View Full Version : Official patch (version 1.11.3) available

05-05-2009, 08:05 AM
Men of War (http://www.menofwargame.com) patch (version 1.11.3) fixes several gameplay, multiplayer, graphical issues and adds two new units and maps to the multiplayer mode. Please check download section (http://www.menofwargame.com/updates.phtml) on official web site for update. Full list of improvements and fixes can be found here (http://www.menofwargame.com/updates/Men_of_War_Patch_Readme.txt).

Attention! Use patch only with appropriate version!

Mirrors at WorthPlaying (http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=62277) and GamersHell (http://www.gamershell.com/news_75538.html).

Before patching the game disable or delete all mods and unofficial patches!!!

05-05-2009, 08:31 AM
Awesome new patch!

05-05-2009, 10:42 AM
DL as I type, Thank you gentlemen for this new update ;)

btw, I presumme the international version
covers the english pc dvd version.

(adding friends in multiplayer is also a very welcome addition)



05-05-2009, 11:23 AM
Thanks. What's with the DL speeds though? 15 KB/s? It's going to take an hour and fifteen minutes...for such a small file..it would usually be done in under a minute. . It's absurd. More links please?

Also, how about a more advanced "What's changed?" list.

Also, you said to make sure you Apply the proper patch eh, so what, can you download the wrong one, patch it, and then it screws yer game up? If so, pretty bad on your guys parts.

I was also told that one of the upcoming patches would fix ALL performance issues. Is this the one?

05-05-2009, 11:45 AM
Thanks. What's with the DL speeds though? 15 KB/s? It's going to take an hour and fifteen minutes...for such a small file..it would usually be done in under a minute. . It's absurd. More links please?

Also, how about a more advanced "What's changed?" list.

Also, you said to make sure you Apply the proper patch eh, so what, can you download the wrong one, patch it, and then it screws yer game up? If so, pretty bad on your guys parts.

I was also told that one of the upcoming patches would fix ALL performance issues. Is this the one?

Wrong patch may cause problems with playing the game, as they have different protection systems and some other issues.

05-05-2009, 12:25 PM
Why not just make the wrong patch...not patch? Most companies can do this. I.E: "Patch for wrong version, patch not applied", you know? Many games have such things.

Installed the 505 version, cause that's what I have. Define not found, esdlreader.cpp, 326 and a bunc hof other stuff. The game launched, and was right at the men before the error popped up. Brilliant. I know I have the 505 version. 505games > 1c > Men of War

05-05-2009, 01:26 PM
i have the english version from gamersgate... now i want to install the german patch for german language... but i got the message that is not compatible... why? I want to play this game in german language...

05-05-2009, 01:28 PM
i have the english version from gamersgate... now i want to install the german patch for german language... but i got the message that is not compatible... why? I want to play this game in german language...

Because you have version from GG, and it is English only! Version with german language was published only by 505 Games.

05-05-2009, 01:37 PM
now i try to install the english version... but it doesnt work, too! with same error message... what is the diffent of the gamersgate version? I payed the same like the others! I want to play the japan army too!

05-05-2009, 01:38 PM
now i try to install the english version... but it doesnt work, too! with same error message... what is the diffent of the gamersgate version? I payed the same like the others! I want to play the japan army too!

You need this version: http://www.menofwargame.com/updates/update_setup1.11.3.0_en-gg.exe

And Japan will be added in the next patch!

05-05-2009, 01:41 PM
i bought this yesterday after hours of searching the many games shops only to find theyed never heard of it so i opted for the digital download installed it played single player played a multi player game OMG it rocks

found out the patch came out this morning im running and english only game from metaboli version 1.022.1 and cant update any suggestions on how to get it to work

05-05-2009, 01:41 PM
ok thanks... and what is the different between the Gamersgate and the 505 Version...? I wanted to buy the german version but it dont exist in this time (April) is there a possible chance to choose the german version... i thought this is the same game?

05-05-2009, 01:46 PM
ok thanks... and what is the different between the Gamersgate and the 505 Version...? I wanted to buy the german version but it dont exist in this time (April) is there a possible chance to choose the german version... i thought this is the same game?

I already posted above that versions from different publishers have different protection, more then that German version from 505 Games contains censorship (no blood and etc.). I don't think there will be official patch with translation into German for GG version.

05-05-2009, 01:47 PM
i bought this yesterday after hours of searching the many games shops only to find theyed never heard of it so i opted for the digital download installed it played single player played a multi player game OMG it rocks

found out the patch came out this morning im running and english only game from metaboli version 1.022.1 and cant update any suggestions on how to get it to work

Did you download correct patch (http://www.menofwargame.com/updates/update_setup1.11.3.0-Metaboli.exe)? If yes, what message or error do you get?

05-05-2009, 01:49 PM
I tried all the other patches, and they wouldn't bother installing. 505 patch installed, but getting launch errors. :P

05-05-2009, 01:52 PM
Metaboli (120 Mb)

is the one i downloaded and all i get is

"the setup has detected that no version of men of war is installed.
the update requires a previous version of the game to be installed. setup can not continue."

i reinstalled redownloaded the patch still no luck

05-05-2009, 01:58 PM
I tried all the other patches, and they wouldn't bother installing. 505 patch installed, but getting launch errors. :P

What exact errors you get?

05-05-2009, 02:00 PM
If you downloaded appropriate patch and can't install it please contact our support (support@1cpublishing.eu). They have much more information than I have!:!:

05-05-2009, 02:03 PM

Error when I launch it. Gets to the loading screen ingame, and then that. I didn't install the beta patch, either.

05-05-2009, 02:05 PM

Error when I launch it. Gets to the loading screen ingame, and then that. I didn't install the beta patch, either.

I see, will try to solve this question ASAP.

05-05-2009, 02:05 PM
ok, i tryed it out now...

Now iam angry...

1. Why it exist so many version of the game? Ive never seen this befor!
2. The game with the patch is the same like the beta... Why i bought this game when i can get the same gratis? (not regarding the singleplayer...)
3. Some fixes i cant understand...* Fixed Elefant armour (could be pierced at 168mm). they armor is still 200mm? or no?... And the Jagdtiger lost his MG???

and a other question, can i only play with people who have the GG Version???:-P

05-05-2009, 02:09 PM
ok, i tryed it out now...

Now iam angry...

1. Why it exist so many version of the game? Ive never seen this befor!
2. The game with the patch is the same like the beta... Why i bought this game when i can get the same gratis? (not regarding the singleplayer...)
3. Some fixes i cant understand...* Fixed Elefant armour (could be pierced at 168mm). they armor is still 200mm? or no?... And the Jagdtiger lost his MG???

and a other question, can i only play with people who have the GG Version???:-P

You can play with everyone!

05-05-2009, 02:15 PM
Thanks. Really like the game, be a pain to have to uninstall & reinstall.

05-05-2009, 02:39 PM
Just be glad you can play serious turn off now and i gotta send an email because none of the patches work for me last one i sent took em 3 months to reply i bought the game and never played it again

05-05-2009, 02:44 PM
was there a previous one to install?

05-05-2009, 03:16 PM
i download my copy from direct2drive if i wanna install the patch its say wrong version

05-05-2009, 03:19 PM
same problem m8 no idea whats going on either

05-05-2009, 05:42 PM
Ok guys im confused.....I have the US boxed retail version......Which patch do i need?

05-05-2009, 06:35 PM
Got the game from the 1c company online shop.

The mail i got after i paid the game is from: support.cenega@gamesplanet.com

i downloaded the game from http://dls.metaboli.com

Since i got the game from Metaboli, i downloaded the Metaboli patch but all i got is this message: No version of Man of War is installed...

Can anyone suggest me which is the proper patch i have to download?

OT question: are the saves 100% compatible with new patch?

Thnx for any aswer that will follow ;)

05-05-2009, 07:31 PM
Direct2Drive version, can't install patch. Downloaded ASPYR one, get the follow error:


Mack the Knife
05-05-2009, 08:05 PM
don't call me stupid but call me confused...i bought the CD version of the game, which patch do i need. how the heck do i know that 505 is german only?!

i live in the US, bought the game on CD, i DON'T use multiplayer. which version do i need? the one from aspyr? thanks!

