings/belly landings-stuff that shouldn't have been left out of IL-2 anyway, and I'm sure you'll put back in to any sequel;0)



rocketassistedllama 04-30-2010 04:21 AM

Ah yes...I second these ideas. Blackouts/redouts, compressibility, NO nighttime missions-unless the engine can handle dynamic lighting [very unlikely...the nighttime missions I never replay, as they bug me,] more planes...P-39/40/47 [every plane unlockable single player...,] a Corsair, F-9 Panther and Zero would be nice too. But mainly, I'm happy with IL-2...and want a Jet game of the same calibre, by the same people to compliment it...;0)


ButcherBird 04-30-2010 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by rocketassistedllama (Post 156996)
Ah yes...I second these ideas. Blackouts/redouts, compressibility, NO nighttime missions-unless the engine can handle dynamic lighting [very unlikely...the nighttime missions I never replay, as they bug me,] more planes...P-39/40/47 [every plane unlockable single player...,] a Corsair, F-9 Panther and Zero would be nice too. But mainly, I'm happy with IL-2...and want a Jet game of the same calibre, by the same people to compliment it...;0)


if they decided to have Corsair, Zero, Dauntless, Hellcat, etc...i hope they will do a complete pacific game with aircraft carrier missions

bobbysocks 04-30-2010 06:27 AM

ground action! the perspective in this game is way off. when (according to my altimeter in the AC) I am at 200 feet....from experience i am at 600. i believe this is due to the fact you wish to conserve disk get that detailed at low alts would burn more...but get rid of the stupid and pointless single missions. i want to strafe.....trains and see their boilers blow....tanks...and i want to see THEM...not just a yellow flashing hick-a-mabob. let me see that panzer, truck...etc. barges on the river....let the ammo kick up the water and set aflame and sink them. alas, i know you are only catering to the PC crowd from now on....that is a real shame because more people play consoles. i will buy a shorter...progressively harder game for my console way before i spend mucho dinero for a new PC to run a game.

rocketassistedllama 04-30-2010 10:16 AM

Agree with you on the ground action, Bobbysocks...but I like the single missions....only the ones with time limits/that pull you from the game should you fail-I don't replay.The campaign seems to have learnt a thing or two from GTA 4-the way in which death has no real erks that the single missions sometimes seem a bit antiquated in comparison, with your insta-fails.

Some kind of bailout, where, say; you hold all four '360 face buttons for a couple of seconds would be nice too. Would make bailing out realistically slower-and in real-time.

The ability to speed up time-would be appreciated too, like, I assume the PC big brother??
Anywho, anyone who plays this game on console; is already primed for more complexity in a sequel-they'll be expecting it;0) And anyone interested in aerial combat will like jets too, so;

Jet ideas. Just humour me.
Surely, an excuse to show off their MiGs and Su's would be a tough temptation for any Russian developer to pass up? Perhaps even the Russian government could be persuaded to subsidize such a game?? Why not. By avoiding patriotism [not everything has to be Medal of Honour/Pearl Harbour to sell,] I don't see why any conflict zone would be a problem, as far as a campaign story goes. Just keep things objective and disinterested; then you could show anything. No one would mind a bit of obvious pride being lavished on their own jet designs, of course;0) Seeing Germans, Japanese [in a WW2 pacific game,] North Koreans or Vietnamese rush to their planes e.t.c, with a bit of story...I don't have a problem with that-just needs to be tasteful, is all.
There were a few big skirmishes in Korea, and a couple in Vietnam...single missions, and a more robust sandbox mode [i.e; being able to mix plane types, alive ground environment is the big improvement I'm waiting for,] would make for a good sized single-player. In any case, I'm sure the developer can cheat a little. Artistic licence, and all that [i.e more planes, closer together-for some battles.]
I mean, anyone interested in aerial combat; must have wondered at some point; what if the pilots had swapped planes, during, say; the Falklands war?? What would an SU-15 and it's enormous missiles be like in a scrap?? Is the MiG 19 really as agile as they say-even being a better airframe than the MiG 21? How would the Hawker Hunter fair-with only [awesome] gunpower, and a great airframe?? Most if not all Israeli kills in either the '67, or 73 war [I forget;] were with guns anyhow-as they didn't trust their own missiles. That bodes extremely well for gameplay...;0)
If Oleg and his associates don't do it; someone else will-and probably badly; going fron previous console experiance. One day [sigh.]
Anywho...that's my 5 cents for now.


