View Full Version : no controller support?

04-28-2009, 02:54 AM
I'm surprised there's no controller support for this game, only mouse & keyboard support.

More and more people are hooking their gaming rig to their plasma/lcd tvs. There's just no comfortable way to play with mouse & keyboard while sitting on the couch.

If you're the strict mouse & keyboard type, please don't say the game doesn't need it. You wont be forced to use the option.

04-28-2009, 04:53 AM
Unless your monitor is Ubershit just use your computer monitor with mouse/keyboard. I prefer it anyway. It's physically impossible to get the same level of precision as a mouse using an analog joystick or "D-Pad".

04-28-2009, 10:45 AM
I played usually in a 120 inch screen with a videoproyector and a good mouse and keyboard , no problem .

04-29-2009, 02:12 AM
I'm not disrespecting mouse & keyboard but after playing the game for a bit, the precision of mouse & keyboard is not really needed for this game.

They should add it in via a patch.

04-29-2009, 10:33 PM
Joystick support is stock in the game, but it's Z Axis (throttle control) causes the mouse to move to the left or right if not centered properly.

But once you center the Z Axis to where the mouse stops moving on screen at the menu screen, then you can go into the options and reset all actions to your joystick buttons.

I use a 568 CombatFlightStick USB from CH Products with a Kensington Expert Mouse Pro Trackball (for looking or turning). The game plays great this way very precise.

I also have a PS3 Controller that works with PC Game and will see if I can get it working and post back my findings.

04-29-2009, 11:33 PM
Ok I tested my joypad and heres how I got it to work, maybe it will make yours work also. Even tho yours and mine are differant joypads.

Goto control panel then click on Game Controllers and then click Properties and then click on the Settings tab and click on the Calibrate button follow the prompts and when done clcik on Apply and exit to your desktop and start the game and all should be fine and you will be able to setup and use your joypad. By default my joypad uses the left stick to move and strafe and the right stick is for looking and turning.

My joypad is a KC-2616 PS3 Wireless Controller Pad for PC and PS3. Heres a link to it http://www.acrux21.com/products/index_xx.asp?page=4&id=561

Well Anyways after calibrating it, it works fine in Cryostatis