View Full Version : bonus:the trap

04-19-2009, 10:23 AM
im stuck on that mission i heard from one other post that you should kill everyone before reparing the tank but before i have killed everyone the tanks already came how am i supposed to take out the guys in the houses this mission is even harde than the soviet sub mission

04-19-2009, 11:18 AM
Yep, this one was tough. I'm not entirely sure what triggers the tank column, but it seems to arrive after a certain amount of time has passed. So you have to be quick and deadly.

As soon as the mission starts, run through the fields to the building with a cemetery (a church probably). You can ambush an enemy patrol here, but be aware some of the soldiers from the town will come to investigate.

So, get everyone inside the wall (you can put a couple of guys in bushes near the entrance to cover it), and then use a AT grenade to demolish a section of the wall in the upper left corner. One of your guys (the bravest one) should crawl through the wall, all the way to that self propelled AA gun, and destroy it with a grenade, while the others stay near the wall.

After this I really can't give you step by step advice, since the fight that followed was pretty chaotic for me, lost half of my squad but managed to get the Jagdpanther.

I put two guys behind sand boxes where the AA was. They have good cover here, and are able to fire at any enemies who try to outflank you from that side. I established a similar covering position on the right side as well. While you're approaching the target, try to move your soldiers in groups, so that one group can provide covering fire, while the other rushes forward.

After you approach the wall of the building where the Jagdpanther is, you can throw grenades on the enemies inside, but be aware they can do the same. As with other missions, the key here is to take manual control over your soldiers at critical moments. A lot of enemies will attack you, but most of them will come using identical routes, so one guy in a good position can take them out.

The main problem are two enemy soldiers behind sand boxes on the opposite side of the Jagdpanther, since they will make any repair attempt (it has busted tracks) impossible. I managed to silence them taking manual control over one of my MG guys then firing like crazy from a position just behind the Jagdpanther. When the other guy managed to repair the tank, MG guy jumped in as well, and I drove it back towards the rest of the group. It might also be possible to take them out with a grenade, if you can reach a good position, or you can try to fire at them with a panzerfaust or a rocket launcher you get from a dead enemy.

Then immediately take a position near the river, as far as possible from the bridge, with a good line of fire, and wait for enemy tanks. They should be no match for you, but save before this, just in case a lucky shot knocks your gun out.

What comes after this you have to find out yourself, the only advice I'm gonna give you is: don't waste Jagdpanther's fuel, you're gonna need it. Keep in mind it doesn't have a turret, and therefore you have to turn (wasting fuel) in combat.

Another thing, I noticed that when you attack anywhere, after some time almost everyone in the town runs to that position. It might be possible to send a few of your soldiers to attack the enemy on one side, and then start the attack on Jagdpanther building after most of enemy soldiers ran off to another direction. But its just a thought, haven't tried it.

Charlie Brown
04-19-2009, 02:44 PM
yeah i done it in a similar way and it worked out quite ok.I first positioned my men by the wooden fence, and took out those troops in the house (the small one by the road), then i moved my men to the house itself, and in the bushes to the left of it, killed quite a lot of enemys, then rushed the barn. Next i took two men, placed them behind the tank and started repairing it. I positioned the rest of the sqad inside the two barns or whatever that is. Once i have taken control of the tank i managed to kill the MG crew accross the street. Then i pulled my tank backwards, to the position Tomalak mentioned, because the damed firefly was shooting on the main road. Taking out the shermans was quite easy, but as the guy above me said, save the game. Then i took out the firefly on the road and attacked the hq. Once the prisoners were rescued i was a bit confused, because i did not know where to find weapons for them all...after a bit of looking around i found some boxes right next to the place the prisoners were kept. It was easy from there on, but be advised that a second enemy colum will arrive accros the other bridge (near the enemy hq) once the "prepare ambush" (or something like that) objective appears...i was lucky i had the tank parked on the main road so it took out all of them out, one by one (beware of flanking!)...oh and keep your officer behind...i left mine at the church

04-20-2009, 02:15 PM
thanks guys i won it finally i am also finished with the game i am soooo happy:grin:

Charlie Brown
04-21-2009, 05:29 AM
hehe :) congratulations :grin:

puppy power
10-21-2009, 04:28 PM
I killed all the American troops on the map. I fixed the tank, freed the POW.
The officer Dietrich got into the HQ and picked up a "briefcase" but nothing happened.

I tried to view the briefcase. What am I missing?

puppy power
10-21-2009, 06:24 PM
ok i replay the mission.
The first time one of the AI tank drove into the HQ and totally destroyed it.

On the replay Dietrich walked into the HQ and the moved the mission forward. I guess you can't destroy the HQ.

01-03-2010, 11:26 AM
Yeah this mission is quite hard..I think I tried atleast 20 times and did manage a few times to get that Jagdpanther in position but as soon as it gets detracked, which isnt hard to do, it got flanked and popped in the rumpus, then it was game over for me....official verdict is the Jagdpanther is totally garbage. That thing is a prime example of why i hate assault guns. Once it is detracked its totally screwed plus it has the worst gun traverse of all the AG's. ;)

01-03-2010, 07:49 PM
I am midway through this mission and I was actually able to steal that American tank sitting near the tank the needs to be repaired, and I was able to drive it and park on the bridge blocking the incoming convoy of tanks, leaving them stuck on the other side of the river. But once I repair and steal that tank, all hell breaks lose and I am losing the tank over an over. :grin: