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Al Schlageter 12-12-2012 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by SlipBall (Post 487476)
Make sure everything is exactly as you first submitted....I could not log in the first day, turns out I had enter a coma instead of a period when signing in with e-mail name.


Yup a fat finger problem.

lion737 12-12-2012 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by zapatista (Post 486625)
bad choice 1c management, very bad choice ! the RoF "game engine" is dated and not able to reproduce real time modeling of flight physics for aircraft, its going to be a console type arcade game...

calling RoF arcade is just too ridiculous - the feeling of really being airborne is better in RoF than in any other sim. Condor is perhaps as good, but it is a glider sim.

Thee_oddball 12-12-2012 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by ZaltysZ (Post 487472)
Yeah, but maybe devs feel limited by design of CoD. :evil: It may seem different to end users, but in practice it is uncommon to ditch a software project just because of bugs in it, unless fixing them means redesigning and rewriting significantly large part of the project, what implies damage done by bad project management and/or bad architectural design. I doubt CoD has been killed without 1C coming to conclusion that it is not worth to be fixed (speaking strictly from software development point of view).

am %99 sure this is what happened ..:( however given that that BoS
will be released in earlier 2014 on an engine that will be dated, DX9 bound and is already known to have issues with the number of objects in a mission does not inspire a whole lot of confidence.... I would rather see this newly merged TEAM! keep hammering on CLoD .

Bearcat 12-13-2012 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by ATAG_Bliss (Post 487176)
It's the same engine. Why would it be any different. Go check the FAQ's where it says the engine will not be new. That was maybe the 1st hint of what to expect.

IL2 has the same engine as IL1 1946.. tweaked and modified .. but it is the same engine.. and in 2001 there was no 6DoF, no multi axis support, a 32 plane QMB, about 200+ fewer planes, no carriers,no changing default skins at all,nothing like the water or clouds or effects we have now.. and I am not even talking about mods.., no triggers, no MDS .. and granted it is no longer in the stock sim but it has been proven that it can be done, no radar beacons, no folding wings, no helicopters, no jeeps, no bi directional minimap zoom or rads on an axis, no widescreen support .. and I could probably go on if I thought about it.. that is just off the top of my head.. Look at 46.. and look at it modded because like it or not the mods stretched the engine just as much as the official patches if not more so. HOWEVER the point is.. It is the same engine.

We don't know what to expect from this but from where I sit the future is bright. Brighter than it was a year before CoD was released.. when it was still SoW:BoB and all that that implied.. Back then while many were calling it vaporware etc.. many of us had faith in the product but it hadn't even been released yet and when released it didn't meet the expectations.. Frankly with hindsight I think the objects of our faith are more tangible under the current circumstances than the previous.. I will be very surprised if 2015 sees us wondering "Will it be this year?!!" What this will be I have no idea.. I know it won't please everyone.. but for me.. this is what makes a great sim and not necessarily in that order:

4-Scalability - Also read into that the ability for user made stuff like skins and missions.
5-Mission builder
6-Plane Set
7-Theater set
9-Online Play
10-Offline play

Now the two variables that will have the most slack in this case are 6 and 7. That is a given. If the rest in this new product is comparable at least to the very best of all the categories that apply where either IL2, RoF or CoD was "best" and they meet or exceed what we now have with the potential to be even better.. I'll be a happy camper. The community is a given. We are here.. just go to the IL2 forum and look at some of those names ... names that you haven't seen in years ...

We are still here.

I choose to save tomorrow's complaints for tomorrow.. This has prompted me to actually pony up and get some more stuff for RoF as soon as this whole holiday thing is done .. even though I don't fly it much.

ZaltysZ 12-13-2012 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by Thee_oddball (Post 487591)
already known to have issues with the number of objects in a mission.

I can just hope they drop 32 bit support completely. Whatever way you look at RoF now, it seems like it is built with intention that it should run with 2GB address space, and it unfortunately barely fits there despite various tricks.

Liz Lemon 12-13-2012 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by ZaltysZ (Post 487656)
I can just hope they drop 32 bit support completely. Whatever way you look at RoF now, it seems like it is built with intention that it should run with 2GB address space, and it unfortunately barely fits there despite various tricks.

Well of course. Making sure the game can support all the legacy vehicles is probably a big priority. Even if the Clod engine supports many more vehicles, in many more interesting ways.

Anywho the models made for Clod will find some use. Maybe it'd be some modder working with 777, or just some hobbyist having fun. OR maybe it'd be some rogue who can decompile they're code.

Who knows what the future will bring;)

FS~Phat 12-13-2012 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Thee_oddball (Post 487591)
am %99 sure this is what happened ..:( however given that that BoS
will be released in earlier 2014 on an engine that will be dated, DX9 bound and is already known to have issues with the number of objects in a mission does not inspire a whole lot of confidence.... I would rather see this newly merged TEAM! keep hammering on CLoD .

Jason has mentioned that they are working on the next iteration of their game engine to bring it up to DX11 and 64Bit OS to take advantage of additional memory resources. So I think this is the best decision 1C could of made.
We may not get DX11 and 64bit on release of the new sequel but the 777 way is to make things fun, get it out and then continually tweak it. So if they are already working on DX11 and 64bit expect that will probably make its way into ROF before the sequel for refinement and testing.

More here on the graphics engine

"It’s pre-mature to talk about what’s next, but we will say that the ROF Engine (Digital Nature Engine) is being groomed for bigger and better things. What that means will be announced sometime in the future. We want to be the best sim developer in the world, even if it kills us.

(Jason Williams – President of 777 Studios)

Yes, we are thinking of what will be the next step. We have done evolutionary development with our Digital Nature Engine. This laid the basis for the project architecture. Our programmers are already making plans to use DX11 to create graphics and the possibility of 64-bit systems using large amounts of memory. This course will give us the opportunity to make the next technological step, and even more surprising graphics and depth of physical modeling.

