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ECV56_Lancelot 12-15-2009 11:25 AM

Protos, giving you the benefit of camparing WoP and BoB since both are still WIP (even if i still don´t think its right to compare between each other), i agree that the terrain looks great on WoP and way better than what we got with il-2 and was showed so far from BoB. But you can´t say the atmosphere and color are realistic on WoP^, i´m also fly from time to time, and the ground and sky doesn´t look that at all on a clear day. On WoP it looks oversaturated, and they made it intenionally to give a more cinematic experience, but it not REALISTIC at all. The only way that reality would look a little more similar to WoP its in a fully overcast day.

Still, WoP its a mainly arcade sim, not a realistic sim, that means they have the advantage to use more cpu resources on to graphics, instead of phisics. That the main reason i don´t think fair to compare WoP with BoB.

Couldn´t agree more that competition is good! :)

Feuerfalke 12-15-2009 04:20 PM

Well said.

Besides that, WoP is only partially WiP, as the only W in the current P consists of porting the game to the PC. The game itself is available for quite a while now.

Chivas 12-15-2009 05:37 PM

WOP at the moment is very good and hopefully.... the WOP BOB map will become larger....., a ground transportation system developed........ terrain lighting from cockpit improved........terrain color palate expanded......, difficulty settings more diversified rather than lumped into arcade, realistic, simulator modes......mission builder a few more.

This all could be accomplished overtime, but in the mean time WOP should attract more simmers to the combat flight sim genre. This should bring more sales for Oleg's SOW series.
Its all good.

AdMan 12-15-2009 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Chivas (Post 128693)
WOP at the moment is very good and hopefully.... the WOP BOB map will become larger....., a ground transportation system developed........ terrain lighting from cockpit improved........terrain color palate expanded......, difficulty settings more diversified rather than lumped into arcade, realistic, simulator modes......mission builder a few more.

This all could be accomplished overtime, but in the mean time WOP should attract more simmers to the combat flight sim genre. This should bring more sales for Oleg's SOW series.
Its all good.

^exactly, and all Oleg needs to do is DELIVER! (no pressure or anything)

Necrobaron 12-16-2009 03:40 AM

WoP is a joke from what I played of it. Some decent (though hardly realistic) graphics and that's about it. To a serious simmer it will be no competition for SoW.

13th Hsqn Protos 12-16-2009 05:24 AM

Necrobaron is right ....... the graphics are totally unrealistic

You cant believe how unrealistic they are at 1920x1200 superultramax textures 6aa 16af :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Feuerfalke 12-16-2009 06:29 AM

Maybe some time you will find out that there is a difference between something looking great and something looking realistic.

Hopefully your discovery will not turn out like this:

I'm 100% with Chivas on this:
WoP is a game with nice graphics and hopefully attracts some people to the flightsim-genre. And when they want something more realistic in every aspect, they can go for BoB. That said, I don't think that it is "Watchout Oleg!".

13th Hsqn Protos 12-16-2009 06:59 AM

I didnt know posting soft porn was allowed ...... me ... I only post airplane porn :cool:

13th Hsqn Protos 12-16-2009 08:19 AM

I have serious doubts that most of the critics in here have even flown this game, but for those of you that have and want more .....


Fix your settings from the advanced panel as you see fit.
My personal preferences are below.

I fly for hours just a 100meters or so off the deck with these settings. Closest representation to actual flight ever.... but hey I understand some people don't want to 'fly in a painting' they prefer to fly in a 'cartoon' - to each their own.

Romanator21 12-16-2009 08:25 AM

Ok, let's see some screens of the game now under these settings. And consider the toy-like appearance of the He-162.

You can enjoy the game, but it's not fair to bash SoW before it's even done. Never while looking out of the window of a plane, or in any photograph, have I seen what I see in WoP.

I also seriously doubt the nature of WoP is going to match SoW in terms of physics and flight model. In this regard it will not be competition.

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