View Full Version : State of the Multiplayer

09-20-2009, 03:39 PM
Hello, I was wondering if the MP games have turned into a heavy tank-spam sort of ordeal or if people will actually use infantry and combined arms. I am debating buying this game and I am disappointed that there is no skirmish mode AI so I guess MP will be my only option.

Also if someone could give me an idea about whether people will exploit game mechanics in the MP match.

10-04-2009, 11:35 PM
no scirmish with ai -- well online there is coop play against the ai.
you know there may be a skirmish ai mode too but i am very engrosed in MP so I am not sure , but the MP--- I mean it is great . YOU SHOULD GET THE GAME..
infantry only games are out there too and are almost more fun --you can start a game and set this as a mode of sorts..
the only thing i would change is an armourd car only shoot out ,what a kikck in the pants that would be !