View Full Version : Opening moves?
Is there such a thing out there floating around like an "Opening Moves" walkthrough? This looks like a fun game, but a bit more direction in the first year or 3 would be nice. Something like:
A) Do the tutorial
B) Find a trade route for 6 months to earn money
C) Take this mission
D) Take that mission
E) Visit Ranger Station and let them upgrade your ship
E) Save up minimum of 10k
F) Re-Equip ship
G) Start Exploring Further out
It would be really helpful if there were some kind of Document in this manner to help "flesh out" the early game for the new player. There are so many (and thankfully so) nuances to this game at first look, that I know there's a LOT us new players are missing at first. Hopefully there is something like this out there.
Looks like this game has much promise -- Cheers to the designers and players!
12-16-2008, 04:23 PM
Don't know - gamefaq has some hints/tips - I suspect "take this quest" or take "that quest" is difficult due to randomness. I'm finding the game quite difficuilt (on the easiest level). I can almost never complete a quest in time (I'm trying to find better engine but by the time I get to the location that has a good engine it is gone :) )
Also, I'm constantly being asked to attack ships but when i do so I make a lot of enemies. I was 'fraid to say no but now I suspect I better (on my fourth restart - about 5 hours of playing).
Thanks for joining the hopefully growing discussion Jake. What do you do before you 1st leave the "Sun" (SOL) system (after the tutorial sends you back there of course)? Just wondering.
I can't really even tell if I'm getting a good deal on the "Upgrades" that the Scout Base offers me. I'm supposing that this is a "no-brainer" but this is the kind of question I'd love to get some answers to before banging my head against the wall for hours then finding out I should have done this or that from the get go.
Maybe if we can get some more answers here, us new players can get a bit of a "clue".
12-17-2008, 11:12 AM
I wouldn't worry about the Scout base upgrades for now. Basically it will be cheaper to find better equipment at this early stage. Learn how to use the search function - it is definitely your friend. With your first ship, you need to trade in the crappy equipment you start off with for better and smaller stuff. The size is VERY important. Ideally you want most or all of your equipment to be size 20 or below. No size 60 grippers.
Once you have done a couple of quests and gotten some smaller equipment, you should have at least 100 free space on your ship. This means you can start making a profit from trading goods. I don't generally find it too useful to deliberately go to a system for trading per se, but I always make sure to have a look at what's on offer in every system I visit. I only buy things that have three 'thumbs up' signs in the buy column (you'll see what I mean). Be warned that you can't buy weapons or drugs without a big negative effect on your reputation, so I wouldn't bother. But equipment, medicine and sometimes luxuries are good bets. I don't use trade a hell of a lot, but it can get you going financially early on.
Other marginal activities for money including picking up minerals from asteroids (which hardly nets you any profit) or buying research probes to mine empty planets. This is okay, but still isn't that spectacular. Ultimately, in SR2 you will make your money from two main sources: quests, and selling Dominator parts.
At the beginning of the game, you are much too weak to successfully destroy pretty much anything. You are also too slow to stop enemies from landing on planets or otherwise getting away. So you definitely want to steer clear of anything where you need to destroy any ships. Ship escort missions aren't that much better, because the routine pirates will be far too strong for you. The only thing I'll say here is that there's no requirement to actually escort the ship you are supposed to be defending. It only has to survive until the specified date. So you can sometimes win these quests without lifting a finger. But it's risky.
Some people hate the real time strategy battles, but I quite enjoy them, and they are quite easy for most of the game. They also ramp up in reward quickly. So I would recommend learning how to win these RTS battles. I can write more on this topic if required. The easiest type of quests are probably the 'fed-ex' type (in which you must deliver something somewhere, and sometimes return too). The key to succeeding here is not so much engine speed but JUMP RANGE. At the beginning, you will have a jump range of 18-20. This is bad, because you will need to make several small jumps to reach a specific system. Time is taken up, not by the jumps themselves, but the intra-stellar travel (i.e. within a system). This sucks, because you will normally need to re-fuel every time you make a jump (unless you have a big fuel tank, of course). So you need an engine with a bigger jump range, and a bigger fuel tank. In my current game (which I've only just started) I was lucky enough to find a micromodule which when put on the engine increases jump distance by 8. So now I can perform jumps of 30 parsecs or whatever it is, and reach the destination system in less jumps. This translates into a much higher chance of completing fed-ex quests on time.
