View Full Version : I'm finding this game difficult

07-06-2009, 06:47 PM
Not sure why. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough but I generally have never played an rpg, strategy game like this. My only experience with something similar is the Disciples series from Strategy First.

So I have a couple questions:

1. Is it just me or is difficult to navigate around dangerous corners? Is there a way to zoom out more on the map and see enemy placements?

2. Is there an auto-save?

3. Are units of a limited supply? Admittedly I assumed I could access an infinite amount at their specific locations.

4. Is the story important? Are there different narrative threads you can go down depending on how you interact with the NPCs? I recently failed a mission by defeating someone I shouldn't have. It caught me by surprise. I assumed if I could defeat it then it must be an enemy.

I'm a bit of a casual gamer so my questions may seem very simple. Thanks.

07-06-2009, 08:21 PM
1) Use the mouse wheel to zoom out.

2) Yes. But only when you enter a castle. You're better off using the rotating quicksave slots. Just hit F5 every so often.

3) No. Most units are limited. If you're finding yourself losing a lot of units, you're tackling the game wrong. Explore the map more and pick your order of battle wisely.

4) Advancing in the story is required to open new areas of the game. Failure of side missions isn't usually critical.

07-06-2009, 08:52 PM
In regards to the units, is there no way to purchase units and keep them at a location where you can use them later? or do you only have access to the units in your team, after you've purchased them? The reason I ask is because it seems tedious to me having to travel to certain far locations just to buy a unit.

Also, I think the zoom out option is pretty limited. I wish you could zoom out more. Are there any hacks for this? Thanks for your help.

07-06-2009, 09:27 PM
Each castle has space to store units. Look for the "garrison" at the bottom left-hand corner of the castle interface. Just drag and drop from your army to/from those slots.

As I mentioned earlier, if you find yourself having to reinforce frequently, you may want to reconsider your battle approach or the stacks you're taking on. Losses of more than a small handful of units in any given battle should be avoidable, without too much effort. The early game really is about doing a lot of exploring to find the best order in which to tackle stacks and gain treasure. You shouldn't be trying to clear the map through brute force. Rather, collect easy treasure/items to gain some strength and troops. Backtrack as necessary.

Regarding zoom, I don't recall ever finding it so limited that I couldn't see what was coming up ahead of me or around corners. You might want to try rotating the camera, as well.

07-06-2009, 09:39 PM
I didn't know about the garrisons. Thanks. About the zoom, i'm probably just used to some other game I played for years. I'll have to get used to it. I too haphazardly have run around these maps and that's probably a part of my problem.