EDIT - i went to some of the other sites and (unlike the main download site), they say (US), (German) etc by the download so i am loading the one from Aspyr (80.6megs)...i have no previous patch installed so i'm hoping i won't have the trouble some of these other folks are having....thanks for the effort on the patch now bring on the japanese in the next one!!!!

05-05-2009, 08:12 PM
Have the Direct 2 Drive version, running the MP-only 1.11 patch, have tried every single patch file and none of them will even install.

Some help would be great - I'd like to play Singleplayer again.

05-05-2009, 08:18 PM
Have the Direct 2 Drive version, running the MP-only 1.11 patch, have tried every single patch file and none of them will even install.

Some help would be great - I'd like to play Singleplayer again.

Same here,i tried all versions of patch except 505 Games German version,they either say "not for this version",or an error like the other guys said.:evil:
Im am not pleased.

05-05-2009, 09:31 PM
NOT compatible with previous saves for those wondering. And I have GG version and the GG patch installed and works fine.

05-05-2009, 09:38 PM
NOT compatible with previous saves for those wondering. And I have GG version and the GG patch installed and works fine.

Yes the problem is that 'BestWay' did the unofficial patch that did work on Direct2Drive versions of the game,but there is no 'BestWay',patch version yet,thats our problem.

05-05-2009, 09:38 PM
What the ****? It makes my old saves imcompat? They never said that. Ugh, this is such ******* bullshit.

Not only does my game not work now, but my old saves are useless.

YOu guys freaking suck at support. Most games these days can make old saves compat.

05-05-2009, 09:46 PM
What the ****? It makes my old saves imcompat? They never said that. Ugh, this is such ******* bullshit.

Not only does my game not work now, but my old saves are useless.

YOu guys freaking suck at support. Most games these days can make old saves compat.

Im just fed up now of almost all Pc games being released with loads of issues,its not on really,you wouldnt find that in most other bussinesses,cars being sold with non compatible parts,could you imagine lol.:eek::evil::-)

05-05-2009, 09:56 PM
Yeah. I know these people aren't a big name or anything, but usually that means the support would be better than big name companies.

Mack the Knife
05-05-2009, 10:02 PM
Most games these days can make old saves compat.
not really, probably not even 50%. it depends on what code is changed but from your language and immature way of addressing your issues, you probably haven't a clue as to what goes on in a game patch. anyway, you have go with the flow. if save games are preserved, great. if they aren't, well what can you do? you will learn someday that throwing a hissy fit gets you nowhere.

05-05-2009, 10:06 PM
not really, probably not even 50%. it depends on what code is changed but from your language and immature way of addressing your issues, you probably haven't a clue as to what goes on in a game patch. anyway, you have go with the flow. if save games are preserved, great. if they aren't, well what can you do? you will learn someday that throwing a hissy fit gets you nowhere.

But no offense mate,with your oh so understanding attitude to the constant game releases of unfinished or issued filled games,is it any wonder it has become such an excepted thing now in the PC games industry,with you saying yeah its fine we dont mind waiting for patches to fix issues stopping us enjoying your games,lol.:-)

P.S.Why are all the different patches so many different sizes,even the ones that are english only.

Zeke Wolff
05-05-2009, 10:18 PM

Error when I launch it. Gets to the loading screen ingame, and then that. I didn't install the beta patch, either.

Mkilbride... Do you have ANY mods running in your game? Like perhaps DCG with the Unit Pack added? If so, then turn off the mods. This error, if you have the mod DCG added, is due to this mod.


05-05-2009, 10:25 PM
Mkilbride... Do you have ANY mods running in your game? Like perhaps DCG with the Unit Pack added? If so, then turn off the mods. This error, if you have the mod DCG added, is due to this mod.


Its not,as i have same version of game as mkilbride,from a fresh install,deleting all content beforehand,& still have the same error problem on aspyr patch.:-)

05-05-2009, 10:28 PM
Its not,as i have same version of game as mkilbride,from a fresh install,deleting all content beforehand,& still have the same error problem on aspyr patch.:-)

I think we direct2drive people are just gonna have to stick to the unofficial patch till they sought it out propely,uhwell.:eek::evil::-x

05-05-2009, 11:07 PM
Mkilbride... Do you have ANY mods running in your game? Like perhaps DCG with the Unit Pack added? If so, then turn off the mods. This error, if you have the mod DCG added, is due to this mod.