It would be interesting to create a project of another era, the Battle of the Pacific Ocean, huge aircraft carriers, hundreds of people performing their work on the deck to ensure your take-off or landing, night operations P-61, flying boats patrolling coastal territories and rescuing crews from wrecked planes, and perhaps give you opportunity to manage other military equipment.

(Albert Zhiltzov – Producer of Rise of Flight)"

Glider 12-13-2012 01:28 PM

One of the things that first caught my attention in the first IL2 games was the fact that the setting was in Russia. The BOB and Europe have been done a number of times but to have a better engine and a different setting was very attractive.

I always thought that instead ofthe BOB wouldn't it have been good to have the period from Poland to the end of the Battle of France. How would the Belian early hurricanes and CR 42 do against the Me 109D, no one has armour or SSF tanks. The MS 406 and other fighters.

In the Pacific air combat sims have often concentrated on the carrier battles. Can I ask that you at least consider the first part of the war with Ki 27's against Buffalo's early P40's P39's Hurricanes. The by European standards obsolete Blenhiem, Wellington being used in daylight.
Like the BOB its an overlooked area full of potential as well as being different.

Ataros 12-13-2012 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by ZaltysZ (Post 487472)
Yeah, but maybe devs feel limited by design of CoD. :evil: It may seem different to end users, but in practice it is uncommon to ditch a software project just because of bugs in it, unless fixing them means redesigning and rewriting significantly large part of the project, what implies damage done by bad project management and/or bad architectural design. I doubt CoD has been killed without 1C coming to conclusion that it is not worth to be fixed (speaking strictly from software development point of view).

"Informed" rumors at suggest that initial Il-2 team was mostly replaced with new people around 2010. Recently most of new key people decided to leave with only few remaining. As you are familiar with software development can you tell if it is possible to resurrect a software project after 100% of a team left?

If yes, maybe we see a new project based on CloD engine one day.

Robotic Pope 12-13-2012 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Friendly_flyer (Post 487384)
Same here. I have tried different browsers. Whenever I want to create an account I get "Allowed only latin characters and numbers", despite my password being just Latin characters and numbers.

Same for me, I don't know if it is the space i'm putting between Robotic and Pope, I tried Robotic_Pope too but same thing. Other people have spaces and underscores in their forum name.

SlipBall 12-13-2012 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Robotic Pope (Post 487821)
Same for me, I don't know if it is the space i'm putting between Robotic and Pope, I tried Robotic_Pope too but same thing. Other people have spaces and underscores in their forum name.

got the activation email
Remember to sign in with your e-mail address and the password that you submitted...and not the user name that you chose

Friendly_flyer 12-13-2012 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by SlipBall (Post 487830)
got the activation email
Remember to sign in with your e-mail address and the password that you submitted...and not the user name that you chose

Well, it seems Robotic pope and me aren't getting past the initial submission.

SlipBall 12-13-2012 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Friendly_flyer (Post 487831)
Well, it seems Robotic pope and me aren't getting past the initial submission.

Sorry to hear, go to the first page of this thread and use the B6 link that he provided to me, good luck should be an easy fix:-P

Friendly_flyer 12-13-2012 06:57 PM

It is the link I'm using. It seems it refuses to accept Friendly flyer, Friendly_flyer or Friendly-flyer, don't know why.

SlipBall 12-13-2012 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Friendly_flyer (Post 487836)
It is the link I'm using. It seems it refuses to accept Friendly flyer, Friendly_flyer or Friendly-flyer, don't know why.

No, look down to post #7:grin:

ZaltysZ 12-13-2012 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ataros (Post 487781)
"Informed" rumors at suggest that initial Il-2 team was mostly replaced with new people around 2010. Recently most of new key people decided to leave with only few remaining. As you are familiar with software development can you tell if it is possible to resurrect a software project after 100% of a team left?

If yes, maybe we see a new project based on CloD engine one day.

I frequently get questions like "Can it be done? Is it possible?" and I usually reply "Sure, why not? Almost everything is possible, but can you afford that?". Lots of wonderful things are possible with dedication and huge amount of money, but the problem is those don't grow on trees.

Lack of help from old team does not prevent further development, it simply delays development, because new team has to invest way more time analyzing the software project by themselves before they can start improving it. This can wreak havoc with planning, because team isn't familiar with project, so they can't say, what they will do, how much time it will take, or even how long they will take before they can say something important (sounds familiar?). Investors don't like such things, so they usually don't risk in such situations, unless someone creditable vouches for project.

Sailor Malan 12-13-2012 08:45 PM

Hope we will see great things from the new company. With a name like that it cant go wrong. 1c777 ( I see god):-P

carl 12-14-2012 02:42 AM

il2 is dead cod never started and this will be a arcade flight fps for the masses, luckily it wont arrive for at least two weeks.

tk471138 12-14-2012 04:09 AM

Feel like crying!

BlackSix 12-14-2012 07:13 AM

About the problems of registration:

If you have any problems, don't receive a letter for activation, etc. - write to me at this address, the issue will be resolved.

Continu0 12-14-2012 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by BlackSix (Post 487951)
About the problems of registration:

If you have any problems, don't receive a letter for activation, etc. - write to me at this address, the issue will be resolved.

Hi B6

I found my E-Mail in my spam / junk - folder, so this might be the cause. Maybe you can do something about it.


BlackSix 12-14-2012 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Continu0 (Post 487954)
Hi B6

I found my E-Mail in my spam / junk - folder, so this might be the cause. Maybe you can do something about it.


I doubt that we can do something.
This is the personal settings of your programs)
Check your spam folder)

Troll2k 12-14-2012 09:58 AM

My email was also in the spam folder.

