View Full Version : Men of War Assault Squad DLC.

01-06-2012, 11:51 PM
I was thinking, and even thought the Men of War series seems to be more focused on the Multiplayer end, it has a nice feel in the Campaigns. I think it would be nice for some more DLC, even with Vietnam being released.

USA: The Pacific campaign. It includes Gudalcanal, Tarawa, Boudainville, Saipan, and Iwo Jima. Make it like the current Tarawa "Introduction" Usa mission. A single flag objective for each of the captured area things. :rolleyes: But extend the number of flags you have to capture to closer to 10. And add more artillery, enemy soldiers, bunkers, etc. And obviously realistic scenery, jungles. This campaign cost hundred's of thousands of American lives. It housed some of the bloodiest battles in the world, after Gettysburg and Waterloo.

Japan: The same thing, just from the Japanese stand point, and instead of capturing flags your defending them for a set time against an American amphibious force.

Germany: The Ardennes offesnive. Not much to add here, the Battle of The Bulge mission in the USA campaign was nice, but again add much more artilley, trenches, forest, tank traps, fox holes, machine guns, etc.

Britain: The European Theatre. Begins with the bombing of London, etc. Then the landings at Normandy, and goes on from there.

Russia: The defensive, defend the Motherland from the might of the German army. Fight a war of attrition and watch as the Reich over-extends their lines into your home territories. This would be a defensive campaign.

I know that with Vietnam out, people will probably flame about this, and DLC has never been 1C's strong point, but it would be a nice addition to keeping people from deleting Assault Squad from their computers.

Just spit balling here.

01-06-2012, 11:54 PM

It just struck me this was under the Vietnam sub-thread.

Can a Mod move it?