View Full Version : Roasted Rat dillemma?

10-16-2008, 06:34 PM
I think that many players here had encountered this delicious meal :D
It gives 2 rage and 2 mana for the cost of 50 leadership. What would you prefer guys to eat the rat or not? I personally think that 2 rage and mana are most useful later in the game while the leadership is most useful early. I'm asking this cause i managed to obtain 5 of this rats so far and i still haven't eaten them.

10-16-2008, 09:27 PM
At the time, as a mage, I couldn't afford to lose even 50 leadership and 2 mana was a small amount to gain. Furthermore, since I try to keep my rage pool small (along with my rage costs) to maximize critical hits, adding 2 rage could even be counter productive to me. So the benefit of 2 mana - the cost of 2 rage - the cost of 50 leadership < 0 to me.

10-16-2008, 09:32 PM
I don't think that critical hit is dependant on the % of rage you have filled. I think it just the ammount. The more the better. I'm not sure though .

10-16-2008, 10:03 PM
u can get 6 max i think. get all 6 rats...leadership is worth concentrating full out towards the end but then i was a warrior so...as a mage it may be different but even then eat all 6 anyway. on level up u will be making 1k+ leadership if u choose at that time anyway..

10-17-2008, 12:00 AM
I don't think that critical hit is dependant on the % of rage you have filled. I think it just the ammount. The more the better. I'm not sure though .

No, crit damage bonus is dependant on the %age filled.

Empty = 30% bonus, full = 70% bonus.

A higher max rage means you'll usually do less damaging crits.

As for the rats, I bought all 6 (easiest way to buy is find a dwarf miner, click him, if he doesn't offer a rat instead of choosing the conversation option just press Escape. You can repeatedly click / escape a lot faster than going the conversation route).

You can also buy all 6 rats from any dwarf (even all 6 from the same dwarf).

I was originally careful, only eating a rat after finding 50 leadership of flags, then on my next level up as a mage I was offered either 7 mana or 625 leadership.

Kind puts it into the 12 mana vs 550 leadership thing into perspective.
KX85 (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Kawasaki_KX85)

10-17-2008, 12:17 AM
I had 7 rats, 6 from the miners, 1 bought in the underground sea fish. Did not use them early on, however their very valuable later on, where you still get +5 rage/+7 mana per level, and keep getting more leadership per level.

Trade in 350 leadership for 14 mana and 14 rage. Very good deal, even on level 5 the mana and rage are worth more in comparison from what you could gain from a level up.

I'm a Mage, used all of them. With my level 22 knight I also used all of them. Either way, these are nearly always useful on higher levels, where a few hundred leadership makes a small difference, whereas 20% extra rage and 10% extra mana(Probably even higher percentages for most people) is quite a large amount.

Edit: Bugmenot, A higher max rage, will mean a higher rage accumulation. Either way, the percentage of rage you'd have(Wether you had 30 rage or 120 rage) will be +/- the same. So in your theory, which I think is correct, the max amount of rage makes little difference for crits, just the accumulated amount in percentages. A warrior with 120 rage, will gain 120 rage from a single fight if he has max rage inflow and doesn't use his rage to kill the enemy, I have noticed this differs in earlier stages, seems to be lower(Even with max rage inflow). A warrior with 30 rage will gain 30 rage from the same fight.

Another edit: If you had an item for -300 leadership, +12 rage, +12 mana. Let's say an artifact.. I'd use it for sure.

10-17-2008, 02:42 AM
Antiga: I was unaware of that. So rage gain scales upwards proportionately with max rage? I.E. a hit that nets 2 rage when your max is 30 will net 4 rage when your max is 60?