Friendly_flyer 12-14-2012 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by SlipBall (Post 487838)
No, look down to post #7:grin:

Thanks for trying to help me out, but I have already tried it. The link takes me to a suspicious looking site with all text in cyrillics, and no obvious way of proceeding. Could anyone PM me B6' e-mail?

BlackSix 12-14-2012 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Friendly_flyer (Post 488040)
Could anyone PM me B6' e-mail?

My e-mail

Friendly_flyer 12-14-2012 02:52 PM

Thank you B6, but it still takes me to the cyrillic website. I am using a webmail client from the local university, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Robotic Pope 12-14-2012 03:12 PM

Could someone just let us know if usernames rules changed and are now not allowed to have spaces, dashes or underscores. I probably could just use RoboticPope but I would prefer not to.

BlackSix 12-14-2012 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Friendly_flyer (Post 488047)
Thank you B6, but it still takes me to the cyrillic website. I am using a webmail client from the local university, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Can you explain the problem in more detail?
If you registered on this forum - tell me your e-mail, I'll activate you to manually if you didn't receive a letter

BlackSix 12-14-2012 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Robotic Pope (Post 488049)
Could someone just let us know if usernames rules changed and are now not allowed to have spaces, dashes or underscores. I probably could just use RoboticPope but I would prefer not to.

Did you try to change Display Name?
(My Setting/Display Name)

michel91 12-14-2012 03:57 PM

I wish you good luck for your new project, but I have a question. Clod today is incompatible with Windows 8. If somebody wants to keep playing with CLod, he must stay under Windows 7 (or Vista, XP), or dedicate a partition to Windows 7, knowing now that the arrival of BOS will not solve the problem.
I know that it has been announced that there will be no more patch on CLod, that Clod is not supposed to be compatible with Windows 8, that all the efforts of the new team will be devoted to BOS, but I think it will be "fair" to create an official patch to solve the problem of Windows 8 compatibility. It does not seem to need an important work. Somebody has issued such a patch (apparentely quickly) and I thanks him, but the patch seems incompatible with many antivirus programs.

BlackSix 12-14-2012 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by michel91 (Post 488059)
I wish you good luck for your new project, but I have a question. Clod today is incompatible with Windows 8. If somebody wants to keep playing with CLod, he must stay under Windows 7 (or Vista, XP), or dedicate a partition to Windows 7, knowing now that the arrival of BOS will not solve the problem.
I know that it has been announced that there will be no more patch on CLod, that Clod is not supposed to be compatible with Windows 8, that all the efforts of the new team will be devoted to BOS, but I think it will be "fair" to create an official patch to solve the problem of Windows 8 compatibility. It does not seem to need an important work. Somebody has issued such a patch (apparentely quickly) and I thanks him, but the patch seems incompatible with many antivirus programs.

I'll raise this issue again, but I can not promise anything

Robotic Pope 12-14-2012 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by BlackSix (Post 488057)
Did you try to change Display Name?
(My Setting/Display Name)

Well no, I haven't created an account yet. If I can change my display name afterwards to include a space between Robotic and Pope should I just create an account with the username RoboticPope? Sorry if this seems a bit picky. Something with the signup must have happened recently though to disallow anything but latin letters, a lot of people have underscores in their username and I doubt all of them changed this though display name settings after they signed up.

Robert_s 12-14-2012 05:24 PM

Is UBISOFT history ?

taildraggernut 12-14-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Robert_s (Post 488072)
Is UBISOFT history ?

Of course not, they just released far cry 3 which is going to rake in big bucks.......oh but they aren't involved with the new BoS title.

BlackSix 12-14-2012 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Robotic Pope (Post 488068)
Well no, I haven't created an account yet. If I can change my display name afterwards to include a space between Robotic and Pope should I just create an account with the username RoboticPope? Sorry if this seems a bit picky. Something with the signup must have happened recently though to disallow anything but latin letters, a lot of people have underscores in their username and I doubt all of them changed this though display name settings after they signed up.

AFAIK, you can register any name, and then change display name to the other as you like. I simply don't understand your difficulty now)
If you will have a problem - I'll try to help you

Characters not permitted: [ ] | , ; $

Robotic Pope 12-14-2012 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by BlackSix (Post 488078)
AFAIK, you can register any name, and then change display name to the other as you like. I simply don't understand your difficulty now)
If you will have a problem - I'll try to help you

Characters not permitted: [ ] | , ; $

B6, After putting in all needed info and pressing 'Create Account' , the screen comes back with Allowed only latin characters and numbers written underneath the username box. In the Username box I write either Robotic Pope or Robotic_Pope, neither of these have any [ ] | , ; $ nor do my email or password for that matter.

Maybe you could try making a test account with a username with a space or underscore_ and you too will see the problem.

JG52Uther 12-14-2012 06:31 PM

Theres quite a few already registered with _ in their name, so it must be something else.

BlackSix 12-14-2012 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Robotic Pope (Post 488086)
B6, After putting in all needed info and pressing 'Create Account' , the screen comes back with Allowed only latin characters and numbers written underneath the username box. In the Username box I write either Robotic Pope or Robotic_Pope, neither of these have any [ ] | , ; $ nor do my email or password for that matter.

Maybe you could try making a test account with a username with a space or underscore_ and you too will see the problem.

Ok, I understood a problem, you cannot use space and _ when you create account.
You have to register username RoboticPope for example or any another
After activation you can change your name to Robotic Pope or Robotic_Pope in My Setting/Display Name
You have 1-2 days for this. We can delete this function on Monday

Sorry for the inconvenience, we just launched a forum and while there are many problems

Robotic Pope 12-14-2012 07:16 PM

Thanks for helping B6, It worked as you said.

BlackSix 12-14-2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Robotic Pope (Post 488100)
Thanks for helping B6, It worked as you said.

