View Full Version : how to complete soviet mission 7 behind enemy lines

08-17-2009, 07:00 PM
yes hello i dont get the point of this mission, do we have to mine every vehicle and artilery in the place? also how to remove mines and map unit positions? please help

08-25-2009, 05:08 PM
Samedi, check out the attachment, I recently passed this mission. If you are talking about this one, you need to put dynamites into the big artilleries and big machine guns on the hills. Also the mines that you need to remove will be on the road close to this screenshot.

08-26-2009, 04:54 PM
... do we have to mine every vehicle and artilery in the place?No, and this simply wouldn't be possible, since you're only supplied with a total of 15 bundles of dynamite at the start of the mission anyway.

You're actually free to choose which enemy ordinance you prefer to rig. Also, don't be confused by not receiving a vocal confirmation for each charge you place. In the end, every bundle dropped next to or into enemy inventory counts towards your score. Planting approx. a dozen charges is enough to complete the objective. After that, it's you're choice whether to use the remaining dynamite or not.

You've probably already guessed that you'll eventually be ordered to assault the enemy defenses and capture the base. Keeping that in mind while sneaking around the emplacements will assist in devising an offence strategy and rigging the ordinance accordingly.

... also how to remove minesDisarming mines should be available either via a control panel button or context-sensitive cursor symbol after you've flagged them with the detector. Be aware though that you're merely asked to identify and not actually remove the mines in order to accomplish this objective. IIRC, there are a total of three mine strips laid across various sections of the road displayed in mazter's photo above. Digging them up and reusing them to your tactical advantage is entirely up to you.

... and map unit positions?I don't think it's possible to actually map unit positions, nor is there any need to do so. The game automatically tracks the amount of enemy terrain you've covered and will inform you once you've visited enough locations to satisfy the objective.