View Full Version : AA Guns - Dominating Multiplayer Games

07-11-2011, 04:34 PM
Love the game, absoultely fantastic.. but have to say the AA guns are beginning to dominate each and every game I've been into lately and are, in my opinion, very unbalanced.

Low visibility, cheap, mobile and with the ability to destroy every light vehicle they dominate the early part of the game. Players have been quick to learn and it's quite often a straight shootout in direct fire mode.

In addition they are quickly remanned if targetted. The damage model seems to dictate that on the first and sometimes subsequent occaisions it is merely the crew that are affected.

Add to this the fact that in Direct Fire mode it is all too easy to extend the range, blow apart and right through hard cover (don't bother with HE shells,. an AA gun slices through walls, buildings you name it..)... and the effect on infantry is devastating.

Heavier Armour is similarly vulnerable, tracks are blown off at range with little trouble.

Please adjust the damage and firepower models so as to return better balance (and I would argue a more realistic feel) in games.

07-11-2011, 11:57 PM
You're talking about realism on your last line ...

Well AA guns really make these damages . Be logic , if an AA gun shoot down an Airplane , it could surely be as devastating as you say .

As long as the AA guns doesn't make a tank explode with 1 hit ... I think what you say is normal :)

07-12-2011, 01:21 PM
Thanks for your reply Tigerium.....I totally agree with you, but one could make a logical case regarding accurate simulations of all the weapons appearing in the game. For instance a Tank Cannon would have vast range and even the smaller calibres capable of penetrating thick armour at the small ranges modelled in game. It is more the realistic manner in which the game plays out that I meant to referr to.

What the developers have done brilliantly is find a compromise between gameplay and a 'realistic feeling' balance to the game. They have achieved this by modeling the weapon systems and capabilities with constraints.

It is here that I feel that the overall feel and balance of the game is now skewed. AA guns, particularly with Direct mode, are far too effective and unconstrained with regards to points cost/capabilities/simulated characteristics of other units.


07-14-2011, 12:02 AM
Yeah I know what you mean .

I faced this problem once , AA gun was placed near a flag and was taking out my infantry .

Fortunately I could have access to tank so it got blown off in no time ...

But you're right , AA guns can dominate the early game if used wisely .