Very good)

335th_GRAthos 12-14-2012 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by BlackSix (Post 488094)
Ok, I understood a problem, you cannot use space and _ when you create account.
You have to register username RoboticPope for example or any another
After activation you can change your name to Robotic Pope or Robotic_Pope in My Setting/Display Name
You have 1-2 days for this. We can delete this function on Monday

Sorry for the inconvenience, we just launched a forum and while there are many problems

Thanks also from my part BlackSix, that solved my problem as well :)

Nice weekend!


jimbop 12-15-2012 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Insuber (Post 486608)
WOW! Honestly I didn't expect that almost anymore ... my hopes were really LOW!

Thank you B6 and welcome back!

+1, excellent news.

Q. Why did 1C choose to partner with 777 Studios?
A. 1C has seen the remarkable quality of ROF and its associated technologies1C also liked 777’s ability to be flexible in the marketplace and innovative ideas. 777 Studios has also shown the ability to please its customers and provide excellent communication to the community on development matters.

Sailor Malan 12-15-2012 01:23 AM

Sadly we going to get flat lifeless boring scenery same as in RoF and will have to pay our arses for planes, bombs, guns. Wait years for new prepaid content to arrive as we do in Rof then only to get a sale a couple of months later for half the price you paid for your planes etc etc. Not to look forward to sadly:(

Friendly_flyer 12-15-2012 02:04 PM

Finally! Thanks for your patience with less than technically inclined of us. Managed to make a user and log in now.

BigC208 12-16-2012 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Malan (Post 488174)
Sadly we going to get flat lifeless boring scenery same as in RoF and will have to pay our arses for planes, bombs, guns. Wait years for new prepaid content to arrive as we do in Rof then only to get a sale a couple of months later for half the price you paid for your planes etc etc. Not to look forward to sadly:(

You can easily circumvent all of this 'agony' by becoming one of those that buys when it's on sale. Works for me.

theOden 12-16-2012 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Malan (Post 488174)
Sadly we going to get flat lifeless boring scenery same as in RoF and will have to pay our arses for planes, bombs, guns. Wait years for new prepaid content to arrive as we do in Rof then only to get a sale a couple of months later for half the price you paid for your planes etc etc. Not to look forward to sadly:(

:grin: :) :grin: :) :grin:

Frequent_Flyer 12-16-2012 04:56 PM

I won't speculate on what the 777 1C colaberation will look and play like. However, they are making a mistake having their first entry into WW II and Eastern front title. Offering to sell me the slow, underarmed aircraft of the VVS and Luftwaffe to perform the same limited mundane tatical mission over the boring Russian countryside is a bad business model. ROF thrived because it was a new and relatively modern WW I release.

Here's a novel ,idea start in the MTO, sell me a twin egined Italian torpedo attack aircraft or a P-40, Gladiator etc. The participants are many and varied, RAF ,USAAF,AU NZ ,Italy and the Luftwaffe. A theater where the diversity of missions can include land and sea interdiction, convoy escorts etc. A campaign where both sides depend on the logistics of seaborn supplies to continue the fight.

Not another version of the 109 to fly the 7 miles to the front for more of the same old, same old.

The PTO would be the ultimate !!

slm 12-16-2012 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Malan (Post 488174)
Sadly we going to get flat lifeless boring scenery same as in RoF and will have to pay our arses for planes, bombs, guns. Wait years for new prepaid content to arrive as we do in Rof then only to get a sale a couple of months later for half the price you paid for your planes etc etc. Not to look forward to sadly:(

Another company I'm not naming here has exactly the opposite pricing strategy: when they release a new product, they have short introduction price which may be like -25% from normal. This few week period often works as last beta test also. So you buy a product that is maybe 90% ready for a bit cheaper price and help them find the last bugs. Then after this price is normal, period.

IMO it's great because
1. it benefits those buyers who buy early
2. it benefits the company because they find last bugs quicker and get money early because people know that the strategy stays the same. It makes sense to buy early instead of waiting some months for cheaper prices

danjama 12-17-2012 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Feathered_IV (Post 486570)
Fantastic news. Bringing together the best of both teams and their combined experience is a best thing that could happen to this genre. Very exciting times ahead. :-P


danjama 12-17-2012 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Frequent_Flyer (Post 488508)
I won't speculate on what the 777 1C colaberation will look and play like. However, they are making a mistake having their first entry into WW II and Eastern front title. Offering to sell me the slow, underarmed aircraft of the VVS and Luftwaffe to perform the same limited mundane tatical mission over the boring Russian countryside is a bad business model. ROF thrived because it was a new and relatively modern WW I release.

Here's a novel ,idea start in the MTO, sell me a twin egined Italian torpedo attack aircraft or a P-40, Gladiator etc. The participants are many and varied, RAF ,USAAF,AU NZ ,Italy and the Luftwaffe. A theater where the diversity of missions can include land and sea interdiction, convoy escorts etc. A campaign where both sides depend on the logistics of seaborn supplies to continue the fight.

Not another version of the 109 to fly the 7 miles to the front for more of the same old, same old.

The PTO would be the ultimate !!

You're contradicting yourself quite a bit here, moaning about flight distances in the East, and then stating the PTO would be the ultimate. In the PTO, flight distances were more often than not, huge.

I for one welcome the Eastern Front back to the il2 series, i'm also a fan of the RoF series and have always thought a WW2 sim would be excellent with their engine.

Could anyone detail to me in a PM what exactly i've missed, why this has all happened and why Luthier has left? Been away for a few months.

klem 12-17-2012 06:55 PM

Good news ate the ROF forum
Good news at the ROF forum

ATAG_Bliss 12-17-2012 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by klem (Post 488704)

Translation: Ask serious questions or criticisms of the sim and you will be removed. Sounds exactly like the ROF forum.

SlipBall 12-17-2012 07:43 PM

He calls us grown men :confused::-P

CKY_86 12-17-2012 07:44 PM

So now the CLOD engine seems to have been abandonned, is there any chance of getting the stuff that was being worked on, like the player controlled flak guns? Seems a bit of a waste if they are just going to be deleted.

