View Full Version : unit morale

11-26-2008, 07:19 AM
Can someone help explain unit morale and what it does please?

11-26-2008, 07:34 AM
Can someone help explain unit morale and what it does please?

Morale influence the attack/defense characteristics and chance of critical hit of the troop.
High morale gives bonuses to attack/deffense and chance of crit.
Low - is oposite.
for example
High (+3): +30% to attack/defense and +100% to the chance of critical.
Good (+2): +20% to attack/defense and +50% to the chance of critical
Positive (+1): +10% to attack/defense and +25% to the chance of critical
Neutral (0) doesn't give any bonuses
Horrible (-3): -30% to attack/defense and -100% to the chance of critical.
Bad (-2): -20% to attack/defense and -50% to the chance of critical
Low (-1): -10% to attack/defense and -25% to the chance of critical

11-26-2008, 03:03 PM
You should add that it only boost base attack and defense ratio making it kinda useless for low lvl creatures and maybe it is bad luck but even with high morale i barely saw any crits :(. I really prefer the way morale work in homm series.

11-26-2008, 03:24 PM
The difference between +0 and +1 morale isn't much but with a +3 morale the difference is huge unless you're running 5 stacks of lvl1 creatures. :mrgreen:

11-26-2008, 03:40 PM
Thanks very much guys.