View Full Version : Unflyable planes appear on airbases.

Capt. Eduardo del Mango
07-03-2013, 06:43 PM
Hi all,

I'm possibly being very stupid here, but when I create a home base in the FMB in 4.12 and add all aircraft to it it shows up in the mission with all the non-flyable aircraft selectable. When picked and flown they're uncontrollable, and they're definitely not on the list in the FMB - anyone know where they're coming from? I'm sure I haven't performed any tweaks to make them all flyable (this wasn't happening in 4.11.1 at least) so am at a bit of a loss.

Any help appreciated,


07-03-2013, 09:26 PM
Hi all,

I'm possibly being very stupid here, but when I create a home base in the FMB in 4.12 and add all aircraft to it it shows up in the mission with all the non-flyable aircraft selectable. When picked and flown they're uncontrollable, and they're definitely not on the list in the FMB - anyone know where they're coming from? I'm sure I haven't performed any tweaks to make them all flyable (this wasn't happening in 4.11.1 at least) so am at a bit of a loss.

Any help appreciated,


Just to be sure.. .you're selecting all aircraft as flyable rather than systematically going down the list?

Many servers online have used the AI aircraft trick for years. It also works well when you have a mixed retail and HSFX crew online and some of the folks can fly the planes from HSFX.

You can actually fly these aircraft. You need to select something normally flyable (say a Bf109), click Fly, then respawn, select the AI type and you can control it externally.