Then there are the text adventures. These are great and I highly recommend giving them a try whenever you get the chance. :cool:
Later in the game, you will spend a lot of time fighting the Dominators who have taken over a sizable chunk of the galaxy. You will also find that several systems are routinely attacked by the Dominators. But of course the Doms will own you if you try to attack them. One great money spinner, however, is to lurk around Dominator fights hoping to pick up the equipment they drop when they blow up. This stuff is VERY valuable. The nodes are less important, but you can pick them up too if you want. It takes a bit of experience to know when the coalition forces are going to win a fight against the Dominators, and in truth I still need to quickload a bit when trying this, but if you pull it off you can score some great stuff. The stuff can be sold in the normal fashion, or even better, at scientific stations. They pay top dollar in the name of Dominator research, and this contributes toward winning the game as well.
Great offering there Z. This is the type of info that helps get us Noobs going with the game. 2 Questions:
At what point should one consider taking on single Pirates? What ship setup for a Merchant for instance?
When one does the RTS elements, do Robots made for "repair" do those repairs themselves or do you need to micro manage them? I wonder about this because the battles seem to go quite fast (I've only done the training one so far) and it seems it would be really rough to micromanage much of anything.
Anyone else have something to add here?
12-17-2008, 06:21 PM
I managed to stick to a game for a while (6 or 7 hours) without having to restart (I'm playing a non-human trader) (pink) (I wish i could remember which icon went with which race other than blue is huaman :) )
Anyways this will mostly be a repeat of what Z said (btw I'm playing on the easiest level but i'm not sure if that only influence time per quest or also combat).
Unlike the other games I avoid helping request to fight off pirate. In the other game I found it made a lot of planets and other folks hate me. I worry that by not helping I'm pissing someone else off but so far it hasn't been too bad. I always try to explore black hole (save first) and avoid all escort/kill request - cept one. i did my first kill quest with success (i asked everyone near by to help me whack the smuck). The biggest problem I have with kill request (in addition to fear that it will piss people off and I'm too weak) is that the scum always runs to a planet and it becomes a pain to actually kill anyone (at least with my current fire power).
I'm not sure if it is luck or normal after 5 or 6 hours but I've found some really nity items:
I found an artifact that allows me to hyperspace 40 psc and some weapons that do 30 or so damage as well as an artifact that gives me 3 more artifact (but I can't seem to use it since my ship has 4 artifact slot and using it doesn't add 3 more - but still removes a droid slot).
I've no where near 100 cargo space and Ithink the only way I could get that would be to buy a new hull (my hull is around 300 and i've been eyeing one that is 420 (iff the yellow boxes with a number represent the size of the hull you are buying).
I've seen some nifty items I can't afford (I'm up to around 10,000 coins which is a *lot* compared to my other starts).
So far the rts have been pretty easy iff i set up a quick defense with repairer. I've had more problems in the blackholes (I find the controls not so good) but the rewards are pretty good there if you win (usually an artifact).
Probes are making me some money and I think they are better than Z. alluded to (at least in the early game) but I've not figured out much about nodes.
The rts controls are a pain (you can't create sub groups and the robots will charge forward unless you expl. hit stop so they need a lot of micro management - the repair thingy do not repair themselves so I always build repair bots in pairs). Switching into a robot gives you the best since you can shoot further (not sure why this is the case). What I do is set up a cluster or bots with repairer at some point - switch into a bot - go forward and attack - when I take hits - back up until the repairer is fixing me up. If I get too damaged i can switch into another bot. I'm not sure if it is because I'm playing on the lowest level or near the start of the game but so far it seems like the computer is not excessively agressive with all parties. It seems that one or two (usually red and sometime blue) will be quite aggressive but green is almost always very passive.
Great offering there Z. This is the type of info that helps get us Noobs going with the game. 2 Questions:
At what point should one consider taking on single Pirates? What ship setup for a Merchant for instance?