Uh, it's installed in the DMG thing, I guess I could remove and see if it works. Still, that's pretty ghey.

Ok, I removed it and yer right. It works again, but still, wow that is so retarded. DMG was the only thing keeping me playing this game, lol. I hope he updates it quickly...Skirmish mode is the Bread and Butter of this game.

05-05-2009, 11:35 PM
ok i have downloaded this game from direct 2 drive , i live in california all the patch downloads on this games download site have told me after downloading --that i need to download the correct patch for my game ????? wtf???
look if i tried to download all of the patches and they all tell me WRONG PATCH where the heck am i supposed to find the correct one ????/
this is pi$$ poor game support at best ,

Zeke Wolff
05-06-2009, 12:07 AM
Uh, it's installed in the DMG thing, I guess I could remove and see if it works. Still, that's pretty ghey.

Ok, I removed it and yer right. It works again, but still, wow that is so retarded. DMG was the only thing keeping me playing this game, lol. I hope he updates it quickly...Skirmish mode is the Bread and Butter of this game.

I´ve already fixed it. To get DCG t work with the new 1.11.3 patch do the following:

a) Remove the two files gun.pattern and .preset files located in Campaign/resource/set/stuff/gun

b) Rename the file tank_unarmed.ext located in Campaign/resource/properties to anything other than tank_unarmed.ext (or remove it).

c) Optional - Wait for the new version of DCG to arrive if you don´t want to mess around with the files... :realbig:

And finally, this error has nothing to do with the game nor the 1.11.3 patch. Its our mod that do render this error, and nothing else.


Be sure that you are removing the files from the mod Campaign, and NOT from the game!!!

Zeke Wolff
05-06-2009, 12:09 AM
The patch for Direct 2 Drive versions hasnt been released yet. According to information gathered at the DMS site, this patch will (hopefully) be released soon.


05-06-2009, 01:27 AM
so is this that new patch we have all been waiting for because i thought my game numer [I]was[I] 1.11.3, and does this have the japanese faction?

05-06-2009, 02:03 AM
No Japanese faction. Not until the next one or the one after that I hear. :P

05-06-2009, 02:21 AM
Can we get some official word on the patch for the Direct 2 Drive version? Because I've tried every patch and none of them work with my game.

05-06-2009, 02:33 AM
Can we get some official word on the patch for the Direct 2 Drive version? Because I've tried every patch and none of them work with my game.

Like he said apparently the D2D patch hasnt been released yet so we have to stick with multiplayer only patch untill its released.:-)

05-06-2009, 03:09 AM
Wow. Having so many game versions is confusing, then not being ultra specific, which is necessary with these things, seems to have caused major issues. I installed MoW on my desktop w/ vista 64 no less, installed patch w/ my GG version and it works fine. Installing patch on my vista 32 laptop, i get dxdll baloney error and game doesnt even load. This game is fantastic, i love it. it's the best game no one is playing. and no one is going to play with this confusing patch situation. not pointing fingers here, but having all these sources to release game may increase availability for the game, but it seems to be increasing aggravation. the game is great and word of mouth is positive. dont let stupid marketing decisions ruin it.

05-06-2009, 04:18 AM
Wow. Having so many game versions is confusing, then not being ultra specific, which is necessary with these things, seems to have caused major issues. I installed MoW on my desktop w/ vista 64 no less, installed patch w/ my GG version and it works fine. Installing patch on my vista 32 laptop, i get dxdll baloney error and game doesnt even load. This game is fantastic, i love it. it's the best game no one is playing. and no one is going to play with this confusing patch situation. not pointing fingers here, but having all these sources to release game may increase availability for the game, but it seems to be increasing aggravation. the game is great and word of mouth is positive. dont let stupid marketing decisions ruin it.

Someone please get this man a free internetz!

