View Full Version : Resetting the AI..

01-23-2013, 12:41 PM
I have several missions and some that are from FB 1.0. The AI seems to behave in the old way.. I am thinking that I may need to open the mission up in the FMB and edit it and save it so that the new AI behavior will take effect in it.. Is this correct or will it automatically be done as soon as the AI is tweaked in a patch? Do we need to "reset" the AI with every tweak on older missions? How about ones that may have been made under 4.11? Am I making sense..?

01-23-2013, 01:03 PM
I have several missions and some that are from FB 1.0. The AI seems to behave in the old way.. I am thinking that I may need to open the mission up in the FMB and edit it and save it so that the new AI behavior will take effect in it.. Is this correct or will it automatically be done as soon as the AI is tweaked in a patch? Do we need to "reset" the AI with every tweak on older missions? How about ones that may have been made under 4.11? Am I making sense..?


I'm no expert, but... the mission files are only text files. How on earth could those lines of simple text invoke different, "ancient" AI behavior. I think you need a nap. (J/K)


01-23-2013, 01:16 PM
I have several missions and some that are from FB 1.0. The AI seems to behave in the old way.. I am thinking that I may need to open the mission up in the FMB and edit it and save it so that the new AI behavior will take effect in it.. Is this correct or will it automatically be done as soon as the AI is tweaked in a patch? Do we need to "reset" the AI with every tweak on older missions? How about ones that may have been made under 4.11? Am I making sense..?
If mission is loaded and the game is playing than you don't need to do anything more with it. You can eventually check if there are some errors notifications in logfile but I don't expect anything important there.

01-23-2013, 04:01 PM
I have several missions and some that are from FB 1.0. The AI seems to behave in the old way.. I am thinking that I may need to open the mission up in the FMB and edit it and save it so that the new AI behavior will take effect in it.. Is this correct or will it automatically be done as soon as the AI is tweaked in a patch? Do we need to "reset" the AI with every tweak on older missions? How about ones that may have been made under 4.11? Am I making sense..?

Dood, you're thinking too much! http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/image/s2.gif

01-23-2013, 09:42 PM
I have several missions and some that are from FB 1.0. The AI seems to behave in the old way.. I am thinking that I may need to open the mission up in the FMB and edit it and save it so that the new AI behavior will take effect in it.. Is this correct or will it automatically be done as soon as the AI is tweaked in a patch? Do we need to "reset" the AI with every tweak on older missions? How about ones that may have been made under 4.11? Am I making sense..?
Hi Bearcat,

The .mis files are actually very simple. They are plain text with listings and positions of all objects including the paths that objects may take (such as aircraft) and what their parameters are. So for example a flight of aircraft will specify the type, fuel, armament, AI difficulty level, etc. So the only reference to the AI is just what level it is set to (i.e. Easy, Normal, Veteran, or Ace).

This is why with all of the AI and FM changes throughout the years that there is no reason why a very old mission won't work because it only references the essentials to what makes up the mission and nothing else. The rest is taken care of by the rest of the game engine and not from the mission file. Beautiful in its simplicity.

01-23-2013, 10:53 PM
Thanks for the answers.. I know it sounded kind of daft.. but when you don't know .. the only way to know is to ask .. and I never have been one to have a question that I do not ask.

01-24-2013, 06:55 PM
Some FM changes can affect the timings in missions on occasion so flights will arrive early or late.

01-24-2013, 09:22 PM
Some FM changes can affect the timings in missions on occasion so flights will arrive early or late.

That's not a bug, it's an improvement in realism - perfect timing in combat is (usually) a fantasy. SNAFU! :)

01-25-2013, 02:25 AM
That's not a bug, it's an improvement in realism - perfect timing in combat is (usually) a fantasy. SNAFU! :)

Except that this is not real life and we design our missions according to the timing of the enemy target(s). Not saying it shouldn't be done but changing features that cause timing changes may, in fact, be more realistic but it can make previously developed missions unuseable.

Not much fun flying for 30 minutes just to find that the enemy was there and gone 5 minutes ago...

01-25-2013, 05:07 PM
And also not much fun to go on a missiom where de defensive fighters (enemy fighters) should long have taken-off to engage you, but they still on the ground cleaning their nails and getting bombed at same-time...

01-26-2013, 01:49 PM
Some FM changes can affect the timings in missions on occasion so flights will arrive early or late.

In some of the old stock missions, when you change your position into not leading role, your flight leader tends heavily to show lack of fighting motivation by now.
Originally there was reactin anyhow, in spite sometimes it seemed not very skillfull, sometimes his attack path was so vigorous, thet you blacked out nearly immediately when trying to cover him. Now your flight leader climbes straight away from the scene where the bombers you were supposed to protect become slaughtered by enemy fighters and aou get tis annoying "stay on course" or "verdammt noch mal, wo haben sie fliegen gelernt" message, if you dive in for a kill.

01-27-2013, 01:06 AM
That's not a bug, it's an improvement in realism - perfect timing in combat is (usually) a fantasy. SNAFU! :)

No, no I never meant it was a bug. It's just a fact that old missions can be spoiled by improvements in the FM's

It just means that the mission designers need to tweak their missions to accommodate the new FM's.