When one does the RTS elements, do Robots made for "repair" do those repairs themselves or do you need to micro manage them? I wonder about this because the battles seem to go quite fast (I've only done the training one so far) and it seems it would be really rough to micromanage much of anything.
Anyone else have something to add here?
12-17-2008, 08:47 PM
Well i don't really like it but i tink that in space rangers you HAVE to use the cheat points (very good idea to add them!).I do that inspite of i hate cheaters but if you don't use some small cheats like 10k gold(belive me that is enough only to get fuel and repeir in about 8 years after beggining the game) you are never going to finish the game unless you are a pro :D!Sometime your money just go down and down and you can't buy equipment and the biggest trouble - you don't have enought money to repeir your hull full your tank or repeir the items !You can't even get some stuped mission no matter how dum it is cause you are low hull no fuel and outside waits 1 or 2 pirаtе who hate you so much that even if they attack someone they stop and go for you!If you don't want to start over you have yo use a tiny cheat!But not always whne you can or you will ruin the fun of the game!But honestly you must tink about some things like weight of the items!Money is always a problem so you have to but heavier items and one time it happened that if i want a good quality ship ( i meen radar droid scaner and stuff) there was no space for wepons :grin: .So i suggest 3 options.1)make things a bit less expensive.2)make even the heaviest things weight less.3)make the hulls bigger!I tink option 3) is the best for us gamers cause if you happen to save money then you can actualy use the hook to get something aboard over 20tons:rolleyes:
Nice tips gents, perfect for this thread. I wonder if anyone out there can give some hints about starting as another race?
12-18-2008, 12:19 AM
Great offering there Z. This is the type of info that helps get us Noobs going with the game. 2 Questions:
At what point should one consider taking on single Pirates? What ship setup for a Merchant for instance?
When one does the RTS elements, do Robots made for "repair" do those repairs themselves or do you need to micro manage them? I wonder about this because the battles seem to go quite fast (I've only done the training one so far) and it seems it would be really rough to micromanage much of anything.
Anyone else have something to add here?
I wouldn't take on pirates until my second hull. Depending on the difficulty, you might be able to do it in the third year of the game or even earlier. One thing to keep in mind is that the equipment available gets better as time passes, so it's not really feasible to take on pirates at the beginning (at least not on normal and hard difficulty).
Particular setups for different classes (merchant etc) don't seem to be necessary in this game. The initial choices you make aren't actually as important as you might think. So essentially you want a ship with a big hull, defensive cladding and all the slots for equipment. Three weapon slots is usually enough. Missiles are very useful early in the game.
In the RTS battles, I have a very simple formula that seems to work well 90% of the time. I only build one type of robot. Fullstack (i.e. four weapon slots), usually with dynamo and mortar as well. The weapons will vary slightly depending on the available resources, but I think that two rocket launchers, one spitfire and one repairer works well. Plasma cannon is great but uses too much of the plasma resource. Repairing will happen automatically when the robots don't have an order, so you don't need to micromanage this. Essentially, I've decided that missiles in the RTS battles own everything. This actually works best when you are retreating from the enemy. It is also VERY easy to lure the enemy robots toward your own robots/defenses. I always build missile turrets and some heavy cannon turrets too. If there are three turret slots, I build two missile and one cannon.
A team of nine of these robots can defeat most enemies without losing more than one robot, often none. Then you repair back to full health. You need to be aggressive in the RTS battles in terms of taking the available resources. Try to let the Dominators fight amongst themselves if you can. Because the robot cap is very low, you want the best robots you can possibly get.
12-18-2008, 01:47 AM
How do you tell how large a hull is (before you buy it) ? At first I thought the number was the hull size but now I think it is the armor - not cubic space ...
12-18-2008, 10:34 AM
The hull size has three little boxes nearby, and it should be in the range of 250 - 600 (much later in the game).
EDIT: I see the problem. The hull size and hit points are the same. 285 hit points equals 285 hull space.
