View Full Version : My top ten reasons why MoW is better than CoH

05-01-2009, 03:40 AM
10: Paratrooper fire-up? "Ah gee, we are pinned down by an MG nest, that's ok lets become invincible and run up to it and throw a satchel charge!"

9: No German airborne, deploy from building? *palm to face*

8: Hey, I got it, lets NOT have an 88 FLaK not be able to kill a Sherman... AWESOME!

7: Wowee, lets spam the h3ll out of the Germans and build massive MG cities and AT guns!

6: While we are at it, how about OP British arty guns that we can build massive quantity's of and the Germans can't get within range to kill us!

5: Hmm, lets have decent American and British outnumber and outgun crappy German troops...5 Minutes into game!

4: American air strike+infective German AA=*Foot to face*

3: Oh yah because M-10 spam is a brilliant idea...

2: King Tiger can't drop units worth anything

1: AMERICAN AT GUN SHOOTS OUT OF ITS LOS TO KILL MY KING TIGER!!! after that i uninstalled it...

any suggestions, please ad...

05-01-2009, 04:21 AM
I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head. +2 for CoH though for sound and graphics, but that's about it.

05-01-2009, 10:09 AM
I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head. +2 for CoH though for sound and graphics, but that's about it.

That's why I'm playing MoW.

I was so sick of playing CoH, I had 3 MG's, two Rifle squads and setup a defense.

What happens? Germans charge with 2-3 squads and manage to take out two of my squads...what the ****? I had 2 .30 Cals firing them directly in the open, they weren't even in COVER! It just pissed me off to NO END how ineffective infantry were, you know? Basically, use infantry to stall the enemy, but then hurry up for Tanks.

Also I was once playing, build up 11 Shermans. YES, 11 of them. I told them to go out and fight 3 ENEMY TANKS. The Germans destroyed all of my Tanks...I managed to get them, but 11 VS 3? THEY WEREN'T EVEN TIGERS!

When I first played MoW it pissed me off because it's interface is annoying and it had some clunky controls. Now that I'm used to them though, it's SO MUCH FUN. Seriously, REAL military tactics WORK in MoW, unlike CoH.

MoW is superior in almost every way(Voice acting, graphics and optimization are CoH's strong points), MoW has better sound effects, ambiance, and gameplay.

Honestly, I always hoped for a good RTS like this and never thought it'd be by some no-name indie developer.

Srsly guys, good job.

05-01-2009, 11:27 AM
Maybe it's not wise to compare these games.
Except for the World War two setting and the Genre RTS, they really have few things in common.

My statement has always been that games are games and there is always something which isnt realistic about it.

I don't think a man looking for a little dog will like the neighbor's big one.

and for your statements Mkilbride, you don't sound much like a good Company of Heroes player. You don't make the game like you, you have to learn to like the game. That way you'll also understand the ways of winning battles. Micro is an often used term for these things.

05-01-2009, 12:48 PM
Maybe it's not wise to compare these games.
Except for the World War two setting and the Genre RTS, they really have few things in common.

Well i have to agree with KeesFluitman, its fruitless to compare these games.
I play CoH aswell as World in Conflict, and i love them both for very different reasons. But Soldiers-Heroes of WWII was my first RTS game and i just loved it, at the time nothing else compaired with it, and the graphic's and physics for its time was ahead of everything else. As a matter of fact, it was only 6 months before the demo for MoW came out, i purchased a new copy of Soldier-Heroes of WWII and im still playing it today aswell as Faces of War.
But Men of War is definately toping my RTS list at the moment, but it definately needs patching.

05-01-2009, 03:04 PM
#1 reason why MoW is better than CoW?

The engine is completely mod friendly....

The community already has projects in the works for conversions of the engine for Mechwarrior, Korea, Civilwar, Starwars... etc you name it.

Can you do this with anything from Relic? Nada!

05-01-2009, 03:24 PM
#1 reason why MoW is better than CoW?

The engine is completely mod friendly....

The community already has projects in the works for conversions of the engine for Mechwarrior, Korea, Civilwar, Starwars... etc you name it.

Can you do this with anything from Relic? Nada!

Yeah thats a huge plus, the editor is a great tool to be able to play with.

