View Full Version : Russian Fan Maps

07-27-2008, 01:26 AM
I've been using google translation to try to read the Russian forums. There are more community made maps over there. I downloaded one called New King that sounded very cool. I used a text encoding converter and google translation to change all the text I found to english. Its really rough obviously. I haven't spent any time trying to improve the text yet. Once I play more to understand the context I will try to. Don't let that stop anybody else from trying before me. I'm sure it will take me a while to get through the map. its suppose to take 150-300 turns.

Its by hehus. I translated the readme that came with it too.

Basic idea is that you enter a land ruled by a evil king. You have to pay money each turn to the king to remain there. You get payed money each turn for owning cities. You have to become stronger to defeat the king.

I removed all the generated terrain data so you'll have to run it through the map editor before you play it.