He111 12-17-2012 07:55 PM

If you go to the mods directory, apparently some modders are working on CLOD, they're taking orders for fixes ?????

wait and see.


klem 12-17-2012 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by ATAG_Bliss (Post 488706)
Translation: Ask serious questions or criticisms of the sim and you will be removed. Sounds exactly like the ROF forum.

I don't think that's what he means. He doesn't want the constant personal poison flowing as it does here all too often.

JG27_brook 12-17-2012 10:05 PM

God im hoping for Fw190 if they taking this to 43

vranac 12-17-2012 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by klem (Post 488704)

I also don't see any god news Klem.

They will just ban guys which will try to compare Clod and BoS.

But they were honest, no super graphic no CEM, no cockpits , no ground war,
no online wars ...

Jaws2002 12-18-2012 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by CKY_86 (Post 488712)
So now the CLOD engine seems to have been abandonned, is there any chance of getting the stuff that was being worked on, like the player controlled flak guns? Seems a bit of a waste if they are just going to be deleted.

I don't think they'll just delete everything. They'll milk the ROF engine for a few years, then sell us the fixed version of CLOD, four-five years from now, as ground breaking new game engine.

SPEKTRE76 12-18-2012 04:12 AM

Please give me the Bf-109G-6 and the Fw-190F-8 :grin:

CWMV 12-18-2012 04:52 AM

Neither was at Stalingrad.

Wolf_Rider 12-18-2012 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by klem (Post 488704)

lol, if he deletes or shuts down too many people, he'll only shoot himself in the foot customer wise... he knew what he was buying into.


Originally Posted by Jaws2002 (Post 488772)
I don't think they'll just delete everything. They'll milk the ROF engine for a few years, then sell us the fixed version of CLOD, four-five years from now, as ground breaking new game engine.

hmmm... you might be on to something there

Bearcat 12-18-2012 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by klem (Post 488704)

Get your facts straight Klem.. That is not the RoF forum. This is the RoF forum: Rise of Flight . The forum you linked is the IL2 Battle of Stalingrad forum.


Originally Posted by ATAG_Bliss (Post 488706)
Translation: Ask serious questions or criticisms of the sim and you will be removed. Sounds exactly like the ROF forum.

Wrong. Translation.. see above and below.


Originally Posted by klem (Post 488730)
I don't think that's what he means. He doesn't want the constant personal poison flowing as it does here all too often.


Originally Posted by vranac (Post 488761)
They will just ban guys which will try to compare Clod and BoS.
But they were honest, no super graphic no CEM, no cockpits , no ground war,
no online wars ...

On your first point.. no only people who keep rehashing the same BS that has been going on here and other paces for far too long. On your second points ... you do not know that.. there is no way you can the devs are still working all that out. I don't really see how any comparisons can be made yet.. do you not see how silly that statement sounds? The BoS forum has nothing to do with CoD that is why questions, complaints,wishlists statements of mourning etc concerning Cliffs Over Dover are not welcome there.. there is no one there who can answer them .. hell the people here couldn't answer them to your satisfaction .. and this is the publisher's forum for crying out loud.

bongodriver 12-18-2012 01:25 PM

I'm sorry bearcat but you had the finger hovering over the ban button for someone simply asking about the capability of the Nature engine, no poison or anything sinister, that sounds pretty close to Bliss's description.

Bearcat 12-18-2012 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by bongodriver (Post 488841)
I'm sorry bearcat but you had the finger hovering over the ban button for someone simply asking about the capability of the Nature engine, no poison or anything sinister, that sounds pretty close to Bliss's description.

You sure it was me? I haven't banned anyone yet.. locked a few threads.. but no bans and to tell the truth I'd rather not but you saw the level of vitriol over there that broke down into the whose balls are bigger debate which is not what the forum is there for. If you cannot discuss things in a civil manner then you won't be there.. (not YOU but a general you) I really don't care what "side" you are on. Often things that start out relatively civil can denigrate into a slugfest PDQ and as a moderator I have to take the route that works best for me. The bottom line is that if posters acted like mature adults instead of petulant children in most cases on most forums across the internet things wold run a lot smoother. For some reason sim pilots are a more angst ridden lot even though they generally tend to be older. The rules and guidelines for conduct are listed. If you stay within them there will be no problems.

bongodriver 12-18-2012 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 488846)
You sure it was me? I haven't banned anyone yet.. locked a few threads.. but no bans and to tell the truth I'd rather not but you saw the level of vitriol over there that broke down into the whose balls are bigger debate which is not what the forum is there for. If you cannot discuss things in a civil manner then you won't be there.. (not YOU but a general you) I really don't care what "side" you are on. Often things that start out relatively civil can denigrate into a slugfest PDQ and as a moderator I have to take the route that works best for me. The bottom line is that if posters acted like mature adults instead of petulant children in most cases on most forums across the internet things wold run a lot smoother. For some reason sim pilots are a more angst ridden lot even though they generally tend to be older. The rules and guidelines for conduct are listed. If you stay within them there will be no problems.

I didn't say you 'did' ban anyone, you just made it very clear that anything about the Nature engine is not to be questioned or discussed in any manner that is less than an endorsement, good luck stopping the vitriol but I'm affraid you are going to have people asking straight forward questions who will be antagonised by the same people that made this place a hell hole, namely the people that go bat shit crazy if you dare suggest anything might be a bit beter than ROF in some way.

klem 12-18-2012 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 488839)
Get your facts straight Klem.. That is not the RoF forum. This is the RoF forum: Rise of Flight . The forum you linked is the IL2 Battle of Stalingrad forum.


You are right of course. I meant the BoS forum.