It would be good to have the skirmish option though and also a replay function that allows you to playback and watch your skirmish battles, a lot of RTS games have this option now and i find it to be a huge plus.

And as much as i enjoy playing in the WWII era, im also interested in modern warfare of today and think that it would be pritty cool if the next release in the series could go in that direction maybe :grin:. Modern tanks, APC's, Humvee's and weapons etc.

05-01-2009, 04:07 PM
Please go to the DMS forums and vote on skirmish mode!

The devs are listening and probably will put it in the upcoming expansion :)

Seems everyone wants skirmish... the more votes the better! ;)

05-01-2009, 04:43 PM
please go to the dms forums and vote on skirmish mode!

The devs are listening and probably will put it in the upcoming expansion :)

seems everyone wants skirmish... The more votes the better! ;)

done. :)

05-02-2009, 12:59 AM
I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head. +2 for CoH though for sound and graphics, but that's about it.

I agree but the voice overs in CoH were kinda bad , like lame accents and a half-German half-English phrase...
Then again the cinematic voice overs in MoW aren't top notch wither but in game extraordinarily good

05-14-2009, 08:21 PM
1)COH is too arcade with abilities and cooldowns which sucks.2)No base building and being sent to the start if i tank gets thru.3)In COH multiplayer there are many ways you can basically cheat.4)MOW has locational vehicle dmg and damage modelling.5)MOW has projectile physics, no shells turning corners or going through hills.6)Inventory system ie losing your bazooka man doesn't lose you the bazooka.7)tactics WORK in MOW.8)COH is seen as a claasic so it shouldn't be worse than a little game like MOW but it is.9)MOW has hilarious voices, 'For the Motherland' is the thing an American would be least likely to say.10)End rant.

05-14-2009, 09:29 PM
Maybe it's not wise to compare these games.
Except for the World War two setting and the Genre RTS, they really have few things in common.

My statement has always been that games are games and there is always something which isnt realistic about it.

I don't think a man looking for a little dog will like the neighbor's big one.

and for your statements Mkilbride, you don't sound much like a good Company of Heroes player. You don't make the game like you, you have to learn to like the game. That way you'll also understand the ways of winning battles. Micro is an often used term for these things.

The thing is COH is nothing more than an arcadey RTS game where as MOW is or has much more realism,& if i personaly am playing a WW2 Strategy Game,atleast a degree of realism for me is required,& for me COH has no realism whats so ever,its the RTS equivlent of fighting soccer that footie game where you were actually alloud to beat up the apponents,maybe abit of fun for some people out there but without realism lasting ability dosnt go on for long.

Why?.Because people like to try different strategies & idea's on how to defeat the bad guys,but arcade style games usually have only 1 way to do that,that being,overwelm your enemies with larger forces.:-)

Also in fairness to the negative comments of voice acting,there suppose to be troop voices,& troops are generaly not known for there intelligents or acting ability,so having gooky or crap talking soldiers i think is quite realistic.

05-14-2009, 09:37 PM
#1 reason why MoW is better than CoW?

The engine is completely mod friendly....

The community already has projects in the works for conversions of the engine for Mechwarrior, Korea, Civilwar, Starwars... etc you name it.

Can you do this with anything from Relic? Nada!

Id love them to use this engine & kinda playing with Warhammer 40,000,as i feel the present Warhammer games are to arcadey & would be much better suited to this way of playing.:-)

05-16-2009, 02:30 PM
i have only ONE reason and for me it is deciceive and that is in this game u DONT have to gather resorces i get soo annoyed when i have to consetrate grathering resorces rather that fighting the enmy

Alter Hase
05-17-2009, 12:36 PM
Yes and ......no

Better realism and details

Worse (overburdening) in single player playability

Why, for a simple reason that all units need intense over the top micro which leads (at least me) to the using of the pause key more than anything else.

I play the german campaing of MOW and i had quite a few moments where i was on the edge of smashing the keyboard.:evil:

1st mision - annoying paras dropping from the sky set on "move at will" which lead to hideous unneccesary losses and me preocuppied more with chasing them and cursing "stop rushing the enemy you f...ng morons" than actual tactics.A gathering point that you could set up, would be nice.

Also some disparities in accuracy to range, between different weapons (aa quad gun killing my heavy 90 mil aa gun on max range, which was unable to hit anything, both in normal, or direct fire).

