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rslot 01-16-2014 05:15 PM

Excellent post Feathered_IV, just what i was looking for to keep things fresh whilst i wait for TF4.01.
I had been fiddling about renaming certain sound files such as 'landing denied' etc but yours are much better.
I particularly like getting the WAF contol tower. Much more realistic.
Many thanks

PS let us know if you make any changes.

Chivas 01-16-2014 10:19 PM

Have you been able to talk to anyone at the ATAG or Team Fusion, to see if you guys could work together.

Feathered_IV 01-17-2014 02:28 AM

I haven't been over to atag. The speech files are not part of the encrypted game and are probably of as much interest to TF as a user made skin would be. I'd be curious to see if the new converted files would work for an MP game though.

Plt Off JRB Meaker 01-18-2014 02:40 PM

Excellent work Feathered,much more immersive :grin: ,one point,if I may be so bold,I have upped the volume on the voicevolume to 12 in my Conf.ini,but the female voice is still very hard to hear,is it possible to raise her voice a tad more old friend?

jspec01 01-18-2014 06:41 PM

Thank you so much for doing this!!!!

I'm an offliner too, and the AI voices (or voice, I guess, as it seemed like there was only one guy flying for the entire RAF!) in Cliffs made me so crazy I can't even tell you.

Just tried this out and it's so refreshing, can't thank you enough for taking the time (thanks are due of course to the original guys who made the mod as well).

Feathered_IV 01-18-2014 10:10 PM

I'm really glad it helps. The default voice was driving me out of my mind too.
The Luftwaffe is just as bad, if not worse. That constant mantra from the ground controller with his startled Actooong! and a stream of unwanted garbage after it... Ugh, can't even speak of it without getting stressed.

Meaker, I'm not sure I can get any greater volume out of the female voice, but I'll try. Currently I've got it boosted to the point where it is beginning to distort. Perhaps I can squeeze another decibel out of it though. It's pretty low for me too. Turning Sound Volume down 50% in the game's Audio Options section and turning up your computer's volume to compensate seems to help however.

Plt Off JRB Meaker 01-19-2014 08:27 AM

Ok Feathered,I'll have another try at enhancing it with my sound system,I can hear the guys voices no problem,it's just the female voice that sounds distant.

Btw,I hope you don't think I'm being ungrateful old chap,it's so good I just want to get the best out of it :grin: what you have done is a game changer IMO,so thanks very much,it's very much appreciated old boy.

jspec01 01-19-2014 05:03 PM

It really helps a lot, thanks again. Was it time consuming? I looked through the folder and there's a pretty intimidating amount of files in there! Do you find sound samples that relate to existing ones, then switch them out? Then try and equalize the volume?

I wonder if there are any other sources the could be used - European Air War? Obviously it's pretty old, but it had a BOB campaign... though not sure exactly on the legality of borrowing those (or even if it would be possible).

Anyway just curious as to the process and future possibilities, thanks again for doing this.

Feathered_IV 01-20-2014 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by Plt Off JRB Meaker (Post 513451)

Btw,I hope you don't think I'm being ungrateful old chap

Not at all! A bit of feedback (no pun intended) is a very welcome thing. Most people just download without a word one way or the other.

Hi jspec, the Actor1 folder was pretty scary looking at first. Initially I only went in there to try and get rid of the repetitive words of the ground controller. Things took a turn when I found an online audio converter that lets you change Il-2 wav files to clod ogg ones in one batch. Then I realised it would be possible to not just silence bits, but to replace them altogether.

Some samples are the same as their Il-2 counterparts, right down to the file name. Others are edited or spliced together to better fit the quirks of the clod system.

I've got a copy of EAW. I was never able to get it to install, although every year or so I still try. I did once check out the German voices though and noticed they sounded rather good. Better than what we've got anyway. Over the weekend I was able to extract all of cfs2's speech files. Some great US voices in there. Using the same method I was able to get some very good third party German voices that might prove useful.

Doing this stuff isn't difficult as such. You just need to keep pecking away at it I guess. The good thing about it is you can listen to it as you progress and it keeps getting better as you go.

Feathered_IV 01-20-2014 11:40 AM

If there are others of the community who would like to make a difference for this game. You can follow the link to find some excellent freeware speech files from EAW. The Italian and German ones look particularly useful. If you don't speak the language, download the English versions and use that as a translation guide:

Get the free converter to change EAW's .SND files to CloD's .OGG format:

8bit unsigned, 8000 sample rate, mono seems to work nicely

Or if converting Il-2 files, try this hassle-free alternative:

Choose ogg as the file type and Normal 128 kbit/s for output.

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