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CrashLanding 12-10-2011 09:13 AM

Still can't wait to take the P-38 for a spin. I'm still getting a kick out of BF3 (four service stars and more than 20 hours in jets) and I'm giving Ace Combat Assault Horizon a try, but Birds of Steel is just too far away.

ACAH isn't bad and I was able to buy into the story and intensity... for the first couple missions. The rest of the game doesn't come close to matching the intensity of the first mission and at times it substitutes challenge for difficulty, which can be very frustrating, and other times it's just boring. DFM mode isn't as bad as I initially thought and is a pretty intense way of conveying speed and motion. The helicopter missions are terrible. Terrible flight model (if it can be called that) and terrible camera.

Robotic Pope 12-10-2011 01:26 PM

I posted earlier on the gaijin forum my BoS preliminary list of British and Australian planes that I'm expecting to be confirmed on the website soon, forgot to post it here too so here it is now. Only 3 aircraft that i'm unsure of the mk so I put a question mark.


Gladiator mkII
Hurricane mkI
Hurricane mkII
Spitfire mkI
Spitfire mkII
Spitfire mkVb
Spitfire mkVc
Spitfire mkIX
Spitfire mkXVI
Mustang mkIa (GB commissioned)
Tempest mkV

Swordfish mkI
Blenheim mkIV
Beaufighter mkVI?
Beaufighter mkX
Mosquito FB mkVI
Beaufort mkI?
Lancaster mkIII


Boomerang mkI
Boomerang mkII

trainer/general purpose
Wirraway mkIII?

DAP Beaufighter mk21

dennisvader 12-11-2011 08:43 PM

For all the people thinking that there might not be Lancaster bombers...... there is! go on the mission sections the the official site and there is a mission called Ruhr and the dam busters attacked dams in the Ruhr area........ in lancasters!!!

Bouncing bombs FTW!

Robotic Pope 12-12-2011 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by dennisvader (Post 369318)
For all the people thinking that there might not be Lancaster bombers...... there is! go on the mission sections the the official site and there is a mission called Ruhr and the dam busters attacked dams in the Ruhr area........ in lancasters!!!

Bouncing bombs FTW!

The Ruhr recevied quite a bit more than just a few bouncing bombs in WWII so that doesn't garentee you will be bombing the dams at all. The Lancaster is in the game (see list ubove) but whether its the normal B mkIII or the bouncing bomb moddified B mkIII Special is unknown. Id prefer it to be the regular version as the Special is a one trick pony, it would be useless in a online Strike game for example.

Gilly 12-12-2011 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Robotic Pope (Post 369442)
The Ruhr recevied quite a bit more than just a few bouncing bombs in WWII so that doesn't garentee you will be bombing the dams at all. The Lancaster is in the game (see list ubove) but whether its the normal B mkIII or the bouncing bomb moddified B mkIII Special is unknown. Id prefer it to be the regular version as the Special is a one trick pony, it would be useless in a online Strike game for example.

Agree it's limited if it's a Upkeep 'Special' save for if they include the later Tallboy and Grand Slam 'Specials' used by 9 and 617 Sqns in which case bring them on!
That all said its been well documented here and Gaijen forum that strikes would ideally include a number of differing targets to hit- tanks, trains, viaducts, troop columns and ships to name but a few.
The fact the Lanc's there is enough to make me salivate like one of Pavlovs dogs irrespective of what exact type.

Anton Yudintsev 12-13-2011 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Zatoichi_Sanjuro (Post 368406)
I hope the AI is fixed. I haven't played Birds/Wings SP much since the release. Started replaying it on PC recently, and it's maddening. I actually instantly got killed three times in a row from respawn, and of course the original kill was just as unfair.

Well, I can't promise that you will be happy, cause I don't know, if you will.
But at least we have re-writed the whole AI from the scratch.

Anton Yudintsev 12-13-2011 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by FOZ_1983 (Post 368254)
Anton!! Welcome back stranger. Hope things are going well with the game. Great job you guys are doing.

Well, I am not that "back" as I used to.
I have much less time, since I need to be on our forums as well, not counting the development :)
Google told me there is still lot's of activities here, so I decided to answer a couple of questions. Can't promise I will appear here often.

haitch40 12-14-2011 08:56 AM

The worlds best game dev had returned.
And of course there are alot of things happening you gave us a great game last time and with what your telling us it looks like, in terms of quality of the game this new game will be a market leader.

vdomini 12-14-2011 09:23 AM

Oh i really want to fly that!!! And i hope to be able to "land" on the sea..... :o:o:o:o

Robotic Pope 12-14-2011 02:59 PM

Website updated with RAF planes!

In my unofficial list the only mistake was I got the mk of the Beaufort wrong :D

Normal Lancaster B mk III

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