rocketassistedllama 04-30-2010 10:28 AM

...and make the 'zoom' camera/lock-on button analogue; so you can zoom in at least twice as far-by varying the pressure....then you can see all those pesky tanks/trucks/trains;0) Would make the dogfights even more cinematic too, without using any more 'puter power;0)
Maybe we have to wait for the next-generation console/pc equivalent, before we get a truely dynamic ground environment-where you have realistic flack, great damage-modelling [like the planes,] and can sway the flow of battles themselves. I don't know.

bobbysocks 04-30-2010 07:05 PM

rocket, i like single missions as well. i just want them to be worth something or have some skill attached. have a single mission like "Recce" are in a p-38 or a have NO guns. you need to enter enemy territory unnoticed, fly over this enemy airfield at 50 to 100 feet balls out and take pictures ( by pulling the trigger ) you need to get pics of specific things and get home alive.
to fly waypoints...shoot the one bomber that is acting plain and simple a waste of disc space and player time.

rocketassistedllama 05-01-2010 07:27 AM

Howdilli Socks.
I admit; many of the single missions are pointless-they lack the freedom of the campaign missions. That Strange Bomber mission for example...even if you fail to complete it in time; you should still be able to fly around and do as you please....that's what makes for replay.
A Pacific Campaign would be cool, too...especially being able to pull off and record cool belly-landings on strange little islands....but I'll make another plug for a Jet-game.

How about this for a reason...the MiG-23 has a pretty terrible reputation here in the West....mainly for their rough handling at the hands of the Israeli's [during '82, Bekaa valley-Lebanon;] whose claims tend to be believed over others. But that's also IL-2 game on console [and PC,] would go a long way to rectifying that impression. An audience has been primed now...any IL-2 sequel should get progressively better sales. The franchise must be regarded as some kind of National Treasure in Russia...I've seen a photo of Vladimir Putin at a 1C event. Anyway.
The export Flogger; lacked the radar, many electronic goodies...even a radar-warning reciever [unbelievably,]....a whole wave of them were just blown out of the sky head-on, by the Israeli's [perhaps the world's] first use of the AIM-9L? all-aspect missile. The other pilots knew the Israelis had recieved a shipment of new missiles from the U.S, and were hesitant to engage....but obviously didn't know it's real potential. Lethal.
Russian sources claim that a proper Russian-spec MiG23S or somesuch...shot down two Israeli F-4's [by one pilot,] and that another shot down an F-16. Israel claims it was ground-fire. Regardless, the '23 could rival the Phantom for radar/missile/engine power-and by keeping it single-engined; it was lighter and designed to dogfight better as well. Beautiful planes to boot...and none of them are even in service anymore anyway; so surely there's no important national secrets to spill anyway?? If none of that matters; they could even offer something like a MiG-29 or Su-27 as something to unlock, and use in ANY mission;0) Probably the two most beautiful planes of the modern era...HOW could any Russian developer, whose sole duty on-earth is to create the best combat flight games....possibly resist??? If such a project sounds too ambitious, needing, say, another team to handle it, heck...if anything could get subsidies/start-up grants from the Russian government; such a game could.



rocketassistedllama 05-04-2010 04:19 AM

No takers for a pre-'82 jet game [or at least pre-all aspect, fire-and-forget missile?]


