View Full Version : Never let the truth get in the way of marketing.

03-08-2009, 02:10 AM
Looks like nVidia are up to their old trick again.


03-08-2009, 02:33 AM
I'll alert the media.



All manufacturers of just about all products do it, always have, always will.

Anyone thinking that free test gear = unbiased review is naive.

I only trust reviews from writers that purchase their own, which means I don't trust any of them.

The entire review process is just a scam so clever writers can get free stuff. The manufacturers go along because they get free adverts.


03-08-2009, 08:59 AM
Yes it is a non-issue, we shouldn't be surprised at this sort of thing. But the point I wanted to make was about the hardware manufactures not learning. nVidia in this case, seem to treat the public (its customers) with contempt.

I mean who are they trying to fool? We all learn't out lessons from the 2003 3D Mark fiasco. Why don't they just come clean instead of trying to pull this sort of shit!?

03-08-2009, 02:35 PM
LOL, what a creative way to turn a p*ssed feeling into good provaganda!

Not for nVidia, but for Anandtech!

Seems some people rather like to fall for conspiracy theories, especially when some super-gigant country/company is involved, than accepting realistic causes!

Now really, how many products are tested this way? A few copies delivered to reviewers, while most of them are presented the product on stage and they have to play a few rounds after that on preconfigured consoles/PCs or later supplied with test-products.

Nothing wrong, all perfectly common.

But even more, how creative to use this common practice and just because they are this time the ones who didn't get the card on the first delivery, turn this in a conspiracy-theory so perfectly. Just read the text: Nobody wrote it is a conspiracy, but some clever comments, phrases and questions are enough for another author to make up a concrete article on these remarks, turning questions into given facts and starting a witchhunt based on pure rethoric tricks!


What was that quote? Was it in Wag the dog?
"You don't need facts to make a good story?"

Well done Anandtech, well done Atomic! Tons of hits for you this weekend.

03-08-2009, 03:02 PM
Yes it is a non-issue, we shouldn't be surprised at this sort of thing. But the point I wanted to make was about the hardware manufactures not learning. nVidia in this case, seem to treat the public (its customers) with contempt.

I mean who are they trying to fool? We all learn't out lessons from the 2003 3D Mark fiasco. Why don't they just come clean instead of trying to pull this sort of shit!?

Because keeping people stupid is making them happy consumers.

03-08-2009, 09:30 PM
the less savory side is the threats of legal action and other pressure used by bigger manufactures to have unfavorable reviews removed.

03-09-2009, 11:53 AM
Somewhat of a non-issue. More RAM, Higher clock speeds, cooler under load...and a $50 price drop.

Sounds like a deal to me. Regardless of how it looks.