Interesting possible Freudian slip. In my mind 777 would appear to be the outfit that will control the dev of BoS, hence the mental slipup.

vranac 12-18-2012 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 488839)
On your first point.. no only people who keep rehashing the same BS that has been going on here and other paces for far too long. On your second points ... you do not know that.. there is no way you can the devs are still working all that out. I don't really see how any comparisons can be made yet.. do you not see how silly that statement sounds? The BoS forum has nothing to do with CoD that is why questions, complaints,wishlists statements of mourning etc concerning Cliffs Over Dover are not welcome there.. there is no one there who can answer them .. hell the people here couldn't answer them to your satisfaction .. and this is the publisher's forum for crying out loud.

Ok, we will see that.If you'll try to stop critcisam thats bad.


Talk about flight-simming and aviation, foster a feeling of friendship and brotherhood in your hobby. This us vs. them mentality has no place here. BOS will not be a direct sequel to ROF nor will it be CLOD 2.0. Arguments over which sim is better will be closed. Find some other way to communicate to each other in a friendly way.

Maybe this answers from Loft will tell you something:


15) Do you plan to schedule cockpits at basic models from CloD (spit/hur/109)?

No. This you will not see. The reasons are simple. On the creation of one such car takes a year, sometimes more. The popularity of the genre has to be phenomenal to such expenses were justified. If not be careful, the budget end, and with it the end and projects. So it is not too wise use of resources PC, when applied 20 textures, where only three, and to result in serious performance problems. We hope to find a solution.


Rasim, on 14 Dec 2012 - 22:03, said:

IMHO CloD screens that was posted here today to show how much more realistic lightning of objects is in CloD. I hope till the release graphics will be tweaked and left screen will be closer to the right.


Will not be ,removed in the summer and one in the evening, and the second in the winter and in the afternoon. No need to wait no super graphics, if you like the graphics in CloD, fly and have fun, I do not like it much.
Silly,heh :rolleyes:

Not to mention other steps back from the standars we already have.

carguy_ 12-18-2012 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by bongodriver (Post 488841)
I'm sorry bearcat but you had the finger hovering over the ban button for someone simply asking about the capability of the Nature engine, no poison or anything sinister, that sounds pretty close to Bliss's description.

My opinion is that we quickly need a few more mods down there to keep Bearcat at bay. Right now he`s triggerhappy.

Cranky 12-18-2012 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by carguy_ (Post 488880)
My opinion is that we quickly need a few more mods down there to keep Bearcat at bay. Right now he`s triggerhappy.

lol, not at all like how Alpha was here then..... one reported post from you Carguy got you a ban, now have some back you sniveling kid. :grin::grin::grin::grin:

carguy_ 12-18-2012 03:44 PM

Before you lie again :

yes, I was banned here for like a week for calling someone stupid.

How many times were you banned?

jamesdietz 12-18-2012 04:01 PM

Somewhere ( maybe in this thread ) I read that CloD could slowly die as we wait the year or so for Studio777's developement of BoS. I wonder...what i mean to say that Clod even with its admitted problems is possitively a joy to fly ( after you get it to work I mean.) I have a way modded up Il-2 DBW install that is still fun & looks good & works well,but I still have to thinkwhich one of these sims & campaigns do I really want ot enjoy this time?
Thanks to 3rd party modders like Desastersoft & others I have more than enough missions to keep me busy for a year over this beautiful map and from time to time other campaigns & skins will come around to make things interesting.Perhaps there is even a slight chance someone will crack the code & more improvements will come around.Far fetched but it did with Il-2 ,& we all profitted from it,didn't we?
I think this Official forum will get a lot quieter ( & I don't know how BoS site will do in the waiting for a year stage..what will they write about while waiting for new screenshots & vids???) It took quite a shot after all the really upset people left in the beginning & has probably had others dropping away ( or being banned,) in the last 6 months or so,and that probaly means that the people who have a working version & who are dedicated to the BoB itself will continue to see what's going on here. ( I remember 2 years ago there was quite a bit od speculation on whether the upcoming CloD or whatever it was called then,would eviserate Il-2 & its various sites.Well we all know it hasn't ( for a variety of reasons,I know...perhaps if it had been perfect...sigh...) & SAS and AAS are still trucking ( I just downloaded a cowling/prop mod this morning!)
So I figure we will do the same here too...after all it could be so much worse:
( I really did enjoy this with my 10 year old son- I amsemi ashamed to admit...)

bongodriver 12-18-2012 04:18 PM

I don't think the core code for IL2 was cracked was it? as far as I can tell only TD who actually have access to the source code can actually write patches, and that sadly is what CoD will need rather than just content.

SlipBall 12-18-2012 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by bongodriver (Post 488894)
I don't think the core code for IL2 was cracked was it? as far as I can tell only TD who actually have access to the source code can actually write patches, and that sadly is what CoD will need rather than just content.

Think it was

Wolf_Rider 12-18-2012 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 488839)


On your first point.. no only people who keep rehashing the same BS that has been going on here and other paces for far too long.


excuse me there, Mr Bearcat moderator sir... but you know full well the nature of the il2 audience. Remember, RoF fans were rather painful here.
You might be able to ban them, but you'll never lock them out.

Now... someone else has taken over the object of their fanism, their favourite toy, and has to all intents and purposes made out that the new toy on the way will be a dumbed down version of their old toy - a "weekend" ain't gonna get that out of their system.
They will be curious and they will push for answers... learn to live with it ;)

JG52Uther 12-19-2012 06:27 AM

Just to point out, Bearcat is not a moderator here. As for the rest, this covers it I think:

Skoshi Tiger 12-21-2012 08:56 AM

Interesting developer update just released. Some good news and some interesting news.


16) Will be improve support for multi-core processors in the new game engine? My computer has 6 cores, but ROF uses only 2.

No, the implementation of multi-core remains the same. The best would be a 4-core processor.
Maybe we weren't that bad off with the COD engines?

So I guess I wont be rushing off to get a processor upgrade in the near future!