Well, call me a peasant-which I am [poor-struggling artist; can't afford broadband:] I'm quite happy with Il-2, and play it most nights-since it was first released [I pre-ordered.]
I love this game...and will buy a sequel, even with the same graphics engine; if they improve it enough.
Bobbysocks, you're right...I was pleasantly surprised by how the developers seemed to have learnt from Grand Theft Auto 4, i.e; in the campaign-freedom reigns. You can even land, after the mission's complete, if you so choose. Unfortunately; many of the single-missions are archaic in comparison...merely a poor design decision: I actually take it as evidence that the game was rushed a little. I expect the same mistake won't be made in a sequel.

Being able to zoom in twice as far-with an analogue zoom; would greatly add to the cinematic appeal of the much as I love and thrashed the Jeremy Soule soundtrack; this is still the best, most cinematic game to play to your own music collection. Everything from Sade, through the Prodigy and Radiohead works great as background music. Whatever you want.

Blackouts/redouts, and amazing crashes-that you can walk away from...I was surprised they weren't in the game. I love the way you can really feel the forces at work on the Mustang...I'd be afraid to apply a patch; as it might take away some of the fun of flying this plane!! But maybe I'm just used to it now.

A full tutorial in some people have real problems with this game, others pick it up naturally. Not sure why. Yeager said there was no such thing as a 'natural' pilot.

The biggest improvement would be the bringing the AA ground environment alive; but I'm guessing that would be a MAJOR technical challenge. Maybe not realistic, untill the next-gen comes along.

I really like the clouds...but there's room for improvement there, too.

Compressibility would be nice...but maybe that would require new plane models? Perhaps it's too much to ask; if we want a sequel within the next couple of years. I don't know.

The ability to bail out on-the-fly [plus; it happens too quickly and easily when you choose to do so.] Perhaps even a mini-game, triggered by i.e; holding down all four face-buttons?? Getting out wasn't easy...many pilots were badly-burnt trying to do so.


Davedog74 05-12-2010 01:07 PM

a griffon spit with 4×20mm cannons,a lancaster,a mozzie(fb,tetse-weapon choices)and a p38 please,more accurate and alternative skins would be good,making fellow lobby players voices sound like r/t(in the game) could add to the realism,

bobbysocks 05-12-2010 04:24 PM

how about starting off with mission or 2 in the spanish civil war??

Davedog74 05-12-2010 06:35 PM

this plane please

and this one


acg515 05-18-2010 02:12 AM

My wishlist:

Pacific Theater stuff - would love to be able to take off from carriers and face down the Japanese, knock out their ships with carrier bombers, etc.

Customized Colors: Being able to change your plane's color, markings, that would be a cool addition.

More bomber stuff: Call me weird, but I liked doing the bombing missions more than the other ones. If you added bombing missions, even put in a high altitude one with a ton of B-17's like they did back in WW2, that would be cool.

Night Fighters: It would be cool to run around at night and have to rely on radar and other stuff to knock planes down.

Other countries: Missions in Spanish Civil War, Finland, or with the Flying Tigers would be pretty sweet. Also, a campaign as a German or Japanese pilot would be fun too.

More planes: This one goes without saying, but it would be cool if we had more planes to fly that weren't included in the last installment.

DK-nme 05-19-2010 09:46 PM

This awesome game becoming a PC game aswell...


SgtPappy 05-20-2010 05:21 PM

If the next one isn't as horribly broken that would make my day.

Please devs, don't half-arse the cockpits and use the same one for all the different variants of the same plane...

But CV ops would be nice, in addition to a plane which IL-2 has never given us:

The BEST version of the F4U to enter service and see combat in 1945

The M00ps 05-20-2010 09:56 PM

My wishlist:

support from the developers/publishers *after* they have my money

MACADEMIC 05-27-2010 02:56 PM

P-51 Mustang in Full Sensitivity
Hi all,

I'm not sure if the developers are still reading this, but not giving up my hopes for either some improvements for BOP or a sequel including improvements.

Here it goes. I discovered there seems to be a calibration error of the game in conjunction with the pad when it comes to moving the elevator of the P-51 Mustang (both -B and -D5 versions) in full sensitivity.

