View Full Version : Ranked AutoMatch System...

06-13-2011, 06:16 PM
Since MoW:AS missed the boat on it... and now have seen some of its numbers reduced because of it, I only hope... wish... and pray that MoW:V will have a Ranked AutoMatch System.

Most important Reasons (also posted on digitalmindsoft.eu forums - I'm on a campaign for this, please join!):

"The AutoMatch System... is the 'bread and butter' of the Casual Player (one who has RL time constraints and wants to get in and get a game or two before he/she has to work, deal with wife/kids, etc.)... also, The AutoMatch System ... is the distinguishing ingredient for the Competitive Player - he/she not only can rise up in the ladder by playing others of similar skill, but more importantly, know that he/she has achieved the given position by 'blood, sweat, and tears' simply because he is placed there, amogst others who have also earned that spot... not just a few kiddos who have FARMED their skill points or used other such Abuses!!!"