2nd mission 35 mil paks in "defensive positions".
Well those "defensive positions" are soo "good" that when you get the camera down on the ground, you see that they are on the open height, like on a piedestal, just waiting to be ripped to pieces with the first shell.
Aggain micro is needed to get them a little bit back. However in a (bad )tradition of previous similar games like "Soldiers HOWW" you dont have even a couple of seconds to look at yout troops, or positions, before the enemy starts rushing, pause, pause, pause, pause:mad:

Also why are soldiers given only a few rounds for a rifle or smg while the rest is in those damn crates.?
Pause, pause, pause, for every god damn soldier if you dont want them to run out of ammo in the mid of a fight.

Also my 88s cant hit anything(same for tanks) on any longer range if i don go direct controll, even then, its frustrating. On the other side those gyroscope stabilised british Crusaders and Matildas score every hit on my flak no matter how much you put them on the revers slope to be in a "hull down position" (i know its a term for tanks but i think you get the point).

Also tanks can see infantry in high bushes :-(

This game is not ment to be played with whole armies under comand at least not with ai and accuracy of units now.

05-17-2009, 12:58 PM
I've played CoH for quite some time and I love it. I'm just starting to get into MoW now but wow I thought CoH had a huge learning curve but it's nothing compared to this. I know it will get easier with time but there's just too much micro needed in MoW. Example: I have 20 men and one picks up some nades, later I need to throw a nade at the enemy in a house but it takes me 5 minutes of searching through each man to find out which one has them.
I just find that I haven't got time to think about tactics and enjoy the game because of the intense micro needed to look after 30+ units, so after about 20 minutes I give up and go back to my comfortable CoH.

Zeke Wolff
05-18-2009, 12:27 PM
You do know that all you has to do, is to click on the "throw handgrenade" icon and the guy with the handgrenade, will automatically pull out the grenade and throw it where you want it to be thrown?


05-18-2009, 01:21 PM
I'm sorry Meep, but you are comparing really inapropriately.
1CoH and MoW are two totally different things. While MoW tries to implement as many features of a real war as possible, CoH tries to be an action-packed RTS, inheriting years and years of RTS tradition and experience. There are pros and cons in both games:
+ realism
+ inventory for all units
+ totally dynamic battlefield
+ a lot of different units
+ very long SP campaign
+ coop mode
+ a lot of customizations possible
+ giant maps

- unbalanced due to super heavy tanks and generally the amount of possible unit combinations
- bad interface due to the many possibilities you have
- bad hotkey assignment: CTRL is for making control groups, dammit, it's been so even before C&C 1
- not being able to have more than 8 units in a control group, restricting the player to micromanaging his whole army, when a simple "all guys move over here" would have been enough
- no skirmish mode
- steep learning curve
- very bad voice acting (at least in my German version, ALL vocies are spoked by like 3 guys who have a very bad English, not only when synchronizing Germans. In fact, even Soviets and Americans have a German accent!)
- giant maps (if you want arcade-like action)

+ fast-paced action: Due to the command point/resource system, you are constantly forced to push and cap/defend your resources and produce new units
+ squad-based control: different from MoW, the amount of micro needed to manage a squad is reduced by making all of its members one squad. Thus, it's easy to control your whole army.
+ Unit & Command abilities: brings some fresh air into the action, can turn the tide of a battle; games would be much more predictable without them
+ well-balanced RTS: no matter how much the people bitch about CoH after every single patch, you can beat every army with every army. There is a counter to everything, also to British Emplacement Spam (e.g. Flamepio Storm)
+ Long SP campaign with top-notch videos
+ Good voice acting, in English AND German
+ three new MP modes came with ToV

- not very realistic (although a lot better than, say, End War or Command & Conquer)
- unit speed: infantry is almost as fat as slower tanks, fireup infantry is faster than heavy axis tanks
- Unlimited Munitions and Ammo, no supply lines
- relatively small maps (Mg's and PAKs can easily block every access to a certain area)
- Relic Online still lets players drop or doesn't allow you to connect to another player, even if he lives like 3 streets away from you
- some abilities really are Uber and make people build their whole strategy on: cloak + nades on stormtroops, fireup on rangers
- allround-units: especially Americans have units that can basically kill anything on the field (rangers, rifles to a smaller degree), without a cost-efficient counter on the Axis side.
- micro is what matters, not so much your strategy

