View Full Version : Very Disheartening

04-15-2009, 05:25 AM
So I played a game tonight with NicksonAssailant, a lovely lad who punctuates everything and will teamkill you if you don't do what he asks. He literally took out an IS-2, ISU-152 and a KV-2 of mine with some assault squads because I paid no attention to his incessant babble. Is there anything we can do to punish this behavior? I'm really about at the end of my rope with this game now.

04-15-2009, 07:33 AM
Sorry to here that. But there are always morons like that in every game.
My advice if you really wanna avoide em is to find sane people you can team up with.
Playing with random people on your team is always a gamble.

Tho with the replay function comming up in next patch. It would atleast be good if we could send in recorded games to report morons/cheaters like that.

05-08-2009, 07:30 PM
Can't you just block him of the friends list.
You just had a spot of bad luck, playing with such a person.

There are plenty of persons about who enjoy a good game
and will not behave as a complete m#$%^n.

with the patch one can add friends, although I haven't figured out
if one can join them if they are setting up a game, but still with some good people this great game can be even better.