SlipBall 12-21-2012 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Skoshi Tiger (Post 489466)
Interesting developer update just released. Some good news and some interesting news.

Maybe we weren't that bad off with the COD engines?

So I guess I wont be rushing off to get a processor upgrade in the near future!


Computers needed for Clod have not been invented yet...that was the best part of it :cool::evil::-P

TheGrunch 12-21-2012 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by SlipBall (Post 489468)
Computers needed for Clod have not been invented yet...that was the best part of it :cool::evil::-P

"You'll grow into it" is a phrase that is best used for jumpers that your grandmother buys for you when you are a child, not retail games. :-P

bongodriver 12-21-2012 12:08 PM

I think it applies completely to retail games, just about every title I ever owned was beyond the full capability of my hardware, demands of the software are what prompt me to upgrade my hardware.

Fjordmonkey 12-21-2012 12:14 PM

Developement in and demands from software drives the developement of hardware. That's how it's been since the dawn of computers.

TheGrunch 12-22-2012 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by bongodriver (Post 489495)
I think it applies completely to retail games, just about every title I ever owned was beyond the full capability of my hardware, demands of the software are what prompt me to upgrade my hardware.

That's fine if you don't want to sell any copies. The difference is that I'll warrant most of those were playable on an average system at launch without major problems and loss of stability. Which is the real shame about CloD because on systems that can handle it, it's the best looking flight sim out there. I'll be interested to see how close the new project gets in looks.

MB_Avro_UK 12-22-2012 11:05 AM

I can't see Cliffs of Dover being abandoned in the medium to long term. For now there are other priorities, but CoD has now reached an almost finished state.

After so much work and development, it seems crazy to just drop it.

Will someone else pick up the ball?

Fjordmonkey 12-22-2012 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by MB_Avro_UK (Post 489620)
Will someone else pick up the ball?

The question isn't if someone else will. The question is of 1C will ALLOW someone else to pick up the ball.

TheGrunch 12-22-2012 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by MB_Avro_UK (Post 489620)
Will someone else pick up the ball?

Unfortunately, I doubt it, since improving CloD only creates a competitor for BoS, which doesn't make much business sense.

Mr Greezy 01-22-2013 07:14 PM

A few people have voiced their concerns about the flight models in RoF being simple. You just get a handful of planes in the air at any given time and it's an arcade-style dogfight. I don't know where you're getting this from. Have you played RoF lately? WWI dogfighting is much different than WWII. The scale was different, and naturally the airplanes were different. Obviously, I've never flown any of these aircraft myself, but they handle really well. I get a more realistic sense of flight than in any other flight sim I've played actually. I remember the first few weeks I got the game I would poke my head out to the side and hear the air rushing hard and I looked down and actually got a feeling of vertigo. How those little biplanes float around is spot on. I think this combined venture will surprise a lot of people.

The RoF graphics engine is capable of handling a lot more, you just gotta give it time. Let's say, enough time for a 2014 release? RoF is amazing, and the fact that 777 is teaming up with 1C to make the next IL-2 game is literally the perfect scenario. Over the past couple years RoF has ironed out the kinks and the engine is smooth, pretty, bug free, and accurate. What else could you want?

I also love the pricing model for RoF. It prevents piracy, it keeps the devs funded, and it allows for a high standard of quality. Every one of their planes is beautiful (even if it's an ugly plane), and if the flight modelling is incorrect, since the devs are continuously funded, they can work on them consistently to fix them.

It's a shame that one thing failed, but in the wake of its demise grows a potentially far greater thing. The series lives on!

Wolf_Rider 01-23-2013 10:45 PM

Personally, I would have thought teaming up with DCS to be a better choice.....

Volksieg 01-24-2013 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by TheGrunch (Post 489649)
Unfortunately, I doubt it, since improving CloD only creates a competitor for BoS, which doesn't make much business sense.

On reflection, I'm not so sure that is true. A lot of people will be put off by all the negative press CloD got, regardless of any future developments... a case in point being Empire Total War! I've lost count of the times I've had this conversation:

"Empire Total War is great!"
"Nah.. It's broken!"
"Have you seen the stuff modders have done with it?"
"Nah.. It's broken!"
"Seriously! Check out Darthmod!"
"Nah.. It's broken!"
(Beats head against wall)

People will still buy the new game BUT, when the work ATAG are doing takes off, a reasonable amount of people may be convinced to go out and purchase CloD just to install the mods and see what it can do... which can only lead to 1C making more money. They'd be fools to turn down easy cash.

Who knows? If they become aware of the stuff ATAG pull off (Assuming it goes well)... they may even be convinced to hand it over?

A dream? Perhaps... but all realities start with a dream!

SlipBall 01-24-2013 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Volksieg (Post 495376)
On reflection, I'm not so sure that is true. A lot of people will be put off by all the negative press CloD got, regardless of any future developments... a case in point being Empire Total War! I've lost count of the times I've had this conversation:

"Empire Total War is great!"
"Nah.. It's broken!"
"Have you seen the stuff modders have done with it?"
"Nah.. It's broken!"
"Seriously! Check out Darthmod!"
"Nah.. It's broken!"
(Beats head against wall)

People will still buy the new game BUT, when the work ATAG are doing takes off, a reasonable amount of people may be convinced to go out and purchase CloD just to install the mods and see what it can do... which can only lead to 1C making more money. They'd be fools to turn down easy cash.

Who knows? If they become aware of the stuff ATAG pull off (Assuming it goes well)... they may even be convinced to hand it over?

A dream? Perhaps... but all realities start with a dream!

That would be good...many would still need to do an up-grade though, to get a decent fps

Continu0 01-24-2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by SlipBall (Post 495433)
That would be good...many would still need to do an up-grade though, to get a decent fps

I think that still a lot could be done with the engine... When having stutters, my grapics card is not fully used, so it´s not the grapics card which causes that... it´s rather that cpu or something else is not used the right way...

mikelt 02-16-2013 05:06 PM

What't the release date?