12-18-2008, 12:02 PM
To give an idea of what I consider to be a reasonable start, I am now up to Nov 3302 in my game, i.e. almost three game years. I started as a Peleng Merchant. This is on 143% difficulty, which is essential Hard but with normal Dominator strength. For most of this time, my money has hovered around 5,000 - 10,000, but I've finally got it up toward 15,000 now. This is still very small. I am now in a position to consider buying a new hull, because 285 is just too small.
I was able to do several 'fed-ex' missions due to my comparatively high jump distance (30 with Farstar micromodule). I have completely avoided attacking any ships, which means no hitman missions, and I've also avoided defending freighters etc. I usually pay pirates if I can't outrun them. One tip with the fed-ex quests: you can ask for easier or harder versions of the same mission. Quite often I found that the destination system was within my jump distance, which meant I could always reach it in less than a month. This meant I could take the harder option for more cash.
The other easy way to make money is doing the real-time battles. These are most commonly available in systems that have just been liberated from the dominators. So it can pay to visit a system that the coalition is attacking, try to shoot a small Dominator ship (like a Shtip) in order to get a reward AND then another reward for the RTS battles. Oh and you should be picking up Dominator equipment and selling them at science stations. But sometimes you will enter a system and see four Equentors (the biggest Dominators). Then it's time to run. :-P
So I finally upgraded all the equipment I had, which means I have some fairly good stuff for this stage of the game, but now I need a new hull. Size 350 or 400 is required for now, and it's important to get one that has all the equipment modules. These are most expensive, of course. :)
EDIT: if you get stuck on a text quest, here are the solutions. This is from the now defunct Elemental Games forum. There are a few new text quests in Reboot that aren't covered here. I recommend trying all the text quests yourself, but a few of them are fiendishly difficult and may need a spoiler:
12-18-2008, 12:50 PM
Ack. The rts just got a lot harder and now i'm stuck :)
Green keeps rushing me with like 10 robots and whacking me good. Which weapon do you use on your robot - i've been using launcher (full stack) since it has both the greatest damage and longest fire range but maybe there is something better ?
12-18-2008, 10:38 PM
2 launchers, 1 spitfire, 1 repairer. You don't want to let them shoot at your robots when they are stationary. The enemy AI is so poor that he will not usually bunch his robots before attacking, i.e. they will come in single file. What I like to do is to wait until I can see that the enemy will attack (eg there are 6+ robots hovering on the route to my base). I put my robots in the base behind the turrets, letting the enemy hit the turrets first. Then you lure them before they are ready with one of your robots. Usually the entire enemy force will be creamed without doing much damage at all, but if the enemy makes it into your base, try to retreat your robots a little. They will keep firing missiles as they fall back.
The other major tip is to be aggressive. There's no fog of war so you can see what the enemy is up to. You really need to capture the neutral bases and build turrets straight away. Having the hoverplane base to the robots helps speedwise.
While I can't offer much in the way of advice myself yet, I suppose I should add my initial moves.
This is starting as a Human Trader.
With the opening trades in the tutorial, you will be instructed to buy goods on Earth, then deliver to Venus, and make the return trip with a new load of goods. You will make some 3-4k from this round-trip. Be sure you click the "info" button for trade info at each location. You are instructed to fly off to Beetlegiuse. (If anyone knows what they might buy for sale on this opening trip to BG, it would be good to know). Before you leave the Sun system, try landing at Mars and get the trade info there as well. Now you have info on all 3 trade planets in the Sun system so you will know what to bring home with you after the BG segment of the Tutorial.
At BG, you will get the Drone Kill tutorial. Use Auto because you will never catch that thing on manual controls. You will need to land and repair at least one time. Do so when you have reached about 50 hull points left. On the 2nd try you should be able to kill the Drone finally. You will get another reward when you get back to Earth -- but before doing so, stop at all the planets in BG system and get their trade info. Figure out which deals are best and load up for the trip back to Earth.
Try to hit planets that are in the proper rotation around the sun so you are not wasting days doing huge orbits that are un-necessary. You will find that even a couple days difference in your trips between Solar Systems will show a change in Trade prices. In fact, save your game after you kill the Droid and before loading up your ship with goods for the return as you might find that the "deal" you thought you would have back in the Sun system doesn't now exist. But it's definately worth a shot.
