View Full Version : Ascension To The Throne: shortcut keys

06-17-2009, 08:38 AM
I post what I found for your convenience :)

Shortcut keys (Controls)
LMB click: Interaction with NPC or object (Move/Fight in Battle mode)
RMB hold: Free Look
wheel up: Zoom In
wheel down: Zoom Out

Esc: Menu (Save/Load/Options/Exit)
Pause (toggle): Pause Game
Print Screen: Screen Shot

Num 0 (hold): 3D Map

Num 7: Music volume down
Num 9: Music volume up
Num 4: Effect volume down
Num 6: Effect volume up
Num 1: Ambient volume down
Num 3: Ambient volume up

Adventure mode
W: Move Forward
S: Move Backward
A: Move Left
D: Move Right

Z: Zoom In
Q: Zoom Out

M: Map
U: Units
I: Inventory & Status
B: Magic Book
J: Journal & Quest

F5: Quick Save
F8: Quick Load

Battle mode
W: Move Camera Forward
S: Move Camera Backward
A: Move Camera Left
D: Move Camera Right
space bar: Reset Camera Position

N: Skip Turn
E: Wait

G (toggle): Show Grid

How to split units
In the Units' window, you can split units by drag & drop them into empty slot by LMB with holding Shift key.
Also you can move some units to the other group in the same way; drag & droping to that group with holding Shift key.

PS - I posted this list on Gamersgate's review as well before here, but that's was not nice....
Thanx staffs for fixing registration problem :)