View Full Version : Any news for this game further version?

01-09-2013, 12:01 AM
Ok, I know it looks very dumb to ask this question. But I still hope I can get any positive news from here about this game.

I mean, I love this game. I couldn't express how much I love it. Maybe it's graphic looks urgly, but the game play is perfect. That makes me remember another game which I played when I was young. It is a very old game and I don't know how to call it by English. But it is extremly famous in China. Almost everyone know its name. The game directly translate in English it calls Sailing period 2. Made by Japan,relased in 1994, Both on PC and FC platform. What the comment about this game is you may completely not interest in other game after playing this game. That's true, I never played other games for 6 months after I played it.

Ok, out of track, I mean, this game is a little bit similar as the game I mentioned above. It is a perfect game. The reason it is not very popular in China is there is no a Chinese lanauage translation version otherwise I am quite sure every space fans would play it crazy. Is this game really complete over? I mean, is that not any chance to have further version or...perhaps the space rangers 3 released would be not complete hopeless?

Is there anyone can give me an verified answer? Many thanks. And I can tell you that lots of Chinese guys like me also expecting it