You will probably have an NPC offer to join you after you kill the Droid, but I've found he gets disappointed pretty quick and leaves you without direction (which you can't really give at this point anyway so no big loss). Don't worry about him. (If anyone has any other info on this NPC, please add it).
When you get back into Sun System, make your trade quick then hit Earth for reward and more info. Update the trade info you can wherever you may land on the way back to Earth.
At this point I found that Earth will offer a couple of great deals on things, and I made 4 or 5 very quick trips shuttling goods in the Sun system before anything else. These were quite lucrative. Just watch it when you "overload" a certain destination with the same goods -- the profits will drop quite quickly.
Once you see that it's going to be hard to make any quick profitable trades in the Sun System (4 or 5 runs did it for me), then take the 1st Tutorial of the RTS (I got it offered on Earth). It is easy enough that you won't need any of the "help" offered so be sure to take it at hardest level so you take highest profit, and most experience points.
So barring the unforeseen, you should now have about 10k in your pocket and you can go shopping. I bought a Probe right away (from the Ranger Base), and set it to work on Mercury. I think the only one offered was a "Plains" one, and in the Sun System, that is the only place you can use it. It will run for 3 months, and will make you at least as much as you paid for it for this 1st try. But -- during these 3 months you should be visiting the other systems in the Sector and getting the "lay of the land"
I have found that the "News" screens give you a good hint as to what is going to be a good trade route. Be very careful if you venture too far away from the Sun System Sector. I haven't yet bought any ship upgrades so I can't give any advice to enhance the advice of the other posters to this thread.
So that's it from me for now, hopefully this will give some newcomers some very specific opening moves in the game.
Kings Bounty Hunter
02-02-2009, 10:36 PM
I kind of like this game but it's hard work. trading is kind of boring and fights are ok if you have a good ship with good weapons, but they cost lots. The game hinges on only two things, trading and missions it seems.
I'm going to persevere a bit more and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I understand Galian gear is the best and sometimes i cant join in fights against dominators as the fights are far away, sometimes.
ANyway, what should I do:-)
02-16-2009, 03:11 PM
Here are my starting moves (It might be exploiting a bit -- you decide):
1.) I start a game I make sure the starting ship is one of the larger starting sizes. 400 is the max size for an easy luck start. I also make sure to there is a good low weight branch engine around, which I will be buying soon.
2.) Head to the nearest Medical center and get Time Gaalistra if available.
3.) Get the max loan from the closest business station.
4.) Search and buy any medicine with price around 40 or under. Sell all that medicine to the medicine station in your starting system. This may take several trips.
5.) Now finally start the first medicine tutorial quest by talking to the governor. This lowers all the prices of the medicine in the medical center to about 30.
6.) Make 3-way trips between the Medical station, sick planet and start planet and never talk to the governor, while trading. Continue until the medicine and equipment are exhausted. You should have from 30-40k now and maybe 6 months in.
7.) Go buy that new engine, frag cannons etc... upgrade equipment and start taking on dominators for profit.
02-18-2009, 10:58 PM
What is a Time Gaalistra? Is it a piece of equipment ?
Here are my starting moves (It might be exploiting a bit -- you decide):
1.) I start a game I make sure the starting ship is one of the larger starting sizes. 400 is the max size for an easy luck start. I also make sure to there is a good low weight branch engine around, which I will be buying soon.
2.) Head to the nearest Medical center and get Time Gaalistra if available.
3.) Get the max loan from the closest business station.
4.) Search and buy any medicine with price around 40 or under. Sell all that medicine to the medicine station in your starting system. This may take several trips.
5.) Now finally start the first medicine tutorial quest by talking to the governor. This lowers all the prices of the medicine in the medical center to about 30.
6.) Make 3-way trips between the Medical station, sick planet and start planet and never talk to the governor, while trading. Continue until the medicine and equipment are exhausted. You should have from 30-40k now and maybe 6 months in.
7.) Go buy that new engine, frag cannons etc... upgrade equipment and start taking on dominators for profit.
02-18-2009, 11:01 PM
The first time I played I had to start 5 or 6 times to get a 'good' game going. I found that it was a huge mistake to attack anything early on (esp pirates). The tricky part is that some missions require that you attack something to complete them - i learned to avoid those missions.