Let me explain. I found out about this in a training session with my head down in the cockpit. With the elevator in full sensitivity, pulling back on the elevator moves the flight stick (in the cockpit) very finely to a point near the lower end of the visible cockpit. The flight stick in this position is still fully visible. However, if you keep pulling back there is a sudden jump of the flight stick which moves out of visual range in an instant, followed by a stall.

What that means is that a fine movement of the pad at this point does not longer correspond to what the flight stick in the cockpit does. It is as if a pilot would, already close to a the performing limit of his airplane, suddenly decide to violently pull back on his controls. The result is of course a violent and sudden stall.

What is interesting is that, with elevator sensitivity reduced to +10 from bottom/-8 from top, there is no more jump of the flight stick out of visual range, the flight stick remains always visible but travels considerably further than it does with full sensitivity before 'the jump'. At this flight stick position the wings produce maximum lift, and since under this sensitivity setting it is impossible to move the flight stick further back, stall is impossible (at least at normal speeds).

It's a pity that due to this calibration error in the game it's not possible to fly the aircraft in its full performance envelope with full elevator sensitivity (i.e. the same flight stick position that is achievable with reduced sensitivity), and still be able to stall. With a correct calibration, there would be much finer clues as to when a wing begins to stall, which could then be avoided by finely releasing some back pressure.

Therefore, the sudden and violent onset of stalls we experience on our Mustangs in full sensitivity do not come from the inherent characteristics of the P51 with it's laminar airfoil wing, but from a calibration error of the game in combination with the PS3 controller (pad).

It would be great if this could be corrected, either as a patch for BOP, or at least for a sequel.

Best Regards,


JOED70 05-27-2010 05:44 PM


What your talking about is linearity . It is adjustable for flightsticks or for the custom controler settings. It works like a curve .
So that at the begining and end of the range of motion of the analog stick
You get differnt amount of control input on aircraft controls .

Think of this 1 mm of movement at the start or range may equal 2 inch of aircraft control in the middle of axis 1 mm might equal 1 inch aircraft control.
perhaps at end of axis range 1 mm may egual 3 inch of movement .

If we could adjust linarity on default control setups ie avaitor layout . It would be posible to lessen overcontrol issues with some aircraft with out loseing out on turn or AoA preformance . Like is the case now all we can do is adjust sensitvity thus dampening control responce throughout the whole axis .

MACADEMIC 05-27-2010 08:08 PM


Do you think it would be possible to replicate Aviator layout via Custom Settings to achieve what you are speaking of? I remember I once tried to do this but couldn't figure out how to make the right stick behave like in aviator, it had quite limited viewing angles (left side, right side, etc.).

Thanks for your post!



JOED70 05-27-2010 09:15 PM

Not for the aviator I don't belive but I think it can be done like control setup 3 which I prefer for sim more percise throttle control . I messed around with that awile ago. And I remember being able to setup custom like that .

Any one have any success with this ????

the_somme 06-17-2010 07:02 PM

would be nice if the the new Kinect for the xbox could be used in the same way that trackir is used on computers

MACADEMIC 06-24-2010 09:22 AM

Would love to see the following:

- games where respawning is not allowed (last man standing), but where the players can remain with the action as spectators, being able to chose from various watching posts (between planes/cockpit or outside/more distant camera)

- games where it's possible to attend as a spectator only from the beginning

- being able to replay an entire session in various watching posts, and make it recordable in HD and exchangeable on the PS3 network

Thanks for your consideration.


McQ59 06-24-2010 12:28 PM

I totaly second that Macademic!

incaliber45 06-24-2010 09:52 PM

thing a sequel must have
more realistic damage aircraft becomes harder to fly after taking hits, if get hit in engine oil and coolant should leak out then eventually engine will seaze up
a menu sorta like forza2 where u can apply differnt shapes colors letters and numbers totally customizable!
if u fly the same aircraft for more than one mission aircfaft should start out new and fresh then slowly get weatherd and grimy

sweet spot shots kill the pilots with one pass or engine or gunners

Drvn1 07-01-2010 11:36 PM

Split screen multiplayer..

