View Full Version : Can wives have children when their equipment slot are filled with.. equipment?

10-12-2008, 03:55 AM
The elven wife of my mage has been married for quite a while now.. and have gotten the tree's blessing to have children.

In fact I've seen the prompt that all I need to do is just wait..

But so many battles later, the baby has still not popped up..

This might be because at some point of time I had filled up her equipment slot fully and the baby simply had no place to spawn..

There was no prompt that the birth had failed.. or anything of this nature. Instead when I click on the wife again, I can talk about having a family and suggesting to have a baby again!

Now quite a number of battles later (and this time I 've been leaving the equpiment slot free) , the baby definitenly hasn't popped up.. Since like three battles after the last time I raised having a baby, I saw that option turn up again..

So I am just wondering if anyone knows if it has been bugged, or if I need to empy the equipment slots completely for 10 battles.. or what..

10-12-2008, 05:02 AM
You should ask her if she is on the "pill" :P

have you tryed to remove one of the item in her slot and and then speak to her about having baby or how much you love her?

10-13-2008, 04:09 AM
My wife (not an elf, just darling froggy) always has room for her children and will automatically return me the artifacts if necessary.

10-13-2008, 12:04 PM
the demoness wife, interesting a concept as it is :p is not a very practical choice as.. it is so hard to reinforce demonic armies.... not to mention you are asked (though not forced) to seal off demonis soon after..

Choose between access to demons (though it would be extremely time consuming access) or 5 might runes + xp + gold..