View Full Version : Quest problem The Snake

02-03-2012, 02:29 PM
After obtaining the snake from the guy in museum, I went to the Police Station.

However, I dunno what to do with the 'basket'. I can't simply put it down because its a quest item.

Also I did the quest which saved the same police chief, and there is two basket in my quest inventory.

I am royally confused now, I hope someone could tell me what to do :confused:

02-03-2012, 03:24 PM
In the room where the police chief is standing there are a few desks, if you hover the mouse over 2 of them you'll get the hand symbol. If you click you'll get asked if you want to plant the basket, answer yes and you're good to go. IIRC you should use the one closest to the door, then move out of the building and speed up time, you'll get an "aaah" message when the snake kills him and the mission is done.

02-04-2012, 12:41 AM
Thx! I did not realise you need to have the PC plant the snake basket :)

02-04-2012, 01:52 PM
I always found that quest to be a bit... silly.

Yeah, hi. I'll just put this totally not suspicious basket in here.

And then what? He takes a nap or something and the snake comes out and bites him in the ass?