View Full Version : Soviets - The Last Stand: the most retarded mission ever...

03-15-2009, 04:09 AM
Even on easy difficulty I failed and only 7 ships had left the harbor. I seem to have a problem micro-managing my units and I've seen a few people beat it on co-op. But a n00b needs help! ANY help is encouraged!

03-17-2009, 03:04 AM
Use reinforcements regularly. Especially attack aircraft to bomb advancing tank units.

03-23-2009, 05:31 PM
My strategy was two anti aircraft, one all the way to the left and one close to the road. Reinforce the line with troops (riflemen are good enough, but SMG and Heavy are very good). Don’t let your anti-tank pieces be destroyed with out backing them up. Use the battleship guns rarely, if you see a group, then hit them, other wise wait for a good opportunity to destroy as much in one shot as you can. The light tanks are useless, but try to destroy any anti-aircraft weapons coming in to your area, they can put the hurt on your infantry.

03-24-2009, 01:05 AM
This was one of the toughest missions for me. On my seconds try I found that tanks are the best unit to request due to their long range and ability to mow down infantry. Seconds, use the large deff gun to shoot incoming tanks when they cluster, it will annihilate all 3-4 at a time. This really helped as in my first try, tanks were completely overrunning my lines. Don't worry about the Stugs that stay a ways out, they won't actually affect the battle and don't have the range to cause problems.

04-01-2009, 11:57 AM
I had this problem but I kept getting up to the last ship.
as soon as you can get an AA gun and hide it where enemy cant get it (near bridge is good, left side).
The real trick is to kill the 2 cannons (Thor) with air strikes.
anti personel mines are a waste of time as tanks detonate them.
Dont waste points just use riflemen.
Hope it helps.