Replay mode with photo editor..

Cockpits for every plane...

Customizable paint jobs much like the system in forza 3...

Tally marks on planes..

No radar for enemy aircraft..

Co-op Campiegn and training

Campiegn mission that are online based with an enemy team as well as an allied team.. First to reach objective wins.. planes must take off and land... Best Kill/death ratio is MVP..

That is all i got for now..

kjwright 07-03-2010 01:09 PM

More aircraft (P-38, Tempest, etc...)
fLIGHT MECHANICS WORKED OUT P-51 should not be as bad as it is.
Def differnt set up for training would be nice to have wing men even AI
Joinable online rooms no more random.
I liked the idea about attacking AI bomber formations.
Customizable skins and maybe kill marks
Would be cool to get a bonus or something for using the same plane

Cryptic Phant0m 07-04-2010 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by incaliber45 (Post 166482)
thing a sequel must have
more realistic damage aircraft becomes harder to fly after taking hits,
sweet spot shots kill the pilots with one pass or engine or gunners

I agree 100%, the game does need more realistic physics to plane condition.

For example: I was flying the p-51 and my plane's fuselage and wings looked like Swiss Cheese but yet I was still flying with no drag or loss of control.

The only other thing is the cockpits. (I was told why there are some planes without them!)

oalithgow 07-24-2010 11:33 PM

1- "The Pasific Campaing".
2- Advance to other war "Corean war & vietnam" with jets.. !!!
3- missions include: Take off and Landing.
4- Going to base for Refueling end rearming when selected Limited F/A

adamfinlayson 07-25-2010 03:43 PM

i would like to see more RAF bomber aircraft and wingmen in training mode.
transport aircraft would be fun to play about with in training mode.
please make more bombers bacause im fed up of the blenhelm of even give us another b-17 in RAF camo :)

PopsMagoo 07-28-2010 08:55 PM

Wish List for PS3 version of IL2 Birds of Prey's next version
1. Online Cooperative Mode for up to 4 pilots
2. Instructor lessons for combat manuevers, both basic and advanced
3. Free flight practice mode for takeoffs, landing and inflight combat manuevers
4. A few different planes like the Grumman F6F Hellcat, Mitsubishi Zero & Vought F4U Corsair (I know these are the Pacific part of the war but they are very cool planes). I could do without a few others if these were added.
5. Add campaigns for the Pacific maybe. The campaigns are fun and the Pacific theatre would be a great addition.
6. Higher FPS (occasionally it hesitates, and I have a boosted high speed cable connection with a high speed gaming router).
7. Dedicated servers? Do we connect to dedicated servers for online play? I haven't spent but a very small time online but Peer2peer isn't conducive to good quality connections (less lag and warp) and there are those who figure out ways to cheat the system. With dedicated servers game files can be checked at login to insure game files haven't been tampered with and those who might do something like lag switching or modifying controllers could be monitored more closely as well. I tip my hat to greatly skilled pilots but I don't enjoy someone cheating which destroys the integrity of the game.

I think overall this is a really fun and challenging game, one I'm really enjoying playing, that can only get better!

Thanks, 1C!

KNUCKLAS 07-29-2010 01:16 AM

how about these:
1. heavy, medium and light bombers with co-op missions on MP , with pilots, bombadier, and gunners
2. more planes with cockpits and gunner positions on bombers
3. make the cannons more effective on ground targets
4. transfer hosts MP in case of emergencies
5. flaps in realistic mode, you must land to reload on ammo, bombs and rockets.
6. reduce the number targets needed to be destroyed to complete missions (in realistic mode)
7. be able to pick a different plane at next respawn
8. respawn at the airfield on the ground far from the front
9. historical MP modes that pits axis vs allied in real scenarios or missions
10. choose your own loadout and gun harmonization, ie: tight or wide
11. dedicated servers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mysticpuma 07-30-2010 07:49 PM

Custom skins, a template released for the planes or even a competition to have the best skins in the next update?