To draw a conclusion:
If you want a very realistic, very tactical game where you have to cover your every move, and like combos such as "Oh yeah, my 3 hidden snipers deal with infantry, while my grenadier jumps out of the tank and kills the pershing with an AT grenade, while my tank kills the enemy arty with HE rounds", then MoW is your game.
If you prefer action, a limited, yet well-balanced amout of units, and a game where your reactions and hotkey-smashing wins you the game, pumping your adrenaline though your veins, then CoH is the game for you.

Alter Hase
05-18-2009, 03:36 PM
German tanks are still too weak, not because of their gun penetration, speed, or armor ,but their horrible gun accuracy :shock: even when i send a Tiger aggainst totaly ineferior machines i sweat like i was sending panzer 3 aggainst a Valnetine.
Ammo goes thru the window too fast because of this, not even soviet tanks with badly trained crews(modeled ingame) should be unable to miss shots that a Tiger is missing in this game:-x
And if my Tiger does not hit the enemy tank with, at worst 2, shots (which happens duh never) they destroy my tracks like they were nothing (interesting enemy ai tanks, which are inferior hit tracks which are extremly small targets, like modern Abrams, but my guys miss the whole target :rolleyes:).

PS are ther maybe Italins in german tanks, because that would explain a lot.:evil:

Flashpoint Gold
05-18-2009, 04:55 PM
horrible gun accuracy

Direct Control anybody? Your problem is fixed.

Alter Hase
05-18-2009, 08:13 PM
Direct Control anybody? Your problem is fixed.

Tank you i didnt know about it :rolleyes: i allready wrote its allmost the same.
I am on the edge of desperation.

I just played the german Tunis mission and it ended in a ragequit.

Next thing happened (and is a perfect example why this game is starting to go on my nerves):

Pak 40 behind cover made for AT gun, selecting direct aim on a crusader.
First round miss on 60 meters (somehow the round went under the tank despite the circle of round dispersion was "filled" over 80% with the tank:rolleyes:)

Second round hit on 50 meters, but in the track, tank pulls on the side exposing his whole side.

Crusader fires, hit, dead center crew stunned.

Third round total miss.

Crusader killing my infantry in the trench.

Fourth round miss (now allready cursing, dont understand how he missed a static target on the same spot.

Crusader turns his turret and blows sky high my PAK 40 dead center, no problem.

So Crusader fired 2 rounds = 2 hits and my PAK 1 out of 4 (bearly, a 50. cal can do a better job destroying tracks)

I loaded twice, both times same result (actually no, in the second load pak didnt even hit the f...ing track).

I never ever had those kind of problems in Soldier Heroes of ww2, unless im blind i dont know what the hell Im doing wrong.

Flashpoint Gold
05-18-2009, 08:44 PM
Never had that problem, maybe you should stop giving your troops booze before battle. I know, I know it makes them tougher, but seriously reduces their accuracy. Atleast not give the booze to the crew.

But anyway, I've never had them miss that bad. Are you giving them time to shrink the circle for it to be more accurate? I normally aim right between the turret and the body, opens them up like a can or damages the gun or misses completely, normally the can thingy.

Alter Hase
05-18-2009, 09:55 PM
Never had that problem, maybe you should stop giving your troops booze before battle. I know, I know it makes them tougher, but seriously reduces their accuracy. Atleast not give the booze to the crew.

But anyway, I've never had them miss that bad. Are you giving them time to shrink the circle for it to be more accurate? I normally aim right between the turret and the body, opens them up like a can or damages the gun or misses completely, normally the can thingy.

Booze huh, i put my soldiers infront of firing squads if I catch them neglecting their duties :)
Or i send them individually in suicide missions to destroy some annoynig mortar or gun position.:grin:

I allways wait for a good shot unless its point blank ofcourse .
Please help this game is my wetdream since i played "Red Flood" mission from "real warfare" mod for SHOWW2

05-18-2009, 10:50 PM
You do know that all you has to do, is to click on the "throw handgrenade" icon and the guy with the handgrenade, will automatically pull out the grenade and throw it where you want it to be thrown?


