View Full Version : Axes and Cold steel weapons

03-06-2009, 07:38 PM
I've never actually worked this out for sure - but does anyone know which troops are under the axe category and which are "cold steel weapons"? Obviously axe includes barbarian and beserker (and dwarf?).

03-07-2009, 04:22 AM
hi double click on any creature for going to detailed information.and then bring your mouse pointer to damage section.near damage there is some shapes that is indicating what kind of damage style.may be help you.

otherwise i know that dwarves have axe and their damage style is axe.but cold weapon means porbably blades knives so swordmens knights will take extra ability from these kind of artifacts.

03-07-2009, 05:52 AM
The type of damage only indicates physical, poison, etc I think.

I was going to ask the same question, since it can make a big difference in the usefulness of the item. My impression was that anyone with a sword or metal weapon would benefit. But an actual list would be great. For example, does this benefit Miner's, with pickaxes? (Not that you would want them) What about Demons, who seem to carry axes? What about Horsemen, who have a lance? It would help a lot if a little more clarity was provided by the game.

03-08-2009, 01:48 AM
I came across this while reading the translated fan manual (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?p=58731#post58731):

(English slightly corrected for clarity)

Fighters with cold steel: Barbarian, Berserker, Black Knight, Demon, Dwarf, Swordsman, Guardsman, Knight, Orc, Veteran Orc, Pirate, Seadog, Skeleton, Vampire, Ancient Vampire, Werewolf Elf, Robber, Marauder, Peasant, Miner, Furious Goblin

Soldiers with axes: Barbarian, Berserker, Decaying Zombie, Zombie, Demon, Dwarf, Goblin, Furious Goblin

Hope that helps :)

03-09-2009, 03:07 PM
Thanks! That's very helpful. I wonder why the Zombie's have axes but are not considered having cold steel weapons, even though every other axe-carrying unit is?

03-09-2009, 03:50 PM
Good stuff - thanks.

03-13-2009, 01:09 PM
The type of damage only indicates physical, poison, etc I think.

I was going to ask the same question, since it can make a big difference in the usefulness of the item. My impression was that anyone with a sword or metal weapon would benefit. But an actual list would be great. For example, does this benefit Miner's, with pickaxes? (Not that you would want them) What about Demons, who seem to carry axes? What about Horsemen, who have a lance? It would help a lot if a little more clarity was provided by the game.

Well, common sense would tell you a Lance is not a cold steel weapon and neither is the pickaxe but you never know in these games.

03-13-2009, 03:46 PM
Well, common sense would tell you a Lance is not a cold steel weapon and neither is the pickaxe but you never know in these games.

Why exactly does common sense tell you these things? Lances are generally tipped and pickaxe heads are certainly made of metal (as much so as a regular axe).

Your common sense and mine don't jive.

With respect to the zombie's axe, maybe the designers considered it an iron-headed axe rather "steel," as it looks rather dark/black. It's also possible that's an omission in the game or the posted list.

03-15-2009, 04:31 PM
Why exactly does common sense tell you these things? Lances are generally tipped and pickaxe heads are certainly made of metal (as much so as a regular axe).

Your common sense and mine don't jive.

With respect to the zombie's axe, maybe the designers considered it an iron-headed axe rather "steel," as it looks rather dark/black. It's also possible that's an omission in the game or the posted list.

Hey genious..are you freaking serious or you just fell off the turnip truck. Jesus christ no wonder the world is in the state it is these days. The stupid do indeed outnumber the intelligent. My god man! :evil:

Do I really have to do this and do you really want to get embarrassed like a retarded 4 year old? Say the word so I can lay a schooling on your ass of biblical proportions.

Go FREAKING educate yourself on the forging of weapons specially..and listen carefully to these keywords coming up..ready? Clear the yams out of your ears.."S-T-E-E-L" and ..maybe you've heard this one before.."I-R-O-N".

There's a big difference between the two and the purposes for which they were forged...never mind you just won't get it even if I broke it down to the smallest detail won't you?

Iron is an ELEMENT and Steel an..(listen up since you freaking obviously missed this in 3rd grade science) ALLOY! You don't make a damn lance out of steel or "tip" it with steel...and yes, let's take this one for a sec..yes, a freaking STEEL pickaxe..right? You actually believe that?

They're made of iron and just the purpose of it would tell you that they're not made of steel but then again there's that common sense thing..AGAIN.

Bro some very serious advice..take your ass away from the pc playing stupid games or whatever it is imbeciles like you do but jump on the first ride to the library and do some READING. For your sake and your kids sake if you ever plan on having some.

And of course your common sense and mine don't jab now, before or ever..because I freaking have some. But save me the rest..you'll probably spit out some stupid, ridiculous excuse as to how or why you didn't know all of the above..like a real winner, I'm sure you have a reason for being stupid right?

Sad man..incredibly sad.

03-15-2009, 06:06 PM

Before you get into a big rant like that, you really should check to see if you are actually right. Iron is, as you correctly pointed out, an element, and yes steel is an alloy. However, I'm pretty sure (though your terrible grammar and clearly low level of intelligence make you difficult to understand) that you just went on a long rant about how steel was never used for the things that Stegsongrapes suggested they were. Too bad it was. Steel is an alloy, made mostly of iron (gasp!) with a small amount of carbon as well. This made it stronger and easier to work with compared to iron. Meaning that it is perfectly reasonable that the pickaxe head would be made of steel rather than iron, and as for lances, they always have metal tips on them (otherwise they would be useless against anyone with armour) and that metal would be steel, since it is stronger and easier to work with than iron.

The only good point of your argument is the comment about yams in his ears. That made me laugh. Too bad the rest was a combo of stupidity, groundless insults, and general incoherence.

03-16-2009, 12:08 AM
I am in shock! I have never seen such an insane, disgusting, a**hole rant such as this here! I thought the KB forums were free of such classless antics. Look, this is just ridiculous, if you have something to say, say it reasonably and nicely. How many times have people on this forum answered your questions and helped you out? And this is the sort of behavior we get in response to a rather silly and trivial disagreement about METALS?

I'm sorry that Stepsongrapes had this directed at him, but at least now we know the personality of OGKingsBounty. Next time you ask a question or for help, do you want the same sort of attitude back at you?

Finally, just because you deserve it: lances ARE steel-tipped. That is in fact the most common form of a lance, You'd be hard-pressed to find any other kind except ones just made for practicing. In fact, lances are by DEFINITION steel-tipped:
And any pickaxe that's not CRAP in quality is going to be made of steel as well. So not only was your post crass and arrogant, you were completely wrong. So go educate yourself first and leave the attitude at the door.

03-16-2009, 03:22 PM

I'm shaking in my boots (steel-tipped, ya know).

Attitude and ignorance, together. A wonderful combination.