Loads of camera views with the sadly missed Flyby included!

Cheers, MP

winny 07-30-2010 09:09 PM

Ahh.. F**k it, here goes!

In the vain hope that someone dev wise will actually read this and/or there is actually gonna be a sequel...

I want online options! People say no 3rd person/superman view in sim I say give me an option to pick, have a default by all means, but let me change it if I want to.

In fact, options for any 'choice' that you force on me would be good, be that aircraft type, armament, whatever.. By not including these in the original you basically underestimted the intelligence of your target market, 'Dumb up' this game.. buck the trend! The stoopid people are all killing each other on MW2 anyway.. MW2, my most 'usage out of a mute buttoningest game of all time.'

Nomad_of_war 08-02-2010 11:36 PM

All the above plus,

Reloading allowed in limited ammo by landing on a runway

Repairs allowed by landing on a runway

if your engine goes out, just plain land and do a small video on your pilot getting out and hitting it a few times to start (for kicks lol)

Dementia_Seven 08-03-2010 01:39 PM

i wanna have a paintshop
and if there is no rocket, bombs or bullets on the plane, they should allways reload on a runway.


then i would pay everithing

Anglomaniac 08-04-2010 03:30 AM

If they even thought of making a sequel for this i would be so happy. really what a the chances guys? as far as i can see the sales were not so great for the consoles (when IMO its the greatest flight sim to grace a console)
i too really liked the ideas for the sequel and would of put some down but you said most of them already, my main one would be a CO-OP campaign that would be awesome. no less than 6 players know. wow 6 players doing missions together would be brilliant. all have to take off, all have to land...all have to refuel and repair. even on the bigger planes with gunner turrets on 1 flys the plane and the rest of team have the option in joining that pilot as their gunner/s
and the guy who also looks through the bombing reticule and releases the bombs. kind of like Memphis Belle with ya buddys online. :grin:

Bell P-59 fan 08-15-2010 12:19 AM

My wish would be more aircraft maybe some of the prototype ones like the Bell P-59 airacomet and some less well known one like the Westland whirlwind.Some more bombers like the PE-8 and FW-200. Just some more aircraft, also is there any where to download extra aircraft fo the game. Thank you for your time.

irishjg10 09-16-2010 10:09 PM

Would love to have the P38 Lightning on BOP

Prang 09-20-2010 02:48 PM

Been said before, but the online interface really needs sorting out because it's bloody awful.

Everyone gets booted at the end of a match - seriously, WTF? Proper lobbies, like you get with just about any other game, please.

Games in progress don't show up in search - seriously, WTF? Not being able to join mid-session is one thing, could lead to skewed teams, I suppose, but you should at least be able to join as a spectator and play the next round.

This game is amazing online but the way it's been implemented seems designed to turn new players away. BOP is one of the best games I've ever played, but has the worst Live interface I think I've ever seen.

PlusP 09-22-2010 10:18 AM

After playing 1946 for so long, I figured I would try this one out. Overall, it's pretty fun. I don't expect too much on a console but I really wish they would fix a few things. I can go on forever but I won't get greedy.