05-06-2009, 04:49 AM
I downloaded every patch and the only one that would let me install it, was patch version 505games multi language. I have the 505games multi language version.
But when i try to start the game i get this message:
So i have now uninstalled the game and reinstalled it back to the original version.
Why do you think i am getting this message ???
Cheers :cool:

05-06-2009, 05:19 AM
Update yer DirextX.

05-06-2009, 06:08 AM
hello. i try to patch the game but none of the patches will be installed. i get the message that i have another version installed on my pc.. i bought the game in holland..

05-06-2009, 06:25 AM
hello. i try to patch the game but none of the patches will be installed. i get the message that i have another version installed on my pc.. i bought the game in holland..

Most likely you have 505 Games multilanguage version, to be sure look at folder where the game is installed (in you case it should be smth like 505 Games/1c/men of war).

05-06-2009, 06:28 AM
ok i will have a look

05-06-2009, 06:29 AM
the map is just reading 1c

05-06-2009, 06:31 AM
the map is just reading 1c

Then look at the box, there should be several logos (1C, Best Way etc.) and please post them here.

05-06-2009, 06:34 AM
Ok guys im confused.....I have the US boxed retail version......Which patch do i need?

You need Aspyr patch

05-06-2009, 06:36 AM
Just D/L it and runs great.............Thanks

05-06-2009, 06:37 AM
ok im looking at the left low side of the box and its reading:

best way, 1c, miles, dms, gamespy

05-06-2009, 06:45 AM
ok im looking at the left low side of the box and its reading:

best way, 1c, miles, dms, gamespy

Really strange, can't understand the version you have, can you post a picture of the box?

05-06-2009, 06:50 AM
sorry dont have a cam at the moment. maybe in the near future a patch is comming which i can download.. thanks for the help anyway:)

05-06-2009, 08:38 AM
Nike-it can u please check my previous reply to help me find a suitable solution?
Thx in advance!

05-06-2009, 08:43 AM
Nike-it can u please check my previous reply to help me find a suitable solution?
Thx in advance!

Do you have any mods or unofficial patches installed? If yes - delete all of them and try to patch the game again. If not send the screen of the message and dxdiag to our support (support@1cpublishing.eu). We are working on this issue and such info will help us to solve it ASAP.

05-06-2009, 08:58 AM
Do you have any mods or unofficial patches installed? If yes - delete all of them and try to patch the game again. If not send the screen of the message and dxdiag to our support (support@1cpublishing.eu). We are working on this issue and such info will help us to solve it ASAP.

No mod or anything else installed.

I got the same problem when i purchased King's Bounty the Legend (noone of the patches works for my downloaded version until i got support).

I'll send the stuff u required when i'll get back home when the game is installed (i'm at work atm).

Thx for the answer.

Red Dragon-DK
05-06-2009, 09:36 AM
I just get the message "The setup have detected that no version of Men of War is installed.
The update requires a pervious vertion of the game to be installed. Setup cannot continue."

*And then it stop. I tryed difrents vertion of the patch, but nothing helps. I have allso tryed to reinstall the game.

Any suggestions?


05-06-2009, 09:40 AM
I just get the message "The setup have detected that no version of Men of War is installed.
The update requires a pervious vertion of the game to be installed. Setup cannot continue."

*And then it stop. I tryed difrents vertion of the patch, but nothing helps. I have allso tryed to reinstall the game.

Any suggestions?


Please specify the game version. Without this info I can't help.

05-06-2009, 10:24 AM
Update yer DirextX.

Thanks, that fixed it :)
Cheers :cool:

05-06-2009, 11:48 AM
I bought the Polish version (box). On the lower left there is 1c mark.
Which patch do I need? The "1c-asia" doesn't work. :(

05-06-2009, 12:00 PM
I bought the Polish version (box). On the lower left there is 1c mark.
Which patch do I need? The "1c-asia" doesn't work. :(

The patch for your version will available very soon. For more information try to contact Cenega support (serwis@cenega.pl).

05-06-2009, 02:35 PM
Then look at the box, there should be several logos (1C, Best Way etc.) and please post them here.