Sokol1 02-18-2013 05:04 PM


Initial client release is slated for early 2014


Osprey 02-19-2013 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Continu0 (Post 495434)
I think that still a lot could be done with the engine... When having stutters, my grapics card is not fully used, so it´s not the grapics card which causes that... it´s rather that cpu or something else is not used the right way...

Are these stutters pauses? This is caused when you get a skin from another player afaik.

Continu0 02-19-2013 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Osprey (Post 497826)
Are these stutters pauses? This is caused when you get a skin from another player afaik.

I do have them also, when I fly offline. In my case I think it`s because I have rather weak CPU´s. CloD doesn´t fully use 6 cores. When it`s too much for the CPU, the processing to the GPU probably doesn`t work right (=optimal)...

(You could be right tough, I recently also noticed much more stutters when other players are connecting to the server. it also stutters when they choose a side...)

ATAG_MajorBorris 02-20-2013 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Greezy (Post 495212)
A few people have voiced their concerns about the flight models in RoF being simple. You just get a handful of planes in the air at any given time and it's an arcade-style dogfight. I don't know where you're getting this from. Have you played RoF lately? WWI dogfighting is much different than WWII. The scale was different, and naturally the airplanes were different. Obviously, I've never flown any of these aircraft myself, but they handle really well. I get a more realistic sense of flight than in any other flight sim I've played actually. I remember the first few weeks I got the game I would poke my head out to the side and hear the air rushing hard and I looked down and actually got a feeling of vertigo. How those little biplanes float around is spot on. I think this combined venture will surprise a lot of people.

The RoF graphics engine is capable of handling a lot more, you just gotta give it time. Let's say, enough time for a 2014 release? RoF is amazing, and the fact that 777 is teaming up with 1C to make the next IL-2 game is literally the perfect scenario. Over the past couple years RoF has ironed out the kinks and the engine is smooth, pretty, bug free, and accurate. What else could you want?

I also love the pricing model for RoF. It prevents piracy, it keeps the devs funded, and it allows for a high standard of quality. Every one of their planes is beautiful (even if it's an ugly plane), and if the flight modelling is incorrect, since the devs are continuously funded, they can work on them consistently to fix them.

It's a shame that one thing failed, but in the wake of its demise grows a potentially far greater thing. The series lives on!

How does the series live on when development has ceased?

It seems obvious that RoF WW2 was allready in development anyway.

More time for to RoF engine, its been out for 4 years and while it plays a ww1 dog fight well I cant see how the engine will make realistic missions for bombers and the needed ground targets then it currently does, I mean lets be real here, the ground in RoF is as lifeless as mars(Im assuming mars has life just not the kind you can see very well).

RoF is a fun game but killing CoD so RoF can go ww2 makes no sense and hurts ww2 combat sim pilots in a bad way

There are more then 30 varients of Me109, Will you enjoy the pricing model for RoF then?

Honestly I hope the best for any ww2 flight sim but in a world where these are far and few between I see no benifit to only one being devloped considering they will be very different from each other in realism and thus may not have competed for are $ anyway do to the fact that many will buy any ww2 flight sim that is released.

Sadly, after forum flyers killed neoqb and now Madox I doubt anyone else will develop a new ww2 flight sim for many years considering the community is unsupportive and enjoys breaking its new toys as if they will get another every year ala fps games.

ATAG_Bliss 02-20-2013 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by ATAG_MajorBorris (Post 497880)
How does the series live on when development has ceased?

It seems obvious that RoF WW2 was allready in development anyway.

More time for to RoF engine, its been out for 4 years and while it plays a ww1 dog fight well I cant see how the engine will make realistic missions for bombers and the needed ground targets then it currently does, I mean lets be real here, the ground in RoF is as lifeless as mars(Im assuming mars has life just not the kind you can see very well).

RoF is a fun game but killing CoD so RoF can go ww2 makes no sense and hurts ww2 combat sim pilots in a bad way

There are more then 30 varients of Me109, Will you enjoy the pricing model for RoF then?

Honestly I hope the best for any ww2 flight sim but in a world where theses are far and few between I see no benfit to only one being devloped considering they will be very different from each other in realism and thus may not have competed for are $ anyway do to the fact that many will buy any ww2 flight sim that is released.

Sadly, after forum flyers killed neoqb and now Madox I doubt anyone else will develop a new ww2 flight sim for many years considering the community is unsupportive and enjoys breaking its new toys as if they will get another every year ala fps games.

Don't worry Borris - Cliffs of Dover is far from dead. :D

ATAG_MajorBorris 02-20-2013 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by ATAG_Bliss (Post 497881)
Don't worry Borris - Cliffs of Dover is far from dead. :D

8) Thanks Bliss, I cant afford real treatment for my sim ills so an ocassional rant will have to do!

Go Team Fusion;)

MB_Avro_UK 02-20-2013 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by ATAG_Bliss (Post 497881)
Don't worry Borris - Cliffs of Dover is far from dead. :D


TBear 02-23-2013 05:49 PM

This is just like the SHV(werry buggy) moving to SH online. We can have opinions. But only of you win the lottery and make your own game we simply have to follow the path our hobby is moving.

Either we adapt

or we stop play

Its realy not that complicatet.

I stayed behind in IL2 when others moved to Clod (cod). And until 2014, i proberbly stil crash my planes there.

SlipBall 02-24-2013 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by TBear (Post 498244)
This is just like the SHV(werry buggy) moving to SH online. We can have opinions. But only of you win the lottery and make your own game we simply have to follow the path our hobby is moving.

Either we adapt

or we stop play

Its realy not that complicatet.

I stayed behind in IL2 when others moved to Clod (cod). And until 2014, i proberbly stil crash my planes there.

sounds like you need to upgrade your system

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