Well I do now, thanx. But what happens if you have 5 guys out of 20 with grenades and you do that? Will all 5 guys throw a grenade?

Zeke Wolff
05-19-2009, 02:30 AM
Well I do now, thanx. But what happens if you have 5 guys out of 20 with grenades and you do that? Will all 5 guys throw a grenade?

No and Yes. It depends on the situation. Most often only one guy throw a grenade but in some rare cases, I´ve indeed seen two or three hand grenades flying thru the air towards a target though... but then... the enemy can pick up a grenade and throw it back... but with two grenades, they usually dont have the time to throw both back...


08-19-2009, 03:37 PM
At least we can play coh online :|

Zeke Wolff
08-19-2009, 05:23 PM
Obviously we can play MoW online as well since there is several games running almost all the time. I suggest that you sit back, reinstall the game, then patch your game to 1.11.3 and then add the new 1.16.4 patch. By doing so, you can join every single game that is using the same patch.


08-19-2009, 07:12 PM
Alot of guys have rated COH higher than MOW for graphics,but i with a faily decent PC system & card,am amazed at this conclusion as on my system MOW looks fantastic,& highly detailed,maybe you guys need a new system or card update or something,& the special effect's & realism are also fantastic,in a game as the japs the other night,i fired a shell from a Chi-Ri at a firefly's front armour,it deflected off & hit another firefly to the left & just behind it,damaging its track,with a lovely ping to it aswell,if thats not realism i dont know what is,& the sound of the explosions,on my 5.1 system is just amazing.:grin:

Where as what you get on COH is just to me average arcadey not terribly realistic graphics,& the sound of a rather annoying american general constantly going on at you to do this or do that or this is happening,i mean mate just shut up for 5 mins please.:grin:

08-21-2009, 01:19 PM
My Opinion is:

COH wins over MoW because of it being much more enjoyable to play, not too much micromanagement, easier to get into, brilliant audio throughout, better campaign design, visually stunning.

Right that said, MoW is grand because:
The level of detail, customizable units, number of units, theatres and the visual component of the game in it own right, is ok.

With CoH I do feel like I've been had in the deal when you see the expanse that MoW is, but my points above certainly make up for it.

CoH will lose out as MoW expands, Relic haven't given us anything extra (except ToV, which was weak) for a while now.

These are my opinions

08-21-2009, 01:24 PM
Where as what you get on COH is just to me average arcadey not terribly realistic graphics,& the sound of a rather annoying american general constantly going on at you to do this or do that or this is happening,i mean mate just shut up for 5 mins please.:grin:

This is a one element of it's design. Don't play it if your not into the that style of a single player campaign, go back to MoW with the Russia equivalent of Cookie Monster telling you what to do...

But I'm going to get nailed to the MoW wall here because in the game forum world you can't like two games in the same genre at the same time ;-)

08-21-2009, 01:48 PM
This is a one element of it's design. Don't play it if your not into the that style of a single player campaign, go back to MoW with the Russia equivalent of Cookie Monster telling you what to do...

But I'm going to get nailed to the MoW wall here because in the game forum world you can't like two games in the same genre at the same time ;-)

I think your right there,you either like arcade style games or you like more realistic,type of games,so its really personal choice,also with games like MOW you have to invest more time to play both with single & multiplayer games,where as COH is a game you can pick up have a quick uncomplemented game,then put it down again quite quickly.:grin:

08-21-2009, 03:42 PM
I'm wanting to get into MoW but my first born child just won't allow any time for gaming.

Hints and Tips from me:
Complete all your games before having a child. Don't buy Empire total war...

A tear wells in my eye as these games are in my steam account but I've not got time to play them...

I enjoy both MoW and CoH.

08-21-2009, 07:12 PM
I'm wanting to get into MoW but my first born child just won't allow any time for gaming.

Hints and Tips from me:
Complete all your games before having a child. Don't buy Empire total war...

A tear wells in my eye as these games are in my steam account but I've not got time to play them...

I enjoy both MoW and CoH.

Whats your wife doing then lol.:grin:

08-22-2009, 07:44 AM
I'm wanting to get into MoW but my first born child just won't allow any time for gaming.

