View Full Version : Turning off ice particles

06-28-2009, 09:46 PM
With this game, I have a super low frame rate, as with most people. My PC is not specialized for gaming, so I am playing it with all settings on low, but it's still super laggy. I did notice that the game is fine during flashbacks and mental echoes when there isn't ice. Is there some way to get rid of Ice particles? This would really speed up the game for me, and probably a lot of other people.

07-12-2009, 04:53 AM
There looks to be a ton of potential in the scripts/config files in the data directory of the game... I haven't had much luck as of yet, but if other folks want to start giving this a try I think we could figure it out pretty quick.

I've been looking at stuff like \Cryostasis\Data\Scripts\init.cfg and all the physx scripts in data\scripts\description\physics.cfg...

Any help in testing this stuff out would be appreciated...

07-14-2009, 06:31 AM
This looks promising...

\data\scripts\gfx\icicle.gfx :

procedure GFX_IciclePart.Init
speed.z \
srand 0, 2
speed.x \
srand 0, 2
aspeed.alpha \
srand 0, 2
aspeed.beta \
srand 0, 2
aspeed.gamma \
srand 0, 2
lifetime \
srand 20, 1
procedure GFX_IciclePart.Draw
alpha \
sawtooth 15120,-15120,-1,0
procedure GFX_IciclePart.Run
gravitation 8
procedure GFX_IciclePart.Collision
reflect 0.2, 64, 128

get_objectdata "gfx_params"
if (gfxobj.param1 = 1) exit
gfxobj.param1 = 1
set_objectdata "gfx_params"

Anyone else want to pitch in here?

07-24-2009, 04:50 AM
How about this? (don't have time to check it out)

d.falling_icicles 1

Anyone interested in helping?

07-30-2009, 12:35 AM
Unfortunately I can't do any of that coding stuff, sorry :(