1. Improved flight model.
2. Improved gauge visibility.
3. Realistic missions. (ie. You drop your bomb load & RTB. I absolutely HATE the magically refilling ammo. I want a realistic ingress & egress & either I get it right & the right things go boom or I get it wrong & a lotta dirt gets tossed around. (Or someone looses a barn...LOL.)
4. Bombsights for the bombers. (Not a fan of the external view.)
5. Realistic combat expectations. I'm sorry there are aces out there no doubt & some really accomplished sim pilots but for the sake of realism, I wanna get a kill or two on a mission & really feel like I earned it rather than 9-12 kills like in the BoP single player campaign.
6. Mission builder. To each his own but I want the option to set up some better ground attack scenarios in "Training". Better yet, give is a mission builder. I don't like dogfighting as much & in order to fly around & knock out AA guns in this game, my only option is to throw up a single AC-20 or other bomber, ignore it, & go do my own thing. Bummer.
7. Improved padlocking. The padlocking in this game is sorta disorienting. It seems like the arrow points in one direction but when you camera zoom, he's the opposite way. Maybe it's just me. Also, without TrackIr or a head tracking device, locating aircraft/targets is much too difficult. It's because of this I only did about 7 missions on sim. I can do it but it isn't realistic. A real pilot has a whole lotta stuff to do in the cockpit as it is. Fumbling around with a hat switch isn't one of them.
9. Cockpit view in all planes. I don't care for the 109's too much but I almost died when I hopped in the Stuka & saw there was no cockpit. Bummed.
10. Model the sun right. I flew a mission in 1946 a couple of days ago & the god dang sun was in my eyes for approximately 115 kilometers heading towards the target & we had to fly low level the whole way in. To be honest, it was extremely irritating...& felt pretty realistic.

I aint knocking this game. It is what it is....& it is pretty fun. However, consoles don't give us much in the way of options. I've been flying sims since Falcon 4.0. I understand energy management. However, energy management is very difficult in this game because the flight model is so unpredictable. If I can fly a P-39 Aircobra (one of my favorites in 1946) to the limit without spinning out of control, I should be able to fly a P-51 in this game. I also feel like the planes bleed waaay to much speed in the horizontal.

That brings me to gauges. To manage energy in a turn, my only reference is the horizon (if I can see it) or the altitude bar on the side of the screen. Without being able to glance down at my instruments briefly, I pretty much have to cross my fingers & hope i don't have the plane pointed up too much. I would be willing to forgo a little realism if I had some kind of virtual gauges in the cockpit view.

Coming from the PC, this game is very difficult for me in some ways. I have had to learn to fly the planes the way they are modeled in BoP & not the way I am accustomed to in 1946. Some of these planes turn like a bus, but at other times they can behave beyond their performance envelope. For example, in 1946, I have literally ripped the wings off of a Spit pulling out of high speed dives but in BoP, you can pull it off no problem. I don't expect them to get it perfect by any means but just make it somewhat predictable. I know not everyone is having the difficulties I am having. I think it would have been easier on me if I had only played this game & came into it with a fresh perspective. I guess I just have to get passed the re-learning curve.

1. SBD Dauntless
- I have hundreds of hours in this bad boy. It flys like a bus but it brings the pain & can take a heck of a lot of damage. Great online plane imo.
2. P-39 Aircobra If you can fly the P-51 in BoP, you can fly the cobra no problem. One of my favorites because it was so unique.
3. P-61 Black Widow
4. Piper cub or a Storch
(Be a forward artillery observer...sweet! :-P)
5. PE-2 / PE-3
6. P-38 Lightning
- Why on God's green earth would they leave this one out? :)

The M00ps 09-26-2010 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by the_somme (Post 165035)
would be nice if the the new Kinect for the xbox could be used in the same way that trackir is used on computers

Brilliant! That, my friend, would get Microsoft another $150 of my hard-earned cash.

Korsakov829 10-20-2010 12:17 PM

How about a new game mode?
Dogfight where when you kill someone you absorb them into your team untill everyones on the same side. Kind of like CTA only Capture the Aircraft.

scottyvt4 11-16-2010 08:55 PM

A sequel ................ thats all ;)

KAV 11-17-2010 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by scottyvt4 (Post 198835)
A sequel ................ thats all ;)


Shadowcorp 11-18-2010 11:28 AM

more custom control over online matches say restricting all in the room to single seat fighters or all in the room to axis aircraft per say
and definatly a sequel

skidlo 11-21-2010 07:39 PM

How about anti-aircraft gun options in the live combat modes

Gilly 11-22-2010 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by skidlo (Post 199986)
How about anti-aircraft gun options in the live combat modes