Hints and Tips from me:
Complete all your games before having a child. Don't buy Empire total war...

A tear wells in my eye as these games are in my steam account but I've not got time to play them...

I enjoy both MoW and CoH.
I'm in the same situation. My precious son just turned 6 months, and started to sleep regularly after 9:00pm so then I have 2-3 hours for my war duties before my face hits the keyboard and snoring appears.

I prefer realism in games so CoH dissapointed me, MoW is actually my top wwII rts, despite of horrible iface and some smaller issues.

08-27-2009, 03:01 PM
Whats better in COH (mulitplayer)? I can say it to you:

1. More fairness of the players

2. No Spawnpointkillers

3. English Speakers/ the "universal language" (no one can understand you)

4. I can see on the statics, how good is the player (many games are not the result of good games)

Thats the fact of no frustration! And in the moment i have a lot with the players in this game... It's a great pity, because the game is great!

by the way... there are groups of good player, who want to play? And they are english speaker?

08-28-2009, 10:56 PM
CoH is good (with skin mods, as i dont like blue germans) but MoW just blows it away the only thing i think CoH has that MoW need is a SP skirmish mode... I crash everytime i try to play online and the SP campaign has a lot of commando style missions which i hate

07-30-2010, 12:20 AM
lets be honest guys: MoW rapes that CoH shit.

07-30-2010, 06:44 AM
Lol, those are just 10 of the reasons MoW is better then CoH..ive got about 300 more.

1: MoW Sounds waaaayyyy better. In CoH Tanks sound like they are throwing a baseball against a wodden fence when they fire, just a low gay thud sound

2: Modding it is tedious, long, annoying.

3: The Magic abilities definitly kinda makes it gay.

4: How you have to sit and shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot to kill anything w/ infantry. 2 squads just sit there and fire for days and nothing happens.

5: Weapon accuracy....this ties in with #4, gun accuracies are already stuopid low then cover bonus and veterancy just makes it worse. Tank MGs are terrible......at long range 0.005 accuracy. No wonder they never do anything.

6: Ranges, CoH and MoW this is one thing I dont like about either but CoH its waaaaayyyyy worse. Your guns shoot 35 but 35 is like 2 inches in game.
Artillery doesnt fire 5 feet, tanks kiss targets before they fire.

7: Squads and movement of them. You got 4-6 guys all huddled together and when you try to move them it takes an act of god to get them to move. Sometimes they dance around each other, other times they just take thier sweet time going where you want while dancing around each other. When you try to place them somewhere you cant really get them in good cover, they just go to these tiny dots on the ground. Also the squad bit is lame b/c one guy gets suppresssed and the whole squad get hit, regardless of where they are, then trying to move them away from teh MG takes more diving intervention, time and again even though I am moving them away from the MG one guy decides its a good idea to crawl CLOSER.......MoW movement is just better

8: Hitpoints....seriously? I never was a fan of the whole Hitpoint thing and its nice to see MoW got rid of it, mostly, Infantry have it but it works well.

9: Upgrade system. I hate in any game the upgrade system. you start with crap, gotta run around gatehring supplies to get good stuff. Finally see the good stuff when the game is ending so you basically get to do nothing with the good stuff, kinda makes it a waste eh?

10: AI........on Normal they are chumps, on Hard they cheat on Expert its rediculous. They give me a fight for 5 mins then sit around. Ive got some mod for the Panzer Elite I did up changing the PE around alot making the hard and expert AI easeir to beat and in it if I give myself just one AI buddy the bot will fight me for like 5 mins then sit in its base for the rest and only send out like 1 squad at a time......so it doesnt really fight me. If i dont give me an Ally then I get steamrolled b/c the AI just magically becomes 10x better and gets 10x the men and stuff......Of course im not a big fan of the MoW AI at times but still...meh.....w/e Im Sure ive still got more things I dont like about it but then there is tons I dont like about evey game I play hahah....I cant wait till im on my PC and ever able to Play MoW again....its simply better then CoH.....

07-30-2010, 06:46 AM
I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head. +2 for CoH though for sound and graphics, but that's about it.

+1, it has good graphics.....sounds are kinda gay, MoW sounds imo are waaaaay cooler.

07-30-2010, 06:47 AM
lets be honest guys: MoW rapes that CoH shit.

