View Full Version : Professional Modelellers

11-12-2012, 02:28 PM
Ok, I will take this one personally. Thanks. :)

I have come up with the idea of building Avia B-534 back in 2007 or 2008. The basic model has been completed by a modeller called Erbiac, but he did not plan to continue with the plane. I have organized a small fundraiser within Czech and Slovak IL-2 community to get this plane and cockpit finalized via a professional modeller. It has been then implemented by DT programmers for 4.09 release. Same story with Letov S-328.


Can I ask how much costs a complete 3D model "il.2 standards ready"???
This could open a new world of posibilities. Not all can model or program, but there are members of the community that could pay for a model that they like. It s just an idea, maybe not so simple, but I´d like to hear opinions, specially from Martin and DT.

11-12-2012, 06:08 PM
Not sure, if you know that, but many planes and other objects for Pacific Fighters, Manchuria, Pe-2 and 46 titles were made by a freelance 3rd party modelers. They were hired and coordinated by Ilya Shevchenko.

He had more or less standard pricing for the job, which was something like 1K USD per external aircraft model (complete with LODs, damage, textures, etc), 1K USD per single seat cockpit (+500 USD for each additional workplace in the same cockpit). So, basically, single-seat fighter cost him around 2K USD, paid to a freelancers. However, due to various reasons, 3rd party modelers didn't and couldn't do all the job, required to complete the model to the level, where it was suitable for the game engine export. The export itself was also beyond their abilities at the time. So, part of the work (to make the flyable plane model for the game) was done by 1C:MG full-time workers. Which means, actually it cost even more.

Also, the Pe-8 bomber was built by a 3rd party modeler for a donations, collected by IL-2 community. So, this idea isn't new, actually. :)

11-12-2012, 07:09 PM
I didn´t know it!
It is totally new for me, and I guess for other members of the community.

Thanks for the reply Saqson!!

11-12-2012, 07:53 PM
A small addition: many current DT members at the time were those freelance modelers, who worked with Ilya on the listed above add-ons for the IL-2 FB. Including Jutocsa, who built the B-534 (among many other planes). And, as in this case, those freelancers also built quite a few models for free, to be included with free IL-2 patches, made by 1C and, offcourse, by DT.

PS And I just noticed, you have an error in your signature, in the Russian text. ;)

11-13-2012, 08:46 AM
Also the Il-2 fans around SVK portal are donating 3rd party He-177 Greif model these days.

11-13-2012, 02:27 PM
Also the Il-2 fans around SVK portal are donating 3rd party He-177 Greif model these days.

Isnt that CloD

11-14-2012, 12:40 PM
Isnt that CloD

Nope, according to the linked thread its supposed to be included in 4.12/4.13 patch for 1946.

11-14-2012, 09:42 PM
It was a little joke especially with the current climate ............ :)
I hope the poly counts acceptable as those wip's look high without the pit, gunner, bomber, radio etc

11-15-2012, 08:50 AM
It was a little joke especially with the current climate ............ :)
I hope the poly counts acceptable as those wip's look high without the pit, gunner, bomber, radio etc

Ah, i see :)
DT is aware of this model and according to them it seems to fit the specifications (even though it is going to be the highest poly count model in game :)