On my box there is at back" 1c, cenega, best way, miles, DMS. I have bought my game in poland with polish-hungarian-english lang ver. I have already installed with polish language. No one of those patches works. There is always a message "The setup has detected that no version of Men of War is installed. The update requires a previous version of the game to be installed" My version is 1.022. What i have to do? Pls help....

05-06-2009, 02:49 PM
On my box there is at back" 1c, cenega, best way, miles, DMS. I have bought my game in poland with polish-hungarian-english lang ver. I have already installed with polish language. No one of those patches works. There is always a message "The setup has detected that no version of Men of War is installed. The update requires a previous version of the game to be installed" My version is 1.022. What i have to do? Pls help....

Look at the post above, contact cenega support

05-06-2009, 04:14 PM
I de-activated all my mods and tried every patch. Nothing.

Then I deleted all the mods and tried every patch. Nothing...

Then I uninstalled/reinstalled the game and tried every patch. Still nothing.

05-06-2009, 04:53 PM
I de-activated all my mods and tried every patch. Nothing.

Then I deleted all the mods and tried every patch. Nothing...

Then I uninstalled/reinstalled the game and tried every patch. Still nothing.

They've already told you the patch for the D2D version isn't yet released. Relax and wait.

05-06-2009, 05:15 PM
They've already told you the patch for the D2D version isn't yet released. Relax and wait.


No, you're a towel!


05-07-2009, 12:16 AM
For any of you getting a d3dx9_30.dll error after installing the patch (Vista users) you need this: DirectX End-User Runtime - dxwebsetup.exe from Microsoft's website.

05-07-2009, 05:54 PM
I have just a simple question.
Since i had to give my personal e-mail address to purchase the game online in the 1c Company shop it's so weird to think about a newsletter that sends info and link with the right version everytime a patch comes out?

Could be a nice move in terms of "customer care", not difficult to realize, and could be appreciated by all the customers that pays the same amout of money without getting the cd, manual or other stuff u get when buying the retail version at same price...

05-07-2009, 06:04 PM
I have just a simple question.
Since i had to give my personal e-mail address to purchase the game online in the 1c Company shop it's so weird to think about a newsletter that sends info and link with the right version everytime a patch comes out?

Could be a nice move in terms of "customer care", not difficult to realize, and could be appreciated by all the customers that pays the same amout of money without getting the cd, manual or other stuff u get when buying the retail version at same price...

Thats not a question thats a sugestion lol!:-)

05-07-2009, 08:56 PM
[QUOTE=Morgoth;75397]Thats not a question thats a sugestion lol!:-)[/QUOT Why cenega WHY ????? :confused: english it a real pain for me imagine polish i just want my patch me too, not in 1 years i want now .

05-08-2009, 10:47 AM
We all will by very pleased if you put this units in to new patch... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzer_VIII_Maus , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-28_Super_Heavy_Tank , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/80_cm_Gustav ...

05-08-2009, 05:14 PM
4 days after the patch and nothing from CENEGA good work guys i pay 50$ for this game and i got this service nice VERY nice .

05-08-2009, 06:24 PM
It's four days after everyone else has received a patch, and there STILL is no Direct2Drive patch.

We all paid good money for your game, which also covers support for it, so how about you fulfill your side of the deal?

05-10-2009, 03:41 AM
is this the patch with japan in it? :confused::confused::evil:

05-11-2009, 11:52 AM
hi nike it, i wanted to ask you, i have downoloaded the english version, the first on the list, can i download the german version so as to listen to german voices in the game?

05-12-2009, 06:15 PM
y is japan not in this patch lol.
every one wants.

05-12-2009, 06:30 PM
y is japan not in this patch lol.
every one wants.

Apparently Japan are in the Editor,but not in the multiplayer maps yet.:-)

05-12-2009, 08:25 PM
I think the main reason D2D takes so long to patch there game versions is they have so many,ie,they sell as digital downloads,& patch them more than any other digital download company,so they would be making patches for other games not just 'Men of War'.Yes no help to us,but atleast explains why the long delay.:cool:

05-13-2009, 06:28 AM
hi nike it, i wanted to ask you, i have downoloaded the english version, the first on the list, can i download the german version so as to listen to german voices in the game?