Amen to that

08-01-2010, 01:37 AM
10: Paratrooper fire-up? "Ah gee, we are pinned down by an MG nest, that's ok lets become invincible and run up to it and throw a satchel charge!"

9: No German airborne, deploy from building? *palm to face*

8: Hey, I got it, lets NOT have an 88 FLaK not be able to kill a Sherman... AWESOME!

7: Wowee, lets spam the h3ll out of the Germans and build massive MG cities and AT guns!

6: While we are at it, how about OP British arty guns that we can build massive quantity's of and the Germans can't get within range to kill us!

5: Hmm, lets have decent American and British outnumber and outgun crappy German troops...5 Minutes into game!

4: American air strike+infective German AA=*Foot to face*

3: Oh yah because M-10 spam is a brilliant idea...

2: King Tiger can't drop units worth anything

1: AMERICAN AT GUN SHOOTS OUT OF ITS LOS TO KILL MY KING TIGER!!! after that i uninstalled it...

any suggestions, please ad...

10. You seem to have CoH, a competitive traditional multiplayer RTS, with a military simulator :P

9. The logic of their deployment is that they were pre-deployed, the Fallschirmjagers didn't deploy by air in Market Garden.

8. Can't fight that other than citing game balance.

7. If your enemy is doing that, you're doing something VERY wrong... can only blame your own skills if that's happening to you :P

6. Build walking stukas... those are a helluva lot more annoying than emplacements (which they own).

5. Different factions, different strengths... 1 on 1 a 6 man rifleman squad isn't going to beat a 3 man grenadier team with g43s, the latter is even the more expensive unit...

4. Clearly you've never seen a wirbelwind/quad AA :P

3. Same as 7.

2. Don't spec Terror :)

1. Was something spotting for it? If we're going to whine about AT guns, whine about pak-sniping, neurgh that sucks...

Now writing all of that may make me look like a fanboy, but I want to stress this:

IMO, Men of War and CoH are two different games... One is, as I've said, a competitive RTS intended to be played as just that... Men of War, however, is a more realistic(ish) smallscale game that one plays relatively conservative in comparison.

If I were to whine about MoW, which isn't the perfect game, I could talk about certain hotkeys that are lacking, the inability (as far as I know?) to hotkey squads, the "meh" graphics, the APPALLING voice acting and the huge number of bugs.

I don't, because I'm enjoying it all the same... But at the end of the day I have to admit CoH just had a better budget; far superior video and sound design as well as a mind for GAME BALANCE :)

08-01-2010, 02:48 AM
You play CoH when you need a little break from MoW.

08-01-2010, 04:32 AM
5. Different factions, different strengths... 1 on 1 a 6 man rifleman squad isn't going to beat a 3 man grenadier team with g43s, the latter is even the more expensive unit...

4. Clearly you've never seen a wirbelwind/quad AA :P


Hecks yeah, those PE Pzr Grens and their G43 loadout are the very reason I love the PE. The other nations infantry start off w/ these pansy Pio/Eng squads that cant kill a house cat from 2 inches away with those....sub machine guns? i think they are...more like low power cheap chinese clone Airsoft guns...100Fps, 2.1v battery....yeah, they are bad

And yeah, ive used, modded, killed, tested AA guns and they dont seem to really shoot down planes until AFTER the plane has dropped its load...which imo is to late to shoot it down, its Anti Aircraft Defense, not Anti Aircraft Reactionary Unit...its supposed to kill it the plane b4 it gets there and yet it never does. Im modding my CoH and I gave the wirbelwind 110 range, gave it a bit more accuracy, longer burst, more shots until reload, sat it right in the center of a rather small map and it didnt once shoot down a plane. I tihk it was a x2 Vet Wirbelwind...it had been in the battle for a few minutes guarding against AI Para-Banzai's. So, yeah AA in any game sucks......

08-01-2010, 04:33 AM
You play CoH when you need a little break from MoW.

But why would u need a break from MoW? Ive been playing CoH since im not on the PC with it atm and I want to play MoW to get a break from CoH...who you kidding break from MoW:grin:

08-01-2010, 03:27 PM
10. You seem to have CoH, a competitive traditional multiplayer RTS, with a military simulator :P

9. The logic of their deployment is that they were pre-deployed, the Fallschirmjagers didn't deploy by air in Market Garden.

