View Full Version : Creating a new Tank mod help NEEDED!

02-19-2013, 01:35 PM
Hi guys, I am working on a model for the game. A Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank for the British forces. I want to add the modern Tank for all the nations.

My question is, how does one get the tank model onto the game?

Do I just need to make the out side model? What about when it gets destroyed ect?

02-21-2013, 10:29 PM
not to 3D modeling but I am to modding MoW, I got it a few days ago and it is my favorite WW2 game!
I use Maya. I could take a look at Milkshake. See how that goes down.

Is it easy to move them onto MoW? with the animations ect?

02-22-2013, 12:47 PM
OK, I did do some new Weapons ect for Skyrim that used .dds. To get that into the game was very easy.

I have the new version 2013 Autodesk, I got it from Uni for a mad price haha.