On the converse side once you become 'too' powerful the game balance tilts too much to the other side. You can single handedly take on full fleets of dominators - but it takes a while to get to that point.
I think it is a fun game ('cept for the rts which i've no success). I wish they would add more text games - some of those are a *lot* of fun.
I kind of like this game but it's hard work. trading is kind of boring and fights are ok if you have a good ship with good weapons, but they cost lots. The game hinges on only two things, trading and missions it seems.
I'm going to persevere a bit more and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I understand Galian gear is the best and sometimes i cant join in fights against dominators as the fights are far away, sometimes.
ANyway, what should I do:-)
02-18-2009, 11:18 PM
Time Gaalistra is the best buff from the medical station and it really really helps early on. RTS missions are easy once you figure out the strategy for each map, but then they get boring and repetitive. Once a RTS mission is offered save before you complete it. If you don't get a good micromodule or any at all, try it on all the other planets and see if one gives you a good micromodule. For robots make I only make 2 types. Get one with 4 launchers, mortar, dynamo; the other has a mortar, 2 launchers, and 2 repairers. If you are defending a point use the best turret backed up by two mortar/2 launcher/2 repairer robots, which will keep itself healed. Always watch the map and try to manual control in fights.
02-19-2009, 05:25 PM
I'm still confused what is Tim Gaalistra? Is it something you sell? A piece of equipment - if equipment what does it do ?
Time Gaalistra is the best buff from the medical station and it really really helps early on. RTS missions are easy once you figure out the strategy for each map, but then they get boring and repetitive. Once a RTS mission is offered save before you complete it. If you don't get a good micromodule or any at all, try it on all the other planets and see if one gives you a good micromodule. For robots make I only make 2 types. Get one with 4 launchers, mortar, dynamo; the other has a mortar, 2 launchers, and 2 repairers. If you are defending a point use the best turret backed up by two mortar/2 launcher/2 repairer robots, which will keep itself healed. Always watch the map and try to manual control in fights.
02-19-2009, 08:21 PM
Go to the medical station and they will randomly offer 3 types of stimulants and it will change through the months. One of those stimulants is Time Gaalistra. You can see which stimulant you currently have by pressing S and looking at the bottom right corner. I get the 5 year medical plan from the business center, which halves the prices of all stimulants for the 5 years.
02-19-2009, 10:40 PM
Oh. I've played through twice but each time didn't really explore stimulants. Never saw them as being that useful. Perhaps I was mistaken?
Go to the medical station and they will randomly offer 3 types of stimulants and it will change through the months. One of those stimulants is Time Gaalistra. You can see which stimulant you currently have by pressing S and looking at the bottom right corner. I get the 5 year medical plan from the business center, which halves the prices of all stimulants for the 5 years.
03-16-2010, 03:14 PM
Yeah, I don't yet understand hulls.
I've got about 12+ hours into the game. I've read the manual (and I'm re-reading it), and I've also got two "FAQ-Walkthroughs" bookmarked.
I'm doing fairly well, or so I think, although I'm in the bottom five of all ranked rangers. For the most part I'm doing quests only, along with a bit of trading if I see a bargain at a planet or space station.
I'm also trying to use the information center, as many people suggest.
My biggest problem right now seems to be getting a new hull. I started out as a Human fighter, and from what I can tell looking at the hulls offered, my original hull is still better. I've got like 25K in credits, but although I can afford "better" weapons and equipment, I can't fit any of it on my ship! It seems like the better weapons are always heavier. I'm not sure how or where to look for a better hull.
Ideally, what I want is a fighting ship, that after the battles, has enough cargo space for me to grab loot (components, cargo, nodes, etc). Right now I've only got about 35-30 units of cargo available.
I'm mostly afraid I'm going to run out of quests and then be scraping for money again. . . . . I need to understand the basics about hulls and what hull I should be going for. Maybe a pirate hull. I dunno . . .
D'oh! Yet another time where I post some questions, go into the game,and the light bulb turns on. :idea:
Spaceship layout as follows:
Top-most slots are weaponry slots.