8. Can't fight that other than citing game balance.

7. If your enemy is doing that, you're doing something VERY wrong... can only blame your own skills if that's happening to you :P

6. Build walking stukas... those are a helluva lot more annoying than emplacements (which they own).

5. Different factions, different strengths... 1 on 1 a 6 man rifleman squad isn't going to beat a 3 man grenadier team with g43s, the latter is even the more expensive unit...

4. Clearly you've never seen a wirbelwind/quad AA :P

3. Same as 7.

2. Don't spec Terror :)

1. Was something spotting for it? If we're going to whine about AT guns, whine about pak-sniping, neurgh that sucks...

Now writing all of that may make me look like a fanboy, but I want to stress this:

IMO, Men of War and CoH are two different games... One is, as I've said, a competitive RTS intended to be played as just that... Men of War, however, is a more realistic(ish) smallscale game that one plays relatively conservative in comparison.

If I were to whine about MoW, which isn't the perfect game, I could talk about certain hotkeys that are lacking, the inability (as far as I know?) to hotkey squads, the "meh" graphics, the APPALLING voice acting and the huge number of bugs.

I don't, because I'm enjoying it all the same... But at the end of the day I have to admit CoH just had a better budget; far superior video and sound design as well as a mind for GAME BALANCE :)

This post is crap. What bugs does MoW have? None to speak of. Graphics are great. You are just a newb, who doesn't know that you can map keys {lmao}.

Play MoW b4 talking about it, let alone saying shit games like CoH is anywhere close to as good as it.

08-01-2010, 06:35 PM
I totally loooove this game so much its like a ten times better then company of heroes

08-02-2010, 08:41 AM
CoH and MoW are different games. I never liked CoH coz there are many games like that: build a base, produce soldiers and let them fight. MoW is a niche game that is aimed at hardcore gamers: huge learning curve and lots of micro stills to practice.

I hope MoW retains its niche/hardcore status. But I doubt it coz too many games started with big ambitions but ended up disappointing their fans by focusing on the credit cards of casual players rather than increasing the fun and challenge.

08-02-2010, 10:22 PM
CoH and MoW are different games. I never liked CoH coz there are many games like that: build a base, produce soldiers and let them fight. MoW is a niche game that is aimed at hardcore gamers: huge learning curve and lots of micro stills to practice.

I hope MoW retains its niche/hardcore status. But I doubt it coz too many games started with big ambitions but ended up disappointing their fans by focusing on the credit cards of casual players rather than increasing the fun and challenge.

I don't think we have to worry about the Dev's catering to the casual player. I've been playing these games since SHoWW2 and if anything the games get more intense. Everything else you said was right on the money IMO.

08-04-2010, 10:58 PM
This post is crap. What bugs does MoW have? None to speak of. Graphics are great. You are just a newb, who doesn't know that you can map keys {lmao}.

Play MoW b4 talking about it, let alone saying shit games like CoH is anywhere close to as good as it.

This post is crap, the ramblings of a fanboy. Henners spoke a lot of thruths, but fyi you can map hotkeys.

MoW> Coh in my opinion. I gave up on CoH for its unrealistic tank combat, and how the infantry couldn't hit each other in the open. I also detested the supression break moves to run past your mgs, only for the 4 grenedier squads to nuke down your sherman then use the retreat button to only sustain 3 casulties (rince and repeat :evil:).

The graphics in Mow are good, but in CoH they are great. I like that every faction speaks its own complete language in MoW while in coh its just english with an accent (but is of higher voice acting quality in the single player campaigns).

I think the gameplay in MoW is an aquired taste due to the steep learning curve and unforgiveness, which is why people tend to go for CoH after their brief (if any) experience with MoW.

10-17-2010, 12:03 AM
To be honest, both games are GOOD and not to really compare... now most may say "MoW" is better because they had unpleasant times with "CoH" and vice versa... the thing is both are pretty realistic (As of guns and all that), they're both fun and different not to mention WWII <3. One requires more tactics and micro management, while the other requires a different way of playing.

Both rock, I love both. I play MoW more though.

10-17-2010, 12:21 AM
I never even seen a picture of CoH.