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TRC Subaru 01-18-2010 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by MACADEMIC (Post 137358)
Okay guys, thanks a lot for your comments.

I've made up my mind. I'll sit it out, hope the disc will arrive sooner than later.

You all just brought back the awful memories of Blazing Angels which I could only endure for about half an hour.

Thank the lord for BOP!

Yes, BoP is unbelievably better then Blazing Angles…but I sure would like to have a couple of wings full of “high-powered heat-sensing” rockets every now and then…at least until we get the patch…lol

fritzwendel 01-19-2010 12:01 AM

This is all you need to know about it, from a Devout Heroes of the Pacific fan.

I bought it on day one, and returned it on day two back to Gamestop.

The original publisher went belly up, so the funds for the game went belly up, and the resulting product is unfinished.

It looks WORSE than Heroes of the pacific, graphics wise.

I would actually recommend Blazing Angels 2 before HOE.

HOE is, for me, the most disappointing game of this generation.:(

Panzergranate 01-19-2010 02:19 AM

I saw it in the local Game Station during the week for £4.99.... it looked like game aimed more at school kids than serious dogfighters.

The type of moron who thinks that MW2 is better than Operation Flashpoint, mainly because they suck at the latter.

The only decent console games with accurate flying and dogfighting simulation are Battle Stations Midway, Battle Stations Pacific and IL-2 Stormovik - Birds Of Prey.

Ironically, bother come from former Warsaw Pact counries, namely Russian and Hungary. It doesn't seem that we NATO counyries can write a decent flight simulator for consoles yet.

reverend66 01-19-2010 08:18 AM

If it was called unicorns over Europe THAT would be a different story!

olife 01-19-2010 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by MACADEMIC (Post 137328)
What can I say, I messed up.

I left my PS3 BOP disc in a hotelroom a few thousand kilometers away, and I'm counting the hours to get it back.

Living on a small island, there's just one shop which currently doesn't have the game. But they have, I discovered, a copy of HOE.

Could this be a quick fix for my flying addiction until I have my BOP back?

What to do?

hello my bud
i have hoe but i played just once and in my opinion it is not a good game:only arcade,the moves of the planes are not as realistics as in bop,
following camera is very bad...bop is tousands better than hoe,just the story of the solo mode in hoe is really fun but that is all,in fact hoe is an arcade game (as blazing angels but blazing angels is really good in my opinion but only the first not blazing angels 2 secret missions of ww2 which is bad in my opinion)
macademic my friend hope see u soon in the skies ,really sorry for u,hope u will be with us for the future battles,great honor to fly with u bud ace

see u soon bud

KAV 01-19-2010 10:24 AM

I got my PS3 in May 2009. Consider to buy both BA and HOE but after a short look at screenshots and gamemodes I decided to wait until BoP came in september. I gor it from the shop late October and have been in love ever since :-P
I am very glad I waited..........

Shadowcorp 01-19-2010 01:50 PM

Hoe is not in the same class as il2, solely arcade with an auto aim.... sigh. Many of you will not know that the prevailing clan in ps3 hoe and their tactics which include Team playing in dogfight modes, score boosting, bullying of any players they find threatening.
So for me Graphics Gameplay and Community make il2 a far superior game, and i only play arcade supposedly hoes strong suit lol

stealth finger 01-19-2010 02:14 PM

tis a shame because, heroes over the pacific on the xbox was great!

PantherAttack2 01-19-2010 07:47 PM

BoP's arcade mode is miles better than HoE.

dkwookie 01-19-2010 07:57 PM

HOE has some weird bullet time too. Not sure what thats about

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