Left-most are propulsion slots, notably, engine & fuel tank
Right-most are scanning slots: radar and ship scanner
Bottom slots: Additional equipment: Droid, Grappler, Shielding
When mousing over the hulls for sale at trading centers, the hull's piccie shows what slots are available on that particular type of hull.
1. A metal coating bonded onto another metal under high pressure and temperature.
2. The process of forming such a coating.
3. A protective or insulating layer fixed to the outside of a building or another structure
A droid is required to repair cladding in mid-battle/in space (?). (so far I haven't gotten any, no room for them)
Finding a good hull is a matter of using the Information center, getting to the planet/station selling it in time (thus, needing good engines). Or luck. Having the necessary funds is of course a good idea.
So far I've avoided buying anything of Maroq or Peleng manufacture . . supposedly the first is inefficient/low quality, the second degrades the fastest of any races equipment.
Boy, a SR2 Wiki would be nice . . . tried googling for one, so far, no luck.
12-21-2012, 03:21 AM
Is there such a thing out there floating around like an "Opening Moves" walkthrough? This looks like a fun game, but a bit more direction in the first year or 3 would be nice. Something like:
I had a standard set of moves that worked pretty well in SR2 but are partially broken by Reboot. It goes something like this (from dusty memory):
1. Pick the rocket launcher bonus during setup.
2. Save at start. Fly directly to the medical base. If you can, take something to up your charisma or super tech.
3. Fly to the plague planet to-be (e.g Venus). Ask for a mission. You get the real-time training mission. Collect money. Buy meds and store in warehouse.
4. Fly to training coordinator and start tutorial. Leave heavy stuff there.
5. Fly to medical base and buy meds.
6. Fly back to plague planet with meds. Sell these meds and the meds in storage. Buy all the equipment you can.
7. Shuttle loads of equipment around selling all you can and buying more at plague-planet until this no longer makes money.
8. If you can afford it buy any useful probes you can, now.
9. Run mineral collection tutorial but you should have already been grabbing and selling any minerals you see.
10. Run the IPX-437 tutorial over and over until you get the little Singular engine and fuel tank. (This does not seem to work in Reboot.)
11. Fly back to science base and upgrade this engine and fuel tank.
12. Return to trainer and start your career as a ranger.
13. Take FedEx and text missions while also searching planets. One text mission you really want early is the ski resort mission. This has a 10,000 cr bonus that will make you the richest ranger out there.
14 Keep running missions but start fighting Dominators asap. You want to be building experience and advancing in rank. If you are comfortable with the real-time missions by all means take them. They pay very well.
15. Use stimulators but always keep track and save just before. That way you can back up and redo if you get addicted.
16. Keep track of where you see equipment you want to buy. Early in the game 3 cr is a lot. Save, search, reload.
P.S. If anyone has any Reboot-specific opening moves, please post.
01-14-2013, 06:54 PM
Hi all.
I only play on the hardest level, which means I lose about 75% of the games I start. The opening moves above are fantastic, and most work for the hardest level too.
The big difference, however, is that shortly after the game starts the dominators will start conquering the few remaining systems. You will see the six or seven systems you started with are being destroyed. Unfortunatly everything is too weak to stand against them, so it is a matter of time until only one system or two remains.
But what you must, must, must do is protect the science station. So that means when there are only a few systems remaining, you must hang around in or near the one with the science station. You will need the money you get from selling to the science station to keep your war afloat.
Sometimes I upgrade the science station if I have the money. Droid is paramount.
Until the galaxy discovers rocket launchers, it is impossible to liberate a dominator system. On the hardest level, it takes a great deal of time for rocket launchers to be discovered.
02-20-2013, 04:55 PM
Missile launchers are very good weapons early on. They are cheap and you can blast at dominators from a distance. I always keep at least one. If you see a dominator that's about to get killed you can target it with a salvo and get credit for the kill, even if it dies before the missiles are launched. They tend to be messy, blowing up valuable stuff you'd rather bring onboard. For this reason I prefer flow blasters in the middle game and disintegrators late in the game. Always upgrade your missile launchers to the top level. It costs the same to reload no matter the level.
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