View Full Version : 4.11: Spawn Point Request

01-25-2012, 11:25 AM
I love the new Static Spawn features. However, from a mission builder's point of view, I have a small request.

When you 'Set' the Spawn Point, a yellow line from the Takeoff Waypoint attaches to the desired stationary plane. However, this line is only visible when a flight's Takeoff Waypoint and then Plane tab is selected. (See screenshot on far left.) Even then, only one flight's 'yellow line' can be displayed at a time.

When the mission is loaded, you won't see any yellow lines at all. Since there is no other indication that there are custom Spawn Points in a mission, this can be very confusing (See screenshot on far right.)

Would it be possible to display the yellow lines constantly, similar to the green 'escort' lines, which have always been constantly displayed?


01-25-2012, 11:30 AM

01-25-2012, 11:51 AM

01-25-2012, 02:08 PM
Request granted.

01-25-2012, 03:29 PM
Request granted.

Now that is what I call a quick fix ;)

Thanks for that.

01-25-2012, 03:45 PM
+1 indeed.

01-25-2012, 08:21 PM
Fantastic. A big thank you from all the mission builders!


01-26-2012, 11:22 AM
Thx TD!

07-12-2012, 07:05 PM
I was building a coop last night, and could not get this Spawn Point to work. :o

When I started the mission there was always a big explosion. My plane was fine, but all of the other static planes blew up. How do you use this?

I cannot find any documentation on this Spawn Point feature. I looked in the Guide_411.pdf but did not see anything. Is there another document that I should look in for all the FMB documentation?

Thanks for your anticipated help.

07-13-2012, 02:41 AM
I was building a coop last night, and could not get this Spawn Point to work. :o

When I started the mission there was always a big explosion. My plane was fine, but all of the other static planes blew up. How do you use this?

I cannot find any documentation on this Spawn Point feature. I looked in the Guide_411.pdf but did not see anything. Is there another document that I should look in for all the FMB documentation?

Thanks for your anticipated help.

The instructions are on page 9 & 10 of the 4.11 Guide.


07-13-2012, 10:41 PM
Ahh, thank you very much.