View Full Version : How to see the whole campaign map

Goblin Wizard
11-29-2011, 10:59 PM
1. Run editor.exe in game folder
2. File > Test Map (or ctrl + T)
3. While map is loaded hit escape > main menu and load a saved game.
4. Choose Advanced > Init Map > in the window type "variables" and click "AIX editor"
5. Click yellow icon called "Variables" > scroll down until you find "CameraRestrictLX" with value 65. Change 65 to 0. Do the same with 3 next variables (..RX,TY,BY) then click "Apply".
6. Save the game and load again (in editor or normally).
7. Enjoy!

If you feel like you want to thank someone, thank devs:).

11-30-2011, 12:55 AM
I was actually asking mitra about this the other day, thank YOU for putting these steps up on here! and thank UNICORN for allowing this to happen!