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Feathered_IV 01-21-2014 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by jspec01 (Post 513625)
thanks! I can't believe I missed that post. Just tried converting one using his instructions and it worked.

Well I listened to a bunch of the UK files from that EAW campaign and they're really great.

Converting them 5 at a time would be quite a chore (there are 576 of them) but what's more daunting is that they're named 'UK3_011, UK3_12, etc' so I'm guessing you'd have to listen to all of them, then rename each file with the text of the speech from Cliffs that it's replacing? Seems like there are wingman voices so that's another aspect as well....

Glad you got them extracted. The first hundred or so are all spoken coordinates and such. The sort of things that have driven us batty in clod, so there's not much call to use them. The end of each list of samples has most of the good stuff.

I find it's handy to change the name of each file as you listen to it to reflect its contents. "UK3_80 break right" for example. That way you can easily find what you're looking for later in any language.

jspec01 01-22-2014 05:11 AM

Cool, thanks Feathered.

Compans 04-15-2014 04:09 AM

Hello Feathered and everyone. It really pleases me to see these old voice files still being used. I've been away from simming for years and just got a PC update that's enabled me to play CLOD. I must say theses sound files work really well. My only discrepancy is that some of them are No 609 Sqn specific but it still lends atmosphere.



Feathered_IV 04-16-2014 12:54 PM

Hi Compans, welcome back! :grin:

I think your work was one of the very best contributions to the Il-2 series. Your voice acting skills are outstanding. Very Robert Shaw in a "Give em a bloody shovel" sort of way.

I hope you don't mind me messing about with your files. Several of them were edited to remove specific squadron references. Althought a couple still managed to sneak in it seems. Its still a bit of a work in progress. With only one voice slot for the entire RAF, its a challenge to get the right balance.

Here's one I did recently for laughs. Using your own velvet-covered gravel and a little help from the BoB movie.


Compans 04-16-2014 03:44 PM

Cheers Feathered. Yeah the skipper was very much based on Robert Shaw's great (always slightly rankled) persona in the movie. For the record I used a super cheap headset mic which I covered in a little plastic bag and rustled it while speaking to add some crackles. When I used other actors it was difficult to stop some of them using expensive studio mikes. To my mind the cheaper the better. Some of the electronic pops and beeps were done by humming, then cutting and pasting small pieces of this track into speech tracks. All very homemade.

To answer your question...yourself or anyone else are welcome to use my sound files or anything else I produced, mess around with them or whatever.

Most sims produce fairly stale voice files. If you've ever read the book or seen the excellent documentary 'Finest Hour', there's one of the WAAFS accounts in there who says they were wary of using females as operations map workers as the broadcast pilot language could be bad. But she said that these men were fighting for their lives. I'm sure they stuck to the codes when they could but if someone's on your tail trying to kill you I would imagine it'd be very different.

Compans 04-16-2014 08:40 PM

Talking of Battle of Britain the movie, that erk sergeant always springs to mind on my landings:

"Bumps a daisy...makes you want to weep. And welcome home sir".

Danalberto231 08-18-2023 12:45 PM

Excellent post Feathered_IV, just what i was looking for to keep things fresh whilst i wait for TF4.01.
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