No you can't. This patch version is compatible only with game for German market.

05-13-2009, 12:09 PM
can anyone tell me what is the proprer version of this patch for the one that is distributed in shops in poland? how could it be that so many difrent version of patches are to one damn game? nowdays evrything schould be autopatched. its total misteke and comedy to search tousands of versions and wander who the f distributed my copy to patch one damn game. someone schould stop working in this buisssnes.

05-14-2009, 09:19 AM
9 days and still nothing... That must by realy serious issue... Or they have no doubt about D2D version...:confused:

05-14-2009, 09:33 AM
9 days and still nothing... That must by realy serious issue... Or they have no doubt about D2D version...:confused:

The patch is in development, it should be released in a couple of days.

05-14-2009, 08:35 PM
I'm assuming you don't have an official date yet, Nike-it?

05-15-2009, 07:15 AM
I'm assuming you don't have an official date yet, Nike-it?

Unfortunately no, the patch is being made by Aspyr, so I got only "soon".

05-15-2009, 08:31 AM
In aspyr language is soon about 2 months...

05-15-2009, 02:53 PM
imagine in cenega language .............2-3 years

05-16-2009, 04:18 PM
Direct2Drive patch is available on their website.

05-16-2009, 06:20 PM
Is the good version patch for cenega version : 61_men of war_CZ_1.11.3 patch ??? because when i try the install i got this message puvodni instalace hry nebyla nalezena instalace bude ukoneena ..........

05-18-2009, 08:12 AM
The recent patch for D2D and Cenega versions are now available on the official MoW web site.

05-18-2009, 01:53 PM
i remove my old MoW mp and now i can't play MP because ALL patch dont work for me i buy my game from CENEGA and when i try the install i got this message : Puvodni instalace hry nebyla nalezena instalace bude ukoneena i think if i want to play MoW multi i need to buy this game AGAIN from steam .................................................. .............

05-18-2009, 07:54 PM
hey uhm what is with the version of the game by 1c?? got it as uk import to germany and im not sure if one of those patches is now the one i need.. i guess its not the 1c asia one?

btw ur doin a great job nike-it

05-19-2009, 08:30 AM
i remove my old MoW mp and now i can't play MP because ALL patch dont work for me i buy my game from CENEGA and when i try the install i got this message : Puvodni instalace hry nebyla nalezena instalace bude ukoneena i think if i want to play MoW multi i need to buy this game AGAIN from steam .................................................. .............

Try to write to Cenega support, as they made this patch and tested it, in fact they have much more information about this version, as we received just finished exe file.

05-19-2009, 08:33 AM
hey uhm what is with the version of the game by 1c?? got it as uk import to germany and im not sure if one of those patches is now the one i need.. i guess its not the 1c asia one?

btw ur doin a great job nike-it

We will release the patch for 1c version this week. So you don't have any logos on the box besides 1c, best way, DMS and Miles, right? (the example of 1c version: http://www.gameswarehouse.com.au/boxshot.asp?gameid=16381)

05-19-2009, 09:39 AM
We will release the patch for 1c version this week. So you don't have any logos on the box besides 1c, best way, DMS and Miles, right? (the example of 1c version: http://www.gameswarehouse.com.au/boxshot.asp?gameid=16381)

yea exact this cover. ok tyvm i just was wondering if i had to try another few versions i first found this thread after downloading the 505 one and the crap ^^

cant wait for playing it online the missions are done now(well soviet one missing :D )

05-20-2009, 01:05 AM
thx nike-it but i buy the D2D version and now the game is just PERFECT thx D2D and .................. cenega

05-24-2009, 11:47 PM
We will release the patch for 1c version this week. So you don't have any logos on the box besides 1c, best way, DMS and Miles, right? (the example of 1c version: http://www.gameswarehouse.com.au/boxshot.asp?gameid=16381)

This is where I got my game from. I'm holding my breath while I wait for the patch so don't be too long.

06-02-2009, 11:23 PM
still holding breath. what a joke.

Red Dragon-DK
06-09-2009, 05:57 AM
Why is it so difficult to get the last patch in addition to us having a vertions from C1? When can we expect to come.