Pre-patch the ships in strike did used to put up flak, never did find out what happened to it

OldDuke6 11-27-2010 07:48 PM

For starters,

On the Xbox360 & PS3:
  1. More bombers; I.E. The only bombers used in the European Theater of operations weren't limited to JUST the B-17G, HE-111'S, A-20'S, ARADO'S, IL-2'S and Blenhiem's... What happened to B-25'S, B-24'S, B-26'S, HE-410'S, BF-110'S with bombs, and AVRO LANCASTERS?
  2. EVERY aircraft should have a specific Virtual Cockpit for interior views.
  4. EVERY aircraft should have a tailorable weapon load out. I.E. # of rockets, bombs, ETC. Also jettisonable ordanance option, A P-51 SHOULDN'T HANDLE LIKE IT'S GOT A 20 TON ROCK SLUNG UNDER NEATH WHEN BANKING A 2 "G" TURN.
  5. MORE flyable fighter aircraft. I.E. P-38J/K/L, one of the most widely used in the European Theater. Spitfire's MkX, MkXII, MKXIV with corrected flight dynamics, and a larger variety of weapon load outs..THEY HAD ROCKETS TOO! The Ho-IX, it made production, but never saw combat... Would like to see that flyable. The Hawker Tempest & Typhoon, USED TO HUNT V-1's across the western coast of EUROPE. The Fw-200 Condor, Germany's only 4 engined bomber/maritime torpedo-bomber.
  6. A broader variety of online Co-Op/MP missions. Some Strategic Bombing missions, or Anti-Ship torpedo missions, ground interdiction (strictly fighters) would be nice. MP missions where 8 people fly/operate guns in bombers vs. playable attackers and goal is defend ground targets while bomber destroys it.

How about some "WHAT IF" DLC. Some fighters from 1946? For the Consoles?

Korsakov829 11-27-2010 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by OldDuke6 (Post 201251)
How about some "WHAT IF" DLC. Some fighters from 1946? For the Consoles?

If I ever once saw a plane from 1946 in the game flying in WWII, wouldn't play it for a month. Too arcade like. Perhaps ones from early 1945, but nothing past that.

wakespeak 11-30-2010 04:03 PM

OK 1C Company, now that Apache Air Assault is out, can we please get some updates to BoP?

The console market works well for a lot of us that don't want a PC in the living room connected to the TV. We also use the PS3 for Netflix and other media player purposes. The graphics are excellent and the game is a classic already. I would again pay the $60 for a decent sequel or about half that for a decent patch set.

My biggest improvement desires relate to Realistic and Simulation modes:

- Fuel loading control, particularly for escort fighters like the P-51D and P-47. This is a real pain for dogfights when la-5s and Spits are loaded with 40 minutes of fuel and the P-51 with 5 hours of fuel.
- Flight model updates: at around sea level there seems to be 3 max speeds: ~280 mph, ~305 mph (most planes including the Spit, Mustang, G model bf109s), and ~330 mph (bf109K, la-7, fw190D). The P-51D should have a 367 mph sea level speed for instance.
- Better mode control, locked cockpit or HUD mode
- A few Pacific theater planes and missions.
- Frustrating model tweaks: eg, the P-51B is pictured as the RAF Mk1a with 4 Hispano cannons but performs like a slightly lighter P-51D with 4 50 cal mg's. If it is a Mk1a, then it should have the Allison engine and a sea level max speed of 345 mph and 4 Hispano cannons. This would be an interesting contrast to the P-51D. Otherwise the MkIII had the Merlin engine and four 50 cal mg's as the P-51B. The visual model should be updated to remove the cannons if the MkIII is used for the model.

Since the PC Il-2 flight model engine is used, it would seem these changes could be implemented with very little development time. There is also the PlayStation network to distribute updates.

Korsakov829 11-30-2010 04:23 PM

Developing such changes are no problem at all. But getting them out for the PS3 costs money. Its not a best seller like Modern Warfare 2, and since not that many people play its not really going to be worth the money.

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