View Full Version : End game stats (spoiler alert)

10-16-2008, 03:53 AM
We should have a folder for posting our end game stats. Mine are in the attached thumbnail.

I was surprised to see Royal Snakes come up as the 2nd deadliest but it obviously based on number of creatures and not hit points. I found them incredible up to the point of the Elven lands and then I lost them and didn't find them as useful there anyway.

At first I disappointed with Griffins and after buying a lot of them I parked them for awhile. I went back to them later and found them quite good once my leadership allowed me to carry a sufficient number of them. Then I found the Griffin Banner and that made them really awesome.

Too bad spells used are not in the stats. I found myself using a lot of different spells depending on the situation but Phantom was my favourite. Sometimes I would double on Phantom or cast it followed by Target. I also used Fire Rain, Ice Snakes, Ghost Blade, Resurrection, Sacrifice and Geysers quite a bit. I didn't discover the fun of Hypnotize until Murdock or I would have used it more--it created mayhem during the few times I used it in Murdock.

A great game, I sure hope the sales go up and there are expansions. I'm not a fan of the darker stuff so I especially liked the first areas. Whoever thought the Labyrinth was a good idea should be fired!

In case you're wondering about my name I'm Canadian but an American politician is inspiring me right now :)

10-16-2008, 01:26 PM
Nice stats can't wait to see how mine will look like.

10-17-2008, 10:09 AM
nice stats - but weird name !!!

Jinix the Elder
10-17-2008, 12:28 PM
I heard that name before - now where was it ?
I think it's being used in the 'real' world somewhere for political purposes.

Great looking stats - I'm still looking for Hake wassisname in the Eastern Islands

Jinix the Elder

The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.
Humphrey Bogart

10-25-2008, 02:50 PM
Here are mine stats.