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Kolorabi 10-03-2007 03:39 PM

I have only played the first missions in the human campaign so far, but I am really enjoying it. Nice graphics too, gives me a nostalgic feeling of old hex-based wargames, but it still looks nice and modern. I think I'm going to have many happy hours with this game. :)

Llyad 10-03-2007 09:58 PM

I really enjoyed the demo (being a fan of Fantasy General, hard not too -- on a sad note, I still have the disks but it doesn't run on XP).

However, based on the inevitable comparisons w/ FG, I have some gameplay questions:

1) Does a player "accrue" an army throughout the campaign?

The idea that how the results of one battle impacted the entire war experience was a great element in FG as well as the fear that experienced units would be lost forever really made me focus on maximizing results in a given campaign. (anything that eliminates Zerg as a successful tactic is good in my mind)

2) Does the hard difficulty level lead to a smarter AI (rather than just tougher/more AI units)?

Admittedly, I have been lazy and only played normal so far; however, I would rate the AI as okay . . . (good -- ensured they finished an opponent bad -- could have made better use of archers and should have withdrawn from certain positions)

3) Do the maps and terrain vary enough to *require* mixed-unit tactics?

One thing I loved about FG was the inability to use the same tactics as the campaign moved to different continents. The first continent could be won almost exclusively with Cavalry and Air units, while the jungle (2nd continent, iirc) required lots of heavy and light infantry. And of course, the final battles needed tons of artillery . . .

Those questions aside, I am very happy to see a game developer breath some new life into the pure Turn-Based Strategy games, esp. since it is in my favorite genre -- fantasy.

Llyad, command-in-chief of my own mind (barely)

Elmereth 10-03-2007 10:26 PM

Here is some responses to your questions Llyad :

1) Yes! Your armies accumulate xp throughout the different battle, and at each step of the campagn ou have the choice to select which one you use in the battle and which one you keep in reserve. Moreover during battle you can call for reinforcement some units in reserve ;) it is a nice idea.
2) I can't answer you because I only played in normal mode. But I fear that, like the majority of the games, the hard mode is only a boosted ia unit mode. Hopefuly the ia is very correct in normal mode, and this cumulate to the difficulty of the campaign (very very well calibrated I think) give us a very good challenge!
3) A very big Yes! I don't remember if in the demo it is obvious but trust me, you will feel the necessity to well organize your unit with the terrain caracteristic very soon in the campaign :)

I thank again the dev for this very very good game ;)
(too bad that there is not yet a true skirmish mode, but I trust the dev to incorporate in via a patch very soon, pleaaaase)

Guardian 10-04-2007 07:37 AM

One more with congratulations here :D
I've come here to discuss another 1C game, Ascension To The Throne, and thanks to Kolorabi I've tried demo yesterday. YAY! :D

Well balanced AI, even on normal I got only silver (mainly 'cause I wanted to visit as much place as possible xP), graphics, ideas, leveling system - everything is proper, nothing to complain.

If I could ask for two more things it would be visible tech tree (unless perks are random, I'd like to see what perks I have to collect to get other, high-level perks), and also...
The thing that drew me to Fantasy General that much, was a superb, fabulous unit pictures on info screen, You know, sketch-like. Eh, real work of art. Maybe, one day... Some talented mod... Eh, nevermind.

Thank You for Your work and next week I'm buying this game! 8) :D

P.S. Terrain dependable combat is what I looooove, it resembles Civilization IV, where all units and/or their perks were working like paper-scissors-stone, it brings whole new level of tactical challenge :) Sun-Tzu at his finest :lol:

P.P.S. @Llyad
FG is fully playable on XP, You just have to install DosBox and You're all set ;)

asadex 10-04-2007 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Elmereth
Good game!

Thank a lot for the rebirth of the hexagonal turn based game!

Please, give us a patch with news maps, a true skirmish mode, news races, a true skirmish mode, news artifact, a true skirmish mode, a map editor, a true skirmish mode, elfe and dwarf separate... :D
Congratulations guys, you are going to be the target of all the mad community of heroic fantasy turn based fan! :lol: Courage, just a few work again and this good game will become so great that a new dollar license will birth :)

PS : Give us the tools, and the community will do the work :)

Totally quoted

megakill 10-05-2007 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by asadex

Originally Posted by Elmereth
Good game!

Thank a lot for the rebirth of the hexagonal turn based game!

Please, give us a patch with news maps, a true skirmish mode, news races, a true skirmish mode, news artifact, a true skirmish mode, a map editor, a true skirmish mode, elfe and dwarf separate... :D
Congratulations guys, you are going to be the target of all the mad community of heroic fantasy turn based fan! :lol: Courage, just a few work again and this good game will become so great that a new dollar license will birth :)

PS : Give us the tools, and the community will do the work :)

Totally quoted

Can't say a lot now - but there is a sequel and some mission packs in the work now. Stay tuned. :wink:

lparkh 10-05-2007 05:52 PM

Rebirth of "General" Series - Comments and Questio
As a long time fan of Panzer General like games (including Fantasy General) would like to comment on the high quality of this game. The AI is decent, the paper-scissor-rock aspects well thought out. The plot and voiceovers pretty good as well. My requests:
-- Tech Tree- also would like this. maybe as a pdf on your site for now
-- Modability -- hope you are supporting this well. Would be wonderful to see user based mods (maybe even a Panzer General or Star General some day).
-- Graphics -- well this is unlikely but would love to see a less cartoony graphics style someday in spirit of art of LoTR movies for example.
-- Manual - a bit thin
Question: The eagle made available in 3rd scenario of human campaign is described as "lends support" to land based units. But I could see no game mechanic indicated. Does it in fact and if so in what way?

Guardian 10-05-2007 06:48 PM

I second for graphics, I did mention about perfect unit info screens in FG, You don't see funny hats or "painted soldier" style. One of 1C games, Ascension To The Throne has really nice unit graphics too, I really like that form of fantasy atmosphere. Manga Berserk could also provide some great insights in dark fantasy, from 5th-7th tome images are burning into one's brain :twisted: :D

Other my comments see above :wink:

P.S. And I really like simplicity of placing perk tree on a forum, not implemented into the game. Good idea! 8)

joasoz 10-05-2007 07:19 PM

When I try to start the Fantasy Wars Demo i get three errors in the eventlog (XP Servicepack 2)

Generate Activation Context failed for C:\Program Files\Nobilis\Fantasy Wars Demo\fw.exe. Reference error message: The operation completed successfully.

Resolve Partial Assembly failed for Microsoft.VC80.CRT. Reference error message: The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.

Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.CRT could not be found and Last Error was The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.

Any tips?

lparkh 10-05-2007 07:35 PM

Demo bug fix
I recommend you read through this thread. Got it working for me. Read throug hto end because there are some old vs new versions of the required library out there. My first try failed. I had to find the right download.
Good luck! (and try the human scenario for a bit more challenge)

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