View Full Version : How deep can TD go into the core of IL2? Just read this post? Is it possible?

01-07-2013, 07:19 PM
After reading the following post, I had one of those.....NO WAY!!!! moments!

I realise that TD can do many things, but is this at-all possible? I mean, it would be a superb addition to IL2 if it is?

The post:

"There won't be any core changes without the source code. All of the mods you see in 1946 are just changes to java class files, which are out of the SFS archives and a few of the more core/important ones are muddled by the compiler and some simply can't be resolved, at least this is the way I see it meaning that all changes will be on the surface and nothing more. That and whatever DLL's they are able to open properly as is the case with carsmasters graphics mods. Like they said, we could have self shadowing in IL-2 as it's supported by the OpenGL engine it uses but without the source files this isn't a possibility.

Really? Is it a future option and are you able to get in that deep to add this feature?

Cheers, MP

01-07-2013, 10:32 PM
It would really do wonders for Il-2 graphically, but I doubt it's possible. Besides having access to the source code, there really must be a deep understanding of it, and likely the only person to be able to make such changes would be the person(s) who wrote it.

Besides, I think DT have mentioned before that they aren't going to do it. I would really love to be proven wrong though.

01-07-2013, 10:51 PM
Anyone who has ever had to go into someone else's programming and change things, without their guidance, knows how much of a pain in the ass that can be. Every programmer has their own style of arranging code, and some writers are better organized than others...

One might consider the risks of breaking things as a result, and that the "core" of the game has already proven rock-solid over the years.

01-08-2013, 09:58 PM
I was under the impression that they could alter the core of the program. They did so when the created the new dt.dll file in 4.10 which improved the AI by a leap and a bound. I think they could do something even deeper if they had the desire to. Doubt they have the time and inclination to do it except for the really big must haves.

01-09-2013, 11:15 AM
Tasselation and bokeh are definitely must have :)

01-15-2013, 04:13 PM
Doesn't UBI own the core ?, and we know how co-operative they are.

01-15-2013, 04:43 PM
Doesn't UBI own the core ?, and we know how co-operative they are.


01-18-2013, 05:43 AM

Excellent !! :cool:

Silly me, 1C must own it ?

01-18-2013, 06:31 PM
It could be nice to see self shadowing and update for directx mode to have 3D water and smoke shadow. I hope it can be possible if they enter in the core of il2... After the new video of 4.12 effect we just need 3D grass and remake of default map and it will be better than COD.