View Full Version : Can it be possible to add FPS element in IL2

05-22-2012, 02:52 PM

I have imagined this for long

if I can walk thru the airport with a rifle or even bare handed to check my

plane from beneath... to count the bullet holes left from last flight.

Walking as a man is least wished, with a rifle, or even can jump into a

static plane just like BF3? how wonderful it is.:grin:

05-22-2012, 03:13 PM
Possible? Yes, in principle. It is software. FPS games are software. It could be done. But only a complete idiot would do it. Why engage in a complete rewrite of a ten-year-old game to incorporate entirely new elements that have little to do with the existing simulation, when starting again from scratch would be quicker?

So yes, it would be possible, and no, it isn't going to happen.

05-22-2012, 03:25 PM
Maybe not an idiot, but someone overly enthusiastic. ;) The first Il-2 hack I've seen was someone running around with the pilot, leaving and boarding the plane. Third person perspective, though.

But I tend to agree that this is a feature highly unlikely to officially make it into the game.

05-22-2012, 03:57 PM
Maybe not an idiot, but someone overly enthusiastic. ;) The first Il-2 hack I've seen was someone running around with the pilot, leaving and boarding the plane. Third person perspective, though.

But I tend to agree that this is a feature highly unlikely to officially make it into the game.


I think it is not overly enthusiastic~~

u can see simple simulation for tanks in Warbird, and simlar things are happenning in IL2 COD, for AA guns, trucks etc.

It is reasonable to add such simulation so that kind of air-ground cooperative
assult can be simulated in some way, at least potentially. even only for fun if this addtion costs not so much programing

If that so, why dont just give one more step for a simple FPS simulation,
which is far too ease I think;)

However, this is only a wish.

05-22-2012, 04:04 PM
Possible? Yes, in principle. It is software. FPS games are software. It could be done. But only a complete idiot would do it. Why engage in a complete rewrite of a ten-year-old game to incorporate entirely new elements that have little to do with the existing simulation, when starting again from scratch would be quicker?

So yes, it would be possible, and no, it isn't going to happen.

why complete rewrite, only a idot will think in that way?

and some Mod makers have already acheived this in some way with out rewriting (such as Jeep mod which